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Thai students close to bottom of 14-country IT skills ranking

Lite Beer

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"Chaiwut said grouping IT in a subject titled "basic career teachings and technology orientation" meant that analytical thinking crucially associated with IT teaching was absent."

Spot on that man, good analysis of the situation and the inherent problem.

Lets hope you have the attention of those who can do something about it.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Rote teaching is the down fall of Thai education.

Memorization without understanding is worthless and inspires nothing but acceptance of whatever is presented by instructors.

The Thai government and school administrators have both stated that the critical thinking method of teaching should be used.

But, those studying to become teachers in Thai universities are still instructed in the rote method to teach the rote method.

The gradate from the university prepared to only teach the rote method.

There is a lot of resistance to teaching with the critical thinking method used by most of the world by......Thai teachers!

They have not been prepared for it, don ot understand it and want nothing to do with it.

In Thai schools, the teacher is considered some what of a god and it is very disrespectful to even ask a teacher a question.

Even when asked if they have any questions, a Thai student will proudly smile and say " No Teacher, we have no questions!'

I am sure this makes teaching much easier for the teachers, but useless for the students.

Until Thailand's universities start teaching future teachers about critical thinking, using the critical thinking method, Thailand's education system will continue it's downward plunge.

Only one up from the bottom in this study and lowest in English coomprehention....how much further down can you go without setting a new low???

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Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!


But you are assuming the parents and teachers have awareness. wai2.gifwai.gif

At best, they are behind the technology the kids use...blink.png

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Wait. I thought Thailand was at the top of the "World Talent" list.

Oh, it's so confusing!!!

Are they the dumbest people on the planet or the smartest?

Bet you there will be a news story next week about the Thais being the world's most honest

Are they the dumbest people on the planet or the smartest?

Of course they are the smartest! At least on planet Thailand- the center of the universe.

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I used to see the kids packed in the internet cafes after school - unfortunately their time spent had nothing to do with education but rather take up playing stupid games. The education system is piss poor and that's being nice about it. The elite don't want these kids educated because you cannot control an educated population.

Three elements to controlling a population - 1. Ignorance (lack of education), 2. Poverty and 3. Despondency / Fear ... Thailand has all three elements firmly in place which is why Thailand and its people will never realize its true potential.

Get rid of the dictators and elite, educate the people and you'll see Thailand flourish - never going to happen in my lifetime.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!

Everything is in Thai: they "play" Facebook in Thai, they Google in Thai, their computer homework is in Thai.

I don't know of any programming language or web app that uses Thai...

Writing code, huh huh, need English skills first!

Well my granddaughter is 9, goes to a good bilingual school which does focus on critical thinking skills and discussion skills and does teach usage of Word, PP, and Excel. She can easily write e-mails (English and Thai, she make PP slides, make simple Excel tables with simple sort set-up.

But her cousins, they all go to local big gov't. schools, are the exact opposite.

Isn't that sad? No money - no proper education?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!

Everything is in Thai: they "play" Facebook in Thai, they Google in Thai, their computer homework is in Thai.

I don't know of any programming language or web app that uses Thai...

Writing code, huh huh, need English skills first!

Well my granddaughter is 9, goes to a good bilingual school which does focus on critical thinking skills and discussion skills and does teach usage of Word, PP, and Excel. She can easily write e-mails (English and Thai, she make PP slides, make simple Excel tables with simple sort set-up.

But her cousins, they all go to local big gov't. schools, are the exact opposite.

Isn't that sad? No money - no proper education?

True, 3 times.

IMHO all kids should have equal opportunity to get a good education. What they do with it their ultimate choice.

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Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!

Absolutley... My nephew is spending a good 5-6 hours a day in front of his smartphone or computer. But he knows really a sh$t about how a computer works. The funny thing is that his father seems to be proud seeing his son "playing" with the smartphone all the day and just things how smart his son must be.

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Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!

the responsibility of the parents and schools together…

Do the test yourself. Show the picture below to a Thai student and ask him/her what they think about it.


Not sure about the education bit but if anyone tries to apply power to one of those cogs there will be an almighty mess.

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in my working life i have worked on CAD-CAM machines, on graphic computers with very complicated programs etc and i have no idea how a computer works. A jet pilot may be an ace in the air but not know how to build a jet engine,conversely an engineer building a jet engine may have no skills at flying. You do what you know and use the technology available, it isn't necessary to know the ins and outs of every piece of technology that we use.

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Think the generality of this thread shows you guys have got it! Elsewhere there's this mythology among older people about how amazing the young are with computers. My last posting was teaching in a Chinese University, where students avidly used QQ every minute of every day. Social media, fine. Download a movie, fine. Buy online - boy could they buy online. All they ever did during long evenings in the dorm. However, another lecturer and myself spent the best part of a semester trying to persuade students there's a difference between an e-mail address and a website address. They were never really convinced, not least because e-mail, to them, meant a QQ address. I'm talking students 18-23. Truth is, they simply didn't have IT skills in any meaningful sense. I see little reason why Thailand should be any different.

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I concur. My 13 yo Thai daughter has had her own laptop (2) since age 6. Despite my encouragement, she is not the least bit curious to do anything more than what I tell her she must do for online homeschooling. She opts to play World of Warcraft or read online stories and has no idea how to do much else.

Same with my wife: 10 years with her own laptop and PC and still doing what she was doing in her first month of having her first PC. Nothing more.

In sharp contrast, my 4 1/2 yo boy has mastered every iPhone, iPad, tablet, and Android device in the house. He is about par with the laptop (which will be obsolete soon enough, so no worries there). He is curious about every device and even show me how to use each more fluently.

I hate to sound bigoted, but my daughter has had all the advantages and then some. Perhaps it really is or isn't in the DNA....

Edited by SNGLIFE
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So Turkey is at the bottom ? Well, is it really a major problem ?

Turkey will probably join the European Union in a few years time, and that's when a fair number of Turkish people will be moving into Europe. Actually, there's already a whole load of Turkish people living and working in Europe.

And a lot of them do send money back home to Turkey. Basically, it's not really a disaster if you're bottom of the table in anything. And anyway, somebody has to be bottom or towards the bottom, we can't have eveybody being top of the class.

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Most Thai kids have access to internet and have computers or mobile devices. They spend hours per day using them. Even the relative poor have fancier mobile devices than I have. The problem is that these machines are used for entertainment purposes only, which is like a new opiate for the masses. It's, in my opinion, the responsibility of the parents and schools together to not only use applications but also to create them. Even a simple spreadsheet with your school marks would do. Or a simple web blog with your holiday pictures. Activate those brain synapses you lazy rascals!

the responsibility of the parents and schools together…

Do the test yourself. Show the picture below to a Thai student and ask him/her what they think about it.


Not sure about the education bit but if anyone tries to apply power to one of those cogs there will be an almighty mess.

Smart asssss you passed the test! clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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