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Son of former deputy minister beats girlfriend at Bangkok police station

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ex-Deputy Education Minister (banned from politics) Boonlue, his offspring Treethana, and his offspring's beaten up girlfriend Pairinya.

The more I look at this picture the more my blood boils. That's one hell of a nasty beatdown. Not sure if a fist could make that type of contusion there on her forehead. Looks like he might have kicked her while she was down. Cannot find adequate words to convey the contempt I feel for this bloody, pissant coward.

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Sometimes this sort of thing goes on for quite a long time behind closed doors where nobody can see what is going on and then the victim ends up very seriously injured or worse. The animals (I won't call them men because they are not) that do this to women are nothing but cowards, put them up against a real man and see how they fair out. Personally, I would love to get my hands on vermin like this and see how they like it.


Maybe he was just showing the local police his skills in the hope of receiving a job with them.

Nah, you have to shoot someone in a nightclub to do that.

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He did this in front of the police station? Where were the police? At checkpoints making collections?

Is this man locked up now waiting to pay bail?

He will never face a formal charge because they will harass and threaten or bribe the woman to retract her statement

"Six to seven police officers witnessed the attack and intervened to stop him."

"Pairinya was sent to the hospital while the politician’s son was released on THB150,000 bail Saturday morning."

"Her mother filed a police complaint on Sunday."

"Police will call him for further questioning."

Have you ever noticed the little blue link below a story?

Where it says Full Story?

Full story: http://bangkok.cocon...-police-station

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

And you got 6 lemmings to "like" your comment as well...

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif


The only question left to answer is, will it be a buy out or a trip to Singapore.

You forgot the final option. Which is to stay, and face the charges in the hopes

of it all going away after payment is made. Then if things goes horribly wrong,

a quick border flight to Cambodia and join all the other Thai hisos on the run


Side note: What the bleep is wrong with these hiso child nutcases ?

How come he is so stupid as to try break her fingers while she is driving,

instead of the correct course of action which would be to wait until the

car stops ???

What a sadness for the Thai people that they have allowed these lunatic

hiso families to run Thailand... :-) Wonder what position this idiot will

have in the future government.

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Another day, another high so brat that feels he is above the law. I have tutored kids from these families and it starts young, a very entitled and spoiled 5 year old brat will grow up thinking they are above the law. Being rich does not a good parent make.


I'm immune to the law. well son tell that to my bullet next time you try that and I'm around, Because I'm old don't give a damn and I'll pop a cap in you in a heartbeat. Tried of these lowlife hiso's doing as they please time to clean up dodge cowboy style. Make Thailand fit to live in again.

"well son tell that to my bullet next time you try that and I'm around, Because I'm old don't give a damn and I'll pop a cap in you in a heartbeat."

Wanna-be hard man's idiotic post of the day.

Don't know about yourself but I was utterly terrified...

Positively pissing in my pants I was...


Is it just my imagination, but I've been coming to Thailand for more than 15 years, (living here for 6 years), but is the number of these type of incidents, perpetrated by the sons of "hiso" or "connected" people increasing dramatically? Maybe as is often stated, it is because of more media coverage (Facebook, Thai Visa etc) but these spoilt brats seem to be literally getting away with murder, and consequently the result seems to be more and more headlines like the one above. Some of their actions beggars belief, but unfortunately TIT, and Daddy's money always seems to buy them out of trouble. Maybe the new PM should be using his new broom to sweep away some of these practices, and make a few examples of these juvenile thugs/killers who think they are above the law by jailing them - no bail - no early release, and even jail Daddy if he tries to pay for the punishment to "go away"?

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proof once again that <deleted> floats at the top

In my culture we believe men do not hit women and that any woman beater is in fact a homosexual

I am not gaybashing as pure gays have BFs not GFs I am bashing demons that are confused about who they are

At least Thai ladyboys admit who they are unlike this example of defective human

we pray that his family be cursed as defective unbred genetalia produce such ungrateful offspring

If Treethana Prasertsopa makes it to prison then I will pay Bubba the rectum prober inside to love him longtime

Oh Lord rid this Land of demons abeg


Is it just my imagination, but I've been coming to Thailand for more than 15 years, (living here for 6 years), but is the number of these type of incidents, perpetrated by the sons of "hiso" or "connected" people increasing dramatically? Maybe as is often stated, it is because of more media coverage (Facebook, Thai Visa etc) but these spoilt brats seem to be literally getting away with murder, and consequently the result seems to be more and more headlines like the one above. Some of their actions beggars belief, but unfortunately TIT, and Daddy's money always seems to buy them out of trouble. Maybe the new PM should be using his new broom to sweep away some of these practices, and make a few examples of these juvenile thugs/killers who think they are above the law by jailing them - no bail - no early release, and even jail Daddy if he tries to pay for the punishment to "go away"?

Correction: ..... these spoilt brats seem to be literally are getting away with murder, .....

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the confidence of they guy to do the beating in a police station ... must think he is GOD given present and above all laws, with his daddy's connections


He did this in front of the police station? Where were the police? At checkpoints making collections?

Is this man locked up now waiting to pay bail?

He will never face a formal charge because they will harass and threaten or bribe the woman to retract her statement

I have never seen a BIB out on the streets at night patrolling, if they are on duty they are either in the cop shop having snacks or at a road block creating chaos to the traffic.


A post containing comments regarding parental violence toward their children has been removed as the topic is not about parental abuse toward children. Replies were removed as well.


In yesterday's Manager news website, she was reported as saying 6-7 police came out the station and broke up the assault and took her, with her face bloodied, to the hospital. While that was happening, even then her bf didn't stop and attempted to follow and continue the assault, so the police locked him in the cell to cool off.
Sounds like a nice guy...

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Treethana Prasertsopa Kanpithak Pachimsawas, Prae-wa (Orachorn) Thephassadin Na Ayuttaya Peerapol Thaksinthaweesap

All scumbags, all walking free. When will people say enough is enough?


Posters attempting to bring politics, particularly Thaksin's name, into this thread, just don't get it.

This is a cultural thing, not political.

Thai males are taught from an early age that they are superior to the deferring females. There are rules for this.

Examples of this type of violence towards women can be seen nightly on Thai TV soaps and dramas where weeping and screaming white skinned females beg for mercy from their husbands and boyfriends.

It is also typical for the females to mistreat and sometimes beat their darker skinned, employees, maids and servants.

Treating women fairly, in many countries, not just Thailand, is seen as weakness on the part of the male.

I hope this woman recovers from her injuries and finds a more suitable man to be her companion.

Hello Ratcatcher

couldn't agree with you more mate. I remember a murder carried out by (I think) a doctor on his wife with repeated blows to the head and face with a golf club!! in LOS around 2001 2002 and I brought up the sublect with a class I was teaching in the north east at the time ( mainly young Ratchapat Thai ladies) and one older student spoke out and said she was one of this "Doc's" students and he always spoke lovingly about his wife CUE lots of OOHs and ARRS Awww he really loved her comments from the rest of the class. I remained in shocked stunned silence.

Get well very soon sweetheart and stop hanging around with evil scum.



A friend of Ms. Sai sent me this picture. She told me that Ms Sai is doing well. Ms. Sai is a victim of domestic violent by her boyfriend who is a son of politician. We should request for a reform in the Thai laws in order to protect women's right. There also should be no double standard between the rich and poor when they got prosecuted.



I thought each generation was supposed to do a bit better than the last? Is this an improvement???


Never will be with Thai TV soaps. Thought the new PM had decided to stop them with their never ending cycles of violence.

Oh, I forgot, it's all OK, especially as most of the 'Hi-So' characters carry and use guns, which again, I thought our new PM had made illegal.


No wonder Thai ladies go for Farang. At least very few of us beat our Thai woman....

What the hell is it anyway with these family members of the " untouchables " ??? Are the younger Hi-So Thai generation busy leading LOS on a self destruction path or is it just me missing something here ??

This coward should anyway be taught a lesson in a quiet Soi somewhere.

Hey MODS... I'm referring to some English lessons here whistling.gif

Us Farags would never hurt a Thai man as he'll be SAD afterwards, right guys ??? And we don't want that do we....cheesy.giflaugh.pngw00t.gif

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I thought each generation was supposed to do a bit better than the last? Is this an improvement???


Never will be with Thai TV soaps. Thought the new PM had decided to stop them with their never ending cycles of violence.

Oh, I forgot, it's all OK, especially as most of the 'Hi-So' characters carry and use guns, which again, I thought our new PM had made illegal.

Wrong... In real life the Hi-So's lately carries a Garden Hoe..... specially on Koh Tao..


Future leaders? Ferrari-driving rich kids make asses of themselves in Vice video. http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/04/24/future-leaders-ferrari-driving-rich-kids-make-asses-themselves-vice-video

Was the next article from Coconuts.

What is described in the OP was an extremely viscous attack on a woman. Even if she had a gig the lad should have been man enough to walk away.

Maybe it’s time to go to Singapore with the Ferrari kid.

Can’t the Thais see this type of corruption which is the perverting the course of natural justice?

Yes, they can and do. They can't do anything about it, at present. At some stage, who knows when, the chickens will come home to roost.

Society is changing, despite ever more desperate attempts to go back to the glorious days of the last century. The ordinary people now have access to ideas and can share opinions (smartphones, internet etc) which previous generations never had. Maybe the "Dinosaurs" are underestimating the "Buffaloes".

Thai society is changing, how fast remains to be seen, but changing it is - for the better. Sh*ts like him will not be able to strut their stuff with impunity for much longer.

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