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I would like Togo back to 80's levels if I went with it, so became 20 again !

I was here in the mid-80's, and have pretty much lived here since the late 90's.

I think that from 1985 when I first stepped off the QANTAS flight as a wide-eyed 20 year old, Thailand has become a much wealthier country, with costings/prices etc rising in proportion (I believe Thailand is fast approaching the USD10,000 GDP per-capita level, which would make it a developed country).

Obviously I am now 30 years older, the bar-scene-thing has become a bit passe for me, for many years now. Although on my infrequent forays into that scene, I have noticed that many of the girls don't seem to have the innocence & sweetness that they once did (maybe I've just become a grumpy old manxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.Cla6z9sEn6.png).

Probably a grumpy old man.. of course when your older and less atrractive you dont get free stuff the girls see you as a customer they have to satisfy. Not a something they can get some pleasure from too. Do you really believe that you have the same charm you had when your 20 ?

I had no charm when I was 20, I am 50 in January and still have none. (Never did, and still don't get free stuff from the girls, I'm very fair-minded in that regard, in fact, they are more likely to get free stuff from me!).

My mistake, when I came here first it was easy to get free stuff from the girls, I still do at times but not as easy as before. Still I can see why a girl is less friendly with a overweight old guy as a young handsome one. First is business second is pleasure.

(before you think im referring to you making comparison of extremes)

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You can get cheap flights from Europe now, its the hotels that are more expensive.

My flights from the UK have pretty much stayed the same over the past 20 years.

What?????? Are you really sure about that?

I can confirm that. In the 80's you could get a flight from London for around 500 quid, about the same nowadays. One of my friends came on Emirates a few years ago for 450 quidclap2.gif , he came in December also, but the thing was that he booked the flight the previous April, booking as far in advance as possible really is the thing, wherever you are going.

I flew to Bangkok from Glasgow with Emirates, a round trip, about nine years ago, costs about 500 Quid, same today about 800 Quid.


I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

Deliberately avoided the age aspect because it's irrelevant.

Your descriptions are based on stereotypes

Most of my pals are health and exercise nuts, no bars or alcohol.

You must be mixing with the wrong people!

Not so sure about that...I'm sitting at the breakfast buffet at the moment here in Pattaya and observe a sea of fat old farts and cows.....? I remember when beer was cheap and the ladies cheaper.....? Hang on, gents, it will only get worse. Time for short arms and deep pockets, IMHO.?

The buffet at the Lek used to be included in the price of the room. Time to move on.


flew to Bangkok from Glasgow with Emirates, a round trip, about nine years ago, costs about 500 Quid, same today about 800 Quid.

Japan Airline, Vancouver-BKK return same price in 2014 as 1988.

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Life is good. No complaints. If it's so dreadful then most foreigners have a choice

life is good till the changovers hits .....
Thankfully not going to happen

What do you mean,changeover,do men get menopause?



Qatar Airway currently have deals London - Bangkok for under 500 quid, not a bad airline, might involve a longish wait in Doha for the Bangkok flight.

(Flying ex-Glasgow might have added to the price of that ticket on Emirates).


The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

Don't blame Thailand for Tesco's problems,look closer to home.


Used to like the Baht around 42 to the USD. Go to the xchange get 4,100 back.

Now exchange 100 note get 3,200, that excess before was rent and some food and a beer.

Now we're left with a paltry 2,000 baht.

I disagree with above reader, food has gone up 30% in the last 8 years.

I'm a restaurant consultant and stay in Thailand now 3-4 months.


Unless all hell breaks loose, I think things are just going to tick-tock slowly ahead. For now, Thailand looks stable. Let's see how many tourists flock here this year. Still, I see the cost of living, cost of imports, cost of labor, cost of "P" & "B" wink.png going up....steadily. My retirement is going to stay the same for 2 years and 9 months longer. Then I get a nice social security boost...at 62 (if no laws are enacted during that time, to delay it).

That being said, the kids will all be cut to the quick...like I was. My youngest will be 18. Going to have to pull his weight. Effective gain from social security and child support stoppage will increase my spending power by 70 percent.

Just keep the beer within that cost range...I should make it to the grave with a cold Leo, a full belly, and a sexy smile on my face.

Same as me SL,just waiting for the SS to kick in,in 4 years,then it' open slather.Hope i'm up to the challenge.


I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

I am the former but yearn to be the latter again.When my pension kicks in,i will try and combine the both worlds and everything will be beaut.May have to put a bit away for viagra though.


I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

Deliberately avoided the age aspect because it's irrelevant.

Your descriptions are based on stereotypes

Yes i give you that , but where else ( apart from the flesh pots of the Philippines ) can you see so many of the above stereotypes ?

I'll put my hand up to being a stereotype.Never did like Led Zep in mono.Ah,Angeles and Subic,now we're talking.


The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

Don't blame Thailand for Tesco's problems,look closer to home.

Tesco - Every fiddle helps! w00t.gif


I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

Deliberately avoided the age aspect because it's irrelevant.

Your descriptions are based on stereotypes

Yes i give you that , but where else ( apart from the flesh pots of the Philippines ) can you see so many of the above stereotypes ?


YES!!! But my hankering goes back much further. I really love it when one of my retirement buddies sends me pics of the 50's 60's 70's. Old cars, old movie stars etc. It seemed a much kinder world. We were a name not a number. We were truly people not cogs in a wheel. We had pensions benefits and were appreciated by our employers. Now the word disposible comes to mind describing the worker of today. Today's worker is nothing but a profit generator to be hired at the least amount possible and to be thrown away if he breaks down or a more suitable replacement comes along. No benefits no pension a no name person? All these good and wonderful advances that we have made today in medicine and technology have come at a terrible price. The stock market jumps crazily because the Bank of Japan pours more imaginary money into the system that will over time do more harm than good. Earnings mean nothing anymore. Companies buy back shares increase dividends with their profits buy other companies (and lay their people off in the process) but they do nothing to create good jobs. I am glad I am retired but worry about the stability of my government pension as we have become a world of surfs. When I retired I received a package of dollars and benefits. Now the government is coming along and saying that I do not pay enough premium for my medical coverage and they want to double my present premium. What will they attack next. Like one writer says here in a few years his Social Security will increase if the government does not pass any laws that restrict or cancel that. Pensioners as well as workers are under constant attack from our governments especially when they swing to the right. If America hands the Senate over to the Republicans (whose poll ratings are at an all time low) to just punish the Democrats the attack on the workers will only increase. Its seems that if a political party does not shape up we kick them out for a replacement whose record in the past has been no better or maybe worse. How soon we forget.

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I was in Thailand in the good old days and there were people shooting at me and trying to blow me up. I did however get to carry a gun, three actually but nevertheless.... I prefer today with an occasional bar girl chasing me down the street with her high heeled shoe as opposed to the good old days and the AK-47's and satchal charges.


Went to Samui in '86. Expensive beachside bungalow was 90 baht per night. Went to Phangan. No pier, had to wade ashore, regular bungalow 30 baht per night, front best bungalow 50 baht. Huge plate of crab meat 40 baht. No full-moon party. Nice.


I want what is good for Thailand. If it is good for Thailand it will help and be good elsewhere.

Who do you think should decide what good is?

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The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

Good points except about Tesco. They are considering the sale of Tesco Lotus because of their company's financial problems not because of the Thailand environment. In fact their Thai and S. Korean markets are big profit makers.



The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

In matters red/yellow etc, I believe that Thailand needs to be dragged kicking & screaming into the twenty first century!

I doubt (with great sadness), that this will happen without some great upheaval of some kind, far more disruptive than we have seen up to the present day!?


The thing is as wages go up skills and education need to as well. They simply haven't so there is little reason for foreign companies (the major large employers here) to not just go to another country where the wages are lower and the skills are equally lacking.

Tescos are trying to sell. If Tescos want to leave you have to ask some serious questions.

Thailand will struggle to advance because of corruption and so many Thais that never leave the country believing they can do no wrong , particularly the vast amount of over spolit men.

Major reform and money needs to be spent on education before the country advances, it will take decades, if it ever happens at all.

Good points except about Tesco. They are considering the sale of Tesco Lotus because of their company's financial problems not because of the Thailand environment. In fact their Thai and S. Korean markets are big profit makers.


My Thai wife told me (and everyone else within earshot) that the reason they are for sale is the clerk who checkout out our groceries last night.


Every body has there good old days. Mine were in the late 40s and the 50s when we were allowed to go out and play like kids ride are bikes all over the country build forts go on hikes through the woods not worry about every one you didn't know being a pervert.

Remember playing HORSE sandlot baseball tail football and later tackle football. Maybe if you were lucky an hour a day of good children programing. You know like Hopalong Cassidy the Cisko Kid or the Milton Berle hour.

Those were my good old days. As has already been said these days we live in will be the good old days for many living here today.

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wait, this thread is about how sex workers are putting on weight?

Try Laos, Cambodia, or Africa, cheaper and skinnier sex workers there eh

"Baa Mango".... more like a "fruit loop"....which reincarnation of a troll/banned member are you ?

  • Like 1

the good young days are better for



smart phones

Western food

my thai language

thai baht still good

cinemas better

ten pin bowling

football live

alcohol is still a bargain

gogo bars are not closed

bigger western shops

walking st cleanup, of a fashion

roads better

rubbish collection miles better

less electricity cuts

i could go on


wait, this thread is about how sex workers are putting on weight?

Try Laos, Cambodia, or Africa, cheaper and skinnier sex workers there eh

"Baa Mango".... more like a "fruit loop"....which reincarnation of a troll/banned member are you ?

Trolling what? Read the first post, some guy complaining about chubby bar staff? Actually I am long term (?) member, thought I'd get back in the game.


wait, this thread is about how sex workers are putting on weight?

Try Laos, Cambodia, or Africa, cheaper and skinnier sex workers there eh

"Baa Mango".... more like a "fruit loop"....which reincarnation of a troll/banned member are you ?

Trolling what? Read the first post, some guy complaining about chubby bar staff? Actually I am long term (?) member, thought I'd get back in the game.

I have no problem whatsoever with more chubby bar workers,and no probs whatsoever with barworkers older than 20, unlike some

  • Like 1

wait, this thread is about how sex workers are putting on weight?

Try Laos, Cambodia, or Africa, cheaper and skinnier sex workers there eh

"Baa Mango".... more like a "fruit loop"....which reincarnation of a troll/banned member are you ?

Trolling what? Read the first post, some guy complaining about chubby bar staff? Actually I am long term (?) member, thought I'd get back in the game.

I have no problem whatsoever with more chubby bar workers,and no probs whatsoever with barworkers older than 20, unlike some

like the cars always said

let the good times roll

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