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Is it illegal to sleep with a married woman?


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Sleep with as in have sexual intercourse? you bet mate. You think you can just philander across the Kingdom with blatant disregard to law and morals? Well sir, once you <deleted> someones wife thats basically slander already, so that is defo a big no no. Also once people find out you've been sweeping their floor, they will be furious! Imagine the repercussions !

Not quite Baa_Mango, unless you try to stretch it to oral sex. Having sex with someone's wife is not slander. Even if you do talk about it, it is still not slander. Now, if you lie about it . . . . See the legal definition of slander below.

Any repercussions for actually committing the act would depend more on the husband, or her other lovers, than on the courts.

"slander n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. Slander is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit. Damages (payoff for worth) for slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malicious intent, since such damages are usually difficult to specify and harder to prove . . . " http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/slander

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I know of one fairly recent case in Thailand where the husband sued both his wife and her lover for having an affair.

You can only sue the lover if you have proof that he is aware the wife is a married woman, which the husband did in this case.

I do not know what happened to the wife, but the lover was initially sued for 10 million baht, and eventually ended up paying something like 800k.

Edited by monkeycountry
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If you consider Karma a law, then sex with another man's wife definitely breaks the law. It's called inappropriate sexual contact and engaging in it can produce repercussions lasting lifetimes. Karma is a relentless cop, judge, and jailer in that you never get away with the crime and you always serve the sentence. Don't go there. You're only creating misery for yourself and others.

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Why not ask her husband if its legal or not annoyed.gif

I'm sure a smack in the mouth will clue you in to the correct answer whistling.gif

A Thai guy on his own smacking a Farang in the mouth? I suppose it may be, just may be, possible if the Farang is very old and the Thai husband young.

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It maybe illegal but halve of Thailand men are doing that, sleeping with someone else's married women,,,,,,,on the other hand halve of the women sleep wit some one else's married men ,,,,, First/second/third wife,,,,,,,First/second/third husband,,,So >W<>T<>F< Who cares? " NO ONE "

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Why not ask her husband if its legal or not annoyed.gif

I'm sure a smack in the mouth will clue you in to the correct answer whistling.gif

A Thai guy on his own smacking a Farang in the mouth? I suppose it may be, just may be, possible if the Farang is very old and the Thai husband young.

What a hyperethnocentrc and senseless answer!!

Have you swallowed a dictionary? If you can describe what that six syllable word means, then maybe I can give you an answer. Have you been in Thailand long? Don't you know it is not the Thai way to fight one on one?

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I just googled, which was quite easy to do. It's a very applicable term in this instance.

I have certainly seen one on one fights in Thailand on more than one occasion, both Thai-Thai and Thai-Foreigner. I have also seen many-on-one fights back home (and indeed between foreigners in Thailand).

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Why not ask her husband if its legal or not annoyed.gif

I'm sure a smack in the mouth will clue you in to the correct answer whistling.gif

A Thai guy on his own smacking a Farang in the mouth? I suppose it may be, just may be, possible if the Farang is very old and the Thai husband young.

What a hyperethnocentrc and senseless answer!!

Have you swallowed a dictionary? If you can describe what that six syllable word means, then maybe I can give you an answer. Have you been in Thailand long? Don't you know it is not the Thai way to fight one on one?

Pls give me no further stupid answer as you have already done more than enough.

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I would say if her husband is still around it could be very, very dangerous. Why do you want to sue? If you want to make a habit out of sleeping with married women, then suing them for a cash stipend could been deemed work related so hope you have a work permit.

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Why not ask her husband if its legal or not annoyed.gif

I'm sure a smack in the mouth will clue you in to the correct answer whistling.gif

A Thai guy on his own smacking a Farang in the mouth? I suppose it may be, just may be, possible if the Farang is very old and the Thai husband young.

What a hyperethnocentrc and senseless answer!!

Have you swallowed a dictionary? If you can describe what that six syllable word means, then maybe I can give you an answer. Have you been in Thailand long? Don't you know it is not the Thai way to fight one on one?

Be alright if he spelt it and set it out correctly. It should be written as ethnocentric. Ethnocentric is an adjective and means having or based on the idea that your own group or culture is better or more important than others. Senseless is also an adjective and has three meanings in the English language.

  1. unconscious
  2. not having or showing good sense; stupid; foolish
  3. having no real point or purpose; nonsensical; meaningless.

I have given up trying to work out what he is trying to say. Can you make any sense of it? Why he prefaced it with hyper I have no idea. Hope he is able to explain as I know we can learn something new everyday and I would really like to know what he is trying to say.

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Depends if she was married in the village. If she was, then she's not really married, so do it. If she was married at the Amphur and it's registered then it's a legal marriage. But sleep with her anyway, the husband probably knows about you and is enjoying spending your money...

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I read some other place that there should be a hard evidence like video, picture etc.

You should have asked your question in proper way. You leave it to us to think what your question actually is. For instance.

  1. You planning to sleep with a married woman
  2. Someone slept with your wife
  3. You already done it and you scare what is going to happen
  4. May be they already sue you or planning to do so

Good luck

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