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Who's Ignoring Who ?


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Yet, the question remains... do you wear lacoste shirts?


Yes i do but for the office you are more likely to see me sporting a tailored shirt rather than an off the peg piece. :D


Ohh golly gosh, Sir, how sporting of you. :D

They normally Tick me Off as I put on my (N..I..K..E) :o

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

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As i find him to be about as interesting as American Football.

Perhaps being that you are Anti-gay has smth to do with it??? :o

What are you talking about? Anti-gay, When have i ever said i was against homosexuality?

Please answer to your slanderous accusations.

Well, having just reviewed ALL of your posts here, I can say that you have never said you were against homosexuality.

"If a gay guy came on to me and tried touching me up he would get more than a punch in the face thats for sure."

Killing A Gay Man: When Murder's Not Murder, The outrageous defence of 'provocation'

"For the guys interested in this why dont you go to {link removed}

This thread should be moved to the gay section out of the way of us good folk.

mod edit; do not post porn sites"

Why So Many Ladyboys In Thailand?

I got a kick out of that one. Doesn't like the subject but still feels compelled to post a response. But in another thread (Read This If You Want To Live..

he responds to a post from turnpike with this: "Yes and you like hockey :D was there any need to reply?"


"Try and keep it on topic if you can please gays.

*edit- guys.

This post has been edited by Lacoste: 2006-08-01 01:14:30"

Sex Tourism

And oddly enough, you mentioned putting jdinasia on your Ignore list yesterday, but in this thread:

Dive Operation Near Krabi, Affordable PADI course

you mention putting him on your list back on the 19th of last month. :D

Still not sure what the "obvious to most" reason is for putting him on your ignore list. If your stated reason is true

"..i find him to be about as interesting as American Football"

then surely you must have the largest Ignore list of anyone in Thai Visa, if that's your criteria for Ignoring someone. :D

So, you think American Football is boring, but the English Premier League is exciting ? :D

(I think American Football sucks too, but it has a lot more excitement than soccer. And when an American football player falls to the ground in pain, it's usually because he was clobbered, not because another player gave him an angry glare ! ) :D

I for one, have no one on my Ignore List. Not even daleyboy, or those certain wangkers in that other Forum.

I think I've made a few Ignore lists in my time though ! :D

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As i find him to be about as interesting as American Football.

Perhaps being that you are Anti-gay has smth to do with it??? :o

What are you talking about? Anti-gay, When have i ever said i was against homosexuality?

Please answer to your slanderous accusations.

Well, having just reviewed ALL of your posts here, I can say that you have never said you were against homosexuality.

"If a gay guy came on to me and tried touching me up he would get more than a punch in the face thats for sure."

Killing A Gay Man: When Murder's Not Murder, The outrageous defence of 'provocation'

"For the guys interested in this why dont you go to {link removed}

This thread should be moved to the gay section out of the way of us good folk.

mod edit; do not post porn sites"

Why So Many Ladyboys In Thailand?

I got a kick out of that one. Doesn't like the subject but still feels compelled to post a response. But in another thread (Read This If You Want To Live..

he responds to a post from turnpike with this: "Yes and you like hockey :D was there any need to reply?"


"Try and keep it on topic if you can please gays.

*edit- guys.

This post has been edited by Lacoste: 2006-08-01 01:14:30"

Sex Tourism

And oddly enough, you mentioned putting jdinasia on your Ignore list yesterday, but in this thread:

Dive Operation Near Krabi, Affordable PADI course

you mention putting him on your list back on the 19th of last month. :D

Still not sure what the "obvious to most" reason is for putting him on your ignore list. If your stated reason is true

"..i find him to be about as interesting as American Football"

then surely you must have the largest Ignore list of anyone in Thai Visa, if that's your criteria for Ignoring someone. :D

So, you think American Football is boring, but the English Premier League is exciting ? :D

(I think American Football sucks too, but it has a lot more excitement than soccer. And when an American football player falls to the ground in pain, it's usually because he was clobbered, not because another player gave him an angry glare ! ) :D

I for one, have no one on my Ignore List. Not even daleyboy, or those certain wangkers in that other Forum.

I think I've made a few Ignore lists in my time though ! :D

thanks for doing the work for me ... the pvts Lacoste sends me are fun though .... ignore? i wish he would!

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I saw recently there was an "ignore" feature on this forum.

Have you used it ? For who? And why?

I have used it.

For whom? The list of my ignored users is too long to copy it here.

Why? For various reasons. I wish the “ignore” function provided a field for a short note to oneself, to indicate the reason. Mostly, I do it for the reason of trollish behaviour; in some cases because of the use of fonts, styles and colours that make the text difficult for me to read; in some other cases because of the use of extra-terrestrial language, with which I am most unfamiliar.

Oh, while we are at it: I ignored one user because his avatar caused me nausea. However, while the text of his posts were no longer displayed, his avatar was still there. That particular member may since then have changed his avatar, as I do not believe to have seen it recently. Forgot his name.



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As i find him to be about as interesting as American Football.

Perhaps being that you are Anti-gay has smth to do with it??? :o

What are you talking about? Anti-gay, When have i ever said i was against homosexuality?

Please answer to your slanderous accusations.

Well, having just reviewed ALL of your posts here, I can say that you have never said you were against homosexuality.

"If a gay guy came on to me and tried touching me up he would get more than a punch in the face thats for sure."

Killing A Gay Man: When Murder's Not Murder, The outrageous defence of 'provocation'

"For the guys interested in this why dont you go to {link removed}

This thread should be moved to the gay section out of the way of us good folk.

mod edit; do not post porn sites"

Why So Many Ladyboys In Thailand?

I got a kick out of that one. Doesn't like the subject but still feels compelled to post a response. But in another thread (Read This If You Want To Live..

he responds to a post from turnpike with this: "Yes and you like hockey :D was there any need to reply?"


"Try and keep it on topic if you can please gays.

*edit- guys.

This post has been edited by Lacoste: 2006-08-01 01:14:30"

Sex Tourism

And oddly enough, you mentioned putting jdinasia on your Ignore list yesterday, but in this thread:

Dive Operation Near Krabi, Affordable PADI course

you mention putting him on your list back on the 19th of last month. :D

Still not sure what the "obvious to most" reason is for putting him on your ignore list. If your stated reason is true

"..i find him to be about as interesting as American Football"

then surely you must have the largest Ignore list of anyone in Thai Visa, if that's your criteria for Ignoring someone. :D

So, you think American Football is boring, but the English Premier League is exciting ? :D

(I think American Football sucks too, but it has a lot more excitement than soccer. And when an American football player falls to the ground in pain, it's usually because he was clobbered, not because another player gave him an angry glare ! ) :D

I for one, have no one on my Ignore List. Not even daleyboy, or those certain wangkers in that other Forum.

I think I've made a few Ignore lists in my time though ! :D

thanks for doing the work for me ... the pvts Lacoste sends me are fun though .... ignore? i wish he would!

catch the update on this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=...st&p=843602

now he's gonna drown a dog ... and making more snide anti-gayremrks :D gotta love Noodles

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I can't put anyone on ignore, as my mod duties mean I am forced to read all of the sometimes drivel posted, even though I don't want to :o

It goes both ways Boo - we have to read all of your sometimes drivel or risk getting booted :D

/edit - Forgot the word "sometimes"

Edited by Insight
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It goes both ways Boo - we have to read all of your sometimes drivel or risk getting booted

errm, no it doesn't go both ways. You aren't a moderator so don't need to monitor what I post.

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catch the update on this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=...st&p=843602

now he's gonna drown a dog ... and making more snide anti-gayremrks :D gotta love Noodles

:D:D:D You have issues with yourself you need to look at. :o

Such a sensitive chap, and what is this calling me Noodles? I must remember to put you back on the list, you were aloud off for one day and look at the drama you try to create :D


Edited by Lacoste
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  • 1 month later...
Oh, while we are at it: I ignored one user because his avatar caused me nausea. However, while the text of his posts were no longer displayed, his avatar was still there. That particular member may since then have changed his avatar, as I do not believe to have seen it recently. Forgot his name.



HAHAHAHAHA, that was me Maestro you ****, the photo of my 'wonder son' as I think you put it, with chocolate on his face was causing you nausea, hmmm, fragile thing aren't you, shame... but as you said, the avatar didn't go away, shame too :o Bet you un-ignore me to see this post... :D

p.s. I hope my current avatar deosn't cause you similar dramas, the pic up now is the 'wonder mum' :D

Edited by Nikkijah
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Just a friendly hint that higher powers than me would prefer that the "friendly" conflicts in Bedlam stay confined there...

and to post on topic- like Boo, I don't ignore anyone anymore. But in my previous life, about 6 months of ignoring a poster in general would usually give a clue to almost anyone that addressing me while I was ignoring them was pointless. Then I could take them off the ignore list because they always assumed I wasn't reading them anymore. About 80% of the people I ignored were banned before I took them off ignore, anyway.

But for it to work, you really have to ignore them! :o


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