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Russian FM: Putin ready for summit with North Korean leader


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Russian FM: Putin ready for summit with N.K. leader
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MOSCOW, Nov 21 (Yonhap) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to hold a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Moscow's top diplomat said Thursday after holding talks with Kim's special envoy.

Russia confirmed that it is ready for contact with North Korea at various levels, including the highest level, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in response to a question from Yonhap News Agency whether his discussions with the North's special envoy, Choe Ryong-hae, included the possibility of Kim's visit to Russia.

Lavrov also said that the North is ready to return to the six-party nuclear talks without preconditions.

At the start of his meeting with Choe, Lavrov said Choe's visit to Moscow would contribute to creating the conditions for resuming the nuclear talks. Choe said in his opening comments that he hopes Kim and Putin will build a close relationship.

Choe met with Putin on Tuesday and delivered a letter from Kim.

His eight-day trip to Russia suggests that Pyongyang is trying to reach out to Russia for diplomatic and other support amid strained relations with China. Russia has also been at odds with the United States over the situation in Ukraine.

The trip also came as a U.N. General Assembly committee passed a resolution that calls for referring the North to the International Criminal Court for human rights violations. Pyongyang has strongly protested against the resolution.

Lavrov said after meeting Choe that the resolution is "counterproductive."

"We voted against the resolution at the UN General Assembly session," he said. "If our goal is to help all countries fulfil the obligations within the universal documents, aimed at contributing to the respect of human rights and freedoms, a respectful calm professional dialogue is much more in demand." (Yonhap)

-- TNA 2014-11-21

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This just goes to show why Putin is widely considered "the prince of peace" always willing to reach out the hand of friendship as opposed to starting unnecessary wars as some are all to quick to do.

Bravo, once again Mr. Putin

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Sure hope this works out for them. Right now Russia can not feed itself let alone North Korea. What can these two really do to help one another at this time?

I sort of see where in a few years when Russia is ready to make nice with the west he will use his North Korean operatives to rid the world of Kim. At some time in the future Russia and the west will be all good buddies again. Heck, if he killed Kim right now I"d be willing to let him have the Crimea.

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Not a prediction but just a leaning towards thinking that Mr Putin is heading down a very dangerous path that could eventually lead to conflict with the west, something that doesn't bear thinking about, is he going to lead the world into what could amount to a 3rd world war - the man IMO is a lose cannon and a compulsive liar

and a superbowl championship ring thief too!!!

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Not a prediction but just a leaning towards thinking that Mr Putin is heading down a very dangerous path that could eventually lead to conflict with the west, something that doesn't bear thinking about, is he going to lead the world into what could amount to a 3rd world war - the man IMO is a lose cannon and a compulsive liar

I think that is a misinformed interpretation of the current situation.

Putin is already being pushed and prodded by the west.

The US clearly wants a confrontation because they know their currency is about to be wiped out by Russia and China and the middle east. But the US wants to fight the battle in someone else's backyard and the EU are happy to kiss butt to let it happen.

This is merely Putin giving a well deserved middle finger to the so called world police.

If someone wants to help out N Korea.... what business is it of anyone else?

If it was the EU or the US making this statement of having discussions with N Korea, then everybody would be saying 'great to see fractures are healing'.... But because it is Russia, we get the narrow minded comment as above.

If anyone is a danger to the world peace it is the USA and their dangerous foreign policy.

The people of N Korea are suppering and they need food aid etc..... But all they get from the west is sanctions.

As for Putin finding a friend..... He has plenty with China and the middle east, all powerful nations that the US are desperate to be able to control.

Don't you feel lonely, as the TV Putin apologist you are?

If you think China wants to be a friend of Russia, then you're delusional. China is using Russia's weak position.

Do you seriously think the Russian ruble will threaten the $? Do you think China wants their $ reserves to dwindle in value?

Edited by pmugghc
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You all know that Russia with North korea and China and soon Venezuela/Cuba etc is going to form a coalition againts US and their pets. Us have to step down from their `we are the best` or `its our way or highway`thinking. Think US have more to take care at home as homeless and financial situations etc. This is what happens when you push someone in a corner and this mr Putin knows. Now he hopes that EU will tell US to stop all this or Russia will form a coalition with not so popular countries to US. If just EU open their eyes and start understand that they are doing US biddings while they sametime are taking care of all refugees coming to EU from countries US is bombing, and causing instability in EU. If US wins a war, all contracts from rebuilding that country and oil contracts goes to US companies.

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Didnt read your post before i wrote mine and i totally agree :)

Not a prediction but just a leaning towards thinking that Mr Putin is heading down a very dangerous path that could eventually lead to conflict with the west, something that doesn't bear thinking about, is he going to lead the world into what could amount to a 3rd world war - the man IMO is a lose cannon and a compulsive liar

I think that is a misinformed interpretation of the current situation.

Putin is already being pushed and prodded by the west.

The US clearly wants a confrontation because they know their currency is about to be wiped out by Russia and China and the middle east. But the US wants to fight the battle in someone else's backyard and the EU are happy to kiss butt to let it happen.

This is merely Putin giving a well deserved middle finger to the so called world police.

If someone wants to help out N Korea.... what business is it of anyone else?

If it was the EU or the US making this statement of having discussions with N Korea, then everybody would be saying 'great to see fractures are healing'.... But because it is Russia, we get the narrow minded comment as above.

If anyone is a danger to the world peace it is the USA and their dangerous foreign policy.

The people of N Korea are suppering and they need food aid etc..... But all they get from the west is sanctions.

As for Putin finding a friend..... He has plenty with China and the middle east, all powerful nations that the US are desperate to be able to control.

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You all know that Russia with North korea and China and soon Venezuela/Cuba etc is going to form a coalition againts US and their pets. Us have to step down from their `we are the best` or `its our way or highway`thinking. Think US have more to take care at home as homeless and financial situations etc. This is what happens when you push someone in a corner and this mr Putin knows. Now he hopes that EU will tell US to stop all this or Russia will form a coalition with not so popular countries to US. If just EU open their eyes and start understand that they are doing US biddings while they sametime are taking care of all refugees coming to EU from countries US is bombing, and causing instability in EU. If US wins a war, all contracts from rebuilding that country and oil contracts goes to US companies.

Geez, with four basketcase economies like Russia, N. Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba, and a fifth economy, China, which is running on ether and busily hiding its fraud, mismanagement, corruption, and monumental environmental degradation behind balance sheets of state owned (and concealed) enterprises, this sounds like a coalition of the needy and destitute. Not one of them can feed themselves.

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Vladimir Putin has some very interesting friends, dictators from China, North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Iran ... to make a long story short, neonazists, extremists and populists from around the world. Obviously, birds of the same feather flock together.

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Putin is at a stage were he wants to be remembered in the "anal"s of history, I'm not even sure if the Chinese will sing to his chorus, I very much doubt it

North Korea sing to no 3rd party agenda but out of just badness and desperation Putin might offer them help with achieving some sort of long range missile capability which he will deny (like I said in an earlier post he is a liar) like he has denied giving equipment and resources to east Ukraine while everyone watches as tanks move west disguised as .....tanks lol

he is a crac pot and a very dangerous one - he needs to be removed before he takes the world down a serious rat hole

can you imagine Obama leaving an important global summit because he is tired - seriously

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I think that is a misinformed interpretation of the current situation.

Putin is already being pushed and prodded by the west.

The US clearly wants a confrontation because they know their currency is about to be wiped out by Russia and China and the middle east. But the US wants to fight the battle in someone else's backyard and the EU are happy to kiss butt to let it happen.

This is merely Putin giving a well deserved middle finger to the so called world police.

If someone wants to help out N Korea.... what business is it of anyone else?

If it was the EU or the US making this statement of having discussions with N Korea, then everybody would be saying 'great to see fractures are healing'.... But because it is Russia, we get the narrow minded comment as above.

If anyone is a danger to the world peace it is the USA and their dangerous foreign policy.

The people of N Korea are suppering and they need food aid etc..... But all they get from the west is sanctions.

As for Putin finding a friend..... He has plenty with China and the middle east, all powerful nations that the US are desperate to be able to control.

This has nothing to do with currency. It's all about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, after doing the same in a few other countries. I would think this article says who's pushing who:


NATO jets scrambled more than 400 times this year for Russian intercepts

How anybody could support North Korea is beyond me. North Korea is a pariah state with serious humanitarian issues. As mentioned before, Russia is picking the worst of the worst countries to side with. Why? They don't have any other choices if they continue their current path.


Q&A: North Korea’s human rights crisis

How bad are human rights in North Korea?

Millions of people in North Korea suffer extreme forms of repression and human rights violations that violate nearly the entire spectrum of their human rights. In January 2013, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, said that North Korea had “one of the worst –but least understood and reported - human rights situations in the world”.

Hundreds of thousands of people—including children—are arbitrarily held in political prison camps and other detention facilities where they are subjected to human rights violations like forced labour, denial of food as punishment, torture and public executions.

Many of those held in political prison camps are simply the family members of those deemed unfriendly to the regime, arbitrarily detained as a form of collective punishment.

Hundreds, possibly thousands, of victims of enforced disappearances and abductions by North Korea Include nationals of South Korea, Japan, Lebanon and Thailand

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If Putin talks NK into giving up their nukes (which is of no or very little help to them) - he will once again outperform diplomatically the Western leaders.

If not - they can discuss a new approach to Human Rights and freedom of speech in their countries.

Minimal outcome - Russia can buy some cheap labour from NK - Putin feeds them, they work for him on South gas pipe. More money stays in the pocket.

Edited by ABCer
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Not a prediction but just a leaning towards thinking that Mr Putin is heading down a very dangerous path that could eventually lead to conflict with the west, something that doesn't bear thinking about, is he going to lead the world into what could amount to a 3rd world war - the man IMO is a lose cannon and a compulsive liar

I think that is a misinformed interpretation of the current situation.

Putin is already being pushed and prodded by the west.

The US clearly wants a confrontation because they know their currency is about to be wiped out by Russia and China and the middle east. But the US wants to fight the battle in someone else's backyard and the EU are happy to kiss butt to let it happen.

This is merely Putin giving a well deserved middle finger to the so called world police.

If someone wants to help out N Korea.... what business is it of anyone else?

If it was the EU or the US making this statement of having discussions with N Korea, then everybody would be saying 'great to see fractures are healing'.... But because it is Russia, we get the narrow minded comment as above.

If anyone is a danger to the world peace it is the USA and their dangerous foreign policy.

The people of N Korea are suppering and they need food aid etc..... But all they get from the west is sanctions.

As for Putin finding a friend..... He has plenty with China and the middle east, all powerful nations that the US are desperate to be able to control.

As he says sitting besides his P.C with a nice cup of coffee. You are a disgrace if your hate for America can over ride the facts that N, Korea is indeed inflicting misery onto 10s of thousands of innocent people through its dictatorial policies, and these nutters are all out trying to make nuclear weapons. And at the same time it is blatantly clear that Russia are invading the Ukraine by sending in plain clothes troops, tanks and small arming the militia. You have two choices here, China Russia and N Korea. Or the rest of the western world inc their allies. The simple facts are communism is raising its ugly head again.

Nice piece of nonsense, especially regarding Russia invading Ukraine .

I suppose it's ok for US to control Ukraine but not ok for Russia. Just as US voting against resolution to condemn rise of nazism in Ukraine , funny enough only 2 countries voted against . US and Ukraine.

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Not a prediction but just a leaning towards thinking that Mr Putin is heading down a very dangerous path that could eventually lead to conflict with the west, something that doesn't bear thinking about, is he going to lead the world into what could amount to a 3rd world war - the man IMO is a lose cannon and a compulsive liar

I think that is a misinformed interpretation of the current situation.

Putin is already being pushed and prodded by the west.

The US clearly wants a confrontation because they know their currency is about to be wiped out by Russia and China and the middle east. But the US wants to fight the battle in someone else's backyard and the EU are happy to kiss butt to let it happen.

This is merely Putin giving a well deserved middle finger to the so called world police.

If someone wants to help out N Korea.... what business is it of anyone else?

If it was the EU or the US making this statement of having discussions with N Korea, then everybody would be saying 'great to see fractures are healing'.... But because it is Russia, we get the narrow minded comment as above.

If anyone is a danger to the world peace it is the USA and their dangerous foreign policy.

The people of N Korea are suppering and they need food aid etc..... But all they get from the west is sanctions.

As for Putin finding a friend..... He has plenty with China and the middle east, all powerful nations that the US are desperate to be able to control.

As he says sitting besides his P.C with a nice cup of coffee. You are a disgrace if your hate for America can over ride the facts that N, Korea is indeed inflicting misery onto 10s of thousands of innocent people through its dictatorial policies, and these nutters are all out trying to make nuclear weapons. And at the same time it is blatantly clear that Russia are invading the Ukraine by sending in plain clothes troops, tanks and small arming the militia. You have two choices here, China Russia and N Korea. Or the rest of the western world inc their allies. The simple facts are communism is raising its ugly head again.

Nice piece of nonsense, especially regarding Russia invading Ukraine .

I suppose it's ok for US to control Ukraine but not ok for Russia. Just as US voting against resolution to condemn rise of nazism in Ukraine , funny enough only 2 countries voted against . US and Ukraine.

what on earth are you going on about

The US have nothing to do with the Ukraine, Ukraine wants into the EU and Putin can't stand the idea so he triggered a revolution

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You all know that Russia with North korea and China and soon Venezuela/Cuba etc is going to form a coalition againts US and their pets. Us have to step down from their `we are the best` or `its our way or highway`thinking. Think US have more to take care at home as homeless and financial situations etc. This is what happens when you push someone in a corner and this mr Putin knows. Now he hopes that EU will tell US to stop all this or Russia will form a coalition with not so popular countries to US. If just EU open their eyes and start understand that they are doing US biddings while they sametime are taking care of all refugees coming to EU from countries US is bombing, and causing instability in EU. If US wins a war, all contracts from rebuilding that country and oil contracts goes to US companies.

I doubt China will submit to being tethered in any meaningful way to that bunch of losers.

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