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Lesbian kisses in BTS got bullies by other passengers.


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Having watched the clip my opinion has not changed. Whether one disagrees with the couples kissing or not and whether it is offensive to thai's in modern day Thailand or not the woman sticking her nose in is out of line. And in the clip she is the one being offensive with her constant harping on in loud tones where the young dee is being very polite especially went most of the other thai's in the clip were not even mildly interested in the confrontation...so who's behaviour is offensive again? If my daughter and her girl friend were being hassled in public to that degree whether they were being affectionate or not in public and I had been there that woman would have been told to f...off and mind her own bussiness...and the katoey would have copped a fist in the face and knee in the balls if it was going to be slapping my daughter around. Personally while I accept my daughters choices as a female as a guy I would find guys pashing up in public offensive...a dick up the rear does not rock my boat. But I would have the decency to respect their choices and keep my nose in my own bussiness.

And good on Toms and Dees for challenging such outdated moral prudish stances on shows of affection, while it is seemingly acceptable for prostitution which is not only a moral but legal issue to run rampant through Asia. Jeez I even hug my thai family females when apart from or meeting at long intervals apart. Perhaps the PC police should be threatening to slap me or admonish me in public as well for such offensive behaviour...sheesh...seriously some people need to get a life.


So this forum is for the wooly-thinking relativists among us is to reason like second-year high schoolers who've simply adopted a jejune strain of moral relativism instead of a little empathy.

Good to know.

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