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Bangkok’s Bible Thumpers

John K

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Bush may have Christian thinking, but there are the Nostradumas group who label him the 3rd Anti-Christ, as in all things a matter of perception. :o

Never discuss religion or politics. Because they are issues people often have strong views on that are unlikely to be changed by opposing views.

Hindu, Christian - multiple variations, Jew - variations, Muslum - variations, Buddhists, and all those that are hard to categorise. Firstly which one is right? They can't all be. And then which of those sects within is actually right? To assume to understand the "truth" is an enormous egotoism, from reading a book or pamphlet. To then then try to ram that down others throats is even worse. :D

Met Jehova Witnesses, explained to me all that were not of their faith were doomed, hmmm, that's convenient and a good recruiting tool to boot. Suspect other Christian sects and Muslims would jump on that band wagon. Mother Theresa would also go to hel_l to keep Gandhi company as they were of the wrong faith. Think about it.

Of course there are good people of all faiths out there doing good work, does that make it obligatory to join their faith? Faith being the important word here. Or pehaps that could be interchanged with opinion.

That people find an anchor in their lives through a varied faiths is a great thing. But to have the audacity to assume you have "the universal answer" and inflict that on others is absurb. As to prolethetisers in Nana, what a joke, purely sensationalism and an excuse to illicit funding from abroad. I think all Christain countries have enough internal "problems" to keep this mob going for ever, why Thailand? Don't I recall a ceratin evalegistic US couple having problems as Hubby was using some of the donation booty to fund prostitutes? Wonder if he ever made it here like the others?

I think your particular beliefs are not "salvation", it is who you are and how you live ypur life. In the end I suspect they have all got it partly right, but that the totality is far greater than what any religion likes to pigeon hole. At any rate we will all find out for sure at "that time"

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I am not anti religious as such, but as far as I can see most of the religions in the world run along the lines of multi national corporations. In the end it all boils down to money. Although I always come out against the bible bashers (because I don't like to see these things forced down peoples throats), if you are going about your life in a religious way ie helping people, charity etc etc. then that shouldn't be a bad thing. But why so many on the pay roll to just sit around and have free time on their hands and try and convert others.

From what I have seen most Thais convert for economic or social benefit. For some it seems to be a little like joining the freemasons.

Christian organisations and charities command big bucks and a lot of people are hopeful for a bit of the action.

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Hey John: that sounds like fun, go ahead and list the things that science has proved wrong about Christianity, don’t forget to include the proof, and we’ll see if any one gets quoting.

Well we can always start with Darwin.

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Hey John: that sounds like fun, go ahead and list the things that science has proved wrong about Christianity, don’t forget to include the proof, and we’ll see if any one gets quoting.

Well we can always start with Darwin.

Ok, Darwin disproved Christianity by?...

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"I really think the Buddhists are the only sane ones of the bunch."

AMEN brother Gary...that is for darn sure!

I hope we can exclude the ones who are now demanding that Buddhism is made national religion here in Thailand. Which is both not exactly in the spirit of the philosophy, and completely insane given the more than complex relations with the minorities, and can easily lead to further escalation of the southern troubles.

And i hope we can also exclude the monks and other Buddhist apologists for the killings such as the suspected communists in the 70s or drug dealers only a few years ago, where well known monks came out with the reason that killing each would not draw any bad Karma.

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Hey John: that sounds like fun, go ahead and list the things that science has proved wrong about Christianity, don’t forget to include the proof, and we’ll see if any one gets quoting.

Well we can always start with Darwin.

Ok, Darwin disproved Christianity by?...

Well it does not match what is in the bible, so you can expect them to quote and preach until you go away. The problem is that makes them think they one the argument and or that they have driven away the non believer with prayer, but not recognize that you left in despair.

I do enjoy the comment of nick2k sending some bar girls to go and dance in the church, I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I would love to be the fly on the wall when whoever is giving the sermon is approached by one of the bar girls asking if he can buy a lady drink for her.

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Hey John: that sounds like fun, go ahead and list the things that science has proved wrong about Christianity, don’t forget to include the proof, and we’ll see if any one gets quoting.

Well we can always start with Darwin.

Ok, Darwin disproved Christianity by?...

Well it does not match what is in the bible, so you can expect them to quote and preach until you go away. The problem is that makes them think they one the argument and or that they have driven away the non believer with prayer, but not recognize that you left in despair.

I do enjoy the comment of nick2k sending some bar girls to go and dance in the church, I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I would love to be the fly on the wall when whoever is giving the sermon is approached by one of the bar girls asking if he can buy a lady drink for her.

Seems to me you haven’t read much Darwin or Bible.

A hater, hating, hatefully, you’ll find many friends here; and some lovely, lovers, loving but their not as cool.

PS: you ought to re-read your signature it makes a good point,

John Krukowski, C.H.

Search for the positive and you shall find it.

Search for the negative and you shall find it.

You will always find and often become what you are searching for.

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"I really think the Buddhists are the only sane ones of the bunch."

AMEN brother Gary...that is for darn sure!

Allow me to play devil's advocate (do we believe in him?)

By 'Buddhists' I presume you are talking about the animistic/ Buddhist belief system of the average Thai. So that would include: wearing amulets to appease/ ward off evil spirits - with the most powerful ones being blessed by a super-powerful, spiritually endowed monk. The offering of food, drinks etc. to those same spirits. Making merit by releasing birds, fish back into the wild. Giving offerings of money etc. to monks/ temples in order for them to say special incantations for the success of a particular project. Inviting the monks round when building a house either to throw special 'blessed' sand into the foundations or to tie a long piece of white string around the completed property in order to ensure the blessing of the occupants. Not to mention the religious practices of the leaders of this fine nation that defy any sort of common sense. For those of you who missed it, (reported in BKKpost last week) some of the members of the new cabinet trooped off to visit a powerful spirit medium last week to ask his advice. He said that during the session the tomb of a long dead monk would be opened and the spirit of this monk would possess him and aid him with his predictions ...... I could continue but I'll refrain

So all of that is sane!! But, for someone to believe in a creator God is totally unthinkable?!! Stupid, a no-brainer. Hmmm.

BTW, if we were talking about puritanical Theradevan Buddhist beliefs then I apologise (although there some really good stuff in there too :o ) as that is quite different to what is generally practised in Thailand.

I remember a quote by a leading Buddhist monk after the economic crash in the mid-nineties, when the polititions were once-again trooping down to a temple out side of BKK to make offerings of black objects to a specific idol that was said to need appeasing in order to make the then current crisis go away. He said, 'the majority of religious practice in Thailand has nothing to do with Buddhism but is no more than seeking to buy favour from spiritual powers through occultic means'.

Now, there's a monk that know what he's talking about.

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Hey John: that sounds like fun, go ahead and list the things that science has proved wrong about Christianity, don’t forget to include the proof, and we’ll see if any one gets quoting.

Well we can always start with Darwin.

Ok, Darwin disproved Christianity by?...

Well it does not match what is in the bible, so you can expect them to quote and preach until you go away. The problem is that makes them think they one the argument and or that they have driven away the non believer with prayer, but not recognize that you left in despair.

I do enjoy the comment of nick2k sending some bar girls to go and dance in the church, I guess what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I would love to be the fly on the wall when whoever is giving the sermon is approached by one of the bar girls asking if he can buy a lady drink for her.

Seems to me you haven’t read much Darwin or Bible.

A hater, hating, hatefully, you’ll find many friends here; and some lovely, lovers, loving but their not as cool.

PS: you ought to re-read your signature it makes a good point,

John Krukowski, C.H.

Search for the positive and you shall find it.

Search for the negative and you shall find it.

You will always find and often become what you are searching for.

I am not hating, just stating an observation. I did not say I hate them, only that they seem to be doing more harm than good for their cause. They most certainly appear to be blinded by their faith as they don’t seem to observe they are doing more harm than good. To suggest I hate certainly sounds that you need to go back and reread my posts. I find them annoying like most people, but do I hate them? certainly not. Would I challenge them to a debate? Yes if they can do it without quoting. At that point I could go and have a more fruitful conversation with a phone answering system.

To suggest that bar girls at a church I found very amusing and it gave me a good laugh. If it does ever happen, then they brought it on themselves.

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Would I challenge them to a debate? Yes if they can do it without quoting. At that point I could go and have a more fruitful conversation with a phone answering system.

To suggest that bar girls at a church I found very amusing and it gave me a good laugh. If it does ever happen, then they brought it on themselves.

Hi John K, don't want to be antagonistic but the comments above seem a little one-sided. Based on your comments I have to assume that your beliefs and opinions are all original thought. In the debate with the Christian who wants to quote his bible (or the muslim who wants quote the koran, insert other religion/ teachings) you wouldn't quote Darwin, science, any of your peers, something off the TV, something from your education, Stephen Hawkings, Gandhi, John Lennon or even another poster on thaivisa. Is that right? (you've already brought Darwin and science into this thread)

We are all products of what we've picked up, believed and retained along the way. A Christian, for example, has read the bible, believed it and chosen to live his life according to it's teaching. He bases his life upon one book. An average joe does exactly the same thing by aquiring, believing and assimilating a mixture of popular culture, modern science and contemporary education. So, if the Christian doesn't quote the bible and you don't quote the sources of your opinions - you have no debate.

Just want to add, I know lots of bargirls that have been to church - wasn't funny in the least.

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Would I challenge them to a debate? Yes if they can do it without quoting. At that point I could go and have a more fruitful conversation with a phone answering system.

To suggest that bar girls at a church I found very amusing and it gave me a good laugh. If it does ever happen, then they brought it on themselves.

Hi John K, don't want to be antagonistic but the comments above seem a little one-sided. Based on your comments I have to assume that your beliefs and opinions are all original thought. In the debate with the Christian who wants to quote his bible (or the muslim who wants quote the koran, insert other religion/ teachings) you wouldn't quote Darwin, science, any of your peers, something off the TV, something from your education, Stephen Hawkings, Gandhi, John Lennon or even another poster on thaivisa. Is that right? (you've already brought Darwin and science into this thread)

We are all products of what we've picked up, believed and retained along the way. A Christian, for example, has read the bible, believed it and chosen to live his life according to it's teaching. He bases his life upon one book. An average joe does exactly the same thing by aquiring, believing and assimilating a mixture of popular culture, modern science and contemporary education. So, if the Christian doesn't quote the bible and you don't quote the sources of your opinions - you have no debate.

Just want to add, I know lots of bargirls that have been to church - wasn't funny in the least.

Don’t take too serous what I post on this topic. For this topic one part sarcasm, two parts humor is about right.

The humor is in that the bible thumpers can’t see that they are hurting their cause. There is a time and a place for everything that the bible thumpers have yet to realize. For people kicking back enjoying a few beers and winding down afer a hard day at work or after a long week at work, the last thing they want to hear is preaching. Without a doubt it aggravates them more. That in itself alienates the bible thumpers and throws a mental wall up to them and their cause. You can learn about that effect in basic psychology 101, but chances are you wont find psychology 101 in a bible either. Chances are many people get some form of preaching from their bosses all week and most certainly are looking for some R&R to escape. If the decide to relax in a place where bar girls work and to have a little eye candy with their beer, I can’t see a problem with that. Not much different to ladies night out going to a Chippendale show.

As a said a few posts back, they are spinning their wheels.

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The humor is in that the bible thumpers can't see that they are hurting their cause. There is a time and a place for everything that the bible thumpers have yet to realize. For people kicking back enjoying a few beers and winding down afer a hard day at work or after a long week at work, the last thing they want to hear is preaching. Without a doubt it aggravates them more. That in itself alienates the bible thumpers and throws a mental wall up to them and their cause......

As a said a few posts back, they are spinning their wheels.

What you've said here makes perfect sense... as long as you know what their cause is.

I haven't seen or heard them in action but they may not be trying to 'convert' anybody.

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The only harm they do is remind some people that they have wandered off the path. Some of you people must feel pretty guilty to hate them so much. If you dont like what they say just ignore them.

Yeah Right, Like trying to ignore a fart in an elevator :o

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Nah. I find these people amusing... Especially when you start to calmly argue with them and they run out of rebuttals and have to play the "hel_l" card over and over again. Oh and when they say that they believe because God said so always makes the conversation livelier.

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There are a lot of religious people doing good work here in the Kingdom without the attention-seeking "fire 'n brimstone" mob seeking all the attention. The former i have a lot of respect for. The latter are pathetic.

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