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Noise Control Law in Thailand?

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Just wonder is there any noise control law in Thailand? My neighbour which is a few houses next to us is still having a karaoke party very loud until mid night! It is not the first time! Why no body complain! Such a nuisance!


May be they know I wrote to Thai visa, now they just stopped! (12:10am). They are really inconsiderate! Tomorrow is Monday!


Thai's tolerate it, in fact i think they feel somewhat safe around noise.

Get used to it, no laws gonna help you here.

Earplugs or move.

I agree with u, they love noise, in the morning around 6/7 am, there is village announcement; at night there is karaoke!


Thais don't complain because they consider it to be confrontation, and they avoid confrontation if they can.

So they just tolerate it?!

Thais don't complain because they consider it to be confrontation, and they avoid confrontation if they can.

So they just tolerate it?!

Mostly, yes. Give it a try. Noise doesn't keep you awake at night, it is the getting bothered by noise that does.

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Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

We had problems with a karaoke place and my wife called the police, suspect others did also as it was that bad, and they said they couldn't do anything until 11:00PM.


if noise bothers you move to a quiet soi - they do exist, or leave thailand

to be honest there are many countries much noisier than thailand, at least here they dont honk their horns night and day.

in some countries every time a taxi sees a foreigner they honk at them. now that drives you crazy!


Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

I am wondering where you got the knowledge that anything before midnight is allowed? Like is there a law or regulation?


Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

I am wondering where you got the knowledge that anything before midnight is allowed? Like is there a law or regulation?

Yes the law is, pay no attention to it and the problem doesn't exist.

Similar to Captain Jack Sparrows thoughts on the matter.


Here, to make lots of noise and to show off is somewhat of a face-gainer (in the eyes of the gainer); to complain about noise is somewhat of a loss of face for all concerned. There's nowt so queer as folk.

Op, if you do complain, at least get your other half if you have one - who I assume is Thai - to do it. Better still, band together with other affected neighbours.


if noise bothers you move to a quiet soi - they do exist, or leave thailand

to be honest there are many countries much noisier than thailand, at least here they dont honk their horns night and day.

in some countries every time a taxi sees a foreigner they honk at them. now that drives you crazy!

Moving to a quiet Soi is no guarantee that some one won't move in and start the party up. Your best bet is to try to find a house that sits away from a village.

I have lived in a number of places with noise. I just accept it and accept the fact I can do nothing about it and the problem goes away. the noise is still there but it is no longer an issue to me.

Had a wife who accepted nothing fought every thing. Even complained about the noise I made when I changed the page in a book I was reading. Result she was very unhappy very hard time sleeping.


Recently walked into the new Central festival with my family and all of us had to put our hands over our ears from the excessive noise. There was a band playing on the ground floor, we entered on the top floor. Now that was OTT.

Folks just need to grow a set of kahunas and confront, albeit nicely.

"Kahunas" and "cajones" are two very different things. If you referred to a Kahuna as cajones you may be subjected to unfortunate spells.

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Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

I am wondering where you got the knowledge that anything before midnight is allowed? Like is there a law or regulation?

It depends if the place is open for business or not. If they are open for business then there is a defined hour when they must close. Many bar owners around my place (Nimmanhaemin) have been run out of business by neighbors complaining about noise. I can't tell you how many people have tried to run a successful, small bar near my place.

There were three of them, but no one could earn enough to keep paying rent for more than a year. The "owners" turn over year after year. One has been turned into a successful, small restaurant. One has installed so much sound-proofing that there is no longer a noise issue, and the other is as dead with very few customers. It survives by being a coffee shop in the day and a bar at night with two different managers splitting the rent. It won't last long. It never does.

The OP is referring to a private party. If they stopped shortly after midnight I would say that they are being very polite stopping at that time.

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I have very good hearing which isn't a great attribute here in Thailand, especially living in an apartment. But instead of getting agitated by the noise, I have several different sound reducers such as foam, wax and plastic earplugs. But the best is a 3M Earmuff, noise reduction rating 31. It's big so sleeping with it is uncomfortable unless staying on your back all night, and wearing it for an extended time does get hot especially during the day. But for loud noise it's excellent. I ordered it from Amazon, model 3M Peltor X5A.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

We had problems with a karaoke place and my wife called the police, suspect others did also as it was that bad, and they said they couldn't do anything until 11:00PM.

Sounds to me like there is an answer and as was hinted at if more than one complains it is a big plus.

Noise Quality Index References

1. Ambient Noise Standard according to Notification of Environmental Board B.E. 2540 (1997) " A weighted Equilavalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) 24 hr should not exceed 70 dB(A) to prevent the auditive loss. "

2. EPA guideline on noise level specified Leq 24 hr not exceed 55 dB(A) to avoid noisance and impact on outdoor activities

Source: http://www.pcd.go.th/info_serv/en_regulation.html

In my experience though, any action taken will entirely depend on who is making the noise.

If there is a party going on around here (record so far is 120 hours continuous) I wear a small set of ear-phones and navigate to this website http://simplynoise.com/ and it cancels most everything out.


Here, to make lots of noise and to show off is somewhat of a face-gainer (in the eyes of the gainer); to complain about noise is somewhat of a loss of face for all concerned. There's nowt so queer as folk.

Op, if you do complain, at least get your other half if you have one - who I assume is Thai - to do it. Better still, band together with other affected neighbours.

Oh yes ? That would be something like herding cats.

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Recently walked into the new Central festival with my family and all of us had to put our hands over our ears from the excessive noise. There was a band playing on the ground floor, we entered on the top floor. Now that was OTT.

Folks just need to grow a set of kahunas and confront, albeit nicely.

"Kahunas" and "cajones" are two very different things. If you referred to a Kahuna as cajones you may be subjected to unfortunate spells.

Knackers is what i meant...


Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

We had problems with a karaoke place and my wife called the police, suspect others did also as it was that bad, and they said they couldn't do anything until 11:00PM.

Karaoke should be outlawed at all times of day and any violators should be subject to harsh and severe prolonged punishment.

If you're standing for election on that platform, I'll be your campaign manager. The first time we went back to England after being in Australia about 8 years, these insidious irritants had mushroomed - there were none when we left and in the following 8 years, every pub in town had one. Detestable things.

(Mr K always insists on doing his God awful Barry White impersonations). (Sometimes if enough alcohol has been consumed, he doesn't need the karaoke as a prop and just stands somewhere with his imaginary microphone making a cringe-worthy noise that he actually believes sounds like the big man himself).

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Anything before midnight is allowed by law as far as I know. If it keeps happening around 2 or 3 AM the police will help you..

We had problems with a karaoke place and my wife called the police, suspect others did also as it was that bad, and they said they couldn't do anything until 11:00PM.

Karaoke should be outlawed at all times of day and any violators should be subject to harsh and severe prolonged punishment.

If you're standing for election on that platform, I'll be your campaign manager. The first time we went back to England after being in Australia about 8 years, these insidious irritants had mushroomed - there were none when we left and in the following 8 years, every pub in town had one. Detestable things.

(Mr K always insists on doing his God awful Barry White impersonations). (Sometimes if enough alcohol has been consumed, he doesn't need the karaoke as a prop and just stands somewhere with his imaginary microphone making a cringe-worthy noise that he actually believes sounds like the big man himself).

Sounds like his impersonations are pretty accurate.

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  • 1 month later...

It is not only Thais that make excessive noise. Within a short distance down my street I have 2 neighbors (both Norwegian) who own Harley Davidson motorcycles. Often they return home, separately, in the wee hours and rev and rev their bikes outside their gates until the girlfriend comes out to unlock and open it for them. I presume the purpose of revving the engines is to wake up the girlfriends but it wakes up everybody else including all the dogs. After 10 minutes it quietens down only to have our peace disturbed when the other ***** returns home. I've tried talking to them, they speak little English, and all they do is shrug with a "so what" attitude. The girlfriends have been spoken too and they pretty much say there is nothing they are willing to do about it.


555 I dont really mind neighbors or even a business nearby whooping it up.

I just close the windows & turn on the air...Then again I dont work & rarely can sleep before 12-1am anyway

But the one thing that confuses me is the super loud announcers when they have any event in a mall biggrin.png

I mean I want to understand what they are saying...practice... but it is so loud it is indistinguishable to my ears

It is just garbled smile.png

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