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Genuine certified organic in Chiang Mai?


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I try to grow my own veggies (ok, some). Yard long beans grow very easily here. No problems with pests. Yet there was a report a couple of years ago, of veg being tested for pesticides. Yard long beans at local markets were loaded with pesticides. Why? It's in the culture here to spray EVERYTHING, whether needed or not. Organic cheesy.gif

I don't think that's a thai culture, it's worldwide, at least in developed nations it is. The orwellian termed 'Green Revolution' started in the western nations, and like everything else that's toxic when it comes to food, slowly started coming into developing nations so they could increase their markets and profits.

The big problem with food and its production and supply is that the SAD - standard american diet - gets exported to most of the world, and that includes the spraying of crops. And who makes these poisons? Western corporations, although i believe chinese ones have now got in on the act.

There are so many local foods for sale around chiang mai, and local farms and so on. Grown on a small scale pesticides are not needed, and plenty of thais grow foods without using them. EM (effective microrganisms) is one method to help canny and creative growers to grow organic.

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Always am amused by the "pesticide safe" label in Rimping.


And now they have Rimping select label with the golden shiny sticker, look marvelous on their products but again means nothing apart from higher price. The pesticide free ones are also meaningless.

Having said that there is a true certified organic products available, very limited choices and quantity.

Can you explain how you can claim the 'pesticide free' labels are meaningless? Have you done any research or investigations to back up your claim? Or is just your opinion?

And if they have been certified, how can you be sure we can trust the certifiers? In the UK 'organic' means that up something like 10% (can't recall the exact figure) of it can be from pesticide usage.

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OP, when i came to Thailand I have visited a few pure organic farms. That was somewhere in or near Ayuthaya.

I used to have a booklet with the names and addresses of several NGO's and GO's involved in sustainable farming. Unfortunately, it was too tasty for the termites. I assume it was pesticide free.

In case you are genuinely interested you may, next to asking on this forum, want to ask:

Pun Pun Organic Farm: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pun-Pun-Organic-Farm/181581223532

or PunPun Organic vegetarian restaurant: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pun-Pun-Organic-vegetarian-restaurant/176734772396988

Jeff Rutherford, associate of FAir Earth Farm: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fair-Earth-Farm/196523863744326?ref=br_rs

Sean Paul Abbott at True Vine Farm: https://www.facebook.com/groups/547422985293567/731615400207657/?notif_t=group_activity and http://truevinethailand.com/

or contact CSA (best in Thai only): https://www.facebook.com/kanlayanamitgroup.csa?fref=ts

Mr. Klaus Prinz at the McKean Rehabilitation Center. (not sure he is still among us, though) He has been actively involved in sustainable agriculture: http://books.google.co.th/books?id=Q8xgM8Hf_L8C&pg=PT294&lpg=PT294&dq=Klaus+Prinz+McKean+chiang+mai&source=bl&ots=mK4NBWXJuL&sig=I3LXFZKZTEKjnNd4fNK4s9PuBhA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=hNNUVK6-F8-HuATV1oKYAg&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Klaus%20Prinz%20McKean%20chiang%20mai&f=false

Mark Richie at ISDRI: http://www.isdsi.org

and Ricky Ward is another one.

All these people are or have been involved in sustainable farming, and will be much more able to answer your questions than here on this forum. Most have a facebook account as well.

You can also ask at the Chiang Mai and Mae Jo Universities.

And for some more interesting reading:



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This forum has it's fair share of genuinely certified thats for sure.

As far as veggies go just wash them when you get home, no big deal. I think the worry about what is on the food does more harm than what's on there.

You seem to forget what might be IN the food, not just what's on it.

What makes you think toxic chemicals will just sit nicely on the plants and fruits and not enter the actual food itself? If you use chemical soap and shampoo, it gets absorped through your skin and into your body. Same with what's grown in the soil.

I do agree, we choose what is stated as organic when possible, then wash them anyway.

Either that or grow them yourself as suggested.I still believe the worry and fear these things create are far worse than the traces of chemicals supposed to be "poisoning" us.

But what do i know.

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