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How to get immigration letter for drivers license and bank account?

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I got the runaround something terrible with my drivers licence. I didn't actually have to get a full immigration letter

of residency but a letter from my local Amphur head stating residence. I paid 200 THB no receipt to the Amphur head.

I know the validity of the letter of residence from Amphur or immigration is only 1 month for sure because my first visit

to get my licence was knocked back because the Amphur resident letter was over a month old and they wouldn't accept it.

I went back and got a current one and then they issued me my licence. I went to Kohn Kaen last week and got the actual

Immigration residents letter because I thought I needed to obtain a "yellow book" which is a more permanent letter of residence.

They gave me their resident letter and told me to go back and apply at my local Amphur for the yellow book. They said the

resident letter from immigration would expire in a month. The fee for the immigration letter of residence was 500 THB no receipt.

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I successfully applied for a residence certificate at Bangkok Immigration at Chaengwattana today. 200 baht fee asked for, no receipt given.

Oddly, the transaction was directed to the J2 counters at CW Immigration where they also seem to process tourist visa extensions.

At any rate, what they seemed to need/want was:

--1-page Residence Certificate application form from the Immigration website

--photocopies of my passport facepage, prior extension and arrival stamps, and my departure card.

What I didn't bring, but it seemed I needed to, was my current 90-day reporting slip. They kept asking if I had done my 90 day reporting when looking at my passport and papers. And I kept answering no, I hadn't, because my time wasn't anywhere near due yet. But in the end, the officer handling my documents seemed to explain that they required me to give them my 90-day slip (or a copy of it) in order for them to submit my application.

In the end, one of the other officers there looked me up on their computer, and printed out a copy of my current 90-day slip, which they then attached to the rest of my Residence Certificate application paperwork.

FWIW, I was denied a Residence Certificate at Chaeng Wattana a few days ago. The reason was that I have never done a 90-day report of address, so they told me I would need to do one and come back in March. Since I travel very often and doubt if I will EVER do a 90-day report, I had no option but to go to my embassy and get fleeced for $50x2 (one for driver's license, one for upcoming new car registration).

So, just an FYI, at CW it seems you absolutely cannot get a residence certificate without having previously officially reporting your address -- the officials at desk J2 just waived me off citing "regulations" (to their credit, no attempt to extract tea money to do the deed) -- the various proof of address documents (lease, etc.) were of no interest to them, similar to that cited above.

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@eppic, you can also get a Residents Certificate from your local Police Station.

Passport plus Copies of homepage and current Visa status.

Copy of landlords ID card.

Copy of landlords Tabian Ban.

If you go that far, take all of the above plus a translation of your passport + 2 photo's to your local County Provincial Hall and get a Tabian Ban.

Don't need any more copies of documents or Certificates of Residence in the future.

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FWIW, I was denied a Residence Certificate at Chaeng Wattana a few days ago. The reason was that I have never done a 90-day report of address, so they told me I would need to do one and come back in March. Since I travel very often and doubt if I will EVER do a 90-day report, I had no option but to go to my embassy and get fleeced for $50x2 (one for driver's license, one for upcoming new car registration).

So, just an FYI, at CW it seems you absolutely cannot get a residence certificate without having previously officially reporting your address -- the officials at desk J2 just waived me off citing "regulations" (to their credit, no attempt to extract tea money to do the deed) -- the various proof of address documents (lease, etc.) were of no interest to them, similar to that cited above.

Interesting.... I have no idea what the supposed connection might be between submitting a residence certificate application and including a copy of one's 90 day reporting slip. But the Immigration folks at CW BKK were very insistent about it, much to my surprise. Fortunately, I do them regularly and had a recent slip, albeit left at home today.

At one point, the officer I was dealing with said something about needing proof that I'd been in the country at least 90 days in order to be eligible for a driver's license... At least, I THINK that's what he might have been trying to say... He was talking mostly in Thai, with a few intermissions in broken English.

But all in all, I didn't see any other mention of 90 day report slips being an issue with residence certificate applications elsewhere here in the forum threads I searched on the topic of residence certificate applications.

Just to note and clarify...in my application, I checked the box that I was applying for the certificate for purposes of obtaining a Thai driver's license. I didn't check the OTHER box that's the only other option. Dunno if the situation would have been any different if I had been going the OTHER route.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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@eppic, you can also get a Residents Certificate from your local Police Station.

Passport plus Copies of homepage and current Visa status.

Copy of landlords ID card.

Copy of landlords Tabian Ban.

If you go that far, take all of the above plus a translation of your passport + 2 photo's to your local County Provincial Hall and get a Tabian Ban.

Don't need any more copies of documents or Certificates of Residence in the future.

Faz, can you clarify about that abit.

I'm also a renter, and live in a building owned by a Thai family that also lives there as their home.

So, if I were to do what you recount above, are you saying the amphur would issue me my own tabien ban book as a renter, or, that they'd add me as a page/entry in the property owner's TB book? Thanks...

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@eppic, you can also get a Residents Certificate from your local Police Station.

Passport plus Copies of homepage and current Visa status.

Copy of landlords ID card.

Copy of landlords Tabian Ban.

If you go that far, take all of the above plus a translation of your passport + 2 photo's to your local County Provincial Hall and get a Tabian Ban.

Don't need any more copies of documents or Certificates of Residence in the future.

You do in Pattaya -the DLT do not accept Yellow Books anymore.- Only Immigration Certificates.

I suspect you scratch my back and I wiill scratch yours. Ho hum.

To add they accept work permits with a tax id.

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I have been through all these processes recently and seems to be no rhyme or reason. I've honestly felt

when they knocked me back on things or gave me the run around with most if this stuff they were just

trying to get rid of me because they were'nt sure themselves or more likely too lazy to make the effort.

Not sure if its classed as a third world country or not here but that is the defining factor for me. The people

in local government / service departments here seem to think the people are their servants and not the other

way around. We have been without water in our moo ban for over 2 weeks and no one is game to say anything.

Don't want make problem. It will all change one day no doubt but not in my lifetime. When it does change I

hope they strike a happy medium and not go too far like the nanny state back home!

Anyway, I have received a local letter of residence and also one from immigration. I have an O/A visa and neither

time have I been asked for a report slip....just as well because I haven't been here 90 days. I have also received

my licence using this without a yellow book or report slip.

Thats why there are so many arguments on TV on who's right and who's wrong. There is no right or wrong just

depends on the person you get in which dept on the day and their interpretation of the procedures or their

general willingness to help. How many of these sour faced a$$holes I would have liked to punch in the face.

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Kenny, it kind of depends oftentimes on WHERE you're applying for things and being accepted or rejected...

And in your entire post, you didn't mention your WHERE for anything, not for Immigration, not for DL..

It's often the WHERE that explains how and why things are done differently from place to place. And your post didn't help contribute to everyone's understanding of that at all!

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Kenny, it kind of depends oftentimes on WHERE you're applying for things and being accepted or rejected...

And in your entire post, you didn't mention your WHERE for anything, not for Immigration, not for DL..

It's often the WHERE that explains how and why things are done differently from place to place. And your post didn't help contribute to everyone's understanding of that at all!

Well kind of but my office is Kohn Kaen. I read in previous post people finding KK office friendly and easy to deal with. Wasn't my experience at

all. The woman at information refused to speak English and only would speak Thai with my wife. She gave information which admittedly was 3rd

hand coming through my wife which was clearly wrong. She also sting me 500 THB for the residency letter which others have said was free or

200 THB from the same office. I also tried initially to get my drivers licence at BKK office and got a dreadful runaround, sent 3/4 hour in a taxi to get a residency letter to the wrong office only to find the right immigration office was in the vicinity of the transport department.

Thats where I disagree with you visa vi location of office. I think it has more to do with the particular individual you get.

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I did at BKK bank in my province Chaiyaphum. My friend opened his account in Pattaya in 10 mins. Again depends on who you get and if they are aware of the procedures. If they aren't they will pi$$ u around for an hour covering their a$$ by requesting everything possible in the hope u go away. Had a guy refuse to sell me a motor bike, even with a resident letter. There are clear laws or procedures I'm sure but that is dependant on your service person being aware of them or making the effort to check. They don't always apply and people that have only lived in farang friendly areas like BKK or Pattaya shud be aware the rural provinces are very different

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You don't need a Certificate of Residence to open a bank account... Just a valid visa stamped in your passport...

Not even that. Bank accounts can be opened on visa exempt entry. I did that twice.

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TallGuyJohninBKK, on 27 Jan 2015 - 22:12, said:TallGuyJohninBKK, on 27 Jan 2015 - 22:12, said:
Faz, on 27 Jan 2015 - 21:17, said:Faz, on 27 Jan 2015 - 21:17, said:

@eppic, you can also get a Residents Certificate from your local Police Station.

Passport plus Copies of homepage and current Visa status.

Copy of landlords ID card.

Copy of landlords Tabian Ban.

If you go that far, take all of the above plus a translation of your passport + 2 photo's to your local County Provincial Hall and get a Tabian Ban.

Don't need any more copies of documents or Certificates of Residence in the future.

Faz, can you clarify about that abit.

I'm also a renter, and live in a building owned by a Thai family that also lives there as their home.

So, if I were to do what you recount above, are you saying the amphur would issue me my own tabien ban book as a renter, or, that they'd add me as a page/entry in the property owner's TB book? Thanks...

To get a Certificate of Residence from Roi Et Police Station, I took the following:

Original passport

+ copies of the homepage, extension of stay stamp, entry stamp.

+ copy of landlords ID card (signed and phone number)

+ copy of landlords Tabian Ban.

It took about 20 minutes to issue the C of R, they already have templates on the PC and just change the details.

A translation of your passport homepage is also required to make the application for a Tabian Ban + 2 passport photos.

I set the translation out identical to my passport homepage, including the photo, using Google translate.

Now many will say this translation must be legalised, but there is no such requirement according to the official at our Amphur

(1 x photo for the translated page of your passport. 1 x photo for the application form).

Take all those above mentioned documents to your local County Provincial Hall and they will issue you with your own Tabian Ban (Yellow Book for aliens)

Your landlord, as the house owner will also have to attend to sign the application form.

I'm a renter as well John, that doesn't make any difference.

The Thai Civil Registration Act (2) BE2551, reads as follows;

Section 21. Section 38 of the Civil Registration Act B.E. 2534 shall be repealed and replaced by the following:

“Section 38. The district or local registrar shall issue a household registration for persons without Thai nationality having been permitted to stay temporarily and those having been giving leniency for temporary residence in the Thai Kingdom as a special case in accordance with law on immigration and the declaration of the Cabinet and their children born within the Thai Kingdom. In a case of permission of temporary residence overdue, the registrar shall immediately dispose of such persons.

The Director of Central Registration shall make profile registration for persons without Thai nationality besides those under paragraph one in accordance with the declaration of the Cabinet.

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Thanks for that clarification, Faz...

One more thing...

Are you saying you needed the copy of landlords ID card (signed and phone number) and the copy of the landlord's Tabian Ban just to get your Certificate of Residence there from the Roi Et Police Station.


Are you saying you needed to take the landlord documents also to the Amphur office as part of the package of other items to apply for the Tabien Ban there?

Reason I ask is... I already have the Certificate of Residence coming from Immigration. So the only part I'd need to do further is the part at the Amphur office.

BTW, did you have any difficulty in getting your landlord to make the trip down to the Amphur office with you...for something that, presumably, would bear no self interest for him/her???

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My first priority was to purchase a motorcycle and get a Thai driving licence when I first came to Thailand.

The Transport office wanted a C of R and so did the Honda dealer to register the motorcycle.

Other than a copy of my landlords Tabian Ban and a copy of his ID card I had no other proof of address.

Yes Roi Et Police station issued a C of R with copies of my own ID and copies of the home owners ID.

A driving licence is also a good form of ID because it not only confirms your name, but also your ID number (passport) and it has your address on the reverse side.

Certain government departments though will require a C of R as a minimum requirement and as they only have a limited life of validity, I found it a pain in the bum to keep taking copies and visiting the Police station for yet another C of R, so I asked about getting a Tabian Ban.

Your also put on the register of residents in that province which means other parties can check that register to confirm your address against the Tabian Ban.

A Tabian Ban also has no validity date so it can be used again and again.

Getting yourself an ID within Thailand makes it easier for foreigners to carry out certain routines just the same as a Thai would without all the need for continuous copies and C of R's. I also claimed tax back this year from the tax paid on interest last year. Again more ID with a government department and a personal tax reference number.

Your Amphur will need to match the house owners ID and address with yours for the application, so yes a copy of his ID card and Tabian Ban are required along with your passport, a translation of same and a copy of your C of R.

I had no problems getting my landlord to accompany me or sign the application. It's just a natural thing for them that everyone should have their own Tabian Ban.

Different folk have different experiences, so what works for one, doesn't always work for another, hence mixed replies.

Go down to your local Amphur with whatever documents you already have and ask them what else they need, is the only way to find out.

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  • 2 months later...

Has any ever gotten a CoR or PoR letter from a local police station in Bangkok? And if so, what was required?

I will need such letter to renew my DL for the second time and I want to know if I can get it somehow in Bangkok.

I am on a Non Imm O based on marriage (not an extension of stay, I do border runs every 90 days).

My family lives in Ubon, I live and work in BKK (I visit every month or so).

Last time I renewed my DL in Bangkok (first time I got it was in Ubon), and I used an CoR issued by

immigration in Phibun Mangsahan.

I want to get the letter in Bangkok this time and want to know if that is possible.

From reading previous posts, it looks like CW immigration will not issue one as I have never done a 90 report there, or anywhere for that matter.

I rent an apartment in Bangkok.

I don't live far from a district police station, could I get an CoR there with just my passport and (copy of) rental contract?


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Has any ever gotten a CoR or PoR letter from a local police station in Bangkok? And if so, what was required?

I will need such letter to renew my DL for the second time and I want to know if I can get it somehow in Bangkok.

I am on a Non Imm O based on marriage (not an extension of stay, I do border runs every 90 days).

My family lives in Ubon, I live and work in BKK (I visit every month or so).

Last time I renewed my DL in Bangkok (first time I got it was in Ubon), and I used an CoR issued by

immigration in Phibun Mangsahan.

I want to get the letter in Bangkok this time and want to know if that is possible.

From reading previous posts, it looks like CW immigration will not issue one as I have never done a 90 report there, or anywhere for that matter.

I rent an apartment in Bangkok.

I don't live far from a district police station, could I get an CoR there with just my passport and (copy of) rental contract?


You can always get what you require from your Embassy

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