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Who owns land next to government road?

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I am new to this forum and hope that it is the correct one. Searched the subject and no hits.

I am in dispute with a neighbour who is planning to build right up to the government road in our development.

I was led to believe that you must leave a 1 metre gap between the government road and the private property and that this was govenrment land. (For utilities and such like.)

Is this correct or is it an urban legend?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Talk to the planning dept at your local tessaban. There doesn't appear to be a set rule.

For example my wife owns a couple of land plots 200 metres apart on the main road in a town. Both chanotes say she owns the land up to the footpath. One plot had planning permission to build up to the footpath, the other due to future road expansion only allowed her to build up to 5 metres from the footpath inside her land.

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I was told by my Thai girl friend it is 11 meters, she just started building a rental project building. Check with the land and transportation office in your area. She had to get everything OK'ed by them before starting to build. It has something to do with future road expansion but could be different from Province to Province.

Edited by ToddinChonburi
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