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Why should anyone volunteer information onto thaivisa.com?


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Thaivisa.com is a significant assistance to many people. It does not seem to be totally duplicated anywhere else. It has a great archive.

So, I ask why volunteer information for thaivisa.com?

In my very first encounter with the site, I wrote a short note about how Americans can handle the "income" or "money in the bank" requirement. The very first posting called me a liar. Most of the later postings speculated how easy this process is--for lying--and lamented their own nationality had more difficulty. Many volunteered hearsay and third person "information" and some cited info that was several years old.

In other cases, I have had real and up-to-date information from my recent personal experience, but have mostly hesitated to write because I felt it would just be caught up in the pages of guesses, half truths, speculations, hearsay, and the like. I despaired of my little posting actually helping anyone as it would be drowned in the sea of a big volume of others. I can not imagine how an honest questioner seeking urgent help could separate the wheat from the chaff mainly due to so many postings asserting factual info which is of dubious accuracy.

So why should anyone volunteer information?facepalm.gif

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You will find out who the nasty ones are.Certain posts attract certain posters,you will see very quickly which ones will be insulting, and which ones are decent.The politic posts are the best to archive, the real nasties tend to only reply on this one, easy to smell them out.

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Humm ... happy to be corrected but, what you mention ... 'In my very first encounter with the site, I wrote a short note about how Americans can handle the "income" or "money in the bank" requirement.' ... isn't it as you are portraying it.

Your first post (according to the records) is ... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/716951-american-no-bank-account-no-visa-catch-22-help-please/?p=7664483

The only reply that is visible is ...

My skimpy retirement will put me in a trailer park down by the railroad tracks if I must move back to usa.

That's where Uncle Sam needs you to be...

Google "velocity of money and taxation" to understand why giving out free money costs the government almost no money, hurts the middle class and makes the super rich even richer.

What is your complaint again?


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ThaiVisa is a great resource because people contribute. I contribute, and will do for as long as the site is offering something in return.

If everyone stopped contributing, the site would die, and the useful information within would be gone.

Not to say all the posters are great. the site is considerably improved since I discovered the ignore feature.

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OP, you mention visa, or rather extension of stay information.

I don't think there's a better or more expert section on this forum. There is a handful of guys including a couple of mods who know that stuff inside out, and postings keep it current. If you really need to know something about visas or extensions, someone will be along to correct any error and it well might be a mod.

It's probably one of the best resources on here.

No hard feelings intended. Peace.

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I don't take a word of TVF seriously any more. For me it is a source of cheap entertainment.

I wish posters would take more of an interest in the other sub-forums, hobbies, sports, photography, farming and gardening . . . these are actually really good.

I'm just saying this as a fairly long term poster on TVF and not as a moderator. I used to avoid the General Forum.





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I don't take a word of TVF seriously any more. For me it is a source of cheap entertainment.

That is a pity, for you.

Enjoyable cheap entertainment. Some of these topics have never made me laugh so hard.

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I don't take a word of TVF seriously any more. For me it is a source of cheap entertainment.

That is a pity, for you.

Enjoyable cheap entertainment. Some of these topics have never made me laugh so hard.

Cheap !

Cheap Entertainment !

Is that all I even meant to you ... dry.png

You promised to respect me in the morning!

Pfffttt ... some people ... laugh.png


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I don't take a word of TVF seriously any more. For me it is a source of cheap entertainment.

That is a pity, for you.

Enjoyable cheap entertainment. Some of these topics have never made me laugh so hard.

Cheap !

Cheap Entertainment !

Is that all I even meant to you ... dry.png

You promised to respect me in the morning!

Pfffttt ... some people ... laugh.png


I even find the "insulting" posts funny, including the ones directed at me.

As far as volunteering info, as in the OP...

Hey, everyone knows my name is Phil, am 49, my wife is Tuk and our 4 year old boy is Morgan. We live in the NE. If they want to throw stones, go for it...

(This post isn't directed at David of course. He already knows I like being laughed at)

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What many members fail to realise is that most posters are not experts in the fields. We mostly give advice or criticisms based on our own experiences and opinions.

The art is filtering out the rubbish from those that seem credible. This pertains to all the TV forums. If not satisfied or not gaining any desirable responses to questions or inquiries made, than there are thousands of websites online that deal with specific subjects and best to read or ask for advice on those rather than the members on Thai visa or similar forums.

Submitting information and making inquiries on forums such as this is all a matter of potluck, one may obtain a helpful and useful result or may not and if not, as I said; plenty of other sites around to obtain information and gain general opinions if you believe that there are better options elsewhere.

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I read the OP's first post. It was full of misinformation that could have been harmful to anyone who believed him. The OP was trying to scare people. Those of us who live in Thailand know that FACTA compliance was never a problem and it has not effected our bank accounts. He was a newby trying to act smart. Go read the post and you will see what I'm talking about.

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The forum is full of crabby old men, with too much time on their hands, and think they know it all.

Their age and crabiness is directly proportional to the number of posts they have made.

Just ignore them!

I would debate that all day long. Some of the nicest posters especially in the Visa Forum and a lady in the medical forum have the most posts and have been sharing information and helping people for years on Thai Visa. Ignoring them would be foolish. Thanking them for the years of helping people would be more in line with reality.

Edited by thailiketoo
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The forum is full of crabby old men, with too much time on their hands, and think they know it all.

Their age and crabiness is directly proportional to the number of posts they have made.

Just ignore them!

Not all crabbie posters are old, not all old posters are crabbie, and not all old/crabbie posters are men ;)

So you can stick your generalisations where the sun don't shine !! :)

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The forum is full of crabby old men, with too much time on their hands, and think they know it all.

Their age and crabiness is directly proportional to the number of posts they have made.

Just ignore them!

But we do cater for 15 year olds like yourself, eh.......intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

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So you can stick your generalisations where the sun don't shine !! smile.png

Wow. Crabby today. Are you also old? tongue.png

Old but not crabby -- just thought I'd get in first and give some friendly advice to a TV " teenager" wink.png

If I was really crabbie I'd say something like "You really need to do some research before you go spouting off with generalisations about posters. You're a novice and obviously have no clue about how to behave in a forum, especially one as good as TV"

There -- does that sound better ? wink.png

P.S. -- and if I was a crabbie old git and having a bad day I'd probably throw in some libellous references to his race/age-group/visa status/etc. ... Might even manage to derail the topic completely w00t.gif

Edited by jpinx
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