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UK MPs visited Thai Foreign Minister

Lite Beer

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Truth you hate anything positive about the PM, but get straight on the hate bandwagon if you can blow out of all proportion anything in the news that favours your rhetoric.

I don't hate anything positive about the PM and junta, just waiting for an actual positive action to occur. I have heard lost of positive words, but none have translated into long lasting positive actions. The actions that I have seen so far, including the makeup and direction of the NLA and NRC, appear to be sending Thailand backwards, and just setting the scene for further conflict down the road.

You cannot go further back than PTP took us, give it a break---You have not wanted to see anything positive, the same as your other PM haters--we have heard and seen this every day same old BS. The PM halted the conflict that PTP created.----your agenda is more important than Thailands well being.

I want to see positive, but still waiting for it to happen.

The coup was the result of orchestrated events - the playbook calls for extended protests, that will inevitably lead to violence (on both sides) until the population is sufficiently softened to accept a coup. The first two months after the coup there appears to be a crackdown on corruption. This keeps the people occupied while the junta consolidates its position, and through nepotism and cronysism, fills up all the senior government positions and state boards with military staff with dubious credentials. This is a tried and true playbook that has been around long before PTP was in existence.

The protests, coup, martial law and poor decisions regarding foreign investment have killed the GDP growth for this year and probably next, and almost brought Thailand into recession.

The one-sided NLA and NRC promises "reforms" that will not sit well with a good portion of the population, and will inevitably lead to conflict down the road. In the medium term, a bastardized version of democracy will be imposed on Thailand that wil not sit well with the rest of the world. and most likely worsen the already weak economy.

Partially cleaning up a couple of beaches does not compensate for the damage that has been done because "Playing politics with the economy is an expensive business" (http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy).

As usual all the aftermath and the negatives.

NOTHING about the actual cause of the intervention. NEVER always in denial.

How many beaches did Yingluck clean up ?? THE DAMAGE WAS DONE BEFORE the military intervention. All but you few will admit to it. This is why you post like this throwing the attention on the cure of sorts rather than the PTP prevention. sick governing controlled from the sand dunes.

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I'm not up to speed with Brit Politics and politicians but are these members of the cabinet or backbencher or just random regular MPs on a jolly ?

When things like trade etc are discussed it's normally practice to send representative from that department along with members of the FCO.

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I don't hate anything positive about the PM and junta, just waiting for an actual positive action to occur. I have heard lost of positive words, but none have translated into long lasting positive actions. The actions that I have seen so far, including the makeup and direction of the NLA and NRC, appear to be sending Thailand backwards, and just setting the scene for further conflict down the road.

You cannot go further back than PTP took us, give it a break---You have not wanted to see anything positive, the same as your other PM haters--we have heard and seen this every day same old BS. The PM halted the conflict that PTP created.----your agenda is more important than Thailands well being.

I want to see positive, but still waiting for it to happen.

The coup was the result of orchestrated events - the playbook calls for extended protests, that will inevitably lead to violence (on both sides) until the population is sufficiently softened to accept a coup. The first two months after the coup there appears to be a crackdown on corruption. This keeps the people occupied while the junta consolidates its position, and through nepotism and cronysism, fills up all the senior government positions and state boards with military staff with dubious credentials. This is a tried and true playbook that has been around long before PTP was in existence.

The protests, coup, martial law and poor decisions regarding foreign investment have killed the GDP growth for this year and probably next, and almost brought Thailand into recession.

The one-sided NLA and NRC promises "reforms" that will not sit well with a good portion of the population, and will inevitably lead to conflict down the road. In the medium term, a bastardized version of democracy will be imposed on Thailand that wil not sit well with the rest of the world. and most likely worsen the already weak economy.

Partially cleaning up a couple of beaches does not compensate for the damage that has been done because "Playing politics with the economy is an expensive business" (http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy).

As usual all the aftermath and the negatives.

NOTHING about the actual cause of the intervention. NEVER always in denial.

How many beaches did Yingluck clean up ?? THE DAMAGE WAS DONE BEFORE the military intervention. All but you few will admit to it. This is why you post like this throwing the attention on the cure of sorts rather than the PTP prevention. sick governing controlled from the sand dunes.

This is a case of "aegrescit medendo". (The cure is worse than the disease). The loss of GDP alone, caused by protests, coup and martial law, will exceed the cost of the rice subsidy. Corruption continues unabated, and while Yingluck was removed for a single instance of nepotism, there have been at least 100+ cases of nepotism and cronyism since May 22, with all the top government spots and board seats occupied by army buddies.

There was no real attempt to solve any issues through dialogue and mediation - two short meetings over a two day period hardly qualifies – and then straight to the “intervention”.

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As usual all the aftermath and the negatives.

NOTHING about the actual cause of the intervention. NEVER always in denial.

How many beaches did Yingluck clean up ?? THE DAMAGE WAS DONE BEFORE the military intervention. All but you few will admit to it. This is why you post like this throwing the attention on the cure of sorts rather than the PTP prevention. sick governing controlled from the sand dunes.

This is a case of "aegrescit medendo". (The cure is worse than the disease). The loss of GDP alone, caused by protests, coup and martial law, will exceed the cost of the rice subsidy. Corruption continues unabated, and while Yingluck was removed for a single instance of nepotism, there have been at least 100+ cases of nepotism and cronyism since May 22, with all the top government spots and board seats occupied by army buddies.

There was no real attempt to solve any issues through dialogue and mediation - two short meetings over a two day period hardly qualifies – and then straight to the “intervention”.

The lot were removed lock stock and barrel.-------------last paragraph a lie. Figures for the loss in the last 6 months please.

Yingluck removed ??? and for a single instance of WHAT. ??

I used to watch the crazy gang on TV. (PTP)

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