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Thai household debt is top of all complaints that authorities receive from people

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In a free market one gets paid what one is worth. If you want to be worth some more money get a skill or education. Outside of nanny states and communist countries that is a fact of life.

Proctologists get paid more than toilet attendants although they both deal with the same stuff.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need does not work if you hadn't heard. Have you looked at Cuba lately?

Ah good old 19 century liberalism. The I'm alright jack and sod you society. The poor law, the work houses, the misery, suffering and blind indifference to others because I don't want a society where all are supported.

How we have missed those days, eh.

The wealthy stay wealthy and the poor do as they're told.

Ah yes, how nostalgic.

It is called the Gini index. Thailand is 53 UK 40 USA 45 South Africa 65 Singapore 47 Columbia 58 Brazil 51

You think the poor are getting richer anywhere? UK mid 70's 33 now 40.

USA mid 70's 40 now 49.


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In a free market one gets paid what one is worth. If you want to be worth some more money get a skill or education. Outside of nanny states and communist countries that is a fact of life.

Proctologists get paid more than toilet attendants although they both deal with the same stuff.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need does not work if you hadn't heard. Have you looked at Cuba lately?

Ah good old 19 century liberalism. The I'm alright jack and sod you society. The poor law, the work houses, the misery, suffering and blind indifference to others because I don't want a society where all are supported.

How we have missed those days, eh.

The wealthy stay wealthy and the poor do as they're told.

Ah yes, how nostalgic.

It is called the Gini index. Thailand is 53 UK 40 USA 45 South Africa 65 Singapore 47 Columbia 58 Brazil 51

You think the poor are getting richer anywhere? UK mid 70's 33 now 40.

USA mid 70's 40 now 49.


It's called not caring for anyone but yourself.

It's refusing to help those in need.

It's callous, it's wrong and its something no one should accept or justify with stats.

Thailand USA, UK, where ever.


Ah good old 19 century liberalism. The I'm alright jack and sod you society. The poor law, the work houses, the misery, suffering and blind indifference to others because I don't want a society where all are supported.

How we have missed those days, eh.

The wealthy stay wealthy and the poor do as they're told.

Ah yes, how nostalgic.

It is called the Gini index. Thailand is 53 UK 40 USA 45 South Africa 65 Singapore 47 Columbia 58 Brazil 51

You think the poor are getting richer anywhere? UK mid 70's 33 now 40.

USA mid 70's 40 now 49.


It's called not caring for anyone but yourself.

It's refusing to help those in need.

It's callous, it's wrong and its something no one should accept or justify with stats.

Thailand USA, UK, where ever.

I think it is called communism. I get paid what I am worth. That is a free market economy. Charity is something different and I'm all for charity.

Sure the rich get richer. That's how it works. More money begets more money. If you want to tax the rich at a higher percent than the poor it destroys incentive. I'm one of those flat tax people.

You are confusing an economic system with moral obligation.

I don't know for sure but I think you want to take money from me, who worked for it and give it to people who did not work for it without my permission.

I'll take your money no problem if you are richer than I but I don't want you taking mine. See? So I'm in agreement with you partially.


Ah good old 19 century liberalism. The I'm alright jack and sod you society. The poor law, the work houses, the misery, suffering and blind indifference to others because I don't want a society where all are supported.How we have missed those days, eh.

The wealthy stay wealthy and the poor do as they're told.

Ah yes, how nostalgic.

It is called the Gini index. Thailand is 53 UK 40 USA 45 South Africa 65 Singapore 47 Columbia 58 Brazil 51

You think the poor are getting richer anywhere? UK mid 70's 33 now 40.

USA mid 70's 40 now 49.


It's called not caring for anyone but yourself.

It's refusing to help those in need.

It's callous, it's wrong and its something no one should accept or justify with stats.

Thailand USA, UK, where ever.

I think it is called communism. I get paid what I am worth. That is a free market economy. Charity is something different and I'm all for charity.

Sure the rich get richer. That's how it works. More money begets more money. If you want to tax the rich at a higher percent than the poor it destroys incentive. I'm one of those flat tax people.

You are confusing an economic system with moral obligation.

I don't know for sure but I think you want to take money from me, who worked for it and give it to people who did not work for it without my permission.

I'll take your money no problem if you are richer than I but I don't want you taking mine. See? So I'm in agreement with you partially.

It's not communism, its called society.

It's not taking anything from anyone. Everyone who works deserves a living wage. Some get more, some less, so what.

My problem is that there are those who get so little they cannot live on it. That is exploitation. It's greed and the worst aspects of capitalism being allowed to over ride a moral obligation to ensure everyone earns a living wage.

An economic system that cannot include this obligation is flawed.

I'm not communist but I know that any capitalistic model that does not recognise its obligations to all the members of a society is immoral, exploitative and repugnant.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Household debt is the most complaint that authorities received from the people,

And exactly whos fault is that, and

why should the government step in to help?

Thais have no self control, and the very concept of living within a budget is absolutely foreign to them.

Except for the mafia loan sharks (which the government should stomp out), pretty much everything else is the fault of the person in debt.

I smell a little contradiction here:

´why should the government step in to help?´

´Except for the mafia loan sharks (which the government should stomp out)´

Part of the problem, isn´t it?whistling.gif

It's called not caring for anyone but yourself.

It's refusing to help those in need.

It's callous, it's wrong and its something no one should accept or justify with stats.

Thailand USA, UK, where ever.

I think it is called communism. I get paid what I am worth. That is a free market economy. Charity is something different and I'm all for charity.

Sure the rich get richer. That's how it works. More money begets more money. If you want to tax the rich at a higher percent than the poor it destroys incentive. I'm one of those flat tax people.

You are confusing an economic system with moral obligation.

I don't know for sure but I think you want to take money from me, who worked for it and give it to people who did not work for it without my permission.

I'll take your money no problem if you are richer than I but I don't want you taking mine. See? So I'm in agreement with you partially.

It's not communism, its called society.

It's not taking anything from anyone. Everyone who works deserves a living wage. Some get more, some less, so what.

My problem is that there are those who get so little they cannot live on it. That is exploitation. It's greed and the worst aspects of capitalism being allowed to over ride a moral obligation to ensure everyone earns a living wage.

An economic system that cannot include this obligation is flawed.

I'm not communist but I know that any capitalistic model that does not recognise its obligations to all the members of a society is immoral, exploitative and repugnant.

Thailand has a minimum wage and universal health care and a family care history so what are you complaining about?

No one has ever starved in Thailand. There is food on the ground everywhere. There are dogs everywhere. There is no unemployment in Thailand. Laotians and Burmese and Cambodians flood into Thailand to work because it is so bad at home. Sorry but I don't see anyone but lazy people having a problem in Thailand. I live in Thailand and have for a long time. I got here the first time in the 1960's so it's not like I'm a newby.

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Root of the problem of the common Thai - indulgence. The cause of young unwanted pregnancy and unplanned family units, being hooked on drugs, drinking and gambling at a young age.

When teens inculcate such habits, their drive to strive is killed. They will look for easy money and an easy life. Then, populist policies in the past decade placed them into debts. Now, they are lamenting they cannot live without further credit.


It's called not caring for anyone but yourself.

It's refusing to help those in need.

It's callous, it's wrong and its something no one should accept or justify with stats.

Thailand USA, UK, where ever.

I think it is called communism. I get paid what I am worth. That is a free market economy. Charity is something different and I'm all for charity.

Sure the rich get richer. That's how it works. More money begets more money. If you want to tax the rich at a higher percent than the poor it destroys incentive. I'm one of those flat tax people.

You are confusing an economic system with moral obligation.

I don't know for sure but I think you want to take money from me, who worked for it and give it to people who did not work for it without my permission.

I'll take your money no problem if you are richer than I but I don't want you taking mine. See? So I'm in agreement with you partially.

It's not communism, its called society.

It's not taking anything from anyone. Everyone who works deserves a living wage. Some get more, some less, so what.

My problem is that there are those who get so little they cannot live on it. That is exploitation. It's greed and the worst aspects of capitalism being allowed to over ride a moral obligation to ensure everyone earns a living wage.

An economic system that cannot include this obligation is flawed.

I'm not communist but I know that any capitalistic model that does not recognise its obligations to all the members of a society is immoral, exploitative and repugnant.

Thailand has a minimum wage and universal health care and a family care history so what are you complaining about?

No one has ever starved in Thailand. There is food on the ground everywhere. There are dogs everywhere. There is no unemployment in Thailand. Laotians and Burmese and Cambodians flood into Thailand to work because it is so bad at home. Sorry but I don't see anyone but lazy people having a problem in Thailand. I live in Thailand and have for a long time. I got here the first time in the 1960's so it's not like I'm a newby.

Dear lord.

Ok whatever I'm done arguing this with you.

Respond as you will but This my last reply to you.

It is wrong to deny anyone a living wage, regardless of dogs, migrant labour or sacred rules of capitalism. Food on the ground you say, so people should eat from the floor, devour the crumbs and leftovers the affluent discard. A minimum wage that does not provide a living wage is useless.

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Thailand has a minimum wage and universal health care and a family care history so what are you complaining about?

No one has ever starved in Thailand. There is food on the ground everywhere. There are dogs everywhere. There is no unemployment in Thailand. Laotians and Burmese and Cambodians flood into Thailand to work because it is so bad at home. Sorry but I don't see anyone but lazy people having a problem in Thailand. I live in Thailand and have for a long time. I got here the first time in the 1960's so it's not like I'm a newby.

Dear lord.

Ok whatever I'm done arguing this with you.

Respond as you will but This my last reply to you.

It is wrong to deny anyone a living wage, regardless of dogs, migrant labour or sacred rules of capitalism. Food on the ground you say, so people should eat from the floor, devour the crumbs and leftovers the affluent discard. A minimum wage that does not provide a living wage is useless.

Lord no. The food on the ground means there is a ton of wasted food in Thailand. People discard food that isn't eaten. It is polite in Thailand to leave some food on your plate when finished eating - that is not the sign of a hungry country.

Temples give food away every day to hungry people. Try giving a beggar food in Thailand - they want cash.

Your sentiments are admirable but perhaps a visit to Thailand is in order so you can see for yourself. The city folk go home if they get stressed and eat and drink for free till they feel able to take the workload of a 7/11 style job for another 6 months.

This is Thailand where 3 really lazy clerks do the work of one lazy clerk.

I like Thailand but don't get carried away with the liberal anthem here. No body starves and Thais are not worked to death in work houses. The reason no one is on anti depressant pills here like in the west is because no one is depressed and stressed by work. If work is not fun they quit.

Bottom line is the reason household debt is a problem is bad lending policies and lazy people with champagne tastes on a beer budget.


Thailand has a minimum wage and universal health care and a family care history so what are you complaining about?

No one has ever starved in Thailand. There is food on the ground everywhere. There are dogs everywhere. There is no unemployment in Thailand. Laotians and Burmese and Cambodians flood into Thailand to work because it is so bad at home. Sorry but I don't see anyone but lazy people having a problem in Thailand. I live in Thailand and have for a long time. I got here the first time in the 1960's so it's not like I'm a newby.

Dear lord.

Ok whatever I'm done arguing this with you.

Respond as you will but This my last reply to you.

It is wrong to deny anyone a living wage, regardless of dogs, migrant labour or sacred rules of capitalism. Food on the ground you say, so people should eat from the floor, devour the crumbs and leftovers the affluent discard. A minimum wage that does not provide a living wage is useless.

Lord no. The food on the ground means there is a ton of wasted food in Thailand. People discard food that isn't eaten. It is polite in Thailand to leave some food on your plate when finished eating - that is not the sign of a hungry country.

Temples give food away every day to hungry people. Try giving a beggar food in Thailand - they want cash.

Your sentiments are admirable but perhaps a visit to Thailand is in order so you can see for yourself. The city folk go home if they get stressed and eat and drink for free till they feel able to take the workload of a 7/11 style job for another 6 months.

This is Thailand where 3 really lazy clerks do the work of one lazy clerk.

I like Thailand but don't get carried away with the liberal anthem here. No body starves and Thais are not worked to death in work houses. The reason no one is on anti depressant pills here like in the west is because no one is depressed and stressed by work. If work is not fun they quit.

Bottom line is the reason household debt is a problem is bad lending policies and lazy people with champagne tastes on a beer budget.

I've lived here 13 years now.


Thailand has a minimum wage and universal health care and a family care history so what are you complaining about?

No one has ever starved in Thailand. There is food on the ground everywhere. There are dogs everywhere. There is no unemployment in Thailand. Laotians and Burmese and Cambodians flood into Thailand to work because it is so bad at home. Sorry but I don't see anyone but lazy people having a problem in Thailand. I live in Thailand and have for a long time. I got here the first time in the 1960's so it's not like I'm a newby.

Dear lord.

Ok whatever I'm done arguing this with you.

Respond as you will but This my last reply to you.

It is wrong to deny anyone a living wage, regardless of dogs, migrant labour or sacred rules of capitalism. Food on the ground you say, so people should eat from the floor, devour the crumbs and leftovers the affluent discard. A minimum wage that does not provide a living wage is useless.

Lord no. The food on the ground means there is a ton of wasted food in Thailand. People discard food that isn't eaten. It is polite in Thailand to leave some food on your plate when finished eating - that is not the sign of a hungry country.

Temples give food away every day to hungry people. Try giving a beggar food in Thailand - they want cash.

Your sentiments are admirable but perhaps a visit to Thailand is in order so you can see for yourself. The city folk go home if they get stressed and eat and drink for free till they feel able to take the workload of a 7/11 style job for another 6 months.

This is Thailand where 3 really lazy clerks do the work of one lazy clerk.

I like Thailand but don't get carried away with the liberal anthem here. No body starves and Thais are not worked to death in work houses. The reason no one is on anti depressant pills here like in the west is because no one is depressed and stressed by work. If work is not fun they quit.

Bottom line is the reason household debt is a problem is bad lending policies and lazy people with champagne tastes on a beer budget.

I've lived here 13 years now.

When was the last time you tried to hire a Thai to do something for 300 baht a day?


If you are calling the authorities to complain about your debt, then you are simply too ignorant to understand what "debt" is.

This place never ceases to amaze me.


When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; and then I got credit for my iPhone 6 and my 50-inch TV and my car and my motorbike and my house, because all I had to do was fill out a form for all this free money.

​And then LO! Behold I was in deep doo doo and suddenly became as an adult.

Why are the ministers surprised?

After all, these are the same people they won't allow to gamble online or buy alcohol if they're given a day off to vote at elections . . .


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What is the Thai translation of 'keeping up with the Joneses'? 'Face'? wink.png

In a society where there is such a huge wealth gap, and all the television programs, magazines, billboards ram it down your throat that this is the way 'normal' people live I am not surprised so many fall into the trap. Advertisers are not trying to appeal to average Thais as average Thais are dirt poor.

How on earth can anyone growing up here be expected to understand what realistic living standards are in such a skewed environment? Just look to the policy and decision makers collective wealth to figure out who has caused this problem - Thai society is portrayed as if all are rich, while in reality 0.1% have managed to hoard more than 50% of the country's wealth. They are not complaining now, are they? bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  • Like 1

What is the Thai translation of 'keeping up with the Joneses'? 'Face'? wink.png

In a society where there is such a huge wealth gap, and all the television programs, magazines, billboards ram it down your throat that this is the way 'normal' people live I am not surprised so many fall into the trap. Advertisers are not trying to appeal to average Thais as average Thais are dirt poor.

How on earth can anyone growing up here be expected to understand what realistic living standards are in such a skewed environment? Just look to the policy and decision makers collective wealth to figure out who has caused this problem - Thai society is portrayed as if all are rich, while in reality 0.1% have managed to hoard more than 50% of the country's wealth. They are not complaining now, are they? bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

The biggest reason the retired expats are in Thailand is the income distribution in their home countries got too wide for them to live like their parents lived. You may want to look at trends in the GINI index for more information. In other words it was impossible to keep up with the Joneses' at home so they came to Thailand to not lose face.


I would expect the 2nd most common complaint to be the price of lottery tickets.

Those with little financial discipline usually have great expectations too.

Well Said


What is the Thai translation of 'keeping up with the Joneses'? 'Face'? wink.png

In a society where there is such a huge wealth gap, and all the television programs, magazines, billboards ram it down your throat that this is the way 'normal' people live I am not surprised so many fall into the trap. Advertisers are not trying to appeal to average Thais as average Thais are dirt poor.

How on earth can anyone growing up here be expected to understand what realistic living standards are in such a skewed environment? Just look to the policy and decision makers collective wealth to figure out who has caused this problem - Thai society is portrayed as if all are rich, while in reality 0.1% have managed to hoard more than 50% of the country's wealth. They are not complaining now, are they? bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

The biggest reason the retired expats are in Thailand is the income distribution in their home countries got too wide for them to live like their parents lived. You may want to look at trends in the GINI index for more information. In other words it was impossible to keep up with the Joneses' at home so they came to Thailand to not lose face.

Rather a negative outlook on your - ahem, fellow man - are you one of them?

Perhaps some were taken in by the promise of living in a society having the supposed culture of mutual respect and Buddhist values, along with the famous Thai smile?

Rose tinted specs used to be handed out to new arrivals - they don't even bother with that today... sad.png


What is the Thai translation of 'keeping up with the Joneses'? 'Face'? wink.png

In a society where there is such a huge wealth gap, and all the television programs, magazines, billboards ram it down your throat that this is the way 'normal' people live I am not surprised so many fall into the trap. Advertisers are not trying to appeal to average Thais as average Thais are dirt poor.

How on earth can anyone growing up here be expected to understand what realistic living standards are in such a skewed environment? Just look to the policy and decision makers collective wealth to figure out who has caused this problem - Thai society is portrayed as if all are rich, while in reality 0.1% have managed to hoard more than 50% of the country's wealth. They are not complaining now, are they? bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

The biggest reason the retired expats are in Thailand is the income distribution in their home countries got too wide for them to live like their parents lived. You may want to look at trends in the GINI index for more information. In other words it was impossible to keep up with the Joneses' at home so they came to Thailand to not lose face.

Rather a negative outlook on your - ahem, fellow man - are you one of them?

Perhaps some were taken in by the promise of living in a society having the supposed culture of mutual respect and Buddhist values, along with the famous Thai smile?

Rose tinted specs used to be handed out to new arrivals - they don't even bother with that today... sad.png

Naw, here because it's cheaper. When I got here in 1968 no one wore sunglasses of any color except for the fighter pilots. There has been a fantastic leap forwards in the distribution of wealth in Thailand from the time I got here to now. From 1970 to 2006, poverty fell by 86% in South Asia (http://www.voxeu.org/article/parametric-estimations-world-distribution-income.) So in general I don't think you know what you are talking about.



Naw, here because it's cheaper. When I got here in 1968 no one wore sunglasses of any color except for the fighter pilots. There has been a fantastic leap forwards in the distribution of wealth in Thailand from the time I got here to now. From 1970 to 2006, poverty fell by 86% in South Asia (http://www.voxeu.org/article/parametric-estimations-world-distribution-income.) So in general I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Well, no need for the attitude - you are comparing to 1968, I am comparing to the modern world. There is no excuse for the blatant abuse of human rights here and it seems the UNHRC agrees. Just because you have been around a lot longer does not mean you know any better. Perhaps you like things the way they are as you seem to have the same high and mighty attitude as the so called 'elite'...

  • Like 1

Naw, here because it's cheaper. When I got here in 1968 no one wore sunglasses of any color except for the fighter pilots. There has been a fantastic leap forwards in the distribution of wealth in Thailand from the time I got here to now. From 1970 to 2006, poverty fell by 86% in South Asia (http://www.voxeu.org/article/parametric-estimations-world-distribution-income.) So in general I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Well, no need for the attitude - you are comparing to 1968, I am comparing to the modern world. There is no excuse for the blatant abuse of human rights here and it seems the UNHRC agrees. Just because you have been around a lot longer does not mean you know any better. Perhaps you like things the way they are as you seem to have the same high and mighty attitude as the so called 'elite'...

I watched a man dig a well steadily every day for 40 years and I could see his progress and I congratulated him on it and realized soon he would strike water. A "Johnny come lately" walks along and watches him dig for a year and mocks his progress and calls him lazy.

In modern times, from 1970 to 2006 poverty fell by 86% in South East Asia. I'm not high and mighty; I've just been around from 1970 to now to observe and it has been quite a change for the better.


Why are the Authorities even wasteing their breath with these people ?

Just give them a " happiness " proforma, and send them out to write 1,000 times " I am stupid, and must not spend or borrow more money than I have, or can possibly pay back "

Thailand has bigger problems than these people.


If Somchai were to stop:

- Gambling

- Buying stupid lottery tickets hoping to get lucky

- Spending more than his disposable income

- Sending money to the mia noi

& start:

- Planning for the future

I believe half his problems would be over.


If Somchai were to stop:

- Gambling

- Buying stupid lottery tickets hoping to get lucky

- Spending more than his disposable income

- Sending money to the mia noi

& start:

- Planning for the future

I believe half his problems would be over.

Unemployment rate of mia-nois will be double digits...

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