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Jet Ski Scam Update - Still happening in Pattaya


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Anybody who rents a jet ski in Thailand is , how should I have said better, hopelessly gullible, masochistic, or just not very smart. The scam has been well advertised for years. The only way it will stop is people stop renting them. Nothing would make one more happy than 452 jet-skis sitting idle on the beach forever. Along with, the callous thugs who rent them.

its been well advertised to English speakers and very few use them these days, its mostly Indians at the moment, they cant read forums like this

That's ignorant. Almost all Indians travelling speak English. Far more than westerners speak a second language. (Many Europeans excepted).

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A year or so ago, a lady friend that works in a restaurant along Beach Rd. told me the jet ski guys were told to lay off westerners and target Arabs and Indians.

Apparently the jet ski scammers now employ translators that are on standby. These scoundrels act as a seasoned tourist, stumbling across a fellow countryman in trouble, offering advice to pay pay pay.

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Taxis in Bangkok still refuse to use meter. One driver saw me writing down a number from the taxi and then showed me the number I should have been writing down. He was obviously very afraid. whistling.gif

Was surprised when I returned to Pataya and saw beach chairs and jet skis. The family that controls Pattaya is very powerful. Ahem, I like them very much.biggrin.png

In over 25 years have only ever had 2 problems with taxis in Bangkok.

You probably only used a taxi in Bangkok twice in 25 years. biggrin.png I could have more problems with Bangkok taxis in an hour. Some places they just flat out refuse to use their meters.

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Anybody who rents a jet ski in Thailand is , how should I have said better, hopelessly gullible, masochistic, or just not very smart. The scam has been well advertised for years. The only way it will stop is people stop renting them. Nothing would make one more happy than 452 jet-skis sitting idle on the beach forever. Along with, the callous thugs who rent them.

I think you're just being insulting. You think all new tourists to the area should know about these scams?..and if they don't they're idiots? The scam has been discussed in many forums, but it's hardly well advertised. Who the heck reads government site warnings before they go on holiday?... if they did they wouldn't even come to Thailand.

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theres videos of the scam on youtube for lucifers sake. just like there is documentariers on ''don't rent a bar girl and buy a pig farm with her'' and the like on youtube, there is tons of info for all pre trip, u literally have to be in your 60's today and a pure newbie to computers n asia to fall for this b.s today upon arrival in the land of siam.

its like I said a while back, u wont see that many ladies of the evening looking foreward to getting houses bought for them like they say the previous generation acquire, just isn't gonna happen, same with jet skies for the most part.

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A year or so ago, a lady friend that works in a restaurant along Beach Rd. told me the jet ski guys were told to lay off westerners and target Arabs and Indians.

Apparently the jet ski scammers now employ translators that are on standby. These scoundrels act as a seasoned tourist, stumbling across a fellow countryman in trouble, offering advice to pay pay pay.

the translators have been laid off for low season, but there could be some job openings in the next week or two, no work permit necessary

Edited by slygeeza
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Just guessing, let's say are there are 500 jet skis rentals operating in Thailand. How can that small a number, justify the amount of bad publicity and the embarrassing problems they create and be allowed to continue? Is there a point when that income stream just isn't worth it?

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I think when u rent jet skies in a party area while drinking all day n night and your in tandom or cohoots with the bib who are also tipsy on the job then I think you have what you have= a small business with tons of complaints that isn't going anywhere due to the money made easily via scams for people of which the easy money that came was the easy money that went.. my guess is both the jet skies n bib aren't fiscally responsible and on occasion need an extra 30k baht or what ever the hustle runs.

the only real solution is more of it caught from the beginning on video , essentially a loss of face put on the blast aka online and the news , only this will stop it, looseing them face they don't have, causeing them dishonor for being dishonorable.

yes the thais need farangsitters, isn't it obvious.

Edited by Leviathan
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I sat on the wall opposite the police station and watched an Indian man get scammed, In Pattaya a couple of years ago He went to the police, after the usual intimidating attitude from the jet ski mafia.. A police officer came out, after a short heated discussion was told to pay what the Thai mafia, sorry Jet ski operators wanted, . after The Indian man payed and left, about one hour later the policeman came out and was handed some thing from the Mafia, sorry ski operator. I saw that with my own eyes, So how is it going to stop when the Police are involved.

Yes, the fact the police are involved is the worst kept secret in Pattaya.

If they were not involved, the jet ski scam would be stopped tomorrow


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Sorry, off topic but have you guys seen all the BIB giving tickets in Pattaya? It's not even the end of the month! The army is NOT in control here. The big face family is. Again, if they wanted the scams to stop they would stop. As he whose name shall not be mentioned showed us, you NEVER have enough money or power.

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So let's start from the beginning with a primer in how to run a business renting personal water craft. Initial cost of equipment minus Depreciation over life of expected use, maintenence, and insurance. Then you charge the user a fair houly rate which allows for a fair profit over the life of the equipment and the cost of labour. Is there more?

Then realizing without your customers you have nothing you do the best to take care of them. Providing instructions, guidance and knowledge, rescuing when they flounder, etc. Most importantly understanding that wear and tear of equipment is a normal part of doing business. In the rare cases where there are accidents repairs are to be charged at fair rates as outlned under insurance policy.

Then the punters are happy, they recommend your business to friends and online, and the business succeeds and grows. What is so difficult about that?

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thanks for removing the troll moderator, my light reply did its job, his post are gone.

farangs should keep it fun like Thai's do, that's why farang on farang trolling is so pathetic, what we need to do is just play with the beach boys, show up about ten of us ten days in a row each a different ethnicity, all of us with a legal document drawn out that states

1. ''I thai owner of said vehicle sign here to prove I waver all legal rights void of the tourist running into you and killing me on the beach if I rent this toy for a half hour, no scratches will be paid for in any way whatsoever or if by chance there some mysterious reef or rock in the reefless or rockless patong bay that I hit its your problem not mine as renter''

show up as a indian Monday, a Russian Tuesday, a turk wensday, a Nepalese thurdsay etc... all with a thai translator as well, all of it on tape, all of it just to see them sweat and sort of trip out, we need to catch all this on film and put it on youtube as a comedy.

my idea might need some refinements but imagine the 'thai minds' working this out all 7 of them on the beach screaming n tripping and then one by one day by day the westerner just says ok, if you wont sign it I wont rent it and walk off.

and I don't care if the contracts don't mean anything its simply for a laugh, there isn't enough enjoyment of base dishonorable evil in this world being healed by exploiting it in a comedic way, essentially in a way that the thais with there slip on a banana peel sense of humour wouldn't be able to get, there to used to 'tip toeing'' out of fear of slipping over face saving b.s that has run its course in the modern competitive business world.

imagine the pouting we could ensue, imagine how angry they would get? best done not in one week either but in one day with a new farang coming up to the same crew every 30 minutes,, one take no shit or b.s tourist after another, they would even start yelling as people were walking up holding papers, that's were lighting, camera angel and what shirt u have on as the actor in this script really becomes important. coffee1.gif

take no shit tourist definition= easy going semi inebriated happy man or women whos doesn't raise his voice.

Edited by Leviathan
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thanks for removing the troll moderator, my light reply did its job, his post are gone.

farangs should keep it fun like Thai's do, that's why farang on farang trolling is so pathetic, what we need to do is just play with the beach boys, show up about ten of us ten days in a row each a different ethnicity, all of us with a legal document drawn out that states

1. ''I thai owner of said vehicle sign here to prove I waver all legal rights void of the tourist running into you and killing me on the beach if I rent this toy for a half hour, no scratches will be paid for in any way whatsoever or if by chance there some mysterious reef or rock in the reefless or rockless patong bay that I hit its your problem not mine as renter''

show up as a indian Monday, a Russian Tuesday, a turk wensday, a Nepalese thurdsay etc... all with a thai translator as well, all of it on tape, all of it just to see them sweat and sort of trip out, we need to catch all this on film and put it on youtube as a comedy.

my idea might need some refinements but imagine the 'thai minds' working this out all 7 of them on the beach screaming n tripping and then one by one day by day the westerner just says ok, if you wont sign it I wont rent it and walk off.

and I don't care if the contracts don't mean anything its simply for a laugh, there isn't enough enjoyment of base dishonorable evil in this world being healed by exploiting it in a comedic way, essentially in a way that the thais with there slip on a banana peel sense of humour wouldn't be able to get, there to used to 'tip toeing'' out of fear of slipping over face saving b.s that has run its course in the modern competitive business world.

imagine the pouting we could ensue, imagine how angry they would get? best done not in one week either but in one day with a new farang coming up to the same crew every 30 minutes,, one take no shit or b.s tourist after another, they would even start yelling as people were walking up holding papers, that's were lighting, camera angel and what shirt u have on as the actor in this script really becomes important. coffee1.gif

take no shit tourist definition= easy going semi inebriated happy man or women whos doesn't raise his voice.

You might get more trouble than you bargained for going on that trip.

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