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Violent Hazing Activities Causing Stress To Uni Freshmen

Jai Dee

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A lot of university freshmen suffer from stress caused by violent hazing activities

A lot of freshmen from various universities have sought medical treatment for severe stress caused by hazing after the new semester began two months ago.

Phavij Thongroj (ภาวิช ทองโรจน์), secretary-general of the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC), said the agency’s secret surveys at medical centres in certain provinces found an increase in number of patients who are university freshmen compared to that of last year.

Mr. Phavij said most of those students have suffered from stress. Many had breathing difficulties and stomach problems and some had wounds on different parts of body.

He said OHEC has received a lot of complaints about violent hazing activities through its website. Complainants said senior students infringed on their individual rights and caused them both bodily and mentally harms.

Mr. Phavij asked universities to see to tighten control on hazing activities. He also threatened to take legal action against students found to have used violence against freshmen in their so-called welcoming ceremony.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 August 2006

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Hazing is an activity that a high-status member orders other members to engage in or suggests that they engage in that in some way humbles a newcomer who lacks the power to resist, because he or she want to gain admission to a group. Hazing can be noncriminal, but it is nearly always against the rules of an institution, team, or Greek group. It can be criminal, which means that a state statute has been violated. This usually occurs when a pledging-related activity results in gross physical injury or death
(from Hank Nuwer's book Wrongs of Passage , 1999, p. xxv).

Totster, it is a serious problem in thailand and can turn deadly.

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Having been a person who was subjected to a hazing experience, I think I can attest to it a little. First of all, people have to learn that they can say "no." (I did). That said, it is difficult for younger people to do so in the face of the enormous pressure.

Another way of doing it is to have the institution take part in hazing activities to supervise and make sure that things are done in good fun and in the spirit of initiating people in a safe manner.

Is it serious, yes, and it can be dangerous. But it is a normal method of gaining acceptance. Remember there are many social groups (tribal groups especially) that have initiation rituals and some members don't survive.

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