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Former Thai PM Anand questions sincerity to fight graft


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How can this guy openly question the Govt when a few (silent) students wearing T-shirts (which read "Anti-Dictatorship") get arrested on the spot?

Another case of one law for Us, another law for Them.

Because he was (twice) a non-political PM brought in by H.M. The King to sort out post-coup messes. He is close to invulnerable.

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He is not alone in questioning this. The government so far has shown zero sincerity when it comes to tackling corruption committed by anybody but the smallest and least wealthy individuals within the country. when it comes to going after serious people, politicians, members of the Senate, Parliament or anybody really major, they've shown absolutely zero interest in tackling anything meaningful. All talk and no action makes Johnny a dull boy.

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No matter who is in power corruption is always just a little too close to home for serious consideration.

The PM showed his hand when he lept to the defence of his appointees who have considerable wealth using weak excuses.

There will be corruption investigations but they won't be conducted on an ' across the board ' basis.

"A few days ago, Prayuth appeared angry when Thais demanded the government increase transparency.”

“I beg you not to dig up anything. There is no benefit in so doing.”

I must say that you cannot do that for the time being.” wai2.gif wai.gif



Edited by iReason
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Anand seems like a knowledgable fellow....but how many skeletons does he have in his closet?

Perhaps if you arrived recently you don't know that Khan Anand led the most effective Thai government of the past fifty years.

I haven't arrived recently and I know Khun Anand. I would agree that his heart was in the right place but he led, as an independant, a Government installed by a National Peace Keeping Council (Military) after the 1991 Coup. He did not achieve the reforms that he wanted to, otherwise we would not be trying to reform the system yet again. In the democratically held elections that followed he was voted out of office. Then the Military took over led by General Suchinda Krapayoon which led to the Black May Event which forced Suchinda to resign. Another friend, Meechai (Mr Condom) Ruchupun was appointed as PM by the King in May 1992 and he resigned to allow Anand to take over as PM, However, Anand's Government could acheive little and his Government was out of office after only 107 days. So you cannot say that he led the most effective Government of the past 50 years as it is just not true.

As you can see that Khun Anand has a lot of bitter experience working with a previous Military led National Peace Keeping Council to fight corruption, so he is right to question their sincerity to fight graft.

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Anand seems like a knowledgable fellow....but how many skeletons does he have in his closet?

Perhaps if you arrived recently you don't know that Khan Anand led the most effective Thai government of the past fifty years.

I haven't arrived recently and I know Khun Anand. I would agree that his heart was in the right place but he led, as an independant, a Government installed by a National Peace Keeping Council (Military) after the 1991 Coup. He did not achieve the reforms that he wanted to, otherwise we would not be trying to reform the system yet again. In the democratically held elections that followed he was voted out of office. Then the Military took over led by General Suchinda Krapayoon which led to the Black May Event which forced Suchinda to resign. Another friend, Meechai (Mr Condom) Ruchupun was appointed as PM by the King in May 1992 and he resigned to allow Anand to take over as PM, However, Anand's Government could acheive little and his Government was out of office after only 107 days. So you cannot say that he led the most effective Government of the past 50 years as it is just not true.

As you can see that Khun Anand has a lot of bitter experience working with a previous Military led National Peace Keeping Council to fight corruption, so he is right to question their sincerity to fight graft.

Different Mechai my friend. Not the condom fellow at all.
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He is right on all points particularly "For him, achieving national reconciliation and reform did not mean sparing people who broke the law"

It would seem that someone has suggested just that to the CDC : BANGKOK: -- A proposal for an amnesty bill was discussed yesterday by a charter drafters' subcommittee as a way of accomplishing true reconciliation.

I would hope they don't take it seriously and let those who have broken the law get away with it just to try to make one side or the other happy.

There will always be victims of every unlawful act and giving amnesty to those who broke the law can never compensate (make happy) the victims.

There will also be those who will think along the lines of ' we got away with it before so we will do it again' or 'they got away with it so we can do it'.

Therein lies the problem Robby "I would hope they don't take it seriously and let those who have broken the law get away with it just to try to make one side or the other happy." People from both sides of the divide seem to have broken the law or are as we chat, breaking the law. At times it's been apparent that people friendly with the administration get spared investigation and the "enemy" get picked on and even charged because of political motives. Red's did it to the yellows and yellows to reds when their preferred party was in power. The current PM has a dilemna (well more than one given his inexperience and apparent lack of any political or people skills). If he becomes obviously one-sided in his fight against corruption people will eventually wake up and smell the coffee. On the other hadns does have the cojones to go after some of his backers? Not a chance.

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What has he done on corruption when anan was pm himself? Nothing. In fact the rkich got richer.

And all corruption stopped under Abhisit then did it?

It decreased and leveled off in spite of him having to take on the parasite parties to form a coalition then took off again once Yingluck took over :


Funny, when I look at this graph I see corruption being at its lowest level under Thaksin, getting significantly worse after the 2006 coup, staying at this new higher level under Abhisit, then getting worse after Yingluck was elected.

Note that the graph has an inverted scale, lower points on the graph indicate a higher level of corruption.

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"At present, the power is concentrated only on the top 10 per cent of the Thai people. This concentration of power is a big problem," he said. "We have to give more opportunity to people at the bottom. We must return happiness to them. This is a big challenge for Thailand."

Unfortunately, I don't think anyone is listening; the power appears to be remaining with the top 10%.

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What has he done on corruption when anan was pm himself? Nothing. In fact the rkich got richer.

And all corruption stopped under Abhisit then did it?

It decreased and leveled off in spite of him having to take on the parasite parties to form a coalition then took off again once Yingluck took over :


Funny, when I look at this graph I see corruption being at its lowest level under Thaksin, getting significantly worse after the 2006 coup, staying at this new higher level under Abhisit, then getting worse after Yingluck was elected.

Note that the graph has an inverted scale, lower points on the graph indicate a higher level of corruption.

There was a typo in the graph, I think.

It should show zero corruption on and after 22-may-2014.

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What has he done on corruption when anan was pm himself? Nothing. In fact the rkich got richer.

And all corruption stopped under Abhisit then did it?

It decreased and leveled off in spite of him having to take on the parasite parties to form a coalition then took off again once Yingluck took over :


Funny, when I look at this graph I see corruption being at its lowest level under Thaksin, getting significantly worse after the 2006 coup, staying at this new higher level under Abhisit, then getting worse after Yingluck was elected.

Note that the graph has an inverted scale, lower points on the graph indicate a higher level of corruption.

There was a typo in the graph, I think.

It should show zero corruption on and after 22-may-2014.

A that's it's indeed a typo the 93% happiness of the people was a typo !! ?

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And all corruption stopped under Abhisit then did it?

It decreased and leveled off in spite of him having to take on the parasite parties to form a coalition then took off again once Yingluck took over :


Funny, when I look at this graph I see corruption being at its lowest level under Thaksin, getting significantly worse after the 2006 coup, staying at this new higher level under Abhisit, then getting worse after Yingluck was elected.

Note that the graph has an inverted scale, lower points on the graph indicate a higher level of corruption.

There was a typo in the graph, I think.

It should show zero corruption on and after 22-may-2014.

Good point. The Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association have a poll showing 0% corruption and 100% happiness now. I certainly won't argue with a fine and reputable organization such as that (please don't take me away for attitude adjustment).

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