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Rice-pledging scheme: Criminal case against Yingluck 'a step closer'


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Criminal case against Yingluck 'a step closer'


BANGKOK: -- THE MOVE to get ex-PM Yingluck Shinawatra to stand trial in the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions - for alleged negligence to stop corruption and massive losses in the rice-pledging scheme - is seen as a step closer to indictment.

Legal experts say there is a high probability the joint panel from the Office of the Attorney-General and the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) - working together to plug up loopholes in the NACC writ under instruction from the Office - would wrap up the case soon.

The last hurdle the joint panel must overcome is that the Office wants the NACC to agree that Yingluck be indicted on charges of negligence and not corruption.

That does not seem to pose a problem, said NACC secretary-general Sansern Poljiak yesterday. His office had earlier resolved that Yingluck had violated Article 157 of the Criminal Code for dereliction of duty in regard to her failure to stem corruption in the rice scheme.

He said he would check reports that public prosecutors would agree to indict Yingluck if the NACC officially confirmed the ex-PM is to be indicted on charges of dereliction of duty only - and not corruption.

Sansern said he had not seen an official request from the Office on the indictments, so he would check with his office first. He said the joint panel of the NACC and the Office representatives had not discussed this request.

The panel would meet again early next month.

NACC chairman Panthep Klanarongran said the commission would not interrogate extra witnesses for the rice scheme but it was willing to submit other evidence such as censure motion information.

Panthep insisted the NACC wanted the Office to file an indictment against Yingluck in the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Only if the joint panel officially resolved that it could not agree on the Yingluck case, the NACC would then have authority to bring the case to the court, he added.

The NACC chairman said the next meeting of the joint panel, which is yet to be scheduled, would be its last.

NACC and prosecutors to meet in mid-December

Panthep said the NACC and the Office would meet on December 16 to discuss all cases involving the two agencies and it was likely they would discuss Yingluck's case on that day, too.

In a separate move, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) is expected to proceed with impeachment proceedings against Yingluck on November 28 over the rice-pledging scheme.

An authorised lawyer to Yingluck yesterday submitted a request with the NLA, asking it to rule on whether its move to call a special session to discuss Yingluck's case on November 12 was unconstitutional.

Norawit Lalaeng said he had submitted the request on November 5 asking the NLA to rule whether it had authority to impeach Yingluck - but the assembly had not acted on his request. So he requested the NLA president bring his petition to the assembly's attention on November 28. "If the assembly votes that the NLA has no authority, the impeachment against Yingluck must be dropped," he said.

NLA whip spokesman Jetn Sirathranont criticised the move, saying it was expected that Yingluck's legal team would try to stall her impeachment. He said Yingluck's impeachment differed from that of former Parliament president Somsak Kiatsuranont and his ex-deputy Nikom Wairatpanij, in terms of alleged offence. That was why the NLA had not voted to decide its authority over action to impeach Yingluck.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Criminal-case-against-Yingluck-a-step-closer-30248107.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-19

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Yingluck was the PM in charge of the government

attachicon.gifYingluck an Oak.jpg

Yingluck implemented her brother Thaksin's rice pledging scam

attachicon.gifThaksin Poster.jpg

Yingluck was Chairperson of the rice committee

attachicon.gifYinglock funny.jpg

Yingluck was chairperson of the anticorruption committee that policed the scam

attachicon.gifYingluck corruption.jpg

18 million tons of rice rotting and 700 billion baht lost

attachicon.gifrotten rice 1.jpg

Nope no corruption there

The darling of Isan will be on shopping sprees all over the world soon again. Perhaps she'll be barred from politics for 5 years, but she will not go to prison, nor will her money be taken to compensate her wrong doings a bit. It's the new order that decides.

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If and when she will be found guilty, as punishments, she and her brother should be made to

cook and eat all the rotten rice that is there until they chock on it... that's how careless and

negligent she was in handling the rice scheme....

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So this must good news for Yingluck as they not proof that she is or was corrupt.

Chalk one up for the stuttering parrot!

Now on with the witch hunt and let's see what trumped up evidence they will come up with.

If a censure motion is the best they have got then the case is dead in the water.

Oh and then there's those pesky witnesses that the defence wants to call and have been denied.

The cheerleaders for the yellows on here time and time again said she's going to flee.Well she's still here maintaing her dignity and grace and willing to face her accusers even though others before her either have been put on the back burner or hide behind monks robes and refuse to even answer a summons.

Oh come on ! Some of you guys are looking over each others shoulders as you post comments !

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The last hurdle the joint panel must overcome is that the Office wants the NACC to agree that Yingluck be indicted on charges of negligence and not corruption.

Even in Thailand there is no possibility of her avoiding conviction on a charge of negligence. This is the case that will decide whether or not there is any hope for this country. The rich and powerful, and I don't care which ones, must be seen to be accountable, until they are the goal of most Thais will be to accrue enough cash to be above the law.

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See jamie that's the yellow reasoning guilty before innocent.

So you called her a criminal .

For the benefit of all posters can you please list all or any criminal convictions against Yingluck Shinawatra former elected prime minister of the kingdom or Thailand?

I wouldn't bother too much about Jamie his post are what's criminal !!

Oh yeah he posted last week that he was riding about on his moped without a helmet buying seedless watermelon and therefore was openly breaking the law, which would indeed make him every bit a criminal too.

That there is Jamie logic right enough!!

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Oh and just to Add I wonder what he thinks of the THAI board of directors who have incurred losses far greater than the rice scam ?

Now that's gross mismanagement and negligence there and I would hope that NACC are looking into this too as the money bring pumped into THAI is evaporating faster than honest politicians !!!

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See jamie that's the yellow reasoning guilty before innocent.

So you called her a criminal .

For the benefit of all posters can you please list all or any criminal convictions against Yingluck Shinawatra former elected prime minister of the kingdom or Thailand?

I wouldn't bother too much about Jamie his post are what's criminal !!

Oh yeah he posted last week that he was riding about on his moped without a helmet buying seedless watermelon and therefore was openly breaking the law, which would indeed make him every bit a criminal too.

That there is Jamie logic right enough!!

May I interrupt --What the heck has this got to do with the crimes committed ??

Not satisfied at all are you, It is Jamie turn for you now.

You told me you were against the Shins/actions/government, in the next breath you do not comment on the topic but a personal again.

At least I do try to be straight forward with my feelings, against totally PTP regime and going along with the lesser of what you call evils.

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It got to do with the fact he has called Yingluck a criminal despite not having been convicted of Ant crimes or did that part not register with you?

I pointed out to the stuttering parrot it's what's called Double standards and is quite typical of Jamie ?

Now for starters I will call her a criminal AFTER the courts have convicted her of crimes, until then she's isn't one in the eyes of the law.

Of course you will say but she broke the law, which is exactly my point about Jamie and not wearing a helmet is breaking the law and therefore his actions and act is NO different, the law is the law is an ass ? and he's breaking it that makes his logic of calling her a criminal quite absurd and a double standard, but you don't see that in your utopia do you?

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See jamie that's the yellow reasoning guilty before innocent.

So you called her a criminal .

For the benefit of all posters can you please list all or any criminal convictions against Yingluck Shinawatra former elected prime minister of the kingdom or Thailand?

I wouldn't bother too much about Jamie his post are what's criminal !!

Oh yeah he posted last week that he was riding about on his moped without a helmet buying seedless watermelon and therefore was openly breaking the law, which would indeed make him every bit a criminal too.

That there is Jamie logic right enough!!

May I interrupt --What the heck has this got to do with the crimes committed ??

Not satisfied at all are you, It is Jamie turn for you now.

You told me you were against the Shins/actions/government, in the next breath you do not comment on the topic but a personal again.

At least I do try to be straight forward with my feelings, against totally PTP regime and going along with the lesser of what you call evils.

What has your response got to do with the topic?

Pot -kettle- black

No surprise there ?

I take it you don't believe in the innocent until prove guilty thing then do you?

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See jamie that's the yellow reasoning guilty before innocent.

So you called her a criminal .

For the benefit of all posters can you please list all or any criminal convictions against Yingluck Shinawatra former elected prime minister of the kingdom or Thailand?

I wouldn't bother too much about Jamie his post are what's criminal !!

Oh yeah he posted last week that he was riding about on his moped without a helmet buying seedless watermelon and therefore was openly breaking the law, which would indeed make him every bit a criminal too.

That there is Jamie logic right enough!!

May I interrupt --What the heck has this got to do with the crimes committed ??

Not satisfied at all are you, It is Jamie turn for you now.

You told me you were against the Shins/actions/government, in the next breath you do not comment on the topic but a personal again.

At least I do try to be straight forward with my feelings, against totally PTP regime and going along with the lesser of what you call evils.

What has your response got to do with the topic?

Pot -kettle- black

No surprise there ?

I take it you don't believe in the innocent until prove guilty thing then do you?

You mean like the Shin family record ??--on to the PMs record of crimes ?? or his fathers ?? whats all the shout about him ?? the clans attempt to get some foothold into what they think is a dubious deal.

On topic what is your assessment of the alleged crimes spoken about---rice--corruption--PM duties-

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A conviction is better than an impeachment. You can not stand as a candidate in an election if you have been convicted of a criminal offence..... So that is a life ban in politics, which is way better than a stupid 5 year ban.

Are you sure about that? True in most real democratic countries, but in Thailand? Just to have to look at the dregs that do stand for elections in Thailand to wonder what laws are actually in place, much less enforced.

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You lost me Ginny

The point was he claimed yingluck was a criminal and I asked him to please list her convictions so all posters can be informed of her criminal past.

Well maybe you can enlighten us?

I mean the man who's greatest achievement in life is reaching 10,000 posts so you must have some knowledge of her crimes.

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See jamie that's the yellow reasoning guilty before innocent.

So you called her a criminal .

For the benefit of all posters can you please list all or any criminal convictions against Yingluck Shinawatra former elected prime minister of the kingdom or Thailand?

I wouldn't bother too much about Jamie his post are what's criminal !!

Oh yeah he posted last week that he was riding about on his moped without a helmet buying seedless watermelon and therefore was openly breaking the law, which would indeed make him every bit a criminal too.

That there is Jamie logic right enough!!

May I interrupt --What the heck has this got to do with the crimes committed ??

Not satisfied at all are you, It is Jamie turn for you now.

You told me you were against the Shins/actions/government, in the next breath you do not comment on the topic but a personal again.

At least I do try to be straight forward with my feelings, against totally PTP regime and going along with the lesser of what you call evils.

What has your response got to do with the topic?

Pot -kettle- black

No surprise there ?

I take it you don't believe in the innocent until prove guilty thing then do you?

You mean like the Shin family record ??--on to the PMs record of crimes ?? or his fathers ?? whats all the shout about him ?? the clans attempt to get some foothold into what they think is a dubious deal.

On topic what is your assessment of the alleged crimes spoken about---rice--corruption--PM duties-

By appointing herself in charge she shot herself in the foot thinking she'd get massive brownie points from the farmers but she WAS derelict in her duty as chairperson and has to assume that responsibility.

Now I also believe that she wasn't smart enough to implicate herself in the scams between the lower end of the trough, I honestly believe that the rice buyers and millers themselves with son low level cabinet ministers seen an opportunity to rape the country knowing Yingluck would not bother her arse checking to see if all was above board .

Accountability starts at the top in my book, so yes she needs to be held accountable but "where" are the arrests for the corruption that is alleged to have taken place?

I say alleged as it's not been proven that it's taken place,no charges or arrests and millions of baht in budgets spent and not one singing canary?

Don't you find that unusual? When it was posted many times on here about rolling over and spilling the beans?

Not a single arrest has been made over the scam, and I find that quite incredible, they are pursuing Yingluck instead, when she doesn't have a clue as to what those who actually stole all the money have been doing and for how long?

Has the official report been produced on the " missing rice" too?

I can see her being banned for 5 years and nothing more, she might have been a fish to fry, but she was/is my no means the leading conspirator in the scam,that's someone on a much lower pay grade who said far has alluded arrest.

Does she deserve to be punished yes she does as to the other CEOs of corporations that have been negligent in their duties ?

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You lost me Ginny

The point was he claimed yingluck was a criminal and I asked him to please list her convictions so all posters can be informed of her criminal past.

Well maybe you can enlighten us?

I mean the man who's greatest achievement in life is reaching 10,000 posts so you must have some knowledge of her crimes.

She committed perjury.

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So this must good news for Yingluck as they not proof that she is or was corrupt.

Chalk one up for the stuttering parrot!

Now on with the witch hunt and let's see what trumped up evidence they will come up with.

If a censure motion is the best they have got then the case is dead in the water.

Oh and then there's those pesky witnesses that the defence wants to call and have been denied.

The cheerleaders for the yellows on here time and time again said she's going to flee.Well she's still here maintaing her dignity and grace and willing to face her accusers even though others before her either have been put on the back burner or hide behind monks robes and refuse to even answer a summons.

And one more non sense biased post!

If bullsh*t was at gold price, you would really be a rich man!

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