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'Breaking' - 7-Eleven deploys pigs as store pets


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First street dogs, now wild pigs... what will be next? Crocodiles???

Ignoring the fact that the pig story will most likely end the relationship between that particular 7Eleven store and their muslim customers, I believe that 7Eleven urgently need to get their act together.

A few points:

1) In the beginning, many years, perhaps decades ago, 7Eleven had a protective rule making sure that no other 7Eleven would open in a vicinity of (I believe it was) 5km. Now there are 7Eleven stacked so close to each other that you could even spit from one door to the next.

2) Cleanliness does not seem of importance anymore. I have visited countless 7Elevens in Thailand that were so dirty and unorganized (with the worst I ever saw being the one in Thai Muang, close to the resort area of Khao Lak). The stench, when you come inside kicks you in the face... A mixture of sour butter, cheap eau de cologne and old mens' underwear... The fridges dirty, rusty and some not working, the shelves disgustingly dirty, the collection of offered goods perhaps only half of what a standard 7Eleven would have... And this was not the only one! The wordst, yes, but there are many others almost as bad all over the country.

3) The friendliness of the good old days is fading by the day. Grumpy and mostly downright ugly, obese, even disfigured employees can't be bothered to tell you how much the total is, some of them quietly point at the monitor and are looking at you like an alien if you ask them "How much is it?" or "Tow Rye?". I miss the old days where cute girlies that to 70% even looked attractive, giggled and in a friendly and not offensive way at least tried to tell you that they can't speak english and who were cheering if you told 'em "Phood Thai Die!"... Today, walking to a 7Eleven cash counter is like a blind date with members of a Circus troupe or even worse - a horror show.

4) As far as I can see, the healthy bit of all 7Elevens is gone: The salad! Simply too much work? Too much hassle? Something healthy getting into the way of making more profit?

5) There are rumours saying that the 7Eleven franchise themselves place competition 7Elevens that are newer, bigger and better right next to the franchise holders (their own customers) who make good profits, while most of the franchise holders struggle to make a living given the tight rules and tiny profit margins.

6) Some 7Elevens are so freezing cold that I feel sorry for the employees and wonder how it comes that they not all die of pneumonia...

7) The headline of this post.

There would be much more to say, but I leave it as this in hope that some members of the board of directors of 7Eleven in Thailand will read this and act accordingly...

Edited by catweazle
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I wonder when how long before 7-11 gets busted for unsafe practices... The flea/tick ridden dogs where bad enough... now this nonsense.... Just goes to show... they really dont give a flying <deleted>

It would be funny if it was just a one off thing... but....

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First street dogs, now wild pigs... what will be next? Crocodiles???

Ignoring the fact that the pig story will most likely end the relationship between that particular 7Eleven store and their muslim customers, I believe that 7Eleven urgently need to get their act together.

A few points:

1) In the beginning, many years, perhaps decades ago, 7Eleven had a protective rule making sure that no other 7Eleven would open in a vicinity of (I believe it was) 5km. Now there are 7Eleven stacked so close to each other that you could even spit from one door to the next.

2) Cleanliness does not seem of importance anymore. I have visited countless 7Elevens in Thailand that were so dirty and unorganized (with the worst I ever saw being the one in Thai Muang, close to the resort area of Khao Lak). The stench, when you come inside kicks you in the face... A mixture of sour butter, cheap eau de cologne and old mens' underwear... The fridges dirty, rusty and some not working, the shelves disgustingly dirty, the collection of offered goods perhaps only half of what a standard 7Eleven would have... And this was not the only one! The wordst, yes, but there are many others almost as bad all over the country.

3) The friendliness of the good old days is fading by the day. Grumpy and mostly downright ugly, obese, even disfigured employees can't be bothered to tell you how much the total is, some of them quietly point at the monitor and are looking at you like an alien if you ask them "How much is it?" or "Tow Rye?". I miss the old days where cute girlies that to 70% even looked attractive, giggled and in a friendly and not offensive way at least tried to tell you that they can't speak english and who were cheering if you told 'em "Phood Thai Die!"... Today, walking to a 7Eleven cash counter is like a blind date with members of a Circus troupe or even worse - a horror show.

4) As far as I can see, the healthy bit of all 7Elevens is gone: The salad! Simply too much work? Too much hassle? Something healthy getting into the way of making more profit?

5) There are rumours saying that the 7Eleven franchise themselves place competition 7Elevens that are newer, bigger and better right next to the franchise holders (their own customers) who make good profits, while most of the franchise holders struggle to make a living given the tight rules and tiny profit margins.

6) Some 7Elevens are so freezing cold that I feel sorry for the employees and wonder how it comes that they not all die of pneumonia...

7) The headline of this post.

There would be much more to say, but I leave it as this in hope that some members of the board of directors of 7Eleven in Thailand will read this and act accordingly...

9 first months 2014 CPALL (the franchise holder in Thailand) made a profit of 18.916.540.000 baht!!

So for some reason I think, they might just ignore your little post!!coffee1.gif

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i prefer them in the sea swimming and splashing


Wrong wrong!!

That is the coppers on Koh Tao looking for scapegoats!!

As I have said many times here on Thai visa, there can be no humourous side to the tragedy of the Koh Tao Island murders in any shape or form, no one is laughing, it is sick, twisted and in extremely bad taste.

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There used to be a goat in front of my neighbourhood 7-11, cheeky thing would wander over and start eating your vegetable purchases from the market if you left them on your bike. I sure preferred him to a pack of hairless scratching dogs!

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