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UN says Islamic State imposing rule of terror in Syria

Lite Beer

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The region that ISIS is attacking is largely Muslim, so the very basis is not religion, per se. There particular brand of Islam is what they are practicing and they are generally using the Koran as a justification for some of the things they do that are not generally done or at least haven't been commonly practiced for a long, long time.

They are more a political and military group than a religious group.

Of course they are political and military, social and religious, this is just true Islam. Their brand of Islam is the original, they are following the Prophet to the letter, convert or kill, kill the blasphemers, unbelievers and impose sharia, subjugate women, take kafir as sex slaves eradicate Christians and jews, kill any homosexuals. This is the true face of Islam.

It's not the true face of anything, except the true face of ISIS.

who just happen to be honestly carrying out the will of Allah and his 'Prophet'

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I mean the majority of Muslims don't speak up AT ALL and that is completely accurate. No one - but you - said anything about them "taking to the streets" to protest about ISIS - yet another red herring.

How do you know what the majority of Muslims discuss and say in their homes, mosques, place of work etc.?

Who cares what they are saying in their homes? Are you serious? The majority of Muslims are not speaking out in PUBLIC where they might actually make a difference. blink.png

I show that Muslim spokespeople and leaders and even ordinary Muslims do speak out in public, and when you don't dismiss what they are saying as lies you dismiss it because the majority of Muslims don't!

You rely on one red herring distortion after another. I have NEVER claimed that no Muslims speak out publicly, just WAY too few of them. Read what I have actually written, instead of making up falsehoods and placing them in my mouth: The majority of Muslims are not speaking out in PUBLIC where they might actually make a difference.

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The region that ISIS is attacking is largely Muslim, so the very basis is not religion, per se. There particular brand of Islam is what they are practicing and they are generally using the Koran as a justification for some of the things they do that are not generally done or at least haven't been commonly practiced for a long, long time.

They are more a political and military group than a religious group.

Of course they are political and military, social and religious, this is just true Islam. Their brand of Islam is the original, they are following the Prophet to the letter, convert or kill, kill the blasphemers, unbelievers and impose sharia, subjugate women, take kafir as sex slaves eradicate Christians and jews, kill any homosexuals. This is the true face of Islam.

It's not the true face of anything, except the true face of ISIS.

who just happen to be honestly carrying out the will of Allah and his 'Prophet'

No, they are carrying out their own will and using Allah and his Prophet as an excuse.

There are a lot of not very nice people and the ME seems to have gotten more than it's share. Some of the not-so-nice people from Western countries are even going there so they can be even less nice.

To paraphrase someone, "There will always be good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things, but it takes religion to get good people to do bad things".

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No, they are carrying out their own will and using Allah and his Prophet as an excuse.

They are following the Qur'an LITERALLY. Moderate Muslims ignore the parts that they don't like, which is better for everybody.

Sure and some people follow the Bible, LITERALLY. Like these idiots, however, they pick the parts they want to follow. ISIS is no different, otherwise everyone is wrong.

And why aren't people speaking out against them? Well, when you a bunch of nutters like this, it's best to keep your mouth shut. They are not a group you want to p**s off.

I have friends who are Muslims and I have friends from that region. One thing we don't talk about is ISIS.

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Sure and some people follow the Bible, LITERALLY.

A VERY tiny minority and the bible does not call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. There is no moral equivalence with radical Islam.

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Yes i did and will pose the question again to you.

Why Arab league are NOT the ones leading and are NOT sending the troops?

Why does US and the rest have to lead, while Arab League only "contributes"

Is it an Arab problem or Western problem?

Hezbollah sent fighters to support Assad, so what is the excuse for Arab League not to send any force and only "contribute"

Your question needs to be addressed to the USA government, as they lead the coalition.

I can think of two reasons for this;

  1. They are going to be the major target if ISIL win
  2. They always like to be in charge.

Welll, no sorry.

The reason why US started to act was because Arab league sat there silently doing nothing, watching thousands being killed and league continues to do, instead of sending in combined forces.

So if things do not go as planned , they can always play the "innocent" part and let the rest of the world take the blame.

But the moment someone says something about Islam or burns a Quaran, there is no shortage of voice and screams from not only Arab nations but Muslims living in all parts of the world.

Funny that.

Why do not we just call spade a spade, no need to defend something non existent.

Posts removed to permit response.

Prove me wrong that for regional balance of power issues US does not support or has asked for Arab League ground forces to be deployed in Syria or Iraq. In any case Iraq / Syria would have to invite Arab League ground forces in and as far as I know there has not been any request to do so. e.g.

"Iraq’s Foreign Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari said that Iraq welcomed aid from fellow Arab League members, but said Baghdad “has not requested and will not request” the intervention of Arab or other ground troops on its territory as part of the fight against ISIS"


However, there are a number of reports that Iranian forces are actively engaged in fighting IS in Iraq.

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From 2014 military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Iran and its ally Hezbollah were the first that took direct action on the ground supported by fighters and drones. The United States started sending (non-operational) troops to Iraq in the midsummer of 2014, and began a large-scale air campaign over the region starting that August. With different agendas and political considerations in a complex situation, countries have approached intervening in the two civil war conflicts in different ways, and to different degrees

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And there is no arguing with UG!


Show him that Muslim leaders and spokespersons publicly condemn ISIS and he either claims they are lying or says it proves nothing because the majority of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims aren't condemning ISIS publicly.

Show him that ordinary Muslims have demonstrated against ISIS and he says that is not the majority.

Explain to him in very simple terms that even a small child could understand that we have no way of knowing what the majority of ordinary Muslims are thinking or saying unless it is reported in the media, which it isn't, so we have to rely on what Muslim leaders and spokespersons are reported in the media as saying and he claims that they are lying or says it proves nothing because the majority of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims aren't condemning ISIS publicly.

Such is the circuitous, twisted 'logic' he uses to justify his prejudice.

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I do not agree with everything contained therein, but the following article does raise some interesting points and questions.

Why ISIS is Israel's key ally in stopping the creation of a Palestinian state

Israel has their own terrorists to deal with. Terrorists that are actively attacking them. Why interfere with Uncle Sam?

AN IMAGE speaks a thousand words and that is presumably what Israels supporters hoped for with their latest ad in the New York Times.

Two photographs are presented side by side. One, titled ISIS, is the now-iconic image of a kneeling James Foley, guarded by a black-hooded executioner, awaiting his terrible fate.

Of course, should ISIS come anywhere near achieving their goals then Isreal as well as Palestine will be swept away. As the article concludes

In reality, Israel should share common cause with Palestinian leaders, from Fatah and Hamas, against ISIS. But, as ever, Netanyahu will forgo his countrys long-term interests for a short-term gain in his relentless war to keep the Palestinians stateless.

Edited by Scott
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Putin has a point here. Eventually, the West will learn.


"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians.


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Putin has a point here. Eventually, the West will learn.


"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians.


For the first time ever I have to say "good for Putin."

"The West will learn." But will it be too late?

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Yet again the Islamaphobes ask why Muslims don't speak out against the horrendous actions of ISIS and other extremists who use Islam as an excuse for their atrocities.

Many times in similar topics numerous links have been produced to show that they do; from Muslim leaders, Imams and scholars in the press to ordinary Muslims protesting.

I wont bother to do so again as it will only prompt the usual response from the Islamaphobes that these pronouncements are lies!

Sounds like in your book the world must be occupied with islamaphobes then, because I heard those same remarks over and over again from my friends when I was in Europe the other week, and they are mostly well educated people with Muslim friends and no relation to Thaivisa.

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It does not even have to be IS, who imposes terror, look to "moderate" countries,Omar Borkan Al Gala who was kicked out from Dubai, his own country for being too handsome, along with another 2.

I suppose i must be an islamaphobe to think its simply nuts, and beyond any logic or common sense.

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Putin has a point here. Eventually, the West will learn.


"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians.


For the first time ever I have to say "good for Putin."

"The West will learn." But will it be too late?

How can one support a national leader who specifically states that those of his citizens who follow Islam are not 'Russian'. However it would appear that his comments are purely political in nature for domestic consumption.

Putin on a number of occasions made positive comments and articulated support for the Muslim community within Russia. His comments would have been directed towards Islamic radicals, not Muslims in general.

Putin declared Islam to be “a striking element of the Russian cultural code, an inalienable, organic part of Russian history”


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Yet again the Islamaphobes ask why Muslims don't speak out against the horrendous actions of ISIS and other extremists who use Islam as an excuse for their atrocities.

Many times in similar topics numerous links have been produced to show that they do; from Muslim leaders, Imams and scholars in the press to ordinary Muslims protesting.

I wont bother to do so again as it will only prompt the usual response from the Islamaphobes that these pronouncements are lies!

Sounds like in your book the world must be occupied with islamaphobes then, because I heard those same remarks over and over again from my friends when I was in Europe the other week, and they are mostly well educated people with Muslim friends and no relation to Thaivisa.

Then I suggest that you answer their question by pointing them to the multitudinous news media and other sites where Muslim leaders, Imams, spokespeople and ordinary Muslims have spoken out against ISIS all over the world. Google 'Muslims against ISIS' and you will find plenty; although, unfortunately, you'll find some Islamaphobic hate sites as well.

This campaign is from ordinary, young British Muslims

See also this grassroots organisation of British Muslim women: Making a Stand

As British Muslim women we believe in the principles of democracy, human rights, peaceful co-existence and respect for life. These are being daily undermined by extremists and terrorists who murder, rape and steal in the name of Islam. We declare that groups like Islamic State, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram do not represent our faith and pose a very real and dangerous threat to our communities and to women’s rights and lives.

Then, of course, there are the many Muslim states which have joined the coalition against ISIS.

Ignorance is understandable because it simply means one does not have the facts.

If one is given those facts and one rejects them out of hand without any evidence to argue against them simply because they show one to be wrong, as certain posters here have done many times, then that is prejudice; in this case Islamaphobia.

Edited by 7by7
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It does not even have to be IS, who imposes terror, look to "moderate" countries,Omar Borkan Al Gala who was kicked out from Dubai, his own country for being too handsome, along with another 2.

I suppose i must be an islamaphobe to think its simply nuts, and beyond any logic or common sense.

Your post is beyond any logic or sense.

How do you tie the terror of ISIS to some guy being too handsome and kicked out of a country? blink.png

Indeed you do come across as an Islamophobe in most of your posts.

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Yet again the Islamaphobes ask why Muslims don't speak out against the horrendous actions of ISIS and other extremists who use Islam as an excuse for their atrocities.

Many times in similar topics numerous links have been produced to show that they do; from Muslim leaders, Imams and scholars in the press to ordinary Muslims protesting.

I wont bother to do so again as it will only prompt the usual response from the Islamaphobes that these pronouncements are lies!

Islamaphobes!!! if your not you have your head in the sand

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Yet again the Islamaphobes ask why Muslims don't speak out against the horrendous actions of ISIS and other extremists who use Islam as an excuse for their atrocities.

Many times in similar topics numerous links have been produced to show that they do; from Muslim leaders, Imams and scholars in the press to ordinary Muslims protesting.

I wont bother to do so again as it will only prompt the usual response from the Islamaphobes that these pronouncements are lies!

Islamaphobes!!! if your not you have your head in the sand

So you approve of hatred based on nothing but ignorance and prejudice?

As I said earlier

Ignorance is understandable because it simply means one does not have the facts.

If one is given those facts and one rejects them out of hand without any evidence to argue against them simply because they show one to be wrong, as certain posters here have done many times, then that is prejudice; in this case Islamaphobia.

The causes of and reasoning behind ISIS and similar groups are complex; and their belief in an extreme fundamentalist form of Islam is one of those.

But they do not represent the vast majority of Muslims nor Islam; as has been shown many times by the condemnation of them and their activities by Muslims worldwide and Muslim states joining in the coalition to fight them.

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Yet again the Islamaphobes ask why Muslims don't speak out against the horrendous actions of ISIS and other extremists who use Islam as an excuse for their atrocities.

Many times in similar topics numerous links have been produced to show that they do; from Muslim leaders, Imams and scholars in the press to ordinary Muslims protesting.

I wont bother to do so again as it will only prompt the usual response from the Islamaphobes that these pronouncements are lies!

Islamaphobes!!! if your not you have your head in the sand

So you approve of hatred based on nothing but ignorance and prejudice?

As I said earlier

Ignorance is understandable because it simply means one does not have the facts.

If one is given those facts and one rejects them out of hand without any evidence to argue against them simply because they show one to be wrong, as certain posters here have done many times, then that is prejudice; in this case Islamaphobia.

The causes of and reasoning behind ISIS and similar groups are complex; and their belief in an extreme fundamentalist form of Islam is one of those.

But they do not represent the vast majority of Muslims nor Islam; as has been shown many times by the condemnation of them and their activities by Muslims worldwide and Muslim states joining in the coalition to fight them.

"So you approve of hatred based on nothing but ignorance and prejudice?"

What else would hatred be based on?

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