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Avoid reporting on Thaksin, PM tells media


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I predict that shortly there will be a ban on mentioning his name or posting articles about him here on TVF ?

That would be grand!whistling.gif

I agree, the sight of Thaksin's face makes me want to puke, and the mention of his name reminds me of dead alleged drug dealers who weren't given an opportunity to go to the Olympics....and not return.

Ever tried not reading any threads where his name and/or family name is not mentioned? Or maybe you like puking?

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"You do realise that this is the last coup?"

That's what they said about the coup before last coup.

"When an un-bastardised version democracy returns to Thailand, which it will, there will most likely be at least a decade of Shinawatra governments before they get voted out."

I'd wait for it to happen in the West first.

"Thaksin is going to be in the news an awful lot - get used to it."

He will be when the PM says he can be. Get used to it.

Edited to say: I typed very slowly so that you would get it.

Heads up - the speed at which you type does not affect the speed at which I read.

(It takes intelligence to be facetious, so I know that's not the case with your edited remarks)

No thanks required for the guidance, I'm always happy to help those with intellectual limitations.

Edited by Robespiere
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I agree, the sight of Thaksin's face makes me want to puke, and the mention of his name reminds me of dead alleged drug dealers who weren't given an opportunity to go to the Olympics....and not return.

But that's different, they were only drug runners and he (Thaksin) was one of our beloved ex PM's

Alleged drug runners, ex judicial executions, no trials. Democracy and justice a la Shin.

Strange how you adopt a different stance with respect to the KT murders.

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Newspapers care about advertisers.

Big business is worried about how much money the General has been spending on, of all things, populist policies and the complete lack of planning as to how the spending is going to be funded and ultimately paid back without entirely destroying the economy.

In addition to the spending, many of the Generals reforms (foreign business ownership) his image (only ugly girls should wear bikinis) and his lack of leadership in fighting corruption (Koh Toa murders / microphones) is decimating inflows of international capital (investments / tourism).

Economy in the tank = no profits for big business = no advertising dollars for newspapers

This is why The Nation is now starting to reverse its unquestioning support of the coup.... self preservation.

Uhm, the populist policies are funded from budgets allocated in the National Budget with a few years more the same necessary allocation. Normal in most countries. Of course if you think that Big Business rather has 'self-financing schemes' like the RPPS for which the taxpayer happily funds 107 billion Baht per year the next seven years, one may wonder how much more happy they would be if the current government could spent that money rather than use it to pay back what the previous government spent.

Anyway, with what some call 'draconian' censorship it would seem that 'self preservation' calls for a different type of reporting. May be the censorship in place isn't that draconian?

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"If someone is facing lawsuits, the media should avoid reporting anything about him because when they do, questions arise as to why the government would not take action against him."

The media should not be focusing in a fugitive anymore. But back to what Mr PM has said, we are indeed very curious to know why the government would not take action against the fugitive.

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Thaksin is synonym with corruption.

To fight corruption, we have to fight Thaksin.

To stop corruption, we have to stop Thaksin.

So it was Thaksin who overpaid for the microphones and framed the two Burmese boys?

Also, I didn't realise that there was no corruption in Thailand until Thaksin became PM. Since he is now out of the picture, I guess there is no more corruption in Thailand either.

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"If someone is facing lawsuits, the media should avoid reporting anything about him because when they do, questions arise as to why the government would not take action against him."

The media should not be focusing in a fugitive anymore. But back to what Mr PM has said, we are indeed very curious to know why the government would not take action against the fugitive.

That's a great point, if the General really wanted to stop corruption he would try and get him extradited as he is a fugitive.

It would be seen as a great move by the majority of the nation.

Is corruption, and fixing the country his real objective?

If the Thaksin Regime was so corrupt and criminal why has no one been brought to justice for these crimes (if they really wanted him here in jail he would be)!

I wish the General would do something drastic to solve these problems, but history shows (and his assets) that things won't change under military control.

They have always been a part of the corruption problem.

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They're all a part of the Thai elite.....all rich and connected....all from the same mold.........none will be incarcerated......none will be called to justify themselves.

And....the last thing Prayuth would want, is Thaksin arriving on the doorstep.........

But, as someone mentioned....some at the Nation love him!

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In any event I think the General has problems that are not being reported on because of martial law?

A lot of media reports that are being presented lately appear to be contradicted by another report a few days later. Sounds more like a kid that hasn't taken their Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder meds, or this guy sounds worried.

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Thaksin is synonym with corruption.

To fight corruption, we have to fight Thaksin.

To stop corruption, we have to stop Thaksin.

So it was Thaksin who overpaid for the microphones and framed the two Burmese boys?

Also, I didn't realise that there was no corruption in Thailand until Thaksin became PM. Since he is now out of the picture, I guess there is no more corruption in Thailand either.

If you're going to talk the talk, you've also got to walk the walk.

The General has got the talking bit down pat, it's the walking bit that he's not doing so well in.

Now that Thaksin is gone has there been even the slightest of drops in corruption - no, I'm sure time will show it's been quite the opposite and the microphones are just the tip of the ice berg.

Only fools bought the corruption story and only fools of the highest order still buy the corruption story.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I predict that shortly there will be a ban on mentioning his name or posting articles about him here on TVF ?

That would be grand!whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>

I agree, the sight of Thaksin's face makes me want to puke, and the mention of his name reminds me of dead alleged drug dealers who weren't given an opportunity to go to the Olympics....and not return.

If you think that Thaksin was the only one involved in that you really have not paid any attention all. Names a little closer to the current seat of power were just as complicit.

Nice of you to admit that he was involved at all, I was beginning to think that he could do no wrong, according to your posts.

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This, in addition to already erasing Thaksin from kids school books, national reconciliation indeed.

The General is both envious and jealous of Thaksin.

"The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else."

Envious of Thaksin's enduring mega popularity.

Jealous that Thaksin will, in due course, take back government.

Ban, censor, suppress, threaten, harass, assault, demean, belittle and trample on the people as much as you like, this all only ends one way, with Thaksin Shinawatra back in the big chair and a great many Generals whiling away the hours in inactive posts.

Bomb, cheat, lie, steal, murder, mismanage the funds of the electorate and burn the Capital. Tell your Storm troops that you will be right there with them on the streets of Bangkok....but don't show up, add cowardice to his list of crimes. That Thaksin has the power to endear himself to the weak minded.

It's gonna bu@@er up this forum for you and several other rabid junta maniacs if you have no mention of Thaksin to vent your spleen at. Almost feel sorry for you.

Most of us will get on pretty much as we used to do. Most of us would not normally even mention Shins etc, but are baited with anti PM propaganda that brings out this Bad comparison and Shins brought back to compare----hadn't you noticed ??

Surely you don't think that the majority of TVF will have un savory posts re Thaksin every day, most are not interested much UNTIL !!!!

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Lesson one in Democracy. There should be no fear about what the media reports as long as it is truthful

People can decide for themselves what is worth their attention or not . The government should not say what they believe is or is not news worthy

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"You do realise that this is the last coup?"

That's what they said about the coup before last coup.

"When an un-bastardised version democracy returns to Thailand, which it will, there will most likely be at least a decade of Shinawatra governments before they get voted out."

I'd wait for it to happen in the West first.

"Thaksin is going to be in the news an awful lot - get used to it."

He will be when the PM says he can be. Get used to it.

Edited to say: I typed very slowly so that you would get it.

Heads up - the speed at which you type does not affect the speed at which I read.

(It takes intelligence to be facetious, so I know that's not the case with your edited remarks)

No thanks required for the guidance, I'm always happy to help those with intellectual limitations.

"Heads up - the speed at which you type does not affect the speed at which I read."

Interesting. ​I was worried more about your ability to comprehend what I had typed so very very slowly.

"(It takes intelligence to be facetious, so I know that's not the case with your edited remarks)"

You missed what the point of my edit... and I typed it very very slowly.

"No thanks required for the guidance, I'm always happy to help those with intellectual limitations."

As opposed to uneducated, inexperienced, thoughtless knee jerk reactions about how a culture different than your own has any relevance in a modern society?

By the way... You only addressed my edit and avoided the rest. Next time I won't edit, just to try your intellect a bit.

Very sloppy

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Getting worse by the minute!!

Just got this from news on my phone:

Prime Minister Prayuth: Security authorities are finding out measures to calm down problematic opponents and maintain order to facilitate national solutions

Wonder if Thaivisa posters are considered "problematic opponents??whistling.gif

Anyhow, scary stuff......................

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Getting worse by the minute!!

Just got this from news on my phone:

Prime Minister Prayuth: Security authorities are finding out measures to calm down problematic opponents and maintain order to facilitate national solutions

Wonder if Thaivisa posters are considered "problematic opponents??whistling.gif

Anyhow, scary stuff......................

This is not necessarily a bad thing, calming down opponents and maintaining order is to be commended.

Stifling free speech and eradicating opposition is what would be worrying.

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Says it all really. Post WW II the Germans were still taught about Adolf and what happened. Here, the Good General decides to wipe Thaksin History from the schoolbooks. It aint gonna work now or in the long term. Lotta pissed off people in the North and NE. A common thing i hear is "biding our time" and "quietly waiting"...

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Says it all really. Post WW II the Germans were still taught about Adolf and what happened. Here, the Good General decides to wipe Thaksin History from the schoolbooks. It aint gonna work now or in the long term. Lotta pissed off people in the North and NE. A common thing i hear is "biding our time" and "quietly waiting"...

Yes-- and I have hard core yellow friends - sino Thai- Silom road - in Bangkok-- and they now are saying the same thing- to be honest, I was surprised. (at their naivity as much as anything).

I asked one- 'you won- so why the yellow shirt now?' He sneered, 'we won nothing-- we wait and see''.

(I suppose they expected- perhaps some of their more vocal supporters on this forum can enlighten us-- that the coup would hand power over to the PDRC - immediately.! and recognized that it was Suthep- and none other that has saved gthe nation!

Reconciliation? man -- this will be one for the books by the time it has played out.

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This, in addition to already erasing Thaksin from kids school books, national reconciliation indeed.

The General is both envious and jealous of Thaksin.

"The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is an emotion related to coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else."

Envious of Thaksin's enduring mega popularity.

Jealous that Thaksin will, in due course, take back government.

Ban, censor, suppress, threaten, harass, assault, demean, belittle and trample on the people as much as you like, this all only ends one way, with Thaksin Shinawatra back in the big chair and a great many Generals whiling away the hours in inactive posts.

Bomb, cheat, lie, steal, murder, mismanage the funds of the electorate and burn the Capital. Tell your Storm troops that you will be right there with them on the streets of Bangkok....but don't show up, add cowardice to his list of crimes. That Thaksin has the power to endear himself to the weak minded.

It's gonna bu@@er up this forum for you and several other rabid junta maniacs if you have no mention of Thaksin to vent your spleen at. Almost feel sorry for you.

Most of us will get on pretty much as we used to do. Most of us would not normally even mention Shins etc, but are baited with anti PM propaganda that brings out this Bad comparison and Shins brought back to compare----hadn't you noticed ??

Surely you don't think that the majority of TVF will have un savory posts re Thaksin every day, most are not interested much UNTIL !!!!

Most of us would not normally even mention Shins

cheesy.gif clap2.gif

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