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Thai editorial: Whose reform process is this?


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Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

Minority fanatics are bred from minorities enforcing their will on the majority.

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My God , they've grown some Balls

I hope the main article doesn't get deleted for being too subversive

Catch 22 situation . Suppressing freedom of speech appears to create a unified and contented nation, however underneath their is deep resentment, If they open the door with freedom of speech thing could very quickly get out of control. In my opinion the longer the oppression continues the greater the backlash. If the Juntas supposed main intentions are reforms followed by elections the people need to be heard.

Deep resentment.....who ?
Come now, if there wasn't any resentment or undertones Martial Law would be lifted !!

But it must be comforting to know that 93% of the population are still under Martial Law because Of the 7% !!!!

Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

And still you make no effort to talk about all these things you mentioned happening daily down in the South because it doesn't fit into your little reality bubble Jamie does it?

It's always about Bangkok as if nothing ever happens anywhere else in the country, not a single acknowledgement of the kids who die down in the South or the fatalities of all the teachers nah because it's not in your narrow minded views Jamie.

You keep going on about condescending and belittling, what you are doing is dissing and dismissing all the deaths down in the South as meaningless and of NO relevance or significance to you.

Can you please highlight the good bold PMs success he had when he was Supreme Commander of the Army down in the South and what did he do about the voices of the minorities down there who were getting killed in their dozens month on month out during his tenure as the Big Poo Bah?

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If I thought for one minute that the GPM would use the 93% approval rating to move the country and people forward to the promised land then I would support the present system continuing with a veneer of democratic electoral camouflage. There are very few examples in history of a beneficiate dictator, off hand I can only think of only Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore where one man's vision was followed by a population willing to allow individual rights to be suppressed for the benefit of the whole. Of course he managed to persuade the dominant Singapore Chinese families that there was even more money to be made from liberal capitalism then by continuing with a system of patronage, nepotism and corruption which had served them well in the past, quite how well that turned out for the population only future history will tell.

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My God , they've grown some Balls

I hope the main article doesn't get deleted for being too subversive

Catch 22 situation . Suppressing freedom of speech appears to create a unified and contented nation, however underneath their is deep resentment, If they open the door with freedom of speech thing could very quickly get out of control. In my opinion the longer the oppression continues the greater the backlash. If the Juntas supposed main intentions are reforms followed by elections the people need to be heard.

Deep resentment.....who ?
Come now, if there wasn't any resentment or undertones Martial Law would be lifted !!

But it must be comforting to know that 93% of the population are still under Martial Law because Of the 7% !!!!

Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

Well quite simple have an election then the majority will voice their opinion and be in power. End of. Unless the majority that you talk about have something to fear, like lose.

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I hear so many times the reasons for NOT holding an election but never heard of one delayed due to overwhelming popularity!!!

to many outside the box thinkers having such a popularity margin would be an ideal opportunity to hold an election and have the 4 years in office to reform away till your little hearts content as it was the 93% that put you there.

Sadly for some people unable to think outside the box they are believing all that their told, the very same people who still think it's possible for a woman to get pregnant from a toilet seat!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

I hear so many times the reasons for NOT holding an election but never heard of one delayed due to overwhelming popularity!!!

to many outside the box thinkers having such a popularity margin would be an ideal opportunity to hold an election and have the 4 years in office to reform away till your little hearts content as it was the 93% that put you there.

Sadly for some people unable to think outside the box they are believing all that their told, the very same people who still think it's possible for a woman to get pregnant from a toilet seat!!

Yes its strange how the Junta feel they must follow the results of opinion Polls , but not General elections

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I thought The Nation was one of the principal provocateur against the last elected government and rooting for military intervention?

Sounds like they have no problem with a Mafia running the show - its just not the Mafia they wanted! :)

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I don't really give these polls much credence all people see Is the figure 93% !!

But what they didn't see was that this was a poll conducted within 600 -700 or so community leaders, it's not representative of the population of what? 65 million voters it's the equivalent of the amount of people involved in the reformation process as in 6-700 people.

We never see if the questions are leading questions and the other alternatives

It's could be more like the Life of Brian " death or cruxifiction" options ?

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If I thought for one minute that the GPM would use the 93% approval rating to move the country and people forward to the promised land then I would support the present system continuing with a veneer of democratic electoral camouflage. There are very few examples in history of a beneficiate dictator, off hand I can only think of only Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore where one man's vision was followed by a population willing to allow individual rights to be suppressed for the benefit of the whole. Of course he managed to persuade the dominant Singapore Chinese families that there was even more money to be made from liberal capitalism then by continuing with a system of patronage, nepotism and corruption which had served them well in the past, quite how well that turned out for the population only future history will tell.

I see you are intellectually challenged by the word dictator. To help you, Webster define dictator as a ruler who obtained power by force and has absolute and restricted control over a country. Lee Kuan Yew was elected and so is Thaksin. Now go figure out who fits the word dictator.

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If I thought for one minute that the GPM would use the 93% approval rating to move the country and people forward to the promised land then I would support the present system continuing with a veneer of democratic electoral camouflage. There are very few examples in history of a beneficiate dictator, off hand I can only think of only Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore where one man's vision was followed by a population willing to allow individual rights to be suppressed for the benefit of the whole. Of course he managed to persuade the dominant Singapore Chinese families that there was even more money to be made from liberal capitalism then by continuing with a system of patronage, nepotism and corruption which had served them well in the past, quite how well that turned out for the population only future history will tell.

I see you are intellectually challenged by the word dictator. To help you, Webster define dictator as a ruler who obtained power by force and has absolute and restricted control over a country. Lee Kuan Yew was elected and so is Thaksin. Now go figure out who fits the word dictator.

Of those mentioned in my post and your response only one fits your definition, certainly LKY and Thaksin did not obtain the PM position by force and did not have absolute and unrestricted control over their respective countries, as was proved by the eventual loss of the position by the latter. However what Lee Kuan Yew did do was get the backing of all seats of power and hold the position through a policy of compromise, possibly Thaksin would have liked to have followed that example but the forces arrayed against him were such that it was never going to be allowed to happen.

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"There is growing concern that the country's future is in the hands of the few"


I think it's a fully formed theory and source of anger for many by now.

It has always been that way, and always will be. It will take an all out civil war to change it.

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If I thought for one minute that the GPM would use the 93% approval rating to move the country and people forward to the promised land then I would support the present system continuing with a veneer of democratic electoral camouflage. There are very few examples in history of a beneficiate dictator, off hand I can only think of only Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore where one man's vision was followed by a population willing to allow individual rights to be suppressed for the benefit of the whole. Of course he managed to persuade the dominant Singapore Chinese families that there was even more money to be made from liberal capitalism then by continuing with a system of patronage, nepotism and corruption which had served them well in the past, quite how well that turned out for the population only future history will tell.

I see you are intellectually challenged by the word dictator. To help you, Webster define dictator as a ruler who obtained power by force and has absolute and restricted control over a country. Lee Kuan Yew was elected and so is Thaksin. Now go figure out who fits the word dictator.

Of those mentioned in my post and your response only one fits your definition, certainly LKY and Thaksin did not obtain the PM position by force and did not have absolute and unrestricted control over their respective countries, as was proved by the eventual loss of the position by the latter. However what Lee Kuan Yew did do was get the backing of all seats of power and hold the position through a policy of compromise, possibly Thaksin would have liked to have followed that example but the forces arrayed against him were such that it was never going to be allowed to happen.

The forces arrayed against him now dominate the NLA, CRC and the NRC and while the PM preach reforms to be inclusive; the situation is just the reverse. More unrestricted control over opinions and the media got a stern warning. All this will just lead to a crooked reform and reconcilation a far distance. The PM tell the world that the government will achieve a sustainable democracy for the future. Many will doubt that.

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Sounds like they are setting up a little club only for the elite and powerful who will own and dominate the ordinary person. You could see it from the day Suthep and the Mad Monk 1st stepped onto the street and started his March for domination.

No different from the recent past then. Pity still that Thaksin faltered his chance to truly serve the nation.

No it is NO different huh.png But if you believe Taksin merely 'faltered his chance to truly serve the nation' You are deluded blink.png They're merely different pigs vying for the same trough.

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I don't really give these polls much credence all people see Is the figure 93% !!

But what they didn't see was that this was a poll conducted within 600 -700 or so community leaders, it's not representative of the population of what? 65 million voters it's the equivalent of the amount of people involved in the reformation process as in 6-700 people.

We never see if the questions are leading questions and the other alternatives

It's could be more like the Life of Brian " death or cruxifiction" options ?

Newsflashh. There IS no 'reformation process'. Merely a a shift in the balance of power.

Don't let a few deckchairs being moved from a holiday island's beaches fool ya laugh.png

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Sounds like they are setting up a little club only for the elite and powerful who will own and dominate the ordinary person. You could see it from the day Suthep and the Mad Monk 1st stepped onto the street and started his March for domination.

No different from the recent past then. Pity still that Thaksin faltered his chance to truly serve the nation.

No it is NO different huh.png But if you believe Taksin merely 'faltered his chance to truly serve the nation' You are deluded blink.png They're merely different pigs vying for the same trough.

Thing we're going on well before thaksin was even born. To blame thaksin for history is stupid. 19 coups and 38 people with thier snouts in the trough. The wheel will keep turning.
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I know that some of you are aware that the 93% approval rating is BS, but I get the impression that some think it has some credibility. It doesn't. It was reported here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/769564-prayuts-approval-rating-rises-to-933-per-cent/, by a propaganda organization set up the week before the coup: http://asiancorrespondent.com/126917/why-are-some-opinion-poll-results-so-positive-of-the-thai-junta/

Interesting that the person who set up the domain for the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association lists his employer as the Royal Thai Army.

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My God , they've grown some Balls

I hope the main article doesn't get deleted for being too subversive

Catch 22 situation . Suppressing freedom of speech appears to create a unified and contented nation, however underneath their is deep resentment, If they open the door with freedom of speech thing could very quickly get out of control. In my opinion the longer the oppression continues the greater the backlash. If the Juntas supposed main intentions are reforms followed by elections the people need to be heard.

Deep resentment.....who ?
Come now, if there wasn't any resentment or undertones Martial Law would be lifted !!

But it must be comforting to know that 93% of the population are still under Martial Law because Of the 7% !!!!

Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

See my above post about the 93% figure. Then provide some evidence that Prayuth has, or ever had, the majority of Thais behind him. After that you can explain why an election can't be held in spite of all this support.

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From the very start of all this I've been more than a little bit vocal. I didn't agree with the anarchy of the anti-government protesters who wanted to promote democracy by installing an unelected "committee" to run the country. I didn't like the military coup (yet again). It was all an obvious set up from the start to get the General into the seat. I'm pro democracy - very. Having said that, Thailand is probably a country that would benefit from a strong leader, even a dictator. But a dictator that got things done (Tito was a good example) not this one who just talks the talk and does nothing except feather his own bed and that of his military mates. Fidel Castro did great things for Cuba and Cubans, health care etc.. When he passed away it pretty much fell apart (as did Yugoslavia when Tito died). This current one in Thailand is pretty much ineffectual. A strong dictator with the right motives would be good - although not as good as a strong elected PM though. Just saying

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I know that some of you are aware that the 93% approval rating is BS, but I get the impression that some think it has some credibility. It doesn't. It was reported here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/769564-prayuts-approval-rating-rises-to-933-per-cent/, by a propaganda organization set up the week before the coup: http://asiancorrespondent.com/126917/why-are-some-opinion-poll-results-so-positive-of-the-thai-junta/

Interesting that the person who set up the domain for the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association lists his employer as the Royal Thai Army.

Anyone with a bit of experience and/or a brain cannot believe in an approval rate of 93%.It simply doesn't happen in real life. Another proof, if needed, that this is not a serious pool.

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The Thai military leader could take a look at how the US handles the public input...they are allowed to elect officials...the officials go to Washington to represent their area of the country...the Pres. ignores the elected officials and does whatever he wishes using his "executive" privilege...

Oh wait...that is the same as a dictatorship...or a military coup....darn...

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My God , they've grown some Balls

I hope the main article doesn't get deleted for being too subversive

Catch 22 situation . Suppressing freedom of speech appears to create a unified and contented nation, however underneath their is deep resentment, If they open the door with freedom of speech thing could very quickly get out of control. In my opinion the longer the oppression continues the greater the backlash. If the Juntas supposed main intentions are reforms followed by elections the people need to be heard.

Deep resentment.....who ?
Come now, if there wasn't any resentment or undertones Martial Law would be lifted !!

But it must be comforting to know that 93% of the population are still under Martial Law because Of the 7% !!!!

Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

Speaking of minority fanatics, you looked at yourself in the mirror lately jamie?

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Come now, if there wasn't any resentment or undertones Martial Law would be lifted !!

But it must be comforting to know that 93% of the population are still under Martial Law because Of the 7% !!!!

Quite correct.

The fact is that the minority fanatics kill innocent protestors. Minority fanatics kill innocent women and children. It is the minority fanatics who march. It is the minority fanatics who intimidate, condescend, belittle anyone that has a different view point. It is the minority fanatics that threaten to behead themselves without a second thought.

Peace loving Thai's have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This can also be said in Germany, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Somalia etc etc.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted. He is speaking up for the silent majority lest the vocal violent minority replicate what happened in Bangkok and Trat on nearly a daily basis. History has shown it is not the majority we should fear. It is the minority.

Well done Haggis for highlighting this and thanks.

PM Prayut heard the voice of the majority and acted.

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