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I'm not a dictator, says angry Prayut

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Successful Democracy requires the ability of, and use of CRITICAL THOUGHT. Neither exists in Thailand, other third world countrys, and is being smothered out in America. Only anarchy exists here as the primary character of the people. You Know that!. Voting? Who pays the most money to you gets your vote here. I have lived in the village and elsewhere. I know the truth and so do you. Democracy is a white mans game at best. Some modified form must be developed to train these people. As it is, periodically a strict man (despot as you call him) must take hold to get on track. Of COURSE he will be called bad things by a people who do not want to be told ANYTHING. And you KNOW the Thai does not want to be told anything. DICIPLINE is a dirty word here, does not even exist for the most part. I do not know this man but unless you have good cause to bad mouth him,, maybe you should be quiet.

"Democracy is a white mans game" "Some modified form must be developed to train these people"

Take your selfinflated opion about white supremacy and stuff it!!bah.gif

Be realistic JOC, he already has his head stuffed up there, there may not be room for anything else.

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He has done more good for this country in the last 6 months than any democratically elected politician has ever done!!

Democracy almost everywhere in the world is a corrupt institution. The banks and big business own the politicians and we are all brainwashed that the word democracy really means something. I look forward to the reform that Prayuth is trying to achieve here.

I would like to see a revolution in many other countries (especially the USA) so that they can start correcting some of the wrongs that congress and others have allowed to take place to benefit themselves and their political status.

Can you tell me what good has been done for this country apart from having the roads in Bangkok open and having a Happiness Song?

I followed his speech on the telly yesterday and I can not stand it he is talking about 'obeying the law' and comparing politics with a football match and an arbiter. The Power has been taken unlawfully, media has been silenced and indoctrinated, even students can't open their mouths, tourism is in the drain, criminality is not decreasing but increasing just as corruption continues to be as it was. If you believe the PR machinery, good luck. I have a more realistic view of what is happening.

in a sense it is a banana republic.


He has done more good for this country in the last 6 months than any democratically elected politician has ever done!!

Democracy almost everywhere in the world is a corrupt institution. The banks and big business own the politicians and we are all brainwashed that the word democracy really means something. I look forward to the reform that Prayuth is trying to achieve here.

I would like to see a revolution in many other countries (especially the USA) so that they can start correcting some of the wrongs that congress and others have allowed to take place to benefit themselves and their political status.

Noted--ALLSEEINGEYE is a fan of dictatorships; he believes the people can not be trusted to choose their own leaders and must be governed by whoever can rally the most guns to his cause.

That's one opinion, but not one that I share.


Spin doctors are out posting again. Like flies on sh1t. The topic itself is one sided. Goodluck posting anything positive about the PM on this one.

And yet you attempt to bait and troll by the very contents if your post.

He has some cracking jewellery and watches and cars .... Is that positive enough for you?

What would your definition Of how he got to where he is today?

I dislike the word dictator but if the cap fits, who am I to disagree with all the dictionary's and thesaurus's of the world I guess they all must be wrong according to you ?


I am not a "D" and if you say I am a "D" I will have you arrested!!! cowboy.gif.pagespeed.ce.OqunRvp1aP.png

Fine. I'll just leave this right here:


Please take this picture to the general forum so we can start a "Best gag-line" topic. The possibilities are endless!


I judge thing as I see them, at the moment I live in a country which is stable. with the gdp starting to increase, with some progress towards returning public space to people and stopping at least some of the encroachment of the forrests of the nation for the benifit of a very few.

An improvement over last year.

If he stops kids being persuaded to do infantile displays by their academic mentors so be it.


That's be dumb. Your spouting of constant offal should be leather bound and put in a book that could be in easy reach of the toilet. If the PM is a dictator? why is he calling for the people to suggest reform to the country?


I really worry about the intelligence of these people sometime.

About the people mention in the above news or those in TV?

'eeply, 'eeply concerned.

Our Moerator is having a hard time.

Surely you means a har time? ?


'eeply, 'eeply concerned.

Our Moerator is having a hard time.

Surely you means a har time? ?

Thanks for catching that..I have fixed it now.smile.png Nothing like rewriting history is there.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha asserted yesterday that his government was not dictatorial although he admitted that it "may not be 100 per cent democratic".

100% delusional - what does he think he has created?

"Did I do anything wrong? Have I done any damage or wasn't the situation already bad when I took over?" Prayut said.

Effectively you committed treason and the damage done to democracy with people being arrested for expressing an opinion is wholly damaging to any society. Yes the situation wasn't good but ultimately it was the people who voted in the garbage and it should have been their job to vote them out.

"I may not be 100 per cent democratic. But I want to ask if being 100 per cent democratic did anything good to the country? Find the answer for me," he added, appearing tense.

Not 100% democratic ... try not even 0.000000001% - there is no democracy in a military take over and if you believe their is then you are delusional. Democracy is a painful process, look at the UK, Europe and the US - it often results in conflict but it doesn't give the military the right to intervene in the majority opinion.

"I don't want to punish them [the students] so they were merely reprimanded, released and told not to do it again because it does not benefit anyone," Prayut said.

Your authority is false and therefore you have NO rights to punish anyone with your tin-pot dictatorship - these kids where trying to remind you that they have a choice; something you wish to deny them for your own gain.

Without question this guy is so far out of his depth he can barely tread water. He can thank his lucky stars I'm not the British PM for there would be no trade, no tourism and no investment until democracy was reinstated.

As British PM you would probably do more damage to Britain than to Thailand.


"I am ready to listen to any problem. They should tell me. But don't ask for democracy or an election now. I can't give it to you," he said.

he can,but he does not want

Personally I think he is correct, There is a coup, Then there are elections then there is elected government then there are riots (because 1 side of the elite feels that they should have won) to overthrow the government that was elected then there is a coup. The cycle just keeps going on. They need to break the cycle and I think having a military controlled government for a few years might be needed to break the current cycle that we have seen since 2006. To be honest I have not seen a whole lot of change between the governments they have had and the 1 they have now.


That's be dumb. Your spouting of constant offal should be leather bound and put in a book that could be in easy reach of the toilet. If the PM is a dictator? why is he calling for the people to suggest reform to the country?

5555555 priceless !!

Didn't you bother looking up the definition of dictator then? Or do you simply just like TROLLING?

I've yet to see you post anything constructive in these debates other than flame bait!!



Tell that to the parents of David and Hanna.

Tell that to the Policeman's wife , who's husband was killed by the multi-billionare Red Bull heir


I don't see how being ratified by HM that it can be a dictatorship? What am I missing?

HE allowed his opposition party to paralyze the country

HE allowed that leader to go into the monk hood without prosecution

HE overthrew a democratically elected prime minister

HE threw away a country's constitution

HE purged the country's government of all the old political party's members

HE arrested members of opposition political party and had them sent to military camps for HIS reeducation purposes

HE has forbidden any opposition to HIS views

HE is attempting to censor and control the media

If you dont understand how this equates to being a dictator that has stolen the country of Thailand from its people, then there's not much I or anybody else can say to you

HE is a dictator. Period.

He restored Law and Order.

Without Law and Order there is no Democracy.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't see how being ratified by HM that it can be a dictatorship? What am I missing?

HE allowed his opposition party to paralyze the country

HE allowed that leader to go into the monk hood without prosecution

HE overthrew a democratically elected prime minister

HE threw away a country's constitution

HE purged the country's government of all the old political party's members

HE arrested members of opposition political party and had them sent to military camps for HIS reeducation purposes

HE has forbidden any opposition to HIS views

HE is attempting to censor and control the media

If you dont understand how this equates to being a dictator that has stolen the country of Thailand from its people, then there's not much I or anybody else can say to you

HE is a dictator. Period.

He restored Law and Order.

Without Law and Order there is no Democracy.

Singapore has plenty of law and order, but for some strange reason, there is no freedom of speech and no democracy.


Dictionary definition of the 'd' word:

a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.

Well 'Doo Dek' -> a child, if we dwell down to the alphabetics drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

Actually, it's 'dor dek'. thumbsup.gif


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I don't see how being ratified by HM that it can be a dictatorship? What am I missing?

A brain.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If you are sane and rational, YOU'LL have to admit that the Country is WORKING a whole lot better since he took over.

Give the guy a chance. Or would you prefer to go back to Rice-Pledging and associated scams?

The Thai people then, by your standards, are not "sane and rational". buffaloes maybe.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Many of those replying have no clue how the present government has set up this temporary government. Do not complain or protest about things you have no clear knowledge of. I do not know everything but I do know that there are facilities available to the public to address complains and matters which are in the interest of the public. These have by the way already proven their success.

Most are forgetting the damage past governments have done in about the last decade or so. Fixing a country in distress is not a one day job. Wait for the new
Constitution which will be up for a referandum.

I do not say I agree with everything this government says or does but it does bring the country closer to a stable one where at a new chosen government which stands for democracy will be checked or held responsible through a decent checks & balance by the public.

Also as moderators say be carefully to accuse anyone without prove or grounds to do so.

Many of those replying have no clue how the present government has set up this temporary government........................

..........................Also as moderators say be carefully to accuse anyone without prove or grounds to do so.

Mmmm, OK..........................................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

"I do not know everything." Oh, pshaw. Stop being modest.

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Then fat haggis the Pope is a dictator too!

So the Pontif took over the Catholic Church by force and then duly elected himself into the position of Pope? and then started to crack down on those who opposed him?

like I've said before TROLLING and not very good trolling either!!


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Successful Democracy requires the ability of, and use of CRITICAL THOUGHT. Neither exists in Thailand, other third world countrys, and is being smothered out in America. Only anarchy exists here as the primary character of the people. You Know that!. Voting? Who pays the most money to you gets your vote here. I have lived in the village and elsewhere. I know the truth and so do you. Democracy is a white mans game at best. Some modified form must be developed to train these people. As it is, periodically a strict man (despot as you call him) must take hold to get on track. Of COURSE he will be called bad things by a people who do not want to be told ANYTHING. And you KNOW the Thai does not want to be told anything. DICIPLINE is a dirty word here, does not even exist for the most part. I do not know this man but unless you have good cause to bad mouth him,, maybe you should be quiet.

"Democracy is a white mans game at best." How sad that democracy is beyond the reach of racial inferiors.


This topic is certainly a tough one to moderate, however I think we can dispense with the overly derogatory name calling toward PM Prayuth. Some posts have been removed.

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