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VIDEO: Phuket motorbike taxi driver shot dead ‘in road rage’

Lite Beer

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Witnesses told us that the victim use to be a boxer and was quite hot-tempered. They said that whenever he got into an argument he would start a fight.

Don't bring fists to a gun fight.

Yep. If this guy's reputation was as depicted in the last article, someone was going to need to take him out eventually. For the sake of humanity, no one should have to stand and take a beatdown resulting in possible serious bodily harm or death from some punk.

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Many are correct when they say that things like this happen in every country. What amazes me is that everyone just sits and there is no reaction. Granted the video is only a clip but I think if I had witnessed a murder and was in a car I would have run the guy off the road. Again, it happened fast and reaction time slow but everyone just sits and watches? Sure hope they get this guy.

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How long you live here? The reason is, we are money sources! The girls just want our cash. There is no pot at the end of the rainbow here! No matter what any Farang says here, or thinks how Thai he is, we will never be accepted here here. We are just money sources - Tim Sharky Ward in Pattaya you rock! Check him out on Facebook...

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Many are correct when they say that things like this happen in every country. What amazes me is that everyone just sits and there is no reaction. Granted the video is only a clip but I think if I had witnessed a murder and was in a car I would have run the guy off the road. Again, it happened fast and reaction time slow but everyone just sits and watches? Sure hope they get this guy.

you cannot, and nobody will ever win a fight with a thai. you beat him, he comes back with a friend. you and a friend beat them? they come back in 10 with knife. you and your 9 friends beat them again? they come back in 20 with guns... sorry, sooner or later it will end bad for you :/

welcome to thailand

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The police suspect it was"road rage" however, this shooting has all the hallmarks of an "execution". The victim asked his son to get off the bike and stay away, which indicates the victim already was aware of the gravity of the situation.

Talking from experience, in Patong, i have been walking back to get my own motorbike ar jungceylon, and many a time i have been "followed" by a motorbike taxi driver asking " where you go, where you go" after a few minutes of ignoring him, been asked... you want coke? charlie....to me, i wouldnt be surprised if the taxi driver had ripped someone off and got his payback...patong is full of scum.. stay away from wannnkers paradise

It certainly gives the public more confidence knowing that RickJB ace detective is on the case. I would like to hear his theory on who he considers is the real identity of Jack the Ripper.

It`s all very easy to deal with and a matter of learning how to speak some basic Thai, understanding a little about Thai culture and mentality. In Thailand it is considered polite to ask someone where they are going and impolite to ignore them. Each time I go out my neighbors ask where I am going? And I usually tell them, no problem and never consider that as being rude or as an intrusion into my privacy. .

If the motorbike guy asks where are you going, just reply in Thai, going home or going shopping. If he asks do you want anything just respond with a smile and say no thank you in Thai. On occasions I reply, sorry don`t have any money, good luck and bye. This is usually the Thai way of handling such situations and most will conclude on a friendly basis rarely with any confrontations.

But begin showing that western attitude, anger or aggression, even if you think the Thai person is a nuisance and irritating, than you are inviting problems that may result badly. As I mentioned in my previous post, try to avoid confrontations and disputes at all times in Thailand, by number one, do not become irritated so quickly, keeping calm, civil and level headed. It only takes a moment to brush these people off if done the correct way and I speak from my 31 years of experience living in Thailand and during all these years I can proudly say that I have never been involved in any physical disputes.

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What a country! Peaceful loving people.blink.png

Oh get off it! This happens in every country.

Yeah, pretty much. I have to go with the execution theory, though. Guy wasn't raging much. Prolly said: Vito sends his regards. Acting too calm for it to be a road rage thing, had on the helmet, slithered away casually. I'll keep my eyes peeled at the news to see if they catch the guy.

Funny, all the anti-Thai comments. People see something on a vid, something done by one guy, and they're off to the races with the Thai-bashing. Just so weird to me that they stay here; maybe they should try Mexico or someplace peaceful. By and large, Thais are a peaceful, tolerant lot.

Although I hear what you are saying, its not saying much when the only way to can prove how safe Thailand is is by comparing it against mexico. Why not just compare it against Syria?

Not really trying to prove anything, brother, I just happen to know about Mexico, but I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm American, but despite all the news about the place being violent, it seems safe and peaceful enough, as long as you don't overtly mess with the wrong guy. Kind of like Thailand. Of course, if they did Thai-style traffic there, look out, son! You'd be seein' some road rage you definitely wouldn't wanna see... Not denigrating Thais, that's just how they roll here, and I accept that.

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The horrible side of Thailand is really rising to the top under this noble general. Might be time too leave.

Been reading tv for years, but only joined 30 months go. Regardless of what people say, violent crime definitely seems to be on the increase, although I don't think it is fair to blame it on the PM.

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Many are correct when they say that things like this happen in every country. What amazes me is that everyone just sits and there is no reaction. Granted the video is only a clip but I think if I had witnessed a murder and was in a car I would have run the guy off the road. Again, it happened fast and reaction time slow but everyone just sits and watches? Sure hope they get this guy.

OMG! LOL! This is the funniest post in this entire thread! Must be from one of them White Man's Burden kind of countries.

(Hold me back, Martha, hold me back I say! I don't care if he has a gun!)

PS - i tawt I taw a puddy tat!

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Probably, some comments have to do with higher expectations due to the long running portray of Thailand as Land of Smiles which does not apply to any western country. Start to call it properly 'The Land of Fake Smiles' and everything else will fall into place.

Polite Society is not a Thai invention.
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All you denigrating Thailand, due to some crazy, stupid people, look at your own country, murders happen, Or do you come from a country without murders... Christians can teach, a thing, never heard anything so pathetic...............

If Thais only knew how much crap they and their culture gets on a daily basis here on Thaivisa, I am sure many of them would be shocked

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No Thai people would do a crime like this...........those Burmese people are eveywhere

Are you serious? Not only is your statement an unjustifiable slight against the Burmese people, it's simply not true. Anyone who has lived in Thailand long enough would know that there have been many such random acts of violence perpetrated by Thais.

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No Thai people would do a crime like this...........those Burmese people are eveywhere

Are you serious? Not only is your statement an unjustifiable slight against the Burmese people, it's simply not true. Anyone who has lived in Thailand long enough would know that there have been many such random acts of violence perpetrated by Thais.

This reference to Burma and Thai people not being capable of such crimes appears on here about 1,000 times daily. It is posted by the more easily amused members of TV as a reference to the alleged statement of one of the RTP during the initial phase of the investigation into the KT beach assault and murders.

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The deceased asked his son to step away and then was shot in the face by some a-hole over what?

What the heck is the deal over here?

Some of these people kill others without even a second thought. Without even thinking about witnesses.

It is truly frightening to live in this country and not have a sidearm.


Yeah, more guns - that'll do it. That's like saying more cars will lead to less traffic.

No, its like saying that if traffic accidents are commonplace then its nice to be sitting in a big truck when someone slams into you.

No. Educate people to behave/drive properly then nobody needs guns and/or trucks. You're dealing with the symptoms, not the cause.

I agree, but give him (ClutchClark) a break - that is how the US gun lobby thinks, UNFORTUNATELY!

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Yeah, more guns - that'll do it. That's like saying more cars will lead to less traffic.

No, its like saying that if traffic accidents are commonplace then its nice to be sitting in a big truck when someone slams into you.

No. Educate people to behave/drive properly then nobody needs guns and/or trucks. You're dealing with the symptoms, not the cause.

I agree, but give him (ClutchClark) a break - that is how the US gun lobby thinks, UNFORTUNATELY!

Thanks for your support...I think. ;-)

I am not part of the US Gun Lobby, in fact, I have argued vehemently for tighter gun laws in the US right here on TV many times.

At the same time, the US is a different environment than Thailand, not the least of which is so many Thais are carrying concealed weapons in direct defiance of the law. Can anyone offer a guesstimate on how many Thai carry a pistol in BKK? And how many of those are legally registered to have them off their property?

In the US, it is primarily gangbangers who carry illegally and there is no part of my lifestyle that exposes me to those high crime areas where they live and kill. The majority of Americans who do carry a firearm do so legally and have had some level of training. Not that I support concealed carry in the US.

But here in Thailand, this is a completely different environment with very little law enforcement and very much male ego and the entire explosive behavior associated with the loss of face as well as far too many news articles that suggest some members of Thai society place zero priority on human life--all combine to create the potential for a hostile encounter.

In this specific incident, I have already clearly stated above that there was ample opportunity for all parties to have walked away.

Its incredible how quickly some people on TV want to throw everyone into an opposing camp. This is not a sporting event. There are not just two sides to the gun lobby effort in the US. Ofcourse, it might require a more complex mind than some members of TV are gifted with to understand that distinction. (Not yourself).

As for the poster who says the Thai people need to be educated, I would only say that certainly appears very arrogant to me. To move to a new country with its own societal norms and practices and pass judgement on how they need to change reeks of a superiority complex. I laugh at the very notion of Thai migrants to the US telling the US how it needs to become more lime Thailand.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I was in Pattaya one time girlfriend and I walking pass a bar with a mauy thai ring in it a Thai boxer made loud and lewd comment directed at us both she told me what he said. Well needless to say I was ticked off I turn around walk into bar his trainer was outside ring I talked with his trainer and said is this how you train your fighters? Then said Mind if I get in ring with him for a couple rounds? he laughed and said go ahead. I removed my shoe's Being 45 at the time and in great shape, and on vacation after taking first place in California Tae Kwon Do Championship fight. I get in ring dropped that Knucklehead like a bad habit One punch to the solar plexuses. I step out of ring as I was putting my shoes on this guy runs up to trainer with a magazine with my picture on front cover. Funny as hell they all were kissing my arse after that. But the funniest part was that night after dinner we walked past same bar the same fighter saw me came out and said he was sorry he was so rude. I just smiled ans went about my business. But older and wiser now I will defend myself but not so ready to confront some one over words anymore It is just not worth it I can't block bullets.

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and no one tried to stop the shooter,, people didn't react, notihng, and if you watch the tape, there is an edit in at the 5sec mark, something is missing.

Not that I would have ran up and tried to grab the gun, either. There would have been two bodies on the ground, and the owner of the pistol would have still driven away.

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I was in Pattaya one time girlfriend and I walking pass a bar with a mauy thai ring in it a Thai boxer made loud and lewd comment directed at us both she told me what he said. Well needless to say I was ticked off I turn around walk into bar his trainer was outside ring I talked with his trainer and said is this how you train your fighters? Then said Mind if I get in ring with him for a couple rounds? he laughed and said go ahead. I removed my shoe's Being 45 at the time and in great shape, and on vacation after taking first place in California Tae Kwon Do Championship fight. I get in ring dropped that Knucklehead like a bad habit One punch to the solar plexuses. I step out of ring as I was putting my shoes on this guy runs up to trainer with a magazine with my picture on front cover. Funny as hell they all were kissing my arse after that. But the funniest part was that night after dinner we walked past same bar the same fighter saw me came out and said he was sorry he was so rude. I just smiled ans went about my business. But older and wiser now I will defend myself but not so ready to confront some one over words anymore It is just not worth it I can't block bullets.

Ooooo......you big roughy-toughy he-man you. You're my hero......

Though, I see modesty isn't one of your vices.

Edited by KarenBravo
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What a country! Peaceful loving people.blink.png

Oh get off it! This happens in every country.

I don't recall the last time I heard news of a guy on a motorbike shooting someone in the head in broad daylight at 9.30 in the morning (in broad daylight during rush hour) in the UK. I certainly don't recall the level of murders in the UK being anything like here. Further I don't recall the level of incompetence and unwillingness to investigate many murderers by the UK police as happens here alarmingly often.

It is not that murders don't happen in other places but rather the level of them here and the apparent aloofness of the perpetrators who don't seem to care two hoots about maybe being caught, that is so shocking coming in a country that thinks its citizens so wonderful, smiley and kind - it is a different kind of reality here, egotistical yet stupid, smilingly deceitful and totally selfish on the whole.

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In one form or another this same madness happens in most if not every country.

So sorry for the the family and friends of the victim and for the innocent family and friends of the perpetrator.

There is no good of any kind at all in this scenario.


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Who ever this shooter is, he has no conscience, no remorse, no guilty feeling's!!!

This s**t is scary. Thailand is getting seriously uncomfortable.

With the ever increaseing violent attack's on farang's and lawless attack's on other's,

it is time for a massive withdrawal of us farang's, and get out while we are still alive to do so.


Edited by Alan653
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