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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues ;)

nice one..

but unbelievable those Brits must be smart ppl had facebook already 200 years ago...but too stingy to share it with the rest of the world...

I'm not sure when it was developed but it was thousands of years ago, you can check, even Jesus Christ has a Facebook page.


and i am quite sure you where connected...at this time..

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Oh, you were serious?

That's even funnier.

Not as amusing as your attempts.

our favorite troll...

nothing to contribute

As has been pointed out - the reason this place is so popular with Brits is because they enjoy complaining so much.

I guess I help out by giving them something to moan about.

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Oh, you were serious?

That's even funnier.

Not as amusing as your attempts.
our favorite troll...

nothing to contribute

As has been pointed out - the reason this place is so popular with Brits is because they enjoy complaining so much.

I guess I help out by giving them something to moan about.

dude i am not a Brit i am German...and the world champions in complaining are stil the Krauts..but in your case it is not a question of nationalty- just common sense

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)[/size]

One guide is the Visa Forum.

You just need to look at the number of questions being asked by the members here about taking their Thai Partner to visit/relocate around the world.

By far, the largest number is from the UK.

Some from Europe.

Less from Australia.

Even Less from the USA.

Occasional KIWI.

A very rough guide .. but a guide, nonetheless.


Almost everyone I know is from Australia or NZ (same country really)

And they are all shipping girls home.

Loads of Nordic types looking for women to take home.

Americans go shopping for women in Mexico and South America.

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Really, who wants to live in the UK.coffee1.gif

Half the population of Eastern Europe at the moment it would seem. It's no wonder there are so many Brits looking for somewhere else to stay!

I understand but they are desperate.

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Oh, you were serious?

That's even funnier.

Not as amusing as your attempts.
our favorite troll...

nothing to contribute

Crazy chef... please don't encourage him. If we all ignore him he might just go away. Let's hope.

Cheers..... Mal.

rather cycle away...hope so too and may he can take Otocheater with him...would be a nice couple...

sorry forgot my best friend flyingsaucer..

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Haven't you heard? Parts of England have been annexed by Pakistan or rather the Pakistani Muslims. There are now no go areas for Indigenous Brits.

There are signs posted Whites cannot enter this area between certain hours. It's completely gone to the dogs a Frankenstein social experiment gone wrong.

The Police actually support this behavior.

That's hilarious.

Not if you live near those areas

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I'm British and moved to Phuket in 2002 for the following reasons:

- Health reasons (I have Aspergillosis and the hot/humid climate benefits me greatly)

- The nice weather (and see above)

- The food

- No longer have to commute in/out of London - although Phuket traffic is getting just as bad.

I didn't move here for the beaches (even in 2002, their reputation was sunk). nor the women (but the women could be a positive - in my case, usually not!!)

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Oh look, another bash the Brits thread. From what I see, it seems to be mostly bread thieves on here. You know, those whiny, boorish tw'ts that bore everyone to death with how great their fly-ridden country is (I've been there cheesy.gif) but yet can't seem to bring themselves to even live there. Perhaps it's <deleted> beer (I've been there) that has them all escaping in droves. Can't be the weather, can it? Op, Brits have always been well travelled, have always had the get up and go. Compare that with yanks, for instance, where many of them would never consider even leaving for a holiday. But I wouldn't come to the conclusion of a few thousand cantankerous old gits being here as somehow widely representative of UK folk in general. I'll leave you with this; it could be worse, the place could be overrun with krauts.

Carry on masturbating among yourselves.

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Well i live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and after living here almost 3 years i have to admit i have hardly ever even heard a " British Voice " ( apart from my own as i rather like the sound of my own voice viewers...) You normally can tell " a Brit " as they tend to " wander about in a football top " and address everybody with the words " Ello Mate " also strangely enough they seem to have names such as " Biz,Baz or Daz " ( absolutely dreadful )

Farang Jaidee wub.png

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I feel like most of them are Aussie and not British.

Sorry for off the topic but which one is more gentlemen, the Aussie or the British? I could not understand their accent though.

Somsrisonphimai is looking for an English Boyfriend ... 555


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nowadays i think the white South Africans...Aussies too much swearing,Brits ...

Bloody hell Crazy Chef. What the f*#k do you mean, too much swearing ? Holy $h!t, I think you have the wrong f*#king idea about us.

Aussies swearing..... cr@p.

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I feel like most of them are Aussie and not British.

Sorry for off the topic but which one is more gentlemen, the Aussie or the British? I could not understand their accent though.

Somsrisonphimai is looking for an English Boyfriend ... 555


Nope and not even try.

Aussie ... I have a single neighbour.

Not Hansum, but good heart.

Needs a decent haircut though.

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

I think the Aborigines were there first

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