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British stars speak out against dog-meat trade's cruelty: Thailand

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Who cares and what the hell is Downtown Abbey?

Would anyone in Britain care if Nok Noi and Thongchai Mcintyre made a video about the treatment of rabbitsin the UK?

Good questions, as usual.

Make you wonder who is organizing something like this and for what reason?

More dogs eaten in Vietnam, China and South Korea. The latter very cruel.

The Japs are killing Whales again.

Game birds are bred and reared to be blasted out the sky in the UK. Deer are hunted in Scotland. Poaching going on all over the world, rhino and elephant slaughter in Africa etc etc.

Seems like someone or some group might be trying to keep Thailand under scrutiny for all the wrong reasons at the moment, cause as much trouble as possible for them. Paint them as the worst when they're not.

What a load of rubbish! Poor Thailand being victimised!

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She forgot to mention that they torture the dogs before fillet them so the meat tastes sweeter.

Only a moron or sadist would do that because the adrenaline makes the meat inedible. The same as deer and boar that that are hunted with dogs; the meat is inedible. Trapping, deer stands, boar trails can be used to gather quality, tasty game. Where I grew up in the country, hunters stopped using dogs except to flush out game birds or point out trees with squirrels and raccoons in them. I grew up lower middle-class in the country and we supplemented our larder with wild game. I have friends in Isaan that eat large ants, grubs, toads, and almost anything that moves. When you are poor, protein is protein and one can't afford to be choosy.

Getting confused with eating snakes.

When I was in Vietnam and we eat snake, they hit the cobra with bamboo sticks because they believe if the adrenalin is flowing then there is more taste in the meat when the snake is slaughtered

And it is the same with dogs and cats. They are tortured and beaten to sweeten the flavour. It's called a fact, my friend, not a confusion.


Living and working in Yangon, there are 100X more dogs on the streets.

Heading up my soi onto work there are (was) 30-40 dogs....next day Not 1.

Same in either direction in the district.

During the early hours they throw bait out, and have a truck folloing 5 minutes later to pick them up.

Also I would see 5-6 rats a day also....no not 1...Kills 2 birds wih 1 stone.

Thiland should adapt the same policy.


I wish famous stars would say something about the human trafficking here. Tell people to not visit Thailand until they fix human rights issues. The only way there is a chance of changing is to use foreign star power to discourage tourism. That would hit the government very quickly.


Many people condoning the killing of dogs yet kill cows, pigs, sheep, chickens etc on a daily basis (by proxy). You can treat a fellow animal as nicely as you like but nothing can justify cutting that life short by brutally killing when there are other options. Is it not time for us all to evolve? Surely veganism is the next step to a kinder, less violent and more healthful future.


Seriously, with all the problems in the world celebs get together to help with this???? Hardly Bob Geldof's live aid is it, could think of thousands of things that need the media attention more than this.

Thats right Jeremy, cos Ebola is never talked about is it? Or the fact Islamic lunatics are beheading innocent people in the name of their god. Oh hang on, we never hear of the Ukraine airplane anymore do we, or the one went in to the ocean, presumably.

So <deleted> has other problems around the globe to do with the fact dogs, soi or not, are being treated with huge cruelty in a land that supposedly doesn't eat their meat and is also strongly Buddhist?

I stand corrected, this is absolutely the best use of celebrity status possible. How blind of me not to see it the first time, thanks.

How would you explain a cage full of dogs about to be clubbed to death to your little daughter?

She's five, she doesn't read TV as of yet. However, if she asked I would tell her that there are some people in the world who like to eat dog as we like to eat pork and chicken. We have had this conversation about rabbit already. Before you harp on about conditions, take a look what the good colonel does to chicken, the dogs are getting off lightly by compassion.

That's not to say in an ideal world this wouldn't happen, but who in hell said this world was ideal.


It is amazing to me that people would think of speaking out against a valid food source, yet say nothing about cruelty towards humans; child labor, child abuse, slavery of migrants. I believe that humans should be first before animals. If it means that humans eat animals to gain protein, so much the better for both animals and humans.

I have nothing against dogs being used for meat. It is a touch hypocritical to eat pig, cow, chicken, goat, rabbit, etc and then say "oh, because I like them we shouldn't". However I do have everything against inhumane treatment of the animals on their way to slaughter. On a very unfeeling level it is bad for the quality of the meat. From a humane point of view we should all eat a little less meat. The "normal" human diet does not have meat every day or in vast quantities (and we wouldn't just eat the select parts of an animal) yet our desire for this is why animals are transported in such inhumane manners. It isn't just dogs here its everything going to market.

If this campaign can make a small shift in awareness happen then this is the start of the educated market shaping policy.


Having eaten dog (in the Philippines) a half dozen times, I found it was quite tasty, but there they were well bred and well cared for dogs and raised for that specific purpose. That resulted in a much better product that what I've seen on offer in Thailand (in Sakon Nakhon).

I wouldn't eat any stolen animal, someone's pet, and certainly not any diseased soi dog.

When properly raised and prepared, it's a welcome addition to the dining table.

I do realize many people are squeamish about it, but others are the same about other animals such as rabbit, squirrel, and deer. And others turn away from other animals for religious reasons such as pork or beef.

To each his own.

As the saying goes, if God had intended us not to eat animal meat, he wouldn't have made it taste so good.licklips.giflicklips.giflicklips.gif



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She's five, she doesn't read TV as of yet. However, if she asked I would tell her that there are some people in the world who like to eat dog as we like to eat pork and chicken. We have had this conversation about rabbit already. Before you harp on about conditions, take a look what the good colonel does to chicken, the dogs are getting off lightly by compassion.

That's not to say in an ideal world this wouldn't happen, but who in hell said this world was ideal.

Would you show her the photos of the dogs in the truck cages crammed in like clothes in a laundry basket? I have never seen animals cramped up like this in transport cages. And dogs are not ordinary animals. Or are you going to tell lies to your daughter as it appears you will from your response? Does she have a pet dog?


Many people condoning the killing of dogs yet kill cows, pigs, sheep, chickens etc on a daily basis (by proxy). You can treat a fellow animal as nicely as you like but nothing can justify cutting that life short by brutally killing when there are other options. Is it not time for us all to evolve? Surely veganism is the next step to a kinder, less violent and more healthful future.

There are many carnivore plants, do they have feelings ??? how far do you stretch it.


She's five, she doesn't read TV as of yet. However, if she asked I would tell her that there are some people in the world who like to eat dog as we like to eat pork and chicken. We have had this conversation about rabbit already. Before you harp on about conditions, take a look what the good colonel does to chicken, the dogs are getting off lightly by compassion.

That's not to say in an ideal world this wouldn't happen, but who in hell said this world was ideal.

Would you show her the photos of the dogs in the truck cages crammed in like clothes in a laundry basket? I have never seen animals cramped up like this in transport cages. And dogs are not ordinary animals. Or are you going to tell lies to your daughter as it appears you will from your response? Does she have a pet dog?

MAYBE she had one, but is more than 6 months old now so it's out and free style.

  • Like 1

People eat meat. Some people eat dog meat. Why is it that people that are always going on about tolerance seem determined to force the world to adopt their ways? Next thing, they'll be going after the French for eating rabbits.

It's not about what people eat but how the animals are treated and killed. Why can't you get this through your thick head! The Chinese, Vietnamese and apparently Thais go out of their way to dispatch the dogs in the cruelest way possible.

You are 100% right that it's not about what people eat but how the animal are treated and killed.

But the guy whom you just insulted and called a thick head also has a point. There are lots of pet lovers, especially in England, who are out to prove to the world that it's wrong to eat horse and dogs and they can be quite aggressive about it. Another actress who comes to mind on that subject is Brigitte Bardot, who aside from being a ardent supporter of the extreme right in France and a very bitter old thing, never misses an occasion to rant and patronize people who don't think the way she does about animals.

You are right in pointing out that these dogs are dispatched and treated in a totally atrocious way, and there are lots of other examples (bears who are 'milked' for their bile comes to mind for example) but I repeat, if you care to look into the way our everyday meat is treated from birth to slaughter, it often is extremely shocking too. It's not just in Asia and sure it doesn't make it OK, but most Westerners do have this strange habit of pointing fingers and taking the moral high ground when their own house needs serious repairs.

Again, allow me to recommend the documentary called 'Food Inc' made by Robert Kenner and released in 2008.

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No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.


Without a doubt, Thai Visa has the most vile, ignorant, racist, self-serving, obnoxious commenters of any online website I've seen. Almost every one of you (but not all) are disgusting. I rarely read below the headlines because the comments are usually so nasty and vitriolic. One of the main problems with Thailand are the foreigners who live here, like most of the commenters. There should be a culling of them, but humanely, taken to the airport and deported. It's definitely obvious that most of you have no life, no humanity, hate Thailand and it's people, hate the customs, the food and the language. You just complain 24/7, no matter the topic. Most of you are a sad lot who talk up a mighty wind, but in all probability, do nothing to better anyone around you, your own life situation, or the country you've adopted. It's downright shameful. I'm sure you'll rail against me, but that won't change any of the facts of my comment.

omg someone is off his meds again.

You remind me of a Tom Lehrer song which he introduced somewhat like this : "Some people are intolerant, racist, nasty, and I hate people like that, I think they should all be lined up against the wall and shot"...

What a great guy, Tom Lehrer, what a brain, what a wit. I wish he would write a few comments on this Forum from time to time. He was born in 1928 and I believe he's still around.

Oh and by the way, how do you know for sure that people 'just complain 24/7, no matter the topic' if you rarely read below the headlines ?

Nah, I don't think people will 'rail against you', dude, I have a feeling they'll just say "well, this guy sure chose his ID very adequately" and move on to the next post.

  • Like 1

Many people condoning the killing of dogs yet kill cows, pigs, sheep, chickens etc on a daily basis (by proxy). You can treat a fellow animal as nicely as you like but nothing can justify cutting that life short by brutally killing when there are other options. Is it not time for us all to evolve? Surely veganism is the next step to a kinder, less violent and more healthful future.

There are many carnivore plants, do they have feelings ??? how far do you stretch it.

....no they most likely do not as they have no brain or central nervous system. It makes no difference if a plant is carnivorous or not in regard to its ability to feel pain. How about your feelings, how would you feel killing a plant verses killing a dog yourself (honestly)?



No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.

This thread is about cruelty not the killing of animals. You are defending the darker sides of life from which you want to shield your daughter. Torturing animals is not the same as quickly dispatching an animal that has been bred for human consumption. And do you not credit your Rottweiler with having a greater capacity to feel emotions and pain than a cow or sheep? Or is the rottweiler purely there for protection, consigned to life outdoors guarding the perimeter of your property. Didn't the photos of the dogs crammed into the baskets arouse any level of compassion within you or are you just able to accept that kind of atrocity as people exercising their right to choose how they treat the animals they choose to kill for food?



No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.

Personal choices, BUT If I had a Baby I certainly would never have a rottweiller. because now at 5 she must have been very small when you got the dog.

Lovely dogs, but with a kid not the best of choice.

  • Like 1

Without a doubt, Thai Visa has the most vile, ignorant, racist, self-serving, obnoxious commenters of any online website I've seen. Almost every one of you (but not all) are disgusting. I rarely read below the headlines because the comments are usually so nasty and vitriolic. One of the main problems with Thailand are the foreigners who live here, like most of the commenters. There should be a culling of them, but humanely, taken to the airport and deported. It's definitely obvious that most of you have no life, no humanity, hate Thailand and it's people, hate the customs, the food and the language. You just complain 24/7, no matter the topic. Most of you are a sad lot who talk up a mighty wind, but in all probability, do nothing to better anyone around you, your own life situation, or the country you've adopted. It's downright shameful. I'm sure you'll rail against me, but that won't change any of the facts of my comment.

omg someone is off his meds again.

You remind me of a Tom Lehrer song which he introduced somewhat like this : "Some people are intolerant, racist, nasty, and I hate people like that, I think they should all be lined up against the wall and shot"...

What a great guy, Tom Lehrer, what a brain, what a wit. I wish he would write a few comments on this Forum from time to time. He was born in 1928 and I believe he's still around.

Oh and by the way, how do you know for sure that people 'just complain 24/7, no matter the topic' if you rarely read below the headlines ?

Nah, I don't think people will 'rail against you', dude, I have a feeling they'll just say "well, this guy sure chose his ID very adequately" and move on to the next post.

I gave him a like because he is correct in his assessment of so many people who post in this forum who don't give a shit about anything other than their own lives.



No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.

Personal choices, BUT If I had a Baby I certainly would never have a rottweiller. because now at 5 she must have been very small when you got the dog.

Lovely dogs, but with a kid not the best of choice.

Clearly you have never owned a rottweiler, you can't ask for a better dog around kids. I won't waste my time trying to convert you, if you actually had an interest you would have googled it yourself and read opinions of people who have more experience with dogs than you.


This dog meat trade has been going on for years in Thailand particularly in the North East.

There is a huge demand for dog meat in Laos and North Vietnam where it is sold as a delicacy.

Occasionally the "bucket trucks" as they are known get stopped by the police and the dogs which are still alive are taken to rescue centres.

The culprits get fined and sent on their way only to do the same a day or so later.

The impression I get from Thai people having lived here for a few years now is that when it comes to life and death whether animal or human being they take a fatalistic approach.

"Mai pen rai" and "not my problem."

We can talk about solutions on this post until hell freezes over but nothing will get done until someone finds a way of getting into the Thai psyche.

It's not as if the so-called civilised western countries are squeaky clean when it comes to human and animal cruelty either.

I don't condone this awful trade and yes something needs to be done about it but at the same time we need to see our countries setting an example

  • Like 1


No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.

This thread is about cruelty not the killing of animals. You are defending the darker sides of life from which you want to shield your daughter. Torturing animals is not the same as quickly dispatching an animal that has been bred for human consumption. And do you not credit your Rottweiler with having a greater capacity to feel emotions and pain than a cow or sheep? Or is the rottweiler purely there for protection, consigned to life outdoors guarding the perimeter of your property. Didn't the photos of the dogs crammed into the baskets arouse any level of compassion within you or are you just able to accept that kind of atrocity as people exercising their right to choose how they treat the animals they choose to kill for food?

Yes, I didn't like the pictures and I can see nothing in my original post, that you jumped all over that said I did. I simply pointed out celebs need to join together and use their status for more important things, once more important subjects have been addressed, then hey get round to soi dogs. Stop twisting stuff I'm not even saying and listen to what I am saying, I really don't need you to speak for me.


Without a doubt, Thai Visa has the most vile, ignorant, racist, self-serving, obnoxious commenters of any online website I've seen. Almost every one of you (but not all) are disgusting. I rarely read below the headlines because the comments are usually so nasty and vitriolic. One of the main problems with Thailand are the foreigners who live here, like most of the commenters. There should be a culling of them, but humanely, taken to the airport and deported. It's definitely obvious that most of you have no life, no humanity, hate Thailand and it's people, hate the customs, the food and the language. You just complain 24/7, no matter the topic. Most of you are a sad lot who talk up a mighty wind, but in all probability, do nothing to better anyone around you, your own life situation, or the country you've adopted. It's downright shameful. I'm sure you'll rail against me, but that won't change any of the facts of my comment.

omg someone is off his meds again.

You remind me of a Tom Lehrer song which he introduced somewhat like this : "Some people are intolerant, racist, nasty, and I hate people like that, I think they should all be lined up against the wall and shot"...

What a great guy, Tom Lehrer, what a brain, what a wit. I wish he would write a few comments on this Forum from time to time. He was born in 1928 and I believe he's still around.

Oh and by the way, how do you know for sure that people 'just complain 24/7, no matter the topic' if you rarely read below the headlines ?

Nah, I don't think people will 'rail against you', dude, I have a feeling they'll just say "well, this guy sure chose his ID very adequately" and move on to the next post.

I gave him a like because he is correct in his assessment of so many people who post in this forum who don't give a shit about anything other than their own lives.

Fair enough, but isn't that true of most human beings, though ? and is ranting against them the answer to that problem ?

I believe the answer to selfishness, greed, and cruelty, is civilization. How civilized are insults and brutal generalizations ?

I'm also shocked when I read very crude comments on this Forum, and yes there are plenty, probably reflecting pretty accurately how 'civilized' our societies really are, but the reason I still read it and share my own thoughts on it is that I have also come accross a lot of very interesting statements and opinions. Not to mention some extremely funny remarks, always welcome in this not-so-funny world of ours.


Many people condoning the killing of dogs yet kill cows, pigs, sheep, chickens etc on a daily basis (by proxy). You can treat a fellow animal as nicely as you like but nothing can justify cutting that life short by brutally killing when there are other options. Is it not time for us all to evolve? Surely veganism is the next step to a kinder, less violent and more healthful future.

There are many carnivore plants, do they have feelings ??? how far do you stretch it.

....no they most likely do not as they have no brain or central nervous system. It makes no difference if a plant is carnivorous or not in regard to its ability to feel pain. How about your feelings, how would you feel killing a plant verses killing a dog yourself (honestly)?

I would not kill either intentionally, I regard all creatures and plants equal.

I was a trained butcher by the way.



No most likely I would not show pictures of dogs in a cage, neither would I show her a man with his head blown off, someone dead on a road from a crash (popular in Thailand) or a male or female with their genitals out, so what's your point???? Clearly, some of the darker sides to human kind we find out for ourselves later in life, or would you have me show my 5 year old now?

We have a rottweiler by the way, and before you go down the what if route, it would be an utter cretin who tried to abduct him.

Personal choices, BUT If I had a Baby I certainly would never have a rottweiller. because now at 5 she must have been very small when you got the dog.

Lovely dogs, but with a kid not the best of choice.

Clearly you have never owned a rottweiler, you can't ask for a better dog around kids. I won't waste my time trying to convert you, if you actually had an interest you would have googled it yourself and read opinions of people who have more experience with dogs than you.

1 year ago I had 10, and 2 cats. 65 years experience in dogs etc.

No I have not owned a rottweiller, nor a pit bull, and love dogs to hell BUT you can google all you like and ask friends that have rottweillers I am saying I would never chance having a new born kid and either of these breeds.

You cannot convert the converted. Any other time have a rotweiller......never chance one when you do not know the strain, as some are from bad nasty backgrounds. Lovely dogs poor choice with a baby. I would never leave a baby alone with a rotveiller near. it is the rare chance......I would care for my baby first---------choices.

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