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'I Hate Thailand' star comes clean: Video funded by TAT


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If I had watched this video while waiting at the immigration office to extend my visa, I think I would have killed myself.

After my last visit to immigration I concur. Still seems to be a lot of irrational hatred in this thread though.

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I'm trying to catch up on the News threads and trying to have tea at the same time.


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i met some very nice thai people and the video might even be realistic(certainly not in phuket koh tao etc...but in ranong,hat yai,satun....it could be)

however,in the new order of visa crackdowns and quality tourists,there is no space anymore for guys like the one in the video

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This is an excellent video. I've seen it going around FB for a few days, now. It captures The Dream of an entire segment of would-be vacationers and visitors from the West. Extremely well done. People knocking the quality of this video haven't got a clue.

ps...apologies; didn't know the previous one was posted.

Z....right on.

I presume you mean the murders, rapes, scams, property thefts (here on TV this week the Land Registry is the most fraudelent), Phuket mafia, the corruption, martial law, southern war, etc, etc.

Yep....thier "dream" will all too often become a horrible reality in this wonderful safe and secure peaceful democratic land.

Excellent video indeed. I like the reality bit where he throws rocks at the taxi. I again presume the driver smiled and gave him a wave?

What I presume is that you must be living a miserable tormented life in Thailand (otherwise, why would you be posting, here, in a forum for expats). You appear to be so fearful that you border on paranoia. I cannot imagine such a bitter existence. Or why someone would continue to remain in circumstances that promoted such fear and misery. I feel sorry for you. Truly, I do. I don't mean that sarcastically. Consider living with a more encouraging outlook on life. It's the only one you'll ever have.

Z...you keep right on with your ose tinted glasses, your head in the sand and your ass in the air.

If you think my post is factually wrong spell it out and don't try to be clever.

You are a seriously disillusional if you believe Thailand is actually as portrayed in this ridiculous video of what purports to be life in Thailand. Nice video though if you beleive in fiction.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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i met some very nice thai people and the video might even be realistic(certainly not in phuket koh tao etc...but in ranong,hat yai,satun....it could be)

however,in the new order of visa crackdowns and quality tourists,there is no space anymore for guys like the one in the video

The video would have been realistic 15-20 years ago. Today the guy would have been killed or at least hospitalized by the taxi driver for throwing stones at his car. Which you could say, would have been fair enough...

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It looks almost as if the headman from Koh Tao financed this video clip in order to promote Thai islands as the friendliest place on earth. It's sort of a desperate attempt to attract foreign tourists to Thai shores. It might work with people who have never been to Thailand though. By the way, I'm almost certain that this video clip has been made by the western PR agency.

Edited by Mackie
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yep your right !a better class of rubbish scripted by TAT who them selves are in cloud cokoo land

In fairness, the best bit of marketing done by TAT for years.

Cheesy, but a good effort.

Did people really believe 100 Thais would take to a beach with candles for free to find someone's bag?

I agree, I actually think this is a good bit of marketing and refreshing change from the usual rubbish TAT puts out.

I don't think that TAT were trying to pull the wool over anyones eyes with this. I don't think they ever claimed it to be anything other than what it is and I don't think they were trying to pass it off as being 'real', so to speak.

If people watching it believed this video to be anything other than scripted, then more fool them!

In fact, it could be argued that it's been very successful as it's gained huge attention, the video has been watched more than 800,000 times on YouTube and had people talking about it on forums and throughout social media.

Sure it's cheesey but it's better than the 'Thainess' campaign and the other quickly forgotten marketing spiel they've put out in recent years.

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they really think we are sheep with big wallets

this video is directed at very young (victims) tourists who think they will be saftey in numbers

somebody (at last) in goverment has realised that tourisim has taken a drastic down turn and for all TAT's saying to the contary the down turn is real

Thailand has to get its head out of its a/se, tourisim is slipping away and it has been to arrogant to see it

TAT and its projected figures cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifbah.gif

" a government attempt to counter reality with fiction" says it all.

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I like the fact that this guy attracts complete strangers who really want to go the extra mile for him, yet he appears not to have a single friend or relative from his own country who might be prepared to help out. I can only put this down to the fact that, superficially he might seem harmless, but all those who know him have recognised his psychopathic tendencies, touched on briefly visa the lunacy of lobbing stones at a taxi, and wouldn't touch him with a bargepole.

One the other hand, it might just be that he can't seem to get over the insurmountable problem of his phone having a flat battery, leaving him completely and utterly helpless.

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Is this an advert for destitute teachers? He couldn't get money wired from his home country? I have experienced many friendly, helpful Thais but this takes it too far. It's best not to raise expectations of a place too high as it is bound to cause disappointment. IMO, a more realistic scenario would have been more effective.

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Is this an advert for destitute teachers? He couldn't get money wired from his home country? I have experienced many friendly, helpful Thais but this takes it too far. It's best not to raise expectations of a place too high as it is bound to cause disappointment. IMO, a more realistic scenario would have been more effective.

Its probably an advert for Digital Pikeys, starring a Digital Pikey. Not sure if TVs number one Digital Pikey is in this particular TAT promotion, after the success of the gay tourism advert he's probably booked up.

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Is this an advert for destitute teachers? He couldn't get money wired from his home country? I have experienced many friendly, helpful Thais but this takes it too far. It's best not to raise expectations of a place too high as it is bound to cause disappointment. IMO, a more realistic scenario would have been more effective.

Its probably an advert for Digital Pikeys, starring a Digital Pikey. Not sure if TVs number one Digital Pikey is in this particular TAT promotion, after the success of the gay tourism advert he's probably booked up.

I didn't know Thailand was experiencing a shortage of pikeys. As for gays, Dallas's previous mayor is gay and takes his holidays in Thailand every year. I think Thailand is already attractive to both those groups. TAT keeps saying publicly they want more higher-spending tourists but this advert makes a lie of that pronouncement.

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I like the fact that this guy attracts complete strangers who really want to go the extra mile for him, yet he appears not to have a single friend or relative from his own country who might be prepared to help out. I can only put this down to the fact that, superficially he might seem harmless, but all those who know him have recognised his psychopathic tendencies, touched on briefly visa the lunacy of lobbing stones at a taxi, and wouldn't touch him with a bargepole.

One the other hand, it might just be that he can't seem to get over the insurmountable problem of his phone having a flat battery, leaving him completely and utterly helpless.

the lunacy of lobbing stones at a taxi,

If that were 'real life', the taxi driver would be after him with a gun or sword.

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FACT: Throw a rock at any Thai and you are dead or maimed for life.

That's even better than the old chestnut "Don't ride a motorbike in Bangkok or you will die"


EDIT:...although if you changed it to "Throw a rock at any Thai who's surrounded by 10-15 friends .... and you are dead or maimed for life." .... You may be right.

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The video is a decent effort from TAT, but it has the potential to backfire..

... Some gullible guy may throw stones at cars, and think that nothing will happen whistling.gif

Potential to backfire?

Probably in proportion to the number of views it manages to attract.

One plays with fire making amateur attempts to hoodwink what is a very sophisticated social media savvy audience.

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This story is as real as the Channel 7 daily soaps laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

My questions are:

Why they promote him as god example if this is the typical guy the Immigration is trying to prevent to stay longer in the country?

How he still lives when he throws a stone at a Taxi?

Why you sit down in a bar if you don't have money anyway?

How he get a visa anyway after he left stranded without money?

Is it a good idea to teach without a work permit?

All in all, how about the 99% of tourists who have no 2 years time to look for their passport and motorbike?

At the end his motorbike was really stolen, right? (Proably one of most real things in the video)

All in all this guy is the typical target of all the visa crackdowns in the past few months...

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"Although the video was heavily staged, Smith said he can't deny he has experiences similar to those in the video."

Due to contractual obligations.

Similar experiences...Perhaps one is that Smith had his bag stolen before in Thailand.

When you have to makeup stories and lie to people so they come on holiday and can not find true things to say about the country and Thai people I think it is truly sad....

Thailand needs to start telling Thai people to respect human life and to greet their guests better. They also need to enforce laws and increase the penalties for crimes against foreigners.

And start to tell the truth for once ! Stop the lies !

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He was young and good looking unlike most of you in TVF. So it is a fairytale. And I like that they want people to think that no Thai would still your bag. (a monkey thief is more likely to be the culprit) Oh, what's this, I just got a message from The National Association of Thai Monkeys stating that they do not endorse this advertisement.

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