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'I watched Tory MP MURDER a boy during depraved Westminster VIP party'

Lite Beer

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Saville boasted about leverage he had on the establishment (both monarchy and politicians). Comes as little surprise. Woody Allen joked that these guys have ethics a notch below a child molester, well, they just been promoted!

This from a guy who married his stepdaughter[/quot.

Yeah. Allen was funny until the repeated joke about the older guy leaching over the pubescent girl turned out to be true.

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The horrifying account comes days after Scotland Yard confirmed they have launched a murder probe ­connected to allegations of sex abuse from the 1970s and 80s.

But they feel justified in sending the same incompetent/corrupt police to Thailand to investigate a murder here. Would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

and to Portugal to investigate the Madeleine McCann case. We don't hear anything about that now as they failed to embarrass the Portuguese police.

What about the inept investigation in the UK recently where a girl was murdered and the main suspect was a Latvian who disappeared out of the country?

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You think human nature is different wherever you go in the world? Over two million children suffer sexual abuse every year and millions mysteriously disappear off the streets and are never seen again.

Every culture is different, but children of every culture become victims, whether they are victims of entertainers in the UK, basketball coaches in the US or child brides married off to elderly men in Asia. We know from cases like that involving Rotherham that children in homes and orphanages are particularly vulnerable to abuse by individuals and groups.

There is evidence to support the shocking contention that many children end up as the playthings of the rich and powerful at organised sex orgies and satanic rituals. YouTube has plenty of material on this subject. The problem is sorting truth from rumour and conspiracy theory from fact.

iclaudius may sneer at Michael Shrimpton, but his credentials are impressive and he has dared to put his admittedly sensational allegations in writing and back them with his reputation. Nobody, including relatives of the late alleged child molester and murdered Edward Heath, has yet challenged his allegations which, if not true, are clearly libelous and defamatory.


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Just do your own research it's all out there on the internet.

So can I assume then that you've methodically gone through each and every accusation in that video, corroborated claims of dates / meetings / links with official documents and personally examined all the source material to ensure that all this can be confirmed? Are the video makers source materials known to have come from their own personal research, or borrowed and collated from biased websites? Forgive me for being cynical, but in the world of the internet, "my research" far too often ends up referring to having watching some biased YouTube videos or hanging out on biased websites.

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What about the inept investigation in the UK recently where a girl was murdered and the main suspect was a Latvian who disappeared out of the country?

What about it?

He didn't disappear out of the UK; he was hanged from a tree; probably suicide.

Arnis Zalkalns inquest opened

Decomposed body of suspect in the murder of schoolgirl Alice Gross was found hanging from a tree in a park in west London

Though what that and the McCann case have to do with this topic and the various conspiracy theories surrounding it, only you know.

Edited by 7by7
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Going back to the original post, while a murder by an mp would be very sensational, sexual abuse of children shouldn't come as any surprise. These men mostly came through the public school system where homosexual abuse was rife, and if the clergy are well known for it, then it's not too much of a stretch to include politicians.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

These rumours have been going around for many, many years. I believe there maybe some connection to the peadophile ring that was involved in the Jason Swift murder, this that are a little older will remember that. I for one would not be in the least little surprised if this story is true, although it will be sensational.

I suspect that many of us are somewhat naïve, self included, about what happens just out of sight.

I recall starting a part time job in a factory during high school holidays, I was maybe 16 / 17 and pretty naive. I quickly learned that another boy working there late teens was not allowed to go to his girlfriends house on a certain night of the week because that was the night the girl's father scrxxxx the girl whilst the whole family watched and the mother supervised.

Also the older teen boy often exposed and played with himself in front of the other workers and had no hesitation to put his penis in other peoples hands and more. It turned out the young man had been 'played with' all his life by both his mother and his father at the same time including being entered by his father whilst his mother performed oral sex on him. He mentioned that he had many times witnessed his mother and her sister performing oral sex on his father, and at times whilst this was happening his father passionately kissed the boy. He saw this behavior as normal (whatever that means).

When questioned about the situation with his girlfriend his response was 'it's normal, it's family activity'.

&lt;deleted&gt; man that is unbelievable

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

These rumours have been going around for many, many years. I believe there maybe some connection to the peadophile ring that was involved in the Jason Swift murder, this that are a little older will remember that. I for one would not be in the least little surprised if this story is true, although it will be sensational.

I suspect that many of us are somewhat naïve, self included, about what happens just out of sight.

I recall starting a part time job in a factory during high school holidays, I was maybe 16 / 17 and pretty naive. I quickly learned that another boy working there late teens was not allowed to go to his girlfriends house on a certain night of the week because that was the night the girl's father scrxxxx the girl whilst the whole family watched and the mother supervised.

Also the older teen boy often exposed and played with himself in front of the other workers and had no hesitation to put his penis in other peoples hands and more. It turned out the young man had been 'played with' all his life by both his mother and his father at the same time including being entered by his father whilst his mother performed oral sex on him. He mentioned that he had many times witnessed his mother and her sister performing oral sex on his father, and at times whilst this was happening his father passionately kissed the boy. He saw this behavior as normal (whatever that means).

When questioned about the situation with his girlfriend his response was 'it's normal, it's family activity'.

They weren't called West, this family, were they?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

These rumours have been going around for many, many years. I believe there maybe some connection to the peadophile ring that was involved in the Jason Swift murder, this that are a little older will remember that. I for one would not be in the least little surprised if this story is true, although it will be sensational.

I suspect that many of us are somewhat naïve, self included, about what happens just out of sight.

I recall starting a part time job in a factory during high school holidays, I was maybe 16 / 17 and pretty naive. I quickly learned that another boy working there late teens was not allowed to go to his girlfriends house on a certain night of the week because that was the night the girl's father scrxxxx the girl whilst the whole family watched and the mother supervised.

Also the older teen boy often exposed and played with himself in front of the other workers and had no hesitation to put his penis in other peoples hands and more. It turned out the young man had been 'played with' all his life by both his mother and his father at the same time including being entered by his father whilst his mother performed oral sex on him. He mentioned that he had many times witnessed his mother and her sister performing oral sex on his father, and at times whilst this was happening his father passionately kissed the boy. He saw this behavior as normal (whatever that means).

When questioned about the situation with his girlfriend his response was 'it's normal, it's family activity'.

That is so perve. Is all this common in England?

Yes, and in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland......

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The horrifying account comes days after Scotland Yard confirmed they have launched a murder probe ­connected to allegations of sex abuse from the 1970s and 80s.

But they feel justified in sending the same incompetent/corrupt police to Thailand to investigate a murder here. Would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

and to Portugal to investigate the Madeleine McCann case. We don't hear anything about that now as they failed to embarrass the Portuguese police.

What about the inept investigation in the UK recently where a girl was murdered and the main suspect was a Latvian who disappeared out of the country?

He didn't flee the country. He killed himself and it took sometime to find his body hanging from a tree.


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I believe that if one of us ( common people ) would be told and shown all that is going on behind ELITE walls, we'd turn insane at the drop of a hat.

I fear that far more sinister things are going on such as gang rapes and murders of children for those VIPs private satisfaction as well as satanic rituals, etc. where children and infants are killed as "sacrifice" to evil entities, etc. Most certainly that's just the tip of the iceberg as not only human stupidity seems to be infinite, but human cruelty as well... sad.png

It's a sick world we live in - perhaps this planet is hell and we just try our best to make it kinda "cozy" to not turn insane...

Edited by catweazle
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Saville boasted about leverage he had on the establishment (both monarchy and politicians). Comes as little surprise. Woody Allen joked that these guys have ethics a notch below a child molester, well, they just been promoted!

This from a guy who married his stepdaughter

No he didn't. He married Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, whose step father is Andre Previn.

They are still happily married and have two adopted daughters.

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Saville boasted about leverage he had on the establishment (both monarchy and politicians). Comes as little surprise. Woody Allen joked that these guys have ethics a notch below a child molester, well, they just been promoted!

This from a guy who married his stepdaughter

No he didn't. He married Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, whose step father is Andre Previn.

They are still happily married and have two adopted daughters.

You can dress it up any way you like but she started out as a child in his and his Mia Farrows care
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Always I think ,why now why did they not tell anyone 30 or 40 years ago?

Because they have been dragged out of the woodwork by The Mirror and Sunday People newspapers which are about as anti-Conservative and pro-Labour as you can get in the British media. They love to drag this sort of thing out at a time when the Tories don't need bad press, such as before a by-election or general election which we have both coming up.

But that is not to say it is fiction, on the contrary, probably 99% fact. It is nothing new, it has been going on for decades.

Don't just take my word for it, please take the time to listen to this radio interview with Michael Shrimpton (author of SpyHunter). Who is anything but a fruitcake conspiracy theorist,





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Saville boasted about leverage he had on the establishment (both monarchy and politicians). Comes as little surprise. Woody Allen joked that these guys have ethics a notch below a child molester, well, they just been promoted!

This from a guy who married his stepdaughter

No he didn't. He married Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, whose step father is Andre Previn.

They are still happily married and have two adopted daughters.

You can dress it up any way you like but she started out as a child in his and his Mia Farrows care

Soon Yi was already in Mia Farrow's care before Woody came along. I'm not "dressing it up" just correcting you on the facts. Not that it has anything whatsoever to do with this thread which is about politicians raping and murdering children.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

These rumours have been going around for many, many years. I believe there maybe some connection to the peadophile ring that was involved in the Jason Swift murder, this that are a little older will remember that. I for one would not be in the least little surprised if this story is true, although it will be sensational.

I suspect that many of us are somewhat naïve, self included, about what happens just out of sight.

I recall starting a part time job in a factory during high school holidays, I was maybe 16 / 17 and pretty naive. I quickly learned that another boy working there late teens was not allowed to go to his girlfriends house on a certain night of the week because that was the night the girl's father scrxxxx the girl whilst the whole family watched and the mother supervised.

Also the older teen boy often exposed and played with himself in front of the other workers and had no hesitation to put his penis in other peoples hands and more. It turned out the young man had been 'played with' all his life by both his mother and his father at the same time including being entered by his father whilst his mother performed oral sex on him. He mentioned that he had many times witnessed his mother and her sister performing oral sex on his father, and at times whilst this was happening his father passionately kissed the boy. He saw this behavior as normal (whatever that means).

When questioned about the situation with his girlfriend his response was 'it's normal, it's family activity'.

That is so perve. Is all this common in England?

Yes, and in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland......

I cant read where it says that these events occurred in England, or Great Britain. The use of the term "High School" is not a common English term.

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This kind of thing has been going on for decades. People either do not wish to acknowledge it or cannot believe these Luciferians could possibly represent the masses. Really? The world is the way it is because they do hold such positions. People if you knew the bizarre rituals that these sickos carry on with, your view of things would finally be turned upside down. They sacrifice/kill these children because they believe that they can acquire more power; they do but only a dark type of energy. Imagine what they think of humanity and the world in general. Isn't it any wonder why the world seems to be kept in a state of war, sickness, hunger and poverty? Come on people. THEY are purposely holding the world back from a wondrous new era. THEY do not wish humanity to enter into its true inheritance. Many others have tried to tell everyone of these beasts in government, but they either were ridiculed or met with an ill-fate. e.g Phil Schneider

Please, please people wake-up or it could be your child that goes missing and met with the same fate...

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“Unlike many abuse survivors, Nick has gone on to have a ­successful life. He is intelligent, articulate and strong-minded.

This concerns me. In order to even have a chance at some justice, the victim must be "successful, intelligent, articulate and strong-minded." Not a shred of hope for the many thousands who are not.

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“Unlike many abuse survivors, Nick has gone on to have a ­successful life. He is intelligent, articulate and strong-minded.

This concerns me. In order to even have a chance at some justice, the victim must be "successful, intelligent, articulate and strong-minded." Not a shred of hope for the many thousands who are not.

Even a lawyer will admit, if he is honest, that the law is unaccessible and unfair for the majority of the population.

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