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National police chief warns against distorted information on Koh Tao murder

Lite Beer

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In this case, arrest all people in Thailand, including teenies and children, the main users of social media,...

....Ban the Internet from Thailand[/b], put a police officer in every single house in Thailand to keep us shutdown,...

Little North Korea big brother will be watching...

Edited by MaxLee
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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."

What? Not even if it's a match?

Wasn't this case sent back twice already?
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Everytime these people open their mouths, it's another PR disaster. Does he honestly believe that some vague threats will quell the online speculation which was put in train in the first place by his own officers' bungling investigation and media grandstanding?

So what' s he going to do? Start charging people for posting their opinions online? Good luck with that. The term 'dinosaur' springs to mind.

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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."

What? Not even if it's a match?

It cannot be a match when it has already been matched to the suspects in custody. It is an impossibility he could also match unless he is an identical twin of one of the Burmese in custody for the crimes.

It would be like looking outside for you car when you already confirmed it was in the garage. Of course this is being done to try to help the silly and ignorant claims by conspiracy theorist but to do so one needs to do stupid things like perform a test for which the answer is already answered before realizing the conspiracy nuts will never stop and just get more outlandish and silly in their theories.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on,

the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."


Is he saying the case has been re-submitted now? For the fourth time?

Yes. A bit confused.

Backed into a corner and lashing out.

Still doesn't get it.

What a pathetic, far from professional, child. wai2.gifwai.gif

Edited by iReason
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A post on the Internet which was widely shared suggested Varot fled the island immediately after the murder took place, and the photograph which his lawyer showed to prove he was not in Koh Tao but in a Bangkok hostel on the night of the murder was retouched.

Pol Lt Gen Panya said a second suspect, who fled the resort island to Bangkok, will likely be taken into custody soon

Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested


He seems a little confused. Maybe he should talk to Pol. Lt-Gen. Panya Mamen.

Doesn't seem so confusing, they initially believed the stories of him fleeing were true just like so many conspiracy theorists still believe this despite it being determined it not only wasn't true but the police also confirmed he was in Bangkok at the time and already had taken dna from family members they had in custody and have since arrested the two whose DNA matched. Police followed a lot of leads at the start as any police force would have done but the difference here was police opened there mouth before they were sure. Not just about this family but other Burmese as well as the farang friend. All legit suspects early on but stupid for police to have made statements that early on with what they were only suspecting and hoping were breakthroughs in the case ... only to find out they were not which again is standard in investigations.

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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."

What? Not even if it's a match?

It cannot be a match when it has already been matched to the suspects in custody. It is an impossibility he could also match unless he is an identical twin of one of the Burmese in custody for the crimes.

It would be like looking outside for you car when you already confirmed it was in the garage. Of course this is being done to try to help the silly and ignorant claims by conspiracy theorist but to do so one needs to do stupid things like perform a test for which the answer is already answered before realizing the conspiracy nuts will never stop and just get more outlandish and silly in their theories.

Matched, matched, matched...If it's such a slam dunk case why has the prosecutor sent the docket back three times? Oh wait, I asked you this yesterday....

Because it would be torn to pieces in minutes by the defence. Or in seconds if TJT was the prosecutor.

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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."

What? Not even if it's a match?

It cannot be a match when it has already been matched to the suspects in custody. It is an impossibility he could also match unless he is an identical twin of one of the Burmese in custody for the crimes.

It would be like looking outside for you car when you already confirmed it was in the garage. Of course this is being done to try to help the silly and ignorant claims by conspiracy theorist but to do so one needs to do stupid things like perform a test for which the answer is already answered before realizing the conspiracy nuts will never stop and just get more outlandish and silly in their theories.

Yes it can if the police didnt fabricate the burmese dna - stop being such a nonce!!! There was also a third persons dna on her nipple which you brush away. thjats another garbage made up police police police post - from a mafia apologist whos desperate to supress peoples rights and free speech!!! Your own childish gibberish will continue no doubt..police.police..police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the police could and did fabricate the DNA in the other case then they wouldn't allow this test or would fabricate this too if it was possible. So, no the DNA from these suspects cannot match even if you believe in Santa and vast conspiracy theories taking place for not reason.

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Haha, it's straight out of Shakespeare. The powers that be would love to just forcefully silence the dissent, but they're fearful of the consequences if they do. So they let "'dare not' wait upon 'I would', like the poor cat I' the adage.' It's Macbeth, being lived out in

21st century Thailand.

There's nothing new under the sun.

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"Pol Gen Somyot, however, made clear that the DNA test on the son would have no impact on the police case file which has been finished with all circumstantial and forensic evidence submitted to the prosecutor for indictment of the two Myanmar suspects."

What? Not even if it's a match?

It cannot be a match when it has already been matched to the suspects in custody. It is an impossibility he could also match unless he is an identical twin of one of the Burmese in custody for the crimes.

It would be like looking outside for you car when you already confirmed it was in the garage. Of course this is being done to try to help the silly and ignorant claims by conspiracy theorist but to do so one needs to do stupid things like perform a test for which the answer is already answered before realizing the conspiracy nuts will never stop and just get more outlandish and silly in their theories.

Yes it can if the police didnt fabricate the burmese dna - stop being such a nonce!!! There was also a third persons dna on her nipple which you brush away. thjats another garbage made up police police police post - from a mafia apologist whos desperate to supress peoples rights and free speech!!! Your own childish gibberish will continue no doubt..police.police..police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the police could and did fabricate the DNA in the other case then they wouldn't allow this test or would fabricate this too if it was possible. So, no the DNA from these suspects cannot match even if you believe in Santa and vast conspiracy theories taking place for not reason.

Another nonsensical effort to sound authoritative when you have no credibility

They take a swab throw it in the bin theyre innocent when they issue the paper - \DNA tests mean NOTHING in a corrupt society!! Therefore they can and have even if you support corrupt mafia apologists who answer peoples questions by calling them "nuts"!!! Your garbage statements dont break through intelligent peoples views! please dont talk to me - your views and your choice of language is distasteful and disrespectful of 2 murder victims!!

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Distorted Information...

Does that mean that all Thai investigators on the KT case will face 5 years and or 100,000 fine? They apparently aren't looking back at all the inconsistencies they themselves provided to the public, which "PUSHED" the social media to begin bashing the authorities. It isn't social media that is causing economic and or tourism issues in Thailand, it's the Thai authorities with their half arsed investigation that has created all of these problems. Why blame others when they are the only one's to blame for this fiasco.

There's so much evidence that are readily available at a click of a mouse (Police statements to the media from day one through to today) that would put any legal action against any social media poster to bed. If the authorities actually do decide to move forward on their word without second thinking the consequences to those actions, holly hell would break lose and their stated main concerns for the Thai economy and tourism will be on a severe nose dive that will cost the economy and not to mention the tourist industry severely. The social media as well as world media and Governments outside of Thailand would have a field day with this. Thailand would not save itself from posting such warnings and acting upon them; they would literally be signing off on their own death warrant.

I have made my home in this beautiful country and have a Thai wife and a beautiful little girl. I love my in-laws and I just plain love the life in Thailand, but in recent years, so much has begun to change in this country that I honestly ask GOD to watch over my wife and daughter when they're out of my sight. I don't feel as comfortable and safe like I once felt before and it makes me very sad as I thought that I had finally found my home.

Everybody knows that there are corrupt police in this country; it's not new and it's not a surprise. I'm certain that every Farang or Thai in this country has paid a bribe to the Police and not just once, but several times. This is something that cannot be hidden; the world knows, but the authorities pretend to be dumb and deaf on this subject. My wife told me yesterday that they arrested a Police or maybe a couple, I don't really know, but that the arrest was drug related. The Police Officer kept his inventory of drugs in the Police Station and conducted the sale of drugs outside the Police Station. I guess he thought that the drugs were more secure held at the Police Station than anywhere else. How about another recent story about 3 Police Officers caught with Millions of counterfeit USD...MILLIONS of United States Dollars; not Thai Baht! A day doesn't pass without hearing of a corrupt Authority.

Issuing warnings such as the one we just read doesn't and will not help Thailand. I am still hopeful that the new PM will do what's right and really does have the ability and the will to do something good for this country, but they must first tackle corruption and a massive overhaul of the Police force and get the Mafia under control will only help save Thailand's economy and tourist industry. Attacking Social Media with warnings will in no way save the economy and tourist industry. It just deters it. Cleaning house will 100% and that is a guarantee that you can take to the bank.

People are now scared to come to Thailand...not because of what the Social Media is saying, but because they know the local Mafia and money can turn anybody's life upside down if they wish. In other words, you are playing a dangerous game of roulette when you travel here now and it must come to a stop if they want any good for this country. You're no longer safe even when you drive down the road. Look at today's news...road rage in Phuket; an argument between a motorbike taxi and some other person on a motorbike turned deadly. The taxi was shot and left for dead and this was caught on CCTV. This can happen to any of us or any tourist that travels to Thailand.

I hope they will eventually face the fact that the problem is within the Government and not us. That would be a good beginning to start a much needed change for the better.

“…the world knows, but the authorities pretend to be dumb and deaf on this subject.”

They aren’t pretending.

I think they are are being shocked at how dumb they really are. blink.png

“I am still hopeful that the new PM will do what's right…”

Forget him.

Peas in a pod. wai2.gif wai.gif

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There won't be a single arrest for criticism of this case against the police. The public knows there is no smoke without fire. The police have posted more disinformation on this subject than any other body. So I expect quite a few police including Somyot himself to be serving a bit of prison time.

All I want to know is 'how much'?

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