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Prayut must stay on as PM until problems solved: survey

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There are also a lot of people who will not accept the traditional choice, which raises concerns with the traditionalists.

Regardless of who the new person will be, that person will not be nearly as popular as the old one, which will weaken a system which depends on public support. Military government and martial law are intended to prop up the system until the new guy is accepted. If it takes years of martial law to accomplish this, and devastates the economy in the process, that is what they'll do.

Given that there hasn't been a change for quite a few years, I'm not sure what you mean by "the traditional choice". What tradition?

Besides that, there are a lot of people who wont be happy with one or other of the choices, but they will accept it. I believe that there would be more people that wouldn't accept no choice.

I think you're wrong about the "prop up the system until the new "guy" is accepted". I think the economy will take a hit when 'it' happens, but the next choice won't have any further effect. That is until whoever is in charge at the time starts to be seen to be taking advantage of the choice. If the choice becomes more involved than what is currently (generally) happening, there will probably be an outcry similar to the last few years. That applies to both sides.

"Given that there hasn't been a change for quite a few years, I'm not sure what you mean by "the traditional choice". What tradition?"

Are you kidding? Review the choices going back a few centuries; do you notice that certain rules are generally followed, and that only one sex is represented?

The fact that the last change was before most Thais were born results in a lot of unknowns. The current person is clearly popular, but has been there so long we don't know how much respect is for the institution, or if the respect is only for the person. Nobody knows how popular or respected the institution will be with someone new. This has people with an interest in protecting the institution worried, and taking extreme measures to protect their interests.

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Legitimate or not he is doing what was needed to be done for a long time now and I hope he does stay on for as long as it takes to get the job done. Anyone that thinks going back to the old ways is a better solution just doesn't know Thailand or Thai politics. If Prayuth hadn't stepped in Thai politics would just be referred to as same ol same ol again and the ones that win would be the politicians with their hands in the public purse as usual again.

Prayuth is doing a great job cleaning up corruption, encroachment, mafia activity, crime and the list goes on and on. Something past governments failed to do so because they were so busy looking after their own self interests which has been the problem with Thailand for a long long time. No one said it could or would be done in a day, and will take time, but it is off to a very good start finally at last.

Money allocated for infrastructure or anything else to improve the standard of living in Thailand is just passed from one hand to the next until there is never enough to complete the project without cutting costs which results in poor quality hwys. and everything else.

With the Government in power now there is finally hope that Thailand will finally become a decent place to live in for everyone.

chairman of the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association


This is surely some of the worst propaganda in human history.

Seriously, some of Prayuths top advisors are actually tasked with coming up with propaganda that will somehow inflate their non existent legitimacy - and this is what they come up with w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

Here on the ground in Pattaya nothing has changed. Same jetski scams local politicians/police corrupt as ever. No mafia in Koh Tao. My friend just returned from Phuket, said a taxi is still 200 baht to go 100 meters. So what "corruption clean up" has happened since the coup?

If you haven't seen any changes or heard of any arrests of local politicians e.g. the Mayor of Kata Karon then either your head is buried in the sand or you have been drinking too much lao khao.

Phuket Wan Tourism News " Phuket Taxi, Tuk-Tuk Corruption Swoop Nets Kata Karon Mayor: Scores More to be Arrested.

Like I said before 'Quote'.... "No one said it could or would be done in a day, and will take time, but it is off to a very good start finally at last."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember before the coup he said there wouldn't be a coup. Then he said he didn't want to be pm. Then he would not stay more than a year. Now the truth. He will stay forever. Because that is how long estimated to get rid of "All" corruption. But give him credit for getting rid of the Beer girls and for most of the bars in Nana Plaza being for sale. Get ready Pattaya... You are already on notice.

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Perhaps ginjag's deranged, hateful and profoundly stupid posts can be merged with the what-Thais-hate-about-foreigners thread. That would seem to be their natural home.

There were a lot more like him baying for a coup earlier in the year. The more sensible ones realised that most would change their minds soon enough. Anyone with a brain realises that coups are never the answer. No matter bad the government may be. It's up to the electorate to vote them out. Not to be ousted at gunpoint with weapons paid for by them to protect their democratic rights.

It's like paying a security guard to protect your home and family. He then takes the gun, holds you and your family at gunpoint and takes your house. He then orders you about and punishes you if you don't agree with his every word/command. Make sure you smile, too. He wants you to be realy p..ed off, but wants you to force a smile for him.

This ginjag chap needs a good lie down. And yes. PT were self serving rubbish on the whole (although they did more for poorer Thais than any other party in Thai history), but a coup is never the answer. The foamers answer to that are the rants about civil war and red terrorists. Forgetting the fact that is was the PDRC that started the kerfuffle with their rabble rousing speakers. Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'. Mouthing off in speeches about them being uneducated simpletons and that their votes shouldn't count. Stopping elections. Closing down gov buildings. Why? To give the military a reason to move in. If Suthep and co could cause a mild stink, the army could simply ignore government demands for help and move in claiming they 'stopped a civil war etc'

Truth hurts, but it needs pointing out to the easily led. If the army (or police for that matter) actually did its job and protected the electorate they would've steamed in, arrested Suthep and co (not for protesting but for closing down buildings/cutting power/stopping people from voting etc) and nipped the nonsense in the bud early.

Can you imagine the reaction in the UK or USA if the elected party was booted out after the army refused to help the government after it took sides choosing the opposition? Us Brits are pretty reserved on the whole, but we'd burn London to the ground if that happened. I'm sure the USA would do similar. It's sad innocents had to die in the riots, including children. That is terrible, of course. But so was the gunning down of 90 or so protesters from the 'terrorist' side. They were agrieved voters. Fed up of being ridden roughshod over. So no, they aren't terrorists in my eyes.

Not very intelligent are you?

Did most for the poorer than any other government?

Everything they did was for themselves, and did you forget the farmers killing themselves? The country would have went bankrupt if they had stayed and who suffers the most in a bankrupt country?

Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'.

Well they used the amnesty bill as an excuse and you claim 99.9% of reds supported it? Did you just arrive in Thailand last week or what?

Since you are intelligent and been here for ages- pleases explain to the previous poster exactly why the gov't of the time could not simply borrow the money from banks (as this current regime has) to pay the farmers their due.

Good question why couldn't they?

It would have saved some lives also a lot of money that people had to go to loan sharks at high interest rates to get. Why didn't they? Could it be lack of care about the people? To much involved with men in Dubai to care about the people they were supposed to be helping?

as for the poster who claims the coup was at gun point he/she might want to check back on how it was performed Just a few simple words to the affect you refuse to solve the problem I will.

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