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Top 3 stores in Thailand


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Thaiwatsadoo, think that's how you spell it. Macro and big C. Villa mart , tops way too expensive gold is cheaper than their cheeses. Must treat their staff bad as here in Hua Hin seems like new faces on the tills every time I go in . The local market has a farang and a local price most stall holders knnow my gf lives with a farang so we give them a wide berth, had one idiot ask me 200 baht for a kilo of tomatoes when the Thai price was 35 baht,

Seems the locals have no concept of treating customers fairly and getting repeat business, though ones who piss me off I make sure they see me when out buying. Such is life in LOS.

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Other than food which I buy thru Big C Extra because they deliver, I am a big fan of Lazara - all inclusive prices, usually lower than big box stores, some unique items I haven't even seen in stores, messenger delivery and cash on delivery are big plusses and returns are easy

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The Ma & Pa store in my Chiang Mai condo. The gal who runs it used to be a buyer for Rim Ping supermarket and the place is really a mini-Rim Ping, catering to the tastes of the local foreigners. She's brilliant at stocking with exactly the right stuff and knows the favorite items of her customers.

Tops Market -- unfortunately it's closer than a Rim Ping, so that's where I go to get stuff I can't buy at the condo mini-market

Central Dept store -- the one in Kad Suan Kaew mall is one of their smallest, but is our go-to store for appliances and household items because they deliver and stand behind them when they develop problems. Also, the B2S is handy for office supplies.

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Can add Villa market, True value and Tops. Then there are many small shops that sell stuff at very good prices, better than Tesco or Big C.

On another note, I have bought many things from Lazada but now have run into a major problem. I bought a software package from them and when I scratched to get to the activation code two letters/numbers came off with the covering strip. Its now been 3 weeks and 10 phone calls and still no answer. They deliver on time etc etc but when you run into a problem you have a problem.

I also had a couple of problems with Lazada......They are friendly and try their best, but don't get the things done.

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Homepro. Don't know how they make a profit with 10-20 sales associates per customer. But my fave hardware store.

Macro. Great prices and great selection.

Villa Market. Expensive but great produce and many items not available in other stores

The above are all local to me; within two kms. I also shop at Big C and Tesco when I am in their neighborhood.

I have three local second hand stores and a flea market which I visit on a regular basis in case of a great deal. Have furnished my house with lovely second hand oriental carpets and solid wood furniture. Built a shop with second hand kitchen counters and cabinets. Have also purchased on eBay hundreds of items over the years that are not available (or I don't know where to find) in Thailand.

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