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Chiang Mai Immigration Transfer Stamps

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Recently recieved new passport decided yesterday to start the process of transfer. At 1100 went to immigration to get blank forms to fill out and they were ready and willing to start the ball rolling but I wasn't. Got the blank forms and went for lunch and filled out the form and decided why wait a day just do it. I went home got everything together back to immigration around 1:30 or 2:00. I went to info desk I want to do do transfer nice young man took passports and looked thru paper work and said one min. he goes to desk 7 the guy there leafs thru everything. Young boy comes back need these copied alredy have then just shut up go make copies he wants no big deal 20 baht no time to argue over this. Back to the info desk ok wait for your number 310, 309 is up set down for 5 min. up comes my number off to desk 7. Handed the fella my paper work and passports he leafs thru everything hands me back several copies. Ok everything in order have a seat while I transfer stamps ok how long maybe 1 hour ok. He finishes up my stuff then calls another customer my passport in back room about 1 hour later name is called documents handed to me and I am off.

It took about 2 hours to complete the process most of the time was spent sitting and waiting, no request for tea money to speed up the process by the way never been asked for money. They seem to have a lot of new faces at the desk now, the white haired fella who use to do re-entry permits was not there.

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