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Student couples under 25 cannot share same dorms, Thai govt rules

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Welcome back to the dark age, instead of trying to ban legal sex between consenting students how about informing them about safe sex. This isn't just conservative it's backward.

The junta government do not know that outside the military they practise sex different than inside the military. The legal age for sex is ? I do not know, but I`m sure its way blow 25. Whats wrong here ? Jaleous old general ???

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Following the Cabinet's approval, the bill has been sent for further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA).

I love these guys biggrin.png

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"Following the Cabinet's approval, the bill has been sent for further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly"

Khaosod making their views on the NLA quite clear.

Nontheless they are spot on

we could debate the point with bluespunk, but the outcome is as pre-determined as a vote by the 'NLA'



by the way, regarding this law, what can we expect from a bunch of self-appointed dinosaurs? Sure it's stupid, but hey, it's the way they think. And what they think is the only thing that counts these days.


25 and still in school?

They should have joined the army at 18 so they could sacrifice their life for the great nation while down south. Oh, my bad, the army is for poor kids.

Carry on.


Good see he is cleaning up the country banning a married couple from sleeping together until they are 25.

I am not a Dictator.

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I think fair enough. If this is university owned premises they can set whatever rules they like.

Student rooms should be single occupancy. Thus, no permenent rooming.

The Universities aren't setting the rules, the junta is.

Well its largely govt accommodation. I don't disagree with this. One person per room is the deal, and I think that particularly for undergrads it isn't too much to request.

Of course people will still shag around, but full time cohabitation. No. I think its fair enough.

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"... further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA)."

No more illusions about democratic appearances.

Let me guess. The bill will pass on its first reading unanimously vote except for three absentions.

This law is a continuation of Gen. Prayuth's personal efforts to "implement social and political measures that correspond to the value of Thai tradition." What's next, a law that forbids divorces, daughters must live with familiy until 25, ban nonThai produced movies, eliminate of english language education from schools, ban any nonBuddhist religious events and celebrations, etc.? Will "Thailand is for Thais" be the ultimate goal of the Prayuth regime?

When one considers the URGENT priorities that face Thailand now, the government's elevation of the supposed issue of student sexual cohabitation to NLA for legal action just adds to the continuing challenge for the Junta to retain any credibility to rule the nation. Even the PDRC and the United Front Against Dictatorship seem to be losing patience.

I must admit I now stand in awe of the NCPO. Like in "Awww, I can't believe what it's doing."


What about the infamous Thai ladyboys and katoey students?

They make up about 30% of the student populations.

Maybe they can reside in either at any time wai2.gif

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That's the problem when the government is run by a group of great grandfathers who are so out of date with today's culture.

An earlier poster mentioned Mia Nois so how many of these high moralists have such ?

Is this another " don't do as we do . . . ?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

How many "teenagers" are there at a university, in your opinion?


so they have to go to a short time hotel "

I see a business opportunity here.

Are there any laws determining the distance of short time hotels from universities? :)

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Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

How many "teenagers" are there at a university, in your opinion?

Entrance starts around age 18


This is completely bonkers.

I have at least 4-5 gay friends who went to Uni here. I have been told that some faculties have anything up to 50% gay or lesbian or trans or queer. Especially fashion, communication arts and the non-macho subjects (although some of the top medical and dental facs have many, many gay students also--I used to teach in both faculties!). Many of these kids live in dorms and many gay kids share with other gay kids because they feel more comfortable. Relationships can develop too, horror of horrors!

Another gay friend who went to a top residential school tells me that the gay activity in the boys' dorm was certainly "interesting" (his words).

Another gay friend took the red card or ball and went to the army as a conscript. He tells me that in his section of about 70 lads, there were several groups of gays who hung out together and shared the same 4-bed dorm areas.

If you try to stop sexual attraction (of any type), it will happen behind the bicycle sheds.



Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

How many "teenagers" are there at a university, in your opinion?

Entrance starts around age 18

So...in the years you spend at a university you are a teenager for 2 years!

Wow, that will be a giant blow to teenage- pregnancy!


You can just imagine the government meetings.....

'So, what needs to be done today ? Sort out the economy ? hmmmm, too difficult. Stamp out corruption ? o ohhhhhh, no way, we will put that off till next week. Ahhhh I know, lets piss students off by banning sex....good plan, get a judge to sign the new laws'

Then they all go home happy to their wives and mistresses and talk about what a productive day at parliament theyve had.

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"Following the Cabinet's approval, the bill has been sent for further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly"

Khaosod making their views on the NLA quite clear.

310-0. No rubber stamp there. Just wise MP's following their hearts and minds and doing the "right" thing. whistling.gif


A Thai male can however marry and have sex with a 13 year old girl as long as the parents agree.

Gives you a sense of perspective, doesn't it. blink.png

You have hit this particular nail on the head.

Of course the parents involved in such circumstances have no thought for their daughter only for what they are paid to consent.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

Holy Toledo, what a fury raging in you. The article is about the Government interfering in the sleeping habits of students +18 of age and dictating how it should. More probably getting back to old fashioned standards like at schools in the UK (where teen pregnancy is extremely high so the policy isn't working). If this Government really wants to do sth about Teen Pregnancy, there is much more to do like the 23 example I gave you.......or do you think those students try to catch butterflies in Cowboi? The highly popular abortion clinic is a few soi's further........ If you think this Government measure will slow down teen pregnancy in Thailand, be my guest. Some parents might feel relieved by this but most parents don't have a clue what is going on at Universities.


why not trying the curb the illegal sex trade first if they are so afraid of the "image". I propose all patrons submit their ID card when they go into massage parlors.


I said from the first time I saw the non-dictator speak (with translation thereof) that he was too hung up on "morals", or at least his version of it. Scared hell out of me having grown up in the redneck bible belt area of SE Texass. When I went for class selection/registration a year or so after already re-enrolling in college when I returned from Vietnam the Dean of Men pulled me out of line and said I must live in the dorm (believe me, in those days the women's and men's dorms were far apart). Now I was 23 or so years old, USMC Sgt-Vietnam, had my own apartment since I had been back and this jerk is telling me I have to live in the dorms. There were several hundred people at registration and you could have heard a pin drop by the time I finished with that prick. The straw that really broke the camel's back was when he handed me a form and said if, if mind you, I could get my parents to sign for me I could live off campus. Tore it up and threw it in his face with a &lt;deleted&gt; you. So the Thai government is apparently headed back to the troglodyte days as a solution to all that ails. What a waste of time. Bring on the "happiness".


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

Holy Toledo, what a fury raging in you. The article is about the Government interfering in the sleeping habits of students +18 of age and dictating how it should. More probably getting back to old fashioned standards like at schools in the UK (where teen pregnancy is extremely high so the policy isn't working). If this Government really wants to do sth about Teen Pregnancy, there is much more to do like the 23 example I gave you.......or do you think those students try to catch butterflies in Cowboi? The highly popular abortion clinic is a few soi's further........ If you think this Government measure will slow down teen pregnancy in Thailand, be my guest. Some parents might feel relieved by this but most parents don't have a clue what is going on at Universities.

Most universitiee offer single sex accomodation in the west if people want it.

I think if kids are in student accomodation away from home in their first year, its not s horrendously bad thing. Once they leave campus for 2nd and 3rd year its up to them what they do.

But on university property, why not. If they want to get it on they will go to a hotel anyway, but that is different from cohabiting completely.

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