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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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Migrants from the EU have made a net contribution of 20 billion pounds to the UK economy since 2000, apparently.

I wonder what the equivalent figure is for farangs here?

Employment in UK is open to any EU citizen that wants to work - no restricted occupations there. If they don't want to work, for any reason, but want to remain in UK & maybe look for work, they are given funds to enable them to live until they can find a job.

Foreigners living in Thailand fund themselves with no government safety net - quite rightly IMO.Therefore, a real comparison can't be made.

I'm sure that, if foreigners living in Thailand were allowed to take employment in any sphere, as EU migrants are allowed to in UK, they'd make a significant contribution to the Thai economy just as EU migrants to UK do, apparently.

Every single penny I bring into Thailand in the form of pension & capital transfers is a "net contribution" to the Thai economy.

Let's look at that £20bn since 2000 = £1.43 bn p.a = ฿71.5 bn p.a. approx. I've no idea how many farang foreigners live in Thailand but I'll say 500,000 just as an example - might be more, might be fewer. That means that, to match the contribution of EU migrants to the UK economy, every farang foreigner in Thailand must contribute ฿143,000 p.a. I'm sure we each easily bring that much foreign capital into Thailand every year - if not, we'd be denied our extensions of stay.

EDIT - just checked and the Office for National Statistics in UK reckon there are now 2.5 million Eastern Europeans living in UK - Ref. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10757336/Immigration-from-eastern-Europe-was-massively-underestimated-says-official-report.html . That "£20bn since 2000" works out at a pretty small figure per person, doesn't it - £571 p.a. per person, although I realise those 2.5 million haven't been there for the whole 20 years.

Edited by MartinL
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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

I think the Aborigines were there first

Mmmmm, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

If you re-read what I wrote, it was a fun jab at British history, nothing to do with how long Aboriginals have occupied Oz. ;)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

Had an Aussie mate visit the UK for the first time a couple of years ago and the immigration officer said "Welcome back".

Never forget your roots..........................tongue.png

Everything I said was nothing more than a stir. Don't take it to heart, some of my good friends here and a couple in the real world are poms. My cricket comment stands :P

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

Had an Aussie mate visit the UK for the first time a couple of years ago and the immigration officer said "Welcome back".

Never forget your roots..........................tongue.png

Everything I said was nothing more than a stir. Don't take it to heart, some of my good friends here and a couple in the real world are poms. My cricket comment stands :P

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Gotta love a load of expats complaining their country is full of foreigners.

Comedy gold.

At least the foreigners in Thailand are contributing to the economy, a large percentage of foreigners living in Britain are doing so on benefits at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure us Brits don't mind the foreigners who do work and contribute to the economy living in Britain.

Migrants from the EU have made a net contribution of 20 billion pounds to the UK economy since 2000, apparently.

I wonder what the equivalent figure is for farangs here?

Quite possibly a lot more than that.

Many of the poor lambs lose the whole nut within a few years of arriving here.

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

I think the Aborigines were there first

Mmmmm, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

If you re-read what I wrote, it was a fun jab at British history, nothing to do with how long Aboriginals have occupied Oz. ;)

Dam funny too...

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Bangkok from what I recall one of the largest groups of foreigners are Japanese (Someone might be able to confirm that).

Yep. There are large numbers of them round here.

Also there seems to be rather a lot of Americans in Bangkok these days.

what happened- something useful to contribute?


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Wow a German moaning about the Brits,I suppose they have a couple of things to moan about,but now to give them something else an English man beat a German to win the F1 championship,its a tough life.

Sabotage I say Sabotage.. Hahaha

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Bangkok from what I recall one of the largest groups of foreigners are Japanese (Someone might be able to confirm that).

Yep. There are large numbers of them round here.

Also there seems to be rather a lot of Americans in Bangkok these days.

what happened- something useful to contribute?


Don't believe the hype. There's just a few ruffled feathers round here at the moment, that's all.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues

Had an Aussie mate visit the UK for the first time a couple of years ago and the immigration officer said "Welcome back".

Never forget your roots..........................tongue.png

Everything I said was nothing more than a stir. Don't take it to heart, some of my good friends here and a couple in the real world are poms. My cricket comment stands tongue.png

biggrin.png You think mine wasn't?

Also, too many good mates from down under......................thumbsup.gif

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i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

just wondering really

Google no go areas UK.

What a load of utter tripe.

I humoured you and googled it, found loads of far right websites all stating it in a frenzy of frothing fury, and some zany bishop (yeah no agenda there), and some reference to someone, somewhere writing 'no whites after 8.30 pm' in spraypaint on a road in a crappy part of Birmingham.

Hardly conducive to some state sponsored approval and support for muslamic no go zones is it?

More like a bunch of thick bigoted sadsacks pushing their usual thick, bigoted, sadsack agenda.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

just wondering really

Google no go areas UK.

What a load of utter tripe.

I humoured you and googled it, found loads of far right websites all stating it in a frenzy of frothing fury, and some zany bishop (yeah no agenda there), and some reference to someone, somewhere writing 'no whites after 8.30 pm' in spraypaint on a road in a crappy part of Birmingham.

Hardly conducive to some state sponsored approval and support for muslamic no go zones is it?

More like a bunch of thick bigoted sadsacks pushing their usual thick, bigoted, sadsack agenda.

Fancy a bacon butty?

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Fancy a bacon butty?

Had a sausage and bacon cob this morning thanks, but cheers for asking.

Hope it was HALAL

Halal pork? Seems a bit unlikely... I never heard of it, but then I don't go round reading stuff painted by randoms on Birmingham's roads, or fightforthewhitesgetthefunnycolouredpeopleout.com in order to obtain the latest news.

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i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

just wondering really

Google no go areas UK.

What a load of utter tripe.

I humoured you and googled it, found loads of far right websites all stating it in a frenzy of frothing fury, and some zany bishop (yeah no agenda there), and some reference to someone, somewhere writing 'no whites after 8.30 pm' in spraypaint on a road in a crappy part of Birmingham.

Hardly conducive to some state sponsored approval and support for muslamic no go zones is it?

More like a bunch of thick bigoted sadsacks pushing their usual thick, bigoted, sadsack agenda.

From Leicester per chance?

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ATF question from a fellow Brit, what rustles your jimmies more, muslims in the UK or digital nomads in Thailand.

I only have a problem with Muslim extremists. All nationalities that decide to live in another Country should treat it with respect. The only prejudice I have against Digital Nomads is why do they insist on advertising what they do? Just get on with it and do what you have to do.

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i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

just wondering really

Google no go areas UK.

What a load of utter tripe.

I humoured you and googled it, found loads of far right websites all stating it in a frenzy of frothing fury, and some zany bishop (yeah no agenda there), and some reference to someone, somewhere writing 'no whites after 8.30 pm' in spraypaint on a road in a crappy part of Birmingham.

Hardly conducive to some state sponsored approval and support for muslamic no go zones is it?

More like a bunch of thick bigoted sadsacks pushing their usual thick, bigoted, sadsack agenda.

From Leicester per chance?

I spent a lot of my working time in Leicester and I have to tell you I felt much more welcome that in some of the sad sack white man villages in north Derbyshire.

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