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Indian fugitive believed to be in Thailand: Immigration chief


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Wow,what a sanctimonious little trinket you are. Product of an international schooling system.... so, the point to that being ?

What is your agenda on here ? Going to rid this terrible world of all the racists, average members that sometimes post a tongue in cheek remark, atheists, agnostics or anyone that doesn't hold the same holier than thou attitude as you ? Best of luck.

Me thinks you need a hobby..... oh, I see you already have one. "The Cleansing of Thai Visa Forum"

Out of everything valid and good in the fundamental belief that racism and intolerance should not be tolerated, you somehow come out with the word 'sanctimonious'? I didn't even know we were obligated to fill out our profiles, my humblest apologies. As for your defence of offensive language being 'tongue in cheek' , you can't say that every single offensive comment regarding stereotyping and vilifying members of other races is a 'witty' attempt at humour because clearly it is anything but 'witty'. I guess the fact that you're ancient and stuck in your old racist Aussie ways is why you think the way you do. An international schooling makes sure that I don't end up making excuses for racists like you because I know better, because I know how much it can affect people. I've been to your country and it's the most racist place I've ever been to, the way you guys joke is completely unacceptable yet you think it's normal because everyone does it 'oh take it easy mate it was just a joke', yeah until you start flinging empty beer bottles and eggs as Asians and South Americans for 'stealing' your jobs. I've seen it with my own eyes, lazy dole bludgers blaming their problems on poor immigrants trying to feed their families. Try not hanging out with people from your own race and see how your views change. Sanctimonious? I'll take it if it means doing the right thing.

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Perhaps in your zeal to protect the Indian assassin and indeed in view of your somewhat skewed view on racial discrimination and social class structure as you see it ,you might do well to view the delights of the ''Caste System.''

We can all presume you will speak out against that system being as it clashes with your inverted snobbery and distorted class structure views?



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Perhaps in your zeal to protect the Indian assassin and indeed in view of your somewhat skewed view on racial discrimination and social class structure as you see it ,you might do well to view the delights of the ''Caste System.''

We can all presume you will speak out against that system being as it clashes with your inverted snobbery and distorted class structure views?



haha again with the language, 'Indian assassin' nice one, almost as bad as Bushes' 'war on terror' and 'war on drugs' oh and the best one 'axis of evil' Very emotive isn't it? Almost a bit too much. Has a ring to it, almost makes you wonder what kind of effect it has on the subconscious. One of my favorites is how any terrorist from any Islamic region is called an 'Islamic Radical' yet when it comes to someone from the west it doesn't matter what religion they come from. Like Breivik, one of the worst mass murders in recent history, no religious, cultural label, oh and 21 years in jail, laughable. Language is very powerful, controlled, and extremely biased depending on which part of the world you are from (WESTERN MEDIA - pushing political agendas). Most of the posters here are white, privileged, never been prejudiced against, no problem. By the way, what does the caste system have to do with this 'discussion'? You think the solution to my asking someone to watch what they say due to the sensitive nature of the topic they are addressing deserves a comparison with another prejudiced system in order to determine which is worse? You just don't get it, you're missing the point, unfocused and you're deflecting. You're clearly socially & politically aligned with the majority of posters in this thread, which is unsurprising. Please don't message me if you're bored.

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You are indeed a touchy little boy sanctimonious and so self righteous .

I have lived and worked here for some 23 + years, married and we have three children of mixed race, yes me a nasty white person has mingled with the natives and we have even bred our own children. No doubt you have too?.

Please do not patronise me or others regarding your self righteous views vis a vis racial and social norms you are indeed very naive.

You mention religion ,well I do not believe in fairy tales irrespective of their origin, people who like to talk to imaginary beings in the wide blue yonder are indeed in urgent need of attention regarding their somewhat fragile mental health state

This is a public forum and you do not have the right to tell others to ''watch what they say.''

The comment ''white and privileged and never been prejudiced against'' would indeed lead people to think you have not been here very long and such a comment indeed comes across as a comment from an inverted racist character.

Now if you find posts offensive all you have to do is

A report them to the mods

B put the poster on ignore,thus securing your ignorance of the reality of life here in Thailand

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You are indeed a touchy little boy sanctimonious and so self righteous .

I have lived and worked here for some 23 + years, married and we have three children of mixed race, yes me a nasty white person has mingled with the natives and we have even bred our own children. No doubt you have too?.

Please do not patronise me or others regarding your self righteous views vis a vis racial and social norms you are indeed very naive.

You mention religion ,well I do not believe in fairy tales irrespective of their origin, people who like to talk to imaginary beings in the wide blue yonder are indeed in urgent need of attention regarding their somewhat fragile mental health state

This is a public forum and you do not have the right to tell others to ''watch what they say.''

The comment ''white and privileged and never been prejudiced against'' would indeed lead people to think you have not been here very long and such a comment indeed comes across as a comment from an inverted racist character.

Now if you find posts offensive all you have to do is

A report them to the mods

B put the poster on ignore,thus securing your ignorance of the reality of life here in Thailand

Ignorance of the reality here? As a white person?

In fact I find it blissful, the only prejudice I've felt is by simply being a foreigner. Have lighter skin ensures that the level that I'm prejudiced against is minimal to none, surely you can relate? Surely you're aware of the preference of white skin over dark?

I might not have decided to get married to a Thai women out of sheer sense of self preservation until I feel like I can do so safely. I don't think you've realized that I'm not fan of religion myself, I said so in a recent previous post. What I think people need to realize (whether they want to or not - I'm going to offer my 2 cents) is the impact of the language they're using, because they are so detached from the reality of what they speak of. Sure it's easy to poke fun at stereotypes when there are few to none being poked at us, I wonder why? Out of a sense of decency? I'm not here to enforce tolerance and respect but I can speak on it if I so wish, as you say, free speech, in accordance with the rules of this forum, therefore I have the right to tell people to "watch what they say", out of a sense of self gratification and social responsibility. You can say whatever you want, it's not going to stop me from going, 'hey maybe think about what you just said for a second', I don't get why you guys are so against not letting people make their sneaky comments and get away unphased, unscathed, and as ignorant as they were before they made it. It makes one question the integrity of the majority of the members, which is immaterial and non consequential, yet it does make one wonder.

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Fredward post # 67.

Ignorance of the reality here? As a white person?

In fact I find it blissful, the only prejudice I've felt is by simply being a foreigner. Have lighter skin ensures that the level that I'm prejudiced against is minimal to none, surely you can relate? Surely you're aware of the preference of white skin over dark?

I might not have decided to get married to a Thai women out of sheer sense of self preservation until I feel like I can do so safely. I don't think you've realized that I'm not fan of religion myself, I said so in a recent previous post. What I think people need to realize (whether they want to or not - I'm going to offer my 2 cents) is the impact of the language they're using, because they are so detached from the reality of what they speak of. Sure it's easy to poke fun at stereotypes when there are few to none being poked at us, I wonder why? Out of a sense of decency? I'm not here to enforce tolerance and respect but I can speak on it if I so wish, as you say, free speech, in accordance with the rules of this forum, therefore I have the right to tell people to "watch what they say", out of a sense of self gratification and social responsibility. You can say whatever you want, it's not going to stop me from going, 'hey maybe think about what you just said for a second', I don't get why you guys are so against not letting people make their sneaky comments and get away unphased, unscathed, and as ignorant as they were before they made it. It makes one question the integrity of the majority of the members, which is immaterial and non consequential, yet it does make one wonder

A superb response post indeed a classic ''pot , kettle black'' scenario,indeed you must have been looking in the mirror when you made that pos.

The classic comment you made concerning marriage to a Thai women encapsulates your inverted racial views succinctly

Your comments regarding having a ''lighter skin'' again reinforces your hidden ideals of your racial superiority you try so hard to hide by your employing of inverted racial views.

And the final comment that you consider you can say that which you wish to say but others have no right to comment unless they agree with your views.

Go back to your knitting and macrame and you will feel better, and stay way from public forums as they will and do play havoc with your blood pressure too.whistling.gif

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Fredward post # 67.

Ignorance of the reality here? As a white person?

In fact I find it blissful, the only prejudice I've felt is by simply being a foreigner. Have lighter skin ensures that the level that I'm prejudiced against is minimal to none, surely you can relate? Surely you're aware of the preference of white skin over dark?

I might not have decided to get married to a Thai women out of sheer sense of self preservation until I feel like I can do so safely. I don't think you've realized that I'm not fan of religion myself, I said so in a recent previous post. What I think people need to realize (whether they want to or not - I'm going to offer my 2 cents) is the impact of the language they're using, because they are so detached from the reality of what they speak of. Sure it's easy to poke fun at stereotypes when there are few to none being poked at us, I wonder why? Out of a sense of decency? I'm not here to enforce tolerance and respect but I can speak on it if I so wish, as you say, free speech, in accordance with the rules of this forum, therefore I have the right to tell people to "watch what they say", out of a sense of self gratification and social responsibility. You can say whatever you want, it's not going to stop me from going, 'hey maybe think about what you just said for a second', I don't get why you guys are so against not letting people make their sneaky comments and get away unphased, unscathed, and as ignorant as they were before they made it. It makes one question the integrity of the majority of the members, which is immaterial and non consequential, yet it does make one wonder

A superb response post indeed a classic ''pot , kettle black'' scenario,indeed you must have been looking in the mirror when you made that pos.

The classic comment you made concerning marriage to a Thai women encapsulates your inverted racial views succinctly

Your comments regarding having a ''lighter skin'' again reinforces your hidden ideals of your racial superiority you try so hard to hide by your employing of inverted racial views.

And the final comment that you consider you can say that which you wish to say but others have no right to comment unless they agree with your views.

Go back to your knitting and macrame and you will feel better, and stay way from public forums as they will and do play havoc with your blood pressure too.whistling.gif

haha racial superiority? Quite the opposite old chap, the colour preference is a sad reality which I had observed since first coming to Asia.

I brought up this phenomena as a direct response to your statement "The comment ''white and privileged and never been prejudiced against'' would indeed lead people to think you have not been here very long" :) You said I can't claim that white people, who I believe to be privileged, haven't been prejudiced against because I'd not been here long enough. What you were insinuating was that if I had been here long enough I'd realize that whites get it just as bad as other races, cultures. My statement on the skin preferential treatment completely demolishes your childish assertion that white are not priviledged or have no right to comment on racial/cultural differences on the grounds that there is very little prejudice towards us here in the first place, except for as I said before, being a foreigner as opposed to "a white person'. Get it now?

My final comment regarding having the right to speak freely did not once indicate that others have no right to comment, I said that if they did I have no qualms letting them know that I think that what they had to say was morally questionable. lay off the shrooms old boy.

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Sorry to destroy you but I do not nor ever ingest ''shrooms'' or magic mushrooms a you imply.

Now if you wish to suggest I am using narcotic substances please say so in public in plain English do not cast aspersions or judge me as you judge yourself.

Now I suggest that you please go and take the medication you should be taking or stop taking the medication you should not be taking, then you'll soon start to feel what may pass as normal for you again

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Sorry to destroy you but I do not nor ever ingest ''shrooms'' or magic mushrooms a you imply.

Now if you wish to suggest I am using narcotic substances please say so in public in plain English do not cast aspersions or judge me as you judge yourself.

Now I suggest that you please go and take the medication you should be taking or stop taking the medication you should not be taking, then you'll soon start to feel what may pass as normal for you again

I don't think you're on drugs. Just don't see how you managed to mangle the meaning of my responses when they were quite clear in terms of my position, a reasonable individual would have been able to tell that 1. I'm not a racist 2. I don't condone racism, inverted or otherwise 3. By repremanding those of my own background I've probably got more standing than one of another which may come across as racially / culturally biased. Thus my assertion that you would have to be high, "tongue in cheek" as you say. That's what people tend to do here right? Hopefully we can now finally draw the line between racial epithets and witty, tongue in cheek comments, the distinction should be quite clear to most. Well one can hope

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Hey Fredward, me ol mate. How about we call a truce, just for a little while. To better understand your passion & why you keep responding to replies that obviously upset you, would you be good enough to answer a few questions... please ? I promise in no way to refer to your answers in any future post or reply. This is a genuine request to try & understand your outlook.

I see you've looked at my profile, great. No, it's not a prerequisite to be a forum member to post personal details, but, I'm honestly interested.

1. What nationality or race are you.

2. Do you now, or have you ever, lived in Thailand.

3. In what country did you receive your international schooling.

4. What age bracket.

Nothing too personal, most are asked if you choose to add in the profile section.

Thanks..... Mal.

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