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Did i break the law? (defamation/cheating girl)


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OP, look at it this way. Assuming you learn from this, you will have earned a PhD in human relations in a very short period of time and at a low cost, and actually less overall pain.

Revenge on an ex lover isn't worth it. It always comes back to bite you. Let karma do it for you.

The same in the US. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

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I am always amazed at how people keep getting caught out by social media. Why would you post anything on there about her cheating? what possible good would come out of it? I would have just turned the pages on her and did a few of her friends.

Just leave it at that.

Now you find your self in a bind and will probably end up spending more money to get out of it.

Good luck is all I can offer

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Just ignore it. What personal details of yours does she have

Address, number, all the usual. She has certainly been to the police, she took photos there along with some sort of report.

I would like to go to the appointment, because perhaps I'll get the 30 grand back which she tricked me out of. She says I 'damaged her reputation' by posting about it on facebook. But I'm not the one who was sleeping around? I don't think I'm in the wrong, but this is thailand, i know the laws here are quite different from back home. I did make posts baring all the details which all her FB friends could see.

(For some context, I'm 25 and working here for 3 years now, she's a first year college student. I thought too young to trick me for money!).

For the sake of clarity, can I ask you to check your birth certificate or passport. Can you confirm you are 25 and not 15 ?

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Unfortunately the truth isn't a defense against defamation in Thailand. You would also have to prove that it is in the 'public interest' for this information to be known

So a girl sleeps around on you and takes 30,000 baht of your money, even if it is true, you can be the one that gets in trouble if you tell the world about it.

Let this post be a warning to other young guys as well. A lot of young guys think only the older guys going with bar girls are getting scammed, but it can happen to anyone. A young uni student with a foreign boyfriend her own age may still decide to take him for everything he's got.

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How old are you, razorramone? I'm tempted to state that you deserve everything that's coming your way, that's if this's a serious thread at all.

Posting hearsay about a girl on FB is the work of an ill-tempered and insecure child.

If you're being serious, then you're not going to be the victor in this instance and taking a financial hit at the offices of the BIB is your best bet to extricate yourself from future potential problems. There are those that'll hit you in its severest form for far less, particularly in Thailand.

Perhaps, but I think he did a good job at getting back at her, it definitely seems to have worked lol! At least he's doing a favour warning any potential victims on her friends list..

If she's hot, it won't stop other fools from making the same mistake

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/\ /\ /\ I wanted to tell her boyfriend what she had been doing. I obviously didnt have his number nor did i want to see him.

To clarify: No I did not recieve any official police summons. Nor did I get anything last night when I went to the police station. The email was from HER, not from the police, telling me to come. And at the police station a guy just confirmed there was an appointment.

I deleted the facebook posts a day after making them, they are long gone, but not before she printed them out. You can call me vindictive or childish, but I met this girls friends, family, all to find out she has a long term boyfriend elsewhere? I'm not just going to take it and move on, like a b..ch.

I think most of us are calling you stupid.

Before you went to the police station, nobody knew who you were, now the police have full details.

Every attractive uni girl has many bfs, usually 3-5 all giving her money, that's how they pay for uni.

And yes, her family and friends are all in on it too.

Thailand is the country of f&^% around. No monogamy here.

She already had my address, or at least knew where I lived. The police didnt even take any details from me, I just came in, had a broken thai conversation asking about a meeting, and left. I cant believe im having to deal with this crap over a few angry facebook messages. Does this mean people can just sleep and scam their way around thailand, and nobody is allowed to tell other people about it?

Also yes yes, I know im guillible for giving her money. I thought she was honest because she's only 19, she's a student, I met all her family, and I didnt meet her in a bar or club.

I thought all the scammers lurked around nana. I'll know to be more careful in the future.

You didn't meet her in a club or bar, but that doesn't mean she doesn't work at one, or did, or has a few friends that do and are in her ear all the time about what they get out of foreigners. Walk into any one of those bars at Nana or Cowboy and you'll find many of the coyotes are putting themselves through university.

Best not to cross the shitlines here in TH. People seem to have more tolerance for lying and cheating. That's why they generally don't hide it as well as we do in the west. But it's very uncool to call someone on any of their funny business. If someone crosses you, just make a mental note that you can't trust em and move on. And don't lend anyone anything you can't afford to give away.

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To clarify: No I did not recieve any official police summons. Nor did I get anything last night when I went to the police station. The email was from HER, not from the police, telling me to come. And at the police station a guy just confirmed there was an appointment.

I deleted the facebook posts a day after making them, they are long gone, but not before she printed them out. You can call me vindictive or childish, but I met this girls friends, family, all to find out she has a long term boyfriend elsewhere? I'm not just going to take it and move on, like a b..ch.

It's all in the game. And no offense, but you look like a bitch now, and you probably are gonna take it, one way or another. That's just straight talk there.

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That's horrid fella dinner be blakmaled it's not worth it.

And the English translation is ???

That's awful bad luck for you my dear sir. Don't allow yourself to be blackmailed, it's just not worth it.

I think!

Thanks for that. The dinner part had me stumped.

Cheers..... Mal.

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To clarify: No I did not recieve any official police summons. Nor did I get anything last night when I went to the police station. The email was from HER, not from the police, telling me to come. And at the police station a guy just confirmed there was an appointment.

I deleted the facebook posts a day after making them, they are long gone, but not before she printed them out. You can call me vindictive or childish, but I met this girls friends, family, all to find out she has a long term boyfriend elsewhere? I'm not just going to take it and move on, like a b..ch.

Seriously, don't go to the police appointment. You have squat chance of getting any money back, but you are likely going to be making a donation to The BIB end of year party if you do.

Your skill set is a little limited if you are getting upset about a 6 month GF. Move on and go and get laid

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Do you really think you can get your money back?

Better go and consult a lawyer than asking for advice here. Just to let you know there are some real police for hire in Thailand,so cannot advise more as you know better how connected she could be.

I think the OP is doing the right thing asking for advice here, he won't get 100% correct advice here, or anywhere apart from maybe a solicitor. but he may get good ideas on what he should do from posters who have had, or know someone who has had similar problems. But the rest of your post is spot on.

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I would have to say, that you need to grow up and move on.



I am one who does not have Facebook, nor Twitter, nor My Space, etc. etc.

I only post here occoasionaly, and i follow the TVF rules.

Edited by Alan653
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The ridiculous part of this silly Defamation Law is: it's not important if it is true or false, to be the subject of a Court action!


Libel is the written word,and Slander is the spoken word!

I had a similar situation with my ex wife. I can't get access to her Facebook or anything as she blocked me. So I posted on her work Facebook about her sheer dishonesty. I was furious. She'd just been to the UK and saw many of our old friends and she just lied through her teeth about me to everyone. So I simply tried to rectify that by posting the truth about her (verifiable facts) on a Facebook. It resulted in a 'phone call from the police who pointed out that I could be sued under the computer crimes act. Be careful what you post. Once I leave Thailand I will post everywhere, but then I won't be subject to their restrictive laws where you can do nothing about liars and scammers and cheats but you can get done for speaking the truth..

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If you have any good Thai friend (I don't mean SomchaI in the corner store but a director, police officer or anyone that is a government official here in Thailand!) pleas ask one or two to go with you!

I have friends in the RTP and in Thailand you need contacts if something like this happens (I'm not promoting the Thai way of doing it I'm just adopting it). I bought some fruit that I ate walking along Sukumwith when a piece fell of the stick and on the ground, in 2 seconds a police officer came and charged me 2000 for littering. I just called one of my friends and in the end the police officer who charged me just said "Mai penrai, mai penrai!" and I walked away... Just using the the Thai system!

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How things are be in my opinion:
You indeed made a mistake, defamed her, caused her damage and so she went to the police to report the fact in order to have a legal basis to bring you into a civil court. Is this just a bluff or did she went to a lawyer as well? Only time will tell. Because the police is not going to do anything, unless you immensely idiotically show up there. In that case, they will try to extort you money with any means, to divide with the offended girl.
If you will ever receive a registered mail, go to a lawyer and be prepared to spend some good grands, but I would bet 10k baht vs a coffee that it will never happen on earth.
P.S. 1: Forget the 30 grands you handed her. You have just been very generous.
P.S. 2: Remember, good girls in Thailand, as everywhere else, but especially in Thailand, do NOT demand their boyfriends for THAT money. If they do, sorry but they are harlots. No exceptions. So please no doubts on this point at least.
P.S. 3: Don't be ashamed to make anything it can make you feel safer, like change number, move for a couple of months or more, change places you go, contact a lawyer (this one could really be a nice investment because after a brief meeting and 500/1000 baht, you would get his number and you would have someone to call just in case you ever were harassed from the girl or the police showing up at your door, as they of course cannot arrest you nor force you to do anything else than go to court if you were prior noticed - including signing any paper in Thai, remember, always call your lawyer beforehand).

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I'm wondering if you are mature enough to be living in a foreign country. As previously stated, next time phone your mother.... and yes, I think there will be a next time for you.

You ever hear, "shouldn't be permitted to leave home without adult supervision" ???

You asked for advice, help. Majority suggested you move on & forget it. So many advised NOT to go to the police... but still you went. Why ask for advice if you had already made up your mind what you were going to do ?

Get drunk. Get laid. Move on. I've got a personal tale of woe that makes yours pale into insignificance. Life goes on. Grow up & enjoy it.

Cheers..... Mal.

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How old are you, razorramone? I'm tempted to state that you deserve everything that's coming your way, that's if this's a serious thread at all.

Posting hearsay about a girl on FB is the work of an ill-tempered and insecure child.

If you're being serious, then you're not going to be the victor in this instance and taking a financial hit at the offices of the BIB is your best bet to extricate yourself from future potential problems. There are those that'll hit you in its severest form for far less, particularly in Thailand.

he will have a biger problem when her brother finds out.his feelings will be hurt.best you get on your horse and leave town while you are still in one piece.

Only if her brother has about six friends.

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Just ignore it. What personal details of yours does she have

Address, number, all the usual. She has certainly been to the police, she took photos there along with some sort of report.

I would like to go to the appointment, because perhaps I'll get the 30 grand back which she tricked me out of. She says I 'damaged her reputation' by posting about it on facebook. But I'm not the one who was sleeping around? I don't think I'm in the wrong, but this is thailand, i know the laws here are quite different from back home. I did make posts baring all the details which all her FB friends could see.

(For some context, I'm 25 and working here for 3 years now, she's a first year college student. I thought too young to trick me for money!).

Just counter sue her, that's what Thai people do, it happens all the time.

I don't know about the 30,000 though, I doubt you will get it back

Edited by ben2203
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OP, i know you only 25 and believe you know best, but a number of people told you not to go because if you used any logic or common sense you would understand that police does not summon anyone via email in any country of the world.

She called your bluff and won. Good on ya for listening and taking advice. Sorry but now you on your own.

For future references if you want to get back at your future cheating GF, just sleep with one or all of her friends, this way not only you get back at her, but also have fun while doing it.

Yep, she probably didn't even know his name, "farang write bad thing about me", he goes along to the police and admits everything with his real name, address and a copy of his passport.

If the police came for him,

"it wasn't me", "I didn't write that", and finally "your translation is wrong, it doesn't say that", never, ever volunteer any information to the police in any country.

Notifications of legal action by email, change email address, never access that account again.

Notifications of legal action by post, move house, leave no forwarding address.

Notifications of legal action by process servers, "are you Mr. $%^&", answer NO then walk away.

This isn't rocket science.


And her mother and sisters.

In my opinion OP, this is the best advice you have had on this thread. Take it.

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Just ignore it. What personal details of yours does she have

Address, number, all the usual. She has certainly been to the police, she took photos there along with some sort of report.

I would like to go to the appointment, because perhaps I'll get the 30 grand back which she tricked me out of. She says I 'damaged her reputation' by posting about it on facebook. But I'm not the one who was sleeping around? I don't think I'm in the wrong, but this is thailand, i know the laws here are quite different from back home. I did make posts baring all the details which all her FB friends could see.

(For some context, I'm 25 and working here for 3 years now, she's a first year college student. I thought too young to trick me for money!).

Girls learn early... our house 5yr old demanded two 10 Baht coins instead of the 20THB bill because she felt that metal coin was worth more.

Defaming a Thai is very serious and foreigners are likely to lose in a dispute.

I would go to the meeting with at least two of my male friends and a translator I hired. Be sure meeting is in a real police building. Prepare to lose it all... and to walk away free of money, girl, and defaming charges. Lick your wounds and move on.

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The exact same thing cost a friend of mine 100,000 baht and forced him to leave town.

(Down from an initially asked 300,000)

You are in breach of the computer crimes act and depending on the mood of the cops involved, could have a serious problem.

Get a lawyer now and negotiate this away.

Be prepared to pay.

Sorry to be blunt but this could be a serious problem.


Another reason to take AnotheroneAmericans advice.

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