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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

Lite Beer

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On an Island as small, idyllic and as beautiful as Koh Tao....there does seem to be something of a problem with people getting killed and raped.

And not just westerners...hey JD

Some serious Thai on Thai incidents to....unsolved aswell I understand


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Was having a lend of you mate - on the off chance JD missed ye post.

Google is your friend

On an Island as small, idyllic and as beautiful as Koh Tao....there does seem to be something of a problem with people getting killed and raped.

And not just westerners...hey JD

Some serious Thai on Thai incidents to....unsolved aswell I understand

SOURCE? wink.png

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lol i know...its good to do a little fishing....if you know what I mean

Was having a lend of you mate - on the off chance JD missed ye post.

Google is your friend

On an Island as small, idyllic and as beautiful as Koh Tao....there does seem to be something of a problem with people getting killed and raped.

And not just westerners...hey JD

Some serious Thai on Thai incidents to....unsolved aswell I understand

SOURCE? wink.png
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Was having a lend of you mate - on the off chance JD missed ye post.

Google is your friend

On an Island as small, idyllic and as beautiful as Koh Tao....there does seem to be something of a problem with people getting killed and raped.

And not just westerners...hey JD

Some serious Thai on Thai incidents to....unsolved aswell I understand

SOURCE? wink.png


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You have the patience of jobe my friend whereas it bores me sh**less.

lol i know...its good to do a little fishing....if you know what I mean

Was having a lend of you mate - on the off chance JD missed ye post.

Google is your friend

On an Island as small, idyllic and as beautiful as Koh Tao....there does seem to be something of a problem with people getting killed and raped.

And not just westerners...hey JD

Some serious Thai on Thai incidents to....unsolved aswell I understand

SOURCE? wink.png

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Everybody keeps stating the UK must do this and the UK must do that. As sad as these two horrific murders were, thisis is not the UK, this is Thailand and the UK has absolutely no jurisdiction here. You people from the UK should at the very least be thankful that Thailand has even allowed anyone from the Uk to observe. If it were the other way around I am willing to bet that the UK would not allow anyone from Thailand or any other country for that matter to observe their investigation. You people are all so full of yourself. You make accusations and assumptions based on your own personal feelings along with being misinformed by media who also are notorious for making assumptions and accusations all for the sake of higher ratings or more papers being sold.

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Everybody keeps stating the UK must do this and the UK must do that. As sad as these two horrific murders were, thisis is not the UK, this is Thailand and the UK has absolutely no jurisdiction here. You people from the UK should at the very least be thankful that Thailand has even allowed anyone from the Uk to observe. If it were the other way around I am willing to bet that the UK would not allow anyone from Thailand or any other country for that matter to observe their investigation. You people are all so full of yourself. You make accusations and assumptions based on your own personal feelings along with being misinformed by media who also are notorious for making assumptions and accusations all for the sake of higher ratings or more papers being sold.

Better put that question to the Thai PM who agreed to it in Milan after his meeting with the UK PM

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Everybody keeps stating the UK must do this and the UK must do that. As sad as these two horrific murders were, thisis is not the UK, this is Thailand and the UK has absolutely no jurisdiction here. You people from the UK should at the very least be thankful that Thailand has even allowed anyone from the Uk to observe. If it were the other way around I am willing to bet that the UK would not allow anyone from Thailand or any other country for that matter to observe their investigation. You people are all so full of yourself. You make accusations and assumptions based on your own personal feelings along with being misinformed by media who also are notorious for making assumptions and accusations all for the sake of higher ratings or more papers being sold.

Better put that question to the Thai PM who agreed to it in Milan after his meeting with the UK PM

What question??whistling.gif

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Everybody keeps stating the UK must do this and the UK must do that. As sad as these two horrific murders were, thisis is not the UK, this is Thailand and the UK has absolutely no jurisdiction here. You people from the UK should at the very least be thankful that Thailand has even allowed anyone from the Uk to observe. If it were the other way around I am willing to bet that the UK would not allow anyone from Thailand or any other country for that matter to observe their investigation. You people are all so full of yourself. You make accusations and assumptions based on your own personal feelings along with being misinformed by media who also are notorious for making assumptions and accusations all for the sake of higher ratings or more papers being sold.

Spot on!!

Scotland Yard is coming next week "They are going to clear up this mess in a day or two"

The Brits are here:"Thanks God, the most sophisticated police force in the world is here"

The Force has gone home:sad.png (Oh sorry I forgot, A report in January)

And if everything else fails: "We are the 6th biggest economy in the word, and our army............"

Wonder if this post is going to make me poster of the day??whistling.gif

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Many people saying an autopsy must have been/will have been carried out.

IT may well have been.

My question a few pages back though was aimed at Boris writing "it has been reported a full autopsy has been carried out"

No it hasnt, or if it has noone on here can quote it.

People assuming stuff to help get their point across, when it all boils down to it not one real piece of evidance to link the scrawny runt to being on the island.

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Many people saying an autopsy must have been/will have been carried out.

IT may well have been.

My question a few pages back though was aimed at Boris writing "it has been reported a full autopsy has been carried out"

No it hasnt, or if it has noone on here can quote it.

People assuming stuff to help get their point across, when it all boils down to it not one real piece of evidance to link the scrawny runt to being on the island.

"People assuming stuff.........................."

On Thaivisa??w00t.gif

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Everybody keeps stating the UK must do this and the UK must do that. As sad as these two horrific murders were, thisis is not the UK, this is Thailand and the UK has absolutely no jurisdiction here. You people from the UK should at the very least be thankful that Thailand has even allowed anyone from the Uk to observe. If it were the other way around I am willing to bet that the UK would not allow anyone from Thailand or any other country for that matter to observe their investigation. You people are all so full of yourself. You make accusations and assumptions based on your own personal feelings along with being misinformed by media who also are notorious for making assumptions and accusations all for the sake of higher ratings or more papers being sold.

The UK has a lot of foreign police working on its soil at any one time, mainly from Europe, but I don't see why they wouldn't allow Thai police to come and observe investigations into the murders of Thai nationals, if the Thai govt requested. Police cooperation is now highly developed in Europe. Plods have helped with investigations of murders and disappearances of British nationals in Portugal, France and elsewhere. Russia is still a bit elusive tho.

The establishment of Thailand have solved the case with these 2 Burmese guys being the goats.

Imagine how much face would be lost by those at the very top if it actually turned out to be someone else.

Thus ive no idea why the British police are actually there as its quite obvious they are going to say its the most incompetent investigation they've ever witnessed.

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Does this stupid high ranking cop go to bed at night thinking he has fooled everyone? What a dumb piece of ....censored beep...

If anything this cheeky stunt should warn more tourists to stay away from the entire Island of Koh Tao. If other businesses suffer maybe someone will finally grow the balls to reveal what really happened.

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JTJ and JD, and a few others.... may very well be employed by the RTP!!! (notice I used the word "may" as in a possibility...a disclaimer so that I might not be sued for defamation). Most people do not understand the complexities of information wars on social media....they are doing "damage control". When they are offered common sense questions and/or speculation/criticism they simply spew from their frothy mouths "name a source", or, "show me the facts", Or, my favorite...."CONSPIRACY THEORY"!!! Fact is...they are losing this battle....because a bear does shit in the woods, and the pope is Catholic. I know you two are having a chuckle at this....wink wink.

So just because we do not agree with your theories , that we all work together with RTP ??

You'd better look at yourself in the mirror , you might be scared .

I think we understand more about Thailand and both the bad and the good sides of it than any newcomer with 300 posts .

We all want justice , we all want to catch the killers. But we look at facts ,instead of rumours spread on social media .

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JTJ and JD, and a few others.... may very well be employed by the RTP!!! (notice I used the word "may" as in a possibility...a disclaimer so that I might not be sued for defamation). Most people do not understand the complexities of information wars on social media....they are doing "damage control". When they are offered common sense questions and/or speculation/criticism they simply spew from their frothy mouths "name a source", or, "show me the facts", Or, my favorite...."CONSPIRACY THEORY"!!! Fact is...they are losing this battle....because a bear does shit in the woods, and the pope is Catholic. I know you two are having a chuckle at this....wink wink.

So just because we do not agree with your theories , that we all work together with RTP ??

You'd better look at yourself in the mirror , you might be scared .

I think we understand more about Thailand and both the bad and the good sides of it than any newcomer with 300 posts .

We all want justice , we all want to catch the killers. But we look at facts ,instead of rumours spread on social media .

You mean that ''Alters'' with less or no posts, they do not understand much or nothing?

Show me the facts then!

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Results don't match DNA on a cigarette but? is this the only exhibit of DNA? wasn't there a heap of other DNA found on the bodies including semen?.

And no need to test further and no need to hand over samples to British Police.

The resemblance , looks like the guy caught on cctv running away to me .

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Many people saying an autopsy must have been/will have been carried out.

IT may well have been.

My question a few pages back though was aimed at Boris writing "it has been reported a full autopsy has been carried out"

No it hasnt, or if it has noone on here can quote it.

People assuming stuff to help get their point across, when it all boils down to it not one real piece of evidance to link the scrawny runt to being on the island.

There are reliable reports that autopsies were carried out by a UK Home Office pathologist. For David Miller, this was confirmed before the inquest in Jersey into his death was adjourned: see http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-jersey-29413391. Here is a link confirming an autopsy on Hannah Witheridge and that Thailand requested a copy of the report: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-29441039.

Thanks for the link and clarification.

Not related but when i clicked the link i noticed the headline that Sarah Paynes father has been found dead, for the brits im sure the name rings a bell.

Turned to drink after what happened to his daughter.

Again a reminder terrible things happen everywhere in the world, the most we can hope for is justice for the victims.

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It now seems possible, that the reason the "rush to DNA clearance" was a tip off from the Scotland Yard detectives that there are "several" DNA' hits from the bodies,

they may have rushed to shield the kid, ahead of a new, unexpected disclosure from the UK investigation

that "third DNA" is their problem as, if there were 3 rapists,

why are they only settling for 2?

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There are reliable reports that autopsies were carried out by a UK Home Office pathologist. For David Miller, this was confirmed before the inquest in Jersey into his death was adjourned: see http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-jersey-29413391. Here is a link confirming an autopsy on Hannah Witheridge and that Thailand requested a copy of the report: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-29441039.

No need to send report to Thailand. It was a perfect job and Thai officials know that British tests are perfect and that the textbooks are perfect and that everything is perfect. As a matter of fact, the British autopsy tester will be rewarded for such a perfect job. Some have already been promoted.

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