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Can your Home Country learn anything from Thailand?

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possum1931, on 22 Nov 2014 - 13:39, said:possum1931, on 22 Nov 2014 - 13:39, said:
rwdrwdrwd, on 22 Nov 2014 - 13:29, said:
possum1931, on 22 Nov 2014 - 08:55, said:
jacko45k, on 22 Nov 2014 - 06:13, said:

So nobody has a problem with a mosque being built next door complete with loudspeakers and worshippers arriving at all times and parking in front of their drive? If you don't pay for a licence, advert free BBC would be gone, perhaps a good direction to go as it is deteriorating and becoming a left wing/women's lib mouthpiece. Many junctions in the UK have left filter lanes or a left filter green arrow..... in Thailand that lane would get blocked by people with no intention of turning left.

Immigrants are the only ones who will take on these jobs.......

Plenty of good things in Thailand which are not available in the UK, but for me, planning permission is not one of them.

I have a problem with Mosques being built anywhere in the UK, I won't go into the reasons, so lets just say that Britain is not Britain anymore. As far as planning permission goes, I said that 'as long as it does not interfere with anyone else', mosques would as Karaoke bars also would.

As a Brit, I don't have a problem with mosques, synagogues, gurdwaras or temples any more than I have a problem with churches. Britain remains Britain, a nation built upon centuries of immigration.

Sorry, I have to disagree, Britain is over run with Immigrants, if Immigrants want to come to Britain, fair enough, if they work, pay their taxes, don't pick up benefits, don't expect us to change our way of life to suit them, no criminal activities, then they are welcome, otherwise, keep them out.

Without "immigrants" you may very well not exist... perhaps you should trace your family tree... let's face it, there really isn't a true blood pommy race, poor old Britain has been raped and pillaged by many others, eg, Vikings, Romans Spanish...goodness, even the royal family has very strong German blood lines... grow up kid, you're on a losing argument, you're coming across as a bigoted, racist, fool.

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A little innovation, creativity, and "mai phen rai - ness". They could also smile more and pull the sticks out their jacksies.


As a Brit, I don't have a problem with mosques, synagogues, gurdwaras or temples any more than I have a problem with churches. Britain remains Britain, a nation built upon centuries of immigration.

Yes planning permission should consider location, but it should be considered for all religious establishments. As a non Christian, church bells annoy me just as much as the call to prayer.

They seem to only ring on a Saturday afternoon (wedding) and a Sunday morning, and I like the sound.

The 5 times daily wailing from a mosque is very intrusive if you live near one. (I am an ex Middle East resident).

They don't really build many new churches on the UK do they! As a non-Christian you should be tolerant of a religion that has been based there for several centuries and rarely intrudes on modern day life.

1 - It's lovely that you like the sound, I like it just as much as the call to prayer, which is not very much, not that I care a great deal about either of them.

2 - I assure you I am very familiar with the call to prayer as a regular occurance.

2 - It is not really relevant to my point whether many new churches are being constructed or not, my point is that if / when they are, they should be evaluated on an equal basis to other places of worship since all of them make noise that intrudes upon others with consideration to the views and opinions of the immediate community.

4 - Whilst there is no requirement whatsoever for me as a non-Christian to be tolerant of it regardless of how long it has been in the UK, in fact I am, just as I am of all other delusions religions.


Thai people seem to have more personal responsibility in the sense that they don't go around blaming other people for their own stupid mistakes. At least not in a court of law. I'm not aware of it anyway... Meanwhile, in the west, you hear stories about people suing automobile manufacturers bc they didn't know they shouldn't cross the road in the middle of traffic.

I also think the west needs to chill out on prostitution. USA definitely does. It's a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, right? And doesn't every guy- even ones with no game- deserve a chance to get laid once in a while?

Thats because the legal system is corrupt, not because Thailand is good.

When your child falls off a playground ride in Thailand owned by a bloke who has made billions from his fair ground but not invested in safety or maintenance, you tell me which system you would prefer.

A useless unaccountable legal system is not an advantage.

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They seem to only ring on a Saturday afternoon (wedding) and a Sunday morning, and I like the sound.

The 5 times daily wailing from a mosque is very intrusive if you live near one. (I am an ex Middle East resident).

They don't really build many new churches on the UK do they! As a non-Christian you should be tolerant of a religion that has been based there for several centuries and rarely intrudes on modern day life.

I believe anyone should be able to follow any religion they want and it should be respected, but it's the same old thing, 'as long as they don't interfere with anyone else' but can anyone be tolerant of a religion where people are killed because they don't agree with it, and because they are westerners who are hated by them?

Of course some Christians are perpetrating genocide in modern times as well - http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/12/world/africa/central-african-republic-muslims/ - all religions have extremes. I think you might be reading too many Britain First publications.



Germany can learn to keep themselves in good shape and their environment clean.

And of course they can learn that sex is not a disease, quite contrary.


I'd rather be sitting at those lights than in a crash.

I don't see why everybody in the street should have to put up with or have their house value dropped when someone builds some hideous nasty extension. You'd have no problem building a garage or whatever if it doesn't affect other people.

You'd have no problem if somebody opens an all night karaoke bar next to you on their own land ?

I recently read an article a few months back about how neighbours were complaining that the Hasidic Jewish community were extending their entire 2 storey properties right to the back of their gardens in order to accommodate their 'traditionally large families'. Can you bloody imagine that??? There you are, sitting in your lounger out on your lawn with your feet up trying to figure out the Sun crossword, sipping your Bacardi Breezer, overlooked by a bunch of tw4ts with long curly sideburns and their twenty kids?

And the local Council had convened a meeting for all to 'express their concerns' blink.png


Make immigrants pay for their healthcare or get adequate health insurance, then the NHS wouldnt be in such a mess.

Help to stop medical tourism.

I'm not Brit. and I worked in the UK for more than 10 years (6-figure package). I paid my NI + IR + Pension + ...

May I kindly ask why I shouldn't get access to NHS?

Just hilarious


micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 14:53, said:

What overbreeders?

Thailand's got a constant population of 66 mio. people approx.

Surely more stable than a bunch of paranoid underbreeders.

Stable population...guess it depends on what period of time....http://www.populstat.info/Asia/thailanc.htm, So, if it's NOT the Thais doing the breeding, then who is...lol

Take the last ten years, population is comparably stable.

Does that answer your question?

micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 16:45, said:
MediaWatcher, on 23 Nov 2014 - 15:17, said:
micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 14:53, said:

micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 14:53, said:

What overbreeders?

Thailand's got a constant population of 66 mio. people approx.

Surely more stable than a bunch of paranoid underbreeders.

Stable population...guess it depends on what period of time....http://www.populstat.info/Asia/thailanc.htm, So, if it's NOT the Thais doing the breeding, then who is...lol

Take the last ten years, population is comparably stable.

Does that answer your question?

So now you want to pick only a SMALL time span, simply to justify your comment...wrong sonny. Why not pick 2 years, or 5 or 15..., the fact is, it ISN'T at all stable. You should, in future, make sure to "justify" your comments.



Accept human beings if you want personal services.

And accept that they have families that rely on them.

So, accept their families, too.

Be aware that Thailand is a magic country for your own children.


The ability to transfer funds from your account to any other account using an ATM of any bank. Fantastic!

Whilst there are always health concerns with street food, I would love to see stalls roadside selling pork on a stick and sticky rice in Australia.


They seem to only ring on a Saturday afternoon (wedding) and a Sunday morning, and I like the sound.

The 5 times daily wailing from a mosque is very intrusive if you live near one. (I am an ex Middle East resident).

They don't really build many new churches on the UK do they! As a non-Christian you should be tolerant of a religion that has been based there for several centuries and rarely intrudes on modern day life.

I believe anyone should be able to follow any religion they want and it should be respected, but it's the same old thing, 'as long as they don't interfere with anyone else' but can anyone be tolerant of a religion where people are killed because they don't agree with it, and because they are westerners who are hated by them?

Of course some Christians are perpetrating genocide in modern times as well - http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/12/world/africa/central-african-republic-muslims/ - all religions have extremes. I think you might be reading too many Britain First publications.

Eight months old..... you only need to go back 8 hours to see a reverse genocide.


Of course some Christians are perpetrating genocide in modern times as well - http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/12/world/africa/central-african-republic-muslims/ - all religions have extremes. I think you might be reading too many Britain First publications.

Eight months old..... you only need to go back 8 hours to see a reverse genocide.

Seems like the point went straight over your head. I made this point in response to a comment that said 'can anyone be tolerant of a religion where people are killed because they don't agree with it'.

Not sure why you think that it irrelevant because it's happened the other way around since. 8 months is hardly not 'modern times', and I don't think the validity of outrage at genocide is limited until the next genocide in the world occurs.

The point in short, is that every religion has an extremist minority (including Buddhism - see Myanmar). If the barometer for allowing religious buildings in the UK is that no adherents to that religion partake in killing non believers, then they would all be forbidden.


Of course some Christians are perpetrating genocide in modern times as well - http://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/12/world/africa/central-african-republic-muslims/ - all religions have extremes. I think you might be reading too many Britain First publications.

Eight months old..... you only need to go back 8 hours to see a reverse genocide.

Seems like the point went straight over your head. I made this point in response to a comment that said 'can anyone be tolerant of a religion where people are killed because they don't agree with it'.

Not sure why you think that it irrelevant because it's happened the other way around since. 8 months is hardly not 'modern times', and I don't think the validity of outrage at genocide is limited until the next genocide in the world occurs.

I think both the recent posts highlight the perils of tribal Africa,where they will use any excuse to murder their neighbours


micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 17:20, said:micmichd, on 23 Nov 2014 - 17:20, said:

For those afraid of "overbreeders":



Please forgive me for using recent data.

Find the contribution of expats to the migrants.

Were you ever denied to have fun by Thais?

So, can you explain, to us, just what is your point.


It was the word "overbreeders", which only makes sense if you pre-define "correct breeding quota" to certain ethnic groups.

Forgive me, I'm German, and hopefully I learned how euthanasia, mass sterilization of certain ethnic groups, and scapegoating once began in the 3rd Reich.

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