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New kind of scam in Bangkok....

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No I wasn't there. I spend most of my time in Chiang Mai among family and friends. I avoid tourist areas like the plague.

I've spent most of my adult life among working class Thais - chow ban - and when people gratuitously insult them I get pissed-off.

No one is naive enough the believe that all Thais are fine, upstanding people like your neighbors in CM, especially those in tourist traps like Patpong...

And while you are being smug in your little corner of paradise, how do you think the lady that was scammed feels about Thailand after this incident and what do you think she will tell her friends and family when she gets home?

I never said or implied that all Thais are fine, upstanding people, and I don't live in a little corner of paradise, I live in a Thai neighbourhood.

Frankly I don't give a damn what this woman feels about Thailand, nor what she tells her friends when she gets home.

All of us who have been here for a while have had bad experiences, but most of us learn from them and don't get burned again - we don't blame the Thais and Thailand for our own carelessness and stupidity.

Yep! i got you now it's the Victim who is to blame!

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Yeah apologies to the OP. Universities don't teach how not to be scammed by a 2 bit Thai street vendor with zero education at MBA level.


Yeah apologies to the OP. Universities don't teach how not to be scammed by a 2 bit Thai street vendor with zero education at MBA level.

Yes...universities not teach their students to.... not do to another what you not like another does to you......


A few months ago I told one of my friends that the military will clean this place up and they are, slowly. They seem to be concentrating on a few things and then moving onto something else. The local pill dealers where I live have all been swept away. I feel this will be a trend, unlike the crackdowns of the past, this one is not designed to grab a few headlines. We are already seeing big heads roll and I think this is just the start.

Also, please remember that this scam is not a reflection on Thai people as a whole. There are bad apples everywhere.


Tihs is not first time Silom also have 'Tiger show' where the drink are over price when you not pay they will not allow to leave the shop.

If happen like to see check the price list, ask for bills and pay after drink is served.


The police were likely in on the scam.

This does happen with people you casually meet. Often they strike up a conversation and you order drinks which then come on a single bill since it's assumed you are buddies or a couple.

Then they excuse themselves to the bathroom were you are near finished and your tired of waiting so you go to pay the bill and they want the whole amount paid.

You don't even have a sale here, just some stranger that ran off with something lol, it could be 20 other people packed against you on the sidewalk. Personally i would have walked away. Your not carrying anything so there's no evidence it's just someone down the street shouting an accusation.

Happened to me and i simply tell them i only ordered mine, which is technically correct. It's totally the establishments fault and they are scratching for blame because they are incompetent.

Never had the police called but i'm sure i would only have to pay mine if it came to that. Unless the waitress really lied and said i was alone and ordered two, which is unlikely with a cop there and other people seeing otherwise.

Each customer should have their own chit anyhow even if you are together. It's just staff laziness because they don't want to issue two papers.

Get your kicks on Route 66.

I'm not afraid of passport theives either. Anyone who takes or wants to hold it as collateral gets their picture taken on my iphone. This goes in the stolen report to the embassy and i quickly get a replacement. Same goes for not returning it upon request. That counts as theft as well.

Brits take how many months to get a new passport? If Americans lose two the next is only good for a period of month not years. Not easy for some countries to get another passport.


Well my friend was browsing over the Patpong market while she still had a few hours off before leaving to the airport. She arrived last Monday at 6:20 AM and was sceduled to leave at Thursday 2:10 AM.

First time in Thailand. Now also the last time in Thailand. And I can assure that the company she is an executive and board member for, will withdraw their investments... It's a mayor banking and insurrance company.....

I have hardly seen any one that pi**ed off!!!

So because someone was scammed out of 125 Euro a Major banking and insurance company will withdraw all their investments, which probably as a MAJOR company run into the millions of Euros, from Thailand.

Can I laugh at that statement ?

It is not about the money but about getting falsly (wrongly) accused !!!

In my friends point of view this country will NOT be able to do fair trading !!!

What country are you from? I read all of your posts and they are all about scams and crime in Thailand. What makes you so interested? No big thing but I'm curious why you would be so interested in scams in Thailand? Have you ever had any problems in Thailand? Or just stuff you read about?


as said in another post there are no new scams just new punters, I was a newish punter about 16 years ago

and the scam I got done by was one I had not heard of before, I was in a shop looking to buy a football shirt

for my young son, I literarily scoured the shop from top to bottom and halfway through my search the old lady

who did not speak a word of English was joined by a young woman who spoke quite a bit.

it must of taken 30 mins for me to find the right shirt, and I handed it to the older woman along with 1000 bht

she was making faces and saying something to the young woman, who informed me her mother did not have

change of 1000 bht , I was about to give up when the younger one said I can change it for you at the bank opposite

and the money was handed to her by the old lady.

now me and a friend waited twenty mins and I realised the old lady had left the shop and it dawned on me that

I had been done, but I still had the football shirt and I thought well at least I got that.

dream on! after a further ten mins the old lady reappeared and put her hand out for the shirt, I asked where was

my 1000bht my mate said get police and within ten mins a policeman arrived and spoke to the old woman for 5 min

then speaking very good English said the old lady said that I had walked in with a thai lady and then gave her

1000bht when there was no change, he told me that the old lady said it was my gf I tried to explain that this woman

appeared in the shop about twenty mins after we arrived how did that make her my gf.

I realised then that I was on a non-winner and thought well at least if I make a police report, and this was a set up

and not a one off opportunist caper ,it might stop it carrying on.

this happened in pattaya 2nd road the police man informed me I would have to travel to satahip next Friday to

report this incident, I got the impression that I was pi**ing into the wind and left it.


She should have refused to pay and asked to go to the station. Then she would've known if it was real or not. You should never pay a fine here without been issued with a ticket...They always stop the scam if you stand up to them and show no fear.. .

Or she has to pay more people. The shop owner the arresting policeman,the desk policeman and maybe any policeman that is in the station at the time. Best to pay up and be gone the more involved it gets the more expensive it gets

This is also a possibility. When you play 'call my bluff' the bluff can actually be even more expensive!


A few months ago I told one of my friends that the military will clean this place up and they are, slowly. They seem to be concentrating on a few things and then moving onto something else. The local pill dealers where I live have all been swept away. I feel this will be a trend, unlike the crackdowns of the past, this one is not designed to grab a few headlines. We are already seeing big heads roll and I think this is just the start.

Also, please remember that this scam is not a reflection on Thai people as a whole. There are bad apples everywhere.

Be careful what you wish for, you could end up with it being a lot more than just petty crime but more along the lines of what Toxin set out to do back in 2001.

A lot of farang living the free-wheeling dream could end up being being swept away as well.


Never seen a copy watch that was 10000 Baht at Patpong most are 500 up to 2-3000 for a so called A Grade copy. Scam for sure.

Since the watch in question is no longer available for inspection, I suspect it was genuine. Solid gold. With diamond encrusted band. Signed by Leonardo da Vinci. Previously owned by Elvis. A wedding gift from John F Kennedy.



A little Guy conning a bank/insurance company board member

Fair play

Scamming and manipulation is the. Banks. Code of conduct


Just pissed because a street scammer out scammed one that has an MBA



Tihs is not first time Silom also have 'Tiger show' where the drink are over price when you not pay they will not allow to leave the shop.

If happen like to see check the price list, ask for bills and pay after drink is served.

how is that a solution?

if it's not a mistake and they are going to strong arm you it will happen either way.

a better way of dealing with it is if you feel like paying for each drink seperately trust your gut and run for the door.


The police were likely in on the scam.

This does happen with people you casually meet. Often they strike up a conversation and you order drinks which then come on a single bill since it's assumed you are buddies or a couple.

Then they excuse themselves to the bathroom were you are near finished and your tired of waiting so you go to pay the bill and they want the whole amount paid.

You don't even have a sale here, just some stranger that ran off with something lol, it could be 20 other people packed against you on the sidewalk. Personally i would have walked away. Your not carrying anything so there's no evidence it's just someone down the street shouting an accusation.

Happened to me and i simply tell them i only ordered mine, which is technically correct. It's totally the establishments fault and they are scratching for blame because they are incompetent.

Never had the police called but i'm sure i would only have to pay mine if it came to that. Unless the waitress really lied and said i was alone and ordered two, which is unlikely with a cop there and other people seeing otherwise.

Each customer should have their own chit anyhow even if you are together. It's just staff laziness because they don't want to issue two papers.

Get your kicks on Route 66.

I'm not afraid of passport theives either. Anyone who takes or wants to hold it as collateral gets their picture taken on my iphone. This goes in the stolen report to the embassy and i quickly get a replacement. Same goes for not returning it upon request. That counts as theft as well.

Brits take how many months to get a new passport? If Americans lose two the next is only good for a period of month not years. Not easy for some countries to get another passport.

i know the usa is to give a temporary paper until the new passport is issued (about a week).

never heard about ghe two time rule. where did you get that information?

as for the uk i'm not sure if it strands it's citizens in jeopardy until a new passport can be issued.

either way this could interfere with holiday plans or may also require some red tape and visits to government offices and filling out forms.

all good practice next time you have to visit immigration and learn how to que up while sober.


That's a common scam, happens in Pattaya but haven't heard of one for a while. Her first mistake was getting assisted by a "guide". Smells of a scam immediately.

Second mistake was offering her passport. NEVER carry your passport - the BIB know you will pay 10K to get it back.

The scam was not about the watch, it was because the BIB had his mitts on her passport. Once they have your passport, they will even just make up an alleged crime to extort money from you.

If it was just the watch and no passport, she might have got away with nothing or a token 1k Baht.

A good way to deter the BIB in this situation is to wave a fist full of 1,000 Baht notes in the air and say the word "corruption" which is the same in Thai. The BIB loses face to all the locals watching and will let you go. They prefer to receive their tea money discretely. This also works at roadside stops - wave the cash around and the cop will do a runner.

Waving the 1k noted around yelling corruption has it ever worked for you?

Sent from my c64

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