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Thai Interior Minister wants media to cooperate


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Interior Minister wants media to cooperate
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BANGKOK, Nov 17 -- Interior Minister Gen Anupong Paochinda asked the mass media to help create a positive atmosphere in the country.

Gen Anupong said he has no problem with any symbolic and peaceful gathering.

Before accompanying Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to the Northeast to inspect a developing drought situation, Gen Anupong said he believed that people understood the work of the government, so he would like all parties to cooperate by helping one another to maintain order.

He said people could have symbolic gatherings as long as they were peaceful, and that differing opinions were acceptable as long as they were free of conflict.

In response to concerns about conflicts between the military and the media, the interior minister said that the government was aware of the important role of the media and did not want to limit their rights, but he cautioned that the media should understand that the government had to solve many problems.

The media could greatly contribute to national administration by helping create a peaceful atmosphere.

“I would like to ask the media to help create a peaceful atmosphere. The government must solve disasters, economic problems and water shortages. If we help one another by adhering to transparency and honest work without any hidden agenda, a peaceful atmosphere can happen. I am asking the media to lend a helping hand,” Gen Anupong said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-11-17

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Which government doesn't want the media to leave them alone from time to time. Problem is that they need them to communicate with the people. Without media how will they spread their "message"? So he really wants to cut their ability to communicate. He's telling us this.....through media?

Does this person actually think that this approach will work? Did he sit there and think "My god, why did nobody do this before?"?

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He said people could have symbolic gatherings as long as they were peaceful, and that differing opinions were acceptable as long as they were free of conflict.

Unless they're "peaceful symbolic gatherings" against the coup, even if it was the 2006 coup, apparently....................................coffee1.gif

About 100 of police officers on Friday have been deployed at the “Uncle Nuamthong Pedestrian Bridge” since around 7am to prevent democracy lovers from commemorating the suicide of the taxi drivers, who hanged himself at the bridge to protest against the 2006 military coup.

The police said under the martial law, imposed all over the kingdom, no one is allowed to hold anti-coup activity, including this one -- related to the coup eight years ago


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He said people could have symbolic gatherings as long as they were peaceful, and that differing opinions were acceptable as long as they were free of conflict.

Unless they're "peaceful symbolic gatherings" against the coup, even if it was the 2006 coup, apparently....................................coffee1.gif

About 100 of police officers on Friday have been deployed at the “Uncle Nuamthong Pedestrian Bridge” since around 7am to prevent democracy lovers from commemorating the suicide of the taxi drivers, who hanged himself at the bridge to protest against the 2006 military coup.

The police said under the martial law, imposed all over the kingdom, no one is allowed to hold anti-coup activity, including this one -- related to the coup eight years ago


"differing opinions were acceptable as long as they were free of conflict."

I think he means that differing opinions are acceptable so long as the junta agrees with them, otherwise there will be conflict.

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Why bother , the Administration has made up its mind press freedom is not on the agenda , why tell the Thai people of dissent among senior high school students regarding the new social obligations being learnt parrot fashioned , Brainwashing the students call it or allegations to the UN of human rights abuse to some of those under investigation, unless the press prints feel good items, the happiness Club won't be happy.coffee1.gif

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What the minister really wanted to say is:

"We are in the process of defending/ re-establishing the feudal order of things that have worked so well for the 50 "important families" over the last 100 years. In order do accomplish this, we need "peacefulness & harmony".


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One is reminded of a response by the editor of the British satirical magazine Private Eye to a letter from the lawyers to some corrupt goon the mag was lampooning.The lawyers letter essentially said their attitude to damages would be determined by the nature of the response to the said letter.Private Eye responded politely to the letter, noting that a response was required and helpfully advised that the response was "F*** O**"

That's the spirit of a free press.

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This is a big problem when you have Generals running the country like everyone is a day 1 recruit and it's how they've been indoctrinated into the regimental way of thinking, and expect all on sundry to " yes sir, no sir" "right away sir"

The real world doesn't work that way, I have seen this many any times in my line of work, former officers such as Majors and Lt Colonels giving it large and treating the blokes like they are still serving soldiers, and these officers have NOT adapted to civilian life.

They do not like it when they're told to " get a f-king grip of yourself and stop being a prick, that's not how you so certain things in this industry "

And 9/10 it's always " you cannot talk to me in that manner I'm an ex officer "

My responses are always the same " yes ex being the key word, your not one now and I'm not one of your recruits I'm a civilian the same as you, they call me Mr. Fat Haggis, the same as you, and you don't demand respect from me, you earn it, you may have been a great officer but your a shit civilian so listen to those around you that have the experience and don't try and reinvent the wheel"

Some of these Thai Generals are too long in the tooth to be dealing with criticism and complaints as it's just not the done thing in the Military and there in lies the problem.

Each of these Generals should have civilian PR people who CAN relate to the people having come FROM the people, otherwise it's never going to get better but now is the time to so some damage limitation and instead of alienating the General public, embrace them and listen to their woes and criticisms and LEARN from them.

A bully eventually gets a smack in the Chops !!! ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is a big problem when you have Generals running the country like everyone is a day 1 recruit and it's how they've been indoctrinated into the regimental way of thinking, and expect all on sundry to " yes sir, no sir" "right away sir"

The real world doesn't work that way, I have seen this many any times in my line of work, former officers such as Majors and Lt Colonels giving it large and treating the blokes like they are still serving soldiers, and these officers have NOT adapted to civilian life.

They do not like it when they're told to " get a f-king grip of yourself and stop being a prick, that's not how you so certain things in this industry "

And 9/10 it's always " you cannot talk to me in that manner I'm an ex officer "

My responses are always the same " yes ex being the key word, your not one now and I'm not one of your recruits I'm a civilian the same as you, they call me Mr. Fat Haggis, the same as you, and you don't demand respect from me, you earn it, you may have been a great officer but your a shit civilian so listen to those around you that have the experience and don't try and reinvent the wheel"

Some of these Thai Generals are too long in the tooth to be dealing with criticism and complaints as it's just not the done thing in the Military and there in lies the problem.

Each of these Generals should have civilian PR people who CAN relate to the people having come FROM the people, otherwise it's never going to get better but now is the time to so some damage limitation and instead of alienating the General public, embrace them and listen to their woes and criticisms and LEARN from them.

A bully eventually gets a smack in the Chops !!!

"Generals should have civilian PR people"

Or simply return Thailand now to a democracy by having free and open elections to return the government back to civilians - no civilan "interpreters" required.

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As long as martial law and Articles 17 and 44 remain in place, it's a cruel joke for the NCPO to say that there is "no problem with any symbolic and peaceful gathering." Remember the arrests of people who simply held up three fingers and showed the cover of George Orwell's book "1984" in public.

The NCPO wants to retain its power to decide on a case by case basis what the rule of law shall be and, unfortunately, this policy is intended to remain in place by writing it into the next constitution so as to legitimize it as part of the new "democracy."

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