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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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The Grand Jury evaluated testimony from over 80 eye witnesses on the scene and they corroborated Wilson's version of the story...

Why is it that multiple black leaders in the US refuse to accept these findings and continue to incite the black community to violence?

Al Sharpton


Mayor Johnson of Sacramento


Step father of Michael Brown


Here's a nice liberal news source for you lefties that refuse to believe the truth...


The parting shot is the ongoing DOJ investigation into this case as to whether Wilson was driven by racial motives to deprive Brown of his civil rights... <deleted>, you can't make this stuff up...

Sharpton makes his living by race hustling. He has a vested interest in inciting black violence.

I'd need to see the two allegations against the Rev Al Sharpton cited and documented, in police or FBI reports especially, but in any law enforcement reports of any kind that make the same or similar finding of facts, to include any court of law that has made any such finding or findings at any time.

Agreement by right wing media obviously does not fit the bill of citations or documentation. Neither do posts made here or elsewhere by the poster's fellow right wing posters.

Only official reports or statements by responsible law enforcement officials or police investigators or rulings by courts of law plse thx.

N.B. Votes in Congress concerning any black official or high visibility private citizen are political when all Republicans vote one way and all Democratic members vote the opposite way. Executive orders of the president are of course outside of the point made in the post. The Rev Jesse Jackson was not mentioned in the post but he'd also be a good high profile private citizen to produce such evidence against, if possible.

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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

The National Guard won't be so effective. They will still burn and pillage.

Not as always. If you have no actual knowledge about something, perhaps you should refrain from passing judgement lest you sound like a dumb a...

I think RustBucket is passing not Judgement nor Knowledge but Feelings... Can't blame a man for having Feelings.

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Infowars-the conspiracy theory website operated by Alex Jones. A real looney tune dude making money off of gullible people. Take anything coming from him not with a grain of salt but about a 100 lb. bag. I was surprised to see that my old friend and fellow warrior Russell Means had appeared on his show. Then again, Russell wasn't afraid of much of anything, RIP. Tons of info on this wacko and his Infowars, really had to bite the bullet after the Boston bombing. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/04/21/infowars-guru-alex-jones-a-fraud-lets-go-over-his-failed-predictions-video/ Little info on Ferguson shooting, "Wilson Witness who corroborates the "Charge" claim, wrote Racist Journal Entries": "Well I'm gonna take my random drive to Florissant. Need to understand the Black race better so I stop calling Blacks Niggers and Start calling them People." Now that doesn't mean she lied. Eye wintnesses are sometimes a real problem in that many actually mean well, but they don't always see what they thought they saw, whether good or bad for the acussed. In reality, they are not truly reliable.

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The racist, right wing, Fox News lemmings see this murder from a different standpoint than the rest of the world. He deserved it.

It won't always be like this. Unfortunately, that's the way it is today in America. Cops can kill people and get away with it.

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Then there is the flip side of looters, rioters and protesters. Many citizens are also willing to help.


Ferguson bakery vandalized during unrest receives $230,000 in donations
FERGUSON, MO (KTVI)- We have some uplifting news out of Ferguson this morning. Help is on the way for the owner of Natalie’s Cakes and More! On Monday night, those who participated in rioting damaged the shop and the equipment inside.
Natalie DuBose has invested everything into her business. The windows and other materials that were needed for upcoming Thanksgiving orders were destroyed. However, Natalie says she can’t go anywhere and plans to remain in Ferguson.
Natalie’s Cakes and More opened its doors in June of this year and Natalie’s dream of owning her own business was fulfilled.
I apologize to those readers who believe Fox News is the worst thing since the Nazi regime, but they seem to be the only news outlet that is covering anything except the bad news. Good news sometimes sells too.

Yes - such a great story. I hope the moochers can be held at bay. It is uplifting to read about this woman's good fortune. She is extremely fortunate... Just think of the other merchants -- even if they have money to rebuild -- what insurance company is going to provide insurance for new operations? A Government sponsored pool system will have to be set up - or something like that -- to purchase insurance ... I cannot imagine an individual private enterprise insurer touching it.

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Liberals just cannot handle the truth -- they want to discuss fantasy esoteric B.S.

Meet The Press:

Rich Lowry's Inconvenient Ferguson Truths Cause Panelist Outrage -


But what I really object to is you can discuss all these problems but let's not pretend this particular incident was something it wasn't. If you look at the most credible evidence, the lessons are really basic. Don't rob a convenience store. Don't fight a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop with his gun drawn, just stop.


Interesting video. It's interesting to see how many liberals react when facts get into the way of their fantasy. I like the basic lessons that should be learned from the Ferguson incident. "Don't rob a convenience store. Don't fight a policeman when he stops you and try to take his gun. And when he yells at you to stop with his gun drawn, just stop."

Edited by CMNightRider
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The Willfully Ignorant

Now, thanks to progressive journalists and activists, basic, irrefutable facts no longer have meaning. And a large swath of the American people willingly soak up the ignorance. Lies become some people’s reality.


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Honestly tried to read the whole 10 pages. Over 230 responses to OP.

The general impression - disgusting!

This case clearly demonstrates one and only one thing:

US social fabric is rotting with racial hatred despite hundreds of years of attempts to eradicate it.

A thief, a thug, a bully is shot by a policeman. Good riddance! The way he was behaving this would have happened anyway at some time.

But the facts and evidence are put aside, ignored or deliberately distorted. Tragic death of a young boy! Where is the tragedy?

Riots!! State of emergency! National Guards! Why?

Because he was black! And the policeman was white! No other reason!

This is the core of the issue. The role of Mass Media and of the State and Federal Government is another aspect which should be discussed elsewhere.

Any TV poster avoiding, not seeing or deliberately leading away from the core issue is directly or indirectly contributing to the rotting of USA social fabric.

IMHO this is all that can and should be said about this insignificant event.

P.S. Please do not mention to me the feelings of this boy's Mom, Dad and other relatives, - not relevant.

Edited by ABCer
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