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My friend got the same problem with her farang husband(41's) 6 years ago. She was around 32 but fine.

They did IVF with a famous obstetrician in Chiamg mai. They were expected twins but came one. Cost 200,000THB. Their kid was lovely and healthy by the way.

Good luck


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I really feel bad for you Cheeryble. Hubby and I went thru this many years ago and unfortunately, it didn't end well. You really should consider giving up the bicycling for a few months to see if it helps. Also switch to the boxers. Hubby still wears them. As mentioned, stop smoking and cut way back on alcohol if you do both. Get enough sleep. We saw these things make a difference. And yes, IVF can make a big difference. Nowadays, they can drill a hole in the egg and shove a reluctant guy in if your little men lack a certain sense of motivation -- a least that's my understanding. That option wasn't available back when we were jumping thru the hoops.

Another thing that affects sperm counts is the moon cycles. My ex wife and I were successful candidates at an infertility clinic and during testing prior to my ex wifes tubal ligation reversal I was told I also had a low count and they attributed to the full moon. Not sure if they were joking or not but had to come back for a retest and everything else went well and a baby arrived a year later.


While it may not work for you ... and results can vary from non effective to mildly effective to very effective ... I recommend you try Maca root (Lepidium meyennii). In the central highlands of Peru (15-16,000 feet above sea level) Maca has been grown and consumed by the native high-Andes Indians as a fertility food for over 2,000 years.

Scientific medical and pharmacology studies on rats and human males have shown Maca to be very safe ... it's a close botanical relative of the radish and turnip ... and have proven it can actually increase the levels of live, healthy and motile sperm cells ... as well as enhance erectile function in men.

Let the Maca buyer beware when shopping for Maca on the internet. While there is genuine, high quality Maca on the market ... esp. in USA and Japan ... most of what one sees on the internet runs between high exaggeration to downright lies.

As an older man living in Thailand who has had many young girlfriends, I find the regular use of Maca to be very effective indeed. I like to put in my morning smoothies, or put it in baked goods like cornbread, cookies and cakes. It tastes like butterscotch.

I've been several times in the high Andes Mountains sourcing Maca and researching its ethnobotanical history and present-day use by the native peoples of central Peru. I find both it's history and traditional use, and the modern research of its pharmacodynamics fascinating.

Here's an article, with references, I wrote on Maca several years ago: www.herbaled.org/Maca_AHG%2004.pdf

Also, I periodically do a lecture entitled: "Sexy Herbs: Optimizing Sexual Health, Performance & Pleasure with Herbs." You can find a recording of this lecture with a Google search. (I make no money on these recordings.)


if all else fails i am available, in the past all i had to do was say sex and they were pregnant, but i am sick of paying, maybe its time to make some money, sorry, kids every where, and now none of the mothers talk to me, why?

Wow... Great! when my goat is in heat next time I will drop you a line.

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Avoid any testosterone boosting meds as these can affect sperm production. I would put money on it being the stress you mention, if that's the case wait a couple of months and test again, plus follow some of the good lifestyle advice mentioned above, also next time have a cup of black coffee before the test, to wake them up, believe me it works!


I think a lot of good advise mentioned on here. I am also getting up there a little and was thinking about testing my sperm count. My gf has been talking about an addition to the family and not sure if the guys are still active or not. Is this test expensive?


There is a medical field that focuses on this: Assisted Reproductive Technology. It seems the most beneficial procedure when a male's sperm count is very low is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Perhaps you can discuss this procedure with your physician.


Perhaps evolution in it's infinite wisdom made it so old men couldn't have children. Like they won't be around long enough to help raise them? I find it the height of irresponsibility for the geezer brigade to go out and start another family. There are reasons young people have children: the have the energy and longevity to provide what is needed. If you must have a kid (and not some need to see some of your DNA running about) I agree adoption is way to go. There are too many people straining world's resources without adding to the problem. Expect to get hammered for this, but jeez people, get a hobby or something!

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no cycling do weight training, regular weights increase testosterone, supplement with lechithin, zinc pincolate + vit b12, L-arginine, ginseng, and a good all round vitamin and mineral supplenment, a little while before sex stimulate yourself by watching some good porn (of course not to the point of coming) abstain from sex for several days before your actual event, you will find i hope better production of your 'product'

keeping your balls cool will also help, wear boxers or go commando,


Wow I'm overwhelmed by all the advice.

IT's late and I'm going to fit in a half hour yoga, but briefly....

Age 65

Stopped smoking about 14 years ago.

Almost a non-drinker a decade, after being very heavy.

Fit.....cycling most days, swim twenty lengths often, hiking tomorrow morning, some yoga.

Pretty good diet.

For tonight I'll just address the advice about not bothering, or adopting:

I partly agree with what you say.

Always used to say to missus "Don't you think there are enough kids in the world"

But I must understand her, and as I will likely leave earth before her it's only fair she should have someone closely related like a child to take over.

Add to that the normal maternal instinct.

Add to that she really is amazingly fond of me....what i did to deserve it I don't know.

So I think it is reasonable i make some effort to give what she wants.

But actually she's pretty cool about it's not the end of the world if we can't.

So I think a reasonable course of action is to make a few changes and stay well in my mind if I can, and check sperm again in there months. No big deal.

If it's good we can have another go or ICSI.

If not well fair enough give up or consider alternatives like adoption.

I really appreciate the suggestions and will answer more individually perhaps tomorrow.

I found it for instance interesting the fact that just having too much blood supply can have such an impact on sperm quality this means the little blighters really are sensitive to over warmth didn't quite realise.


Wow I'm overwhelmed by all the advice.

IT's late and I'm going to fit in a half hour yoga, but briefly....

Age 65

Stopped smoking about 14 years ago.

Almost a non-drinker a decade, after being very heavy.

Fit.....cycling most days, swim twenty lengths often, hiking tomorrow morning, some yoga.

Pretty good diet.

For tonight I'll just address the advice about not bothering, or adopting:

I partly agree with what you say.

Always used to say to missus "Don't you think there are enough kids in the world"

But I must understand her, and as I will likely leave earth before her it's only fair she should have someone closely related like a child to take over.

Add to that the normal maternal instinct.

Add to that she really is amazingly fond of me....what i did to deserve it I don't know.

So I think it is reasonable i make some effort to give what she wants.

But actually she's pretty cool about it's not the end of the world if we can't.

So I think a reasonable course of action is to make a few changes and stay well in my mind if I can, and check sperm again in there months. No big deal.

If it's good we can have another go or ICSI.

If not well fair enough give up or consider alternatives like adoption.

I really appreciate the suggestions and will answer more individually perhaps tomorrow.

I found it for instance interesting the fact that just having too much blood supply can have such an impact on sperm quality this means the little blighters really are sensitive to over warmth didn't quite realise.

Waiting a few months ... without substantial change and supplementation ... will likely not increase your sperm count. And seriously give up biking for several months. The direct pressure on the bike seat has been proven to negatively affect male sexual function ... and increase prostate cancer. Google it if you need proof. Good luck.


Give up all sport, cycling and other exercise.

Loose shorts and pants, well ventilated.

How old is she?

Over 41 and very little chance.

"Give up all sport, cycling and other exercise"

including swimming lessons?


Your test is garbage. There is no other way to put this.

Your say:

Sperm count 1 million/ml.

Immotile: 100 (assume this means %)

Such numbers are extremely unlikely—period. To be producing 1 million/ml, all without motility is well, literally impossible, unless you are the first in the world to have such a disorder.

To be “viable” you must have a count of 80 million, this assumes 4ml of ejaculate with 20 million/per ml.

Your results, even assuming that the 1 million/ml are more or less mobile, indicate that you are essentially infertile. You may screw one million women and will likely never produce one fertilized egg.

I see two issues:

First: Since such numbers are impossible, go to a fertility clinic that specializes in fertility and who perform, as a matter of routine, in vitro fertilization.

Why? Because most hospital labs simply do not know much about sperm analysis.

Most MTs (Medical Technologists) or CLSs (Clinical Laboratory Scientists) are trained to do sperm analysis. But very, very few can deal with anything that deviates from normal.

Yours appears to deviate from the norm.

Sperm is counted. Then motility is assessed which counts the % that are swimming straight and true and with good effort. It is normal to have a certain % of slackers. Then morphology is assessed. Some are kinked (not kinky) some have two heads. It is normal to have some bad ones.

But “if” even the 1 million/ml is true, you have zero chance of fertilizing a woman by regular insemination. But, consider the behavior of semen: It comes out thick and gelatinous, then within 20-30 minutes turns very watery. It is at this point the count is done. If it does not liquefy you have a liquefaction issue, this may be the problem here. If so, you have a prostate issue. What can be done for that? Well, best to see a competent urologist that specializes in fertility issues but the short answer is nothing. (Read that trying to do something might create more problems than it would solve).

Sadly I have seen on two occasions in America sperm analysis that returned once a “zero” count, and another time “zero motility.” Both were wrong due to liquefaction issues and when dealt with using techniques in the book listed below, both returned a non-viable (less than the viable count listed above) but both had hundreds of thousands of individually viable sperm that could be used for in vitro fertilization.

There is zero evidence based data (from peer reviewed journals) that any dietary supplements will help. There are tons of evidence that dietary supplements will help—all from those who sell such supplements.

There are medications that will bump up sperm production, but none that are likely to bump up even 1 mil to 20. If you had 5 or ten mil, that might be an option.

Did your urologist palpate your jewels? Varicoceles can affect sperm production greatly. They are essentially varicose veins within the testicles, if not see a competent urologist. Varicoceles are common and fixable.

Can you father a child? Of course. Even with a count of 10,000/ml there are plenty enough to pick a good swimmer to inject into one of your lady’s eggs. If you are serious about creating a baby, without major abnormalities such as dual varicoceles, in vitro is the only game for you.

You are in the right place. There are several major fertility centers in Thailand that are world class and cost is ~ 1/6 what it would cost in the US. Thaidrew lists one in a post.

Warning: Female fertility drops off a cliff around age 35 for a woman. If she is over 40, most centers (all that I know) will advise using a donor egg. None will tell you this until you are well into the process( read: well into having paid a lot of baht) This is the world-wide dirty secret of fertility medicine. All centers look at numbers. All will offer you the moon and then do all the tests and if she’s over 36 or 38 they will say something like: “We suggest that you use a donor egg.” When you say: “no, we’d like to try with her eggs,” you’ll likely get a “we don’t think we are a suitable clinic for you, goodbye.” I’m very, very serious about this. I’m in the medical arena and the games that fertility clinics play make me puke.

Bicycling can affect sperm production, but it is unlikely to affect it with the amount that you do, or to the extent that you are seeing. Smoking, drinking can affect it, but again, not to the extent here that matters.

For the best information on sperm analysis download the free book: WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. It has everything about sperm analysis. One would think it would be mandatory reading for those who do sperm analysis, but it isn’t, and many if not most are totally incompetent.


Here’s a plan:

1) Find a reputable clinic that specializes in fertility like the one mentioned. Have them do a sperm analysis. If less than viable then go to 2)

2) Find a reputable urologist recommened by the clinic that you chose. See if there are fixable varicoceles or other fixable anomalies. Fix them if the doc says it is likely to bring the count up to the 80 mil. If so: light the candles and pour the wine. If not:

3. Do in vitro fertilization. Trust me, you have plenty of viable swimmers to do the job using this route.

"You may screw one million women and will likely never produce one fertilized egg."

Is screwing one million women in a double blind randomized placebo controlled manner not a viable option?


I went thru all the whole story 14 years ago.

1. normal intercourse, with breaks of two to four days between, with no other ejaculations, also has to be timed to her fertility days because otherwise, nothing will happen. This is difficult because her prime fertile days are few, three is a good number, so that means one shot in those days. At your age, you have to have a good recharge period, no escaping that. So route #1 can take years.

2. Medical fertilizing, several methods, provides much more likely faster results, but is definitely not sure fire. Any way she likely will have to take a dozen injections over same number of days to increase her egg output and strength. You can follow all the other advice listed here, such as cooler pants and stress control and diet, but there is no set of magic bullets to work first time, every time. Sperm are mostly graded on motility, lively movement, and in many numbers, but that drops as you are finding with age regardless of what you do. Yours are very poor candidates so the number of procedures you two may need could be a dozen or even never work. Very difficult physically on her, expensive, and emotionally draining as hope is crushed every time there is a failure.

My medical system did not work first time and wife relented and separately decided not to try again.

3. Sorry, but 65 is too late. May have to face facts and sooner the better. You know the reasons beyond your sperm condition.

Best wishes for a difficult situation.wai.gif


I went thru all the whole story 14 years ago.

1. normal intercourse, with breaks of two to four days between, with no other ejaculations, also has to be timed to her fertility days because otherwise, nothing will happen. This is difficult because her prime fertile days are few, three is a good number, so that means one shot in those days. At your age, you have to have a good recharge period, no escaping that. So route #1 can take years.

2. Medical fertilizing, several methods, provides much more likely faster results, but is definitely not sure fire. Any way she likely will have to take a dozen injections over same number of days to increase her egg output and strength. You can follow all the other advice listed here, such as cooler pants and stress control and diet, but there is no set of magic bullets to work first time, every time. Sperm are mostly graded on motility, lively movement, and in many numbers, but that drops as you are finding with age regardless of what you do. Yours are very poor candidates so the number of procedures you two may need could be a dozen or even never work. Very difficult physically on her, expensive, and emotionally draining as hope is crushed every time there is a failure.

My medical system did not work first time and wife relented and separately decided not to try again.

3. Sorry, but 65 is too late. May have to face facts and sooner the better. You know the reasons beyond your sperm condition.

Best wishes for a difficult situation.wai.gif

In my opinion, for whatever it's worth 65 is not too late for the male at all. Life expectancy into the late 80's is common. Your child may or may not be bothered by the age difference, but probably not if you're a good dad, and older men often make great dads.

The age of the women correlates with increased birth defects. There is a tiny bit of evidence that "old" (read 65+ sperm) impart a small increase in birth defects. Yet the defects are mostly minor and easily fixed such as cleft palate, and even here we are talking 1:200 at the most. It is a difficult subject to research as there are few studies that look at men 20+ years older than the female. Most look at older women with similar age to +10 age difference with the male. In my opinion if the two of you eat properly, exercise, don't smoke and drink reasonably then trying for a child with IV is both easy, practical, and safe, albeit somewhat expensive. In fact clinics love older men with 25-32 y/o women because of a high success rate. They struggle with many women aged 35+ who do not fare as well. Offhand, with you, I'd guess it will take 1-3 rounds of IV fertilization to succeed. That can be dropped to two but with a higher risk of twins/triplets, a risk that ought to be avoided unless the male is small. Big men and tiny women tend to be difficult for small wombs if there is more than a singleton.

As far as the "dozen injections," there is some truth to that especially if the woman is aged 32+. If less many clinics harvest immature eggs and mature them in vitro. This bypasses the chemical need to force the woman's ovaries to produce excess mature eggs. In this case little or no drugs are necessary. The science is truly amazing and is maturing fast. Quite a lot has changed in 14 years!

The real definer as to the health of the baby, and the success of the IV fertilization is solely due to the age of the mother. The mother is the QA/QC system. The older the women, the less efficient the QA/QC system is. And older man and a younger women bears essentially the risks that the woman bears if she had a partner the same age.

You may run into some cultural/societal criticism, *shrug* so what? And likely you'll run into less in Thailand than in the US. Indeed some will say things like " You know the reasons beyond your sperm condition." Now that sort of statement may make sense to some, but it does not to me.

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I 'll put it as a famous man once did.cheesy.gif Move over rover Let hippie take over. Ok two questions One boxers or briefs? If briefs lose them use boxers. Next Like hot showers? switch to cold. If that fails call me I can get her preggie with a look My boys are strong. No extra charge unless you want a daughter Have to hump harder to break off the pecker. But she will enjoy the ride.w00t.gif


It is really not that hard to improve sperm count despite your declining years as plenty of men have fathered children much older than yourself..

It will take a few months but you should start by juicing raw organic vegetable juices. Add grass fed organic beef a few times a week , fish and organic vegetables to your diet.

Take organic flaxseed oil and get yourself some good supplements like zinc, tribulus, vit e, vit c, , multi B etc.

You probably need an estrogen blocker of some sort. You can do it naturally via eating lots of broccoli, cabbage etc or you can supplement with DIM.

Make sure you drink a good quality pure water and avoid anything in plastic containers as they contain chemicals that affect male sperm counts.

Do a bit of weight training to boost t levels.

On a general not male sperm counts are declining rapidly due to all the chemicals in the environment. Men are becoming more like women all over the world due to a polluted toxic food chain and environment.

Check this out: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-warn-of-sperm-count-crisis-8382449.html

The reproductive health of the average male is in sharp decline, the world's largest study of the quality and concentration of sperm has found.

Between 1989 and 2005, average sperm counts fell by a third in the study of 26,000 men, increasing their risk of infertility. The amount of healthy sperm was also reduced, by a similar proportion.

The findings confirm research over the past 20 years that has shown sperm counts declining in many countries across the world. Reasons ranging from tight underwear to toxins in the environment have been advanced to explain the fall, but still no definitive cause has been found.

The decline occurred progressively hroughout the 17-year period, suggesting that it could be continuing.

The latest research was conducted in France but British experts say it has global implications. The scientists said the results constituted a "serious public health warning" and that the link with the environment "particularly needs to be determined".

The worldwide fall in sperm counts has been accompanied by a rise in testicular cancer – rates have doubled in the last 30 years – and in other male sexual disorders such as undescended testes, which are indicative of a "worrying pattern", scientists say.

There is an urgent need to establish the causes so measures can be taken to prevent further damage, they add.

Richard Sharpe, professor of reproductive health at the University of Edinburgh and an international expert on toxins in the environment, said the study was "hugely impressive" and answered sceptics who doubted whether the global decline was real.

"Now, there can be little doubt that it is real, so it is a time for action. Something in our modern lifestyle, diet or environment is causing this and it is getting progressively worse. We still do not know which are the most important factors but the most likely are … a high-fat diet and environmental chemical exposures."

Researchers from the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, St Maurice, used data from 126 fertility clinics in France which had collected semen samples from the male partners of women with blocked or missing fallopian tubes. The men, whose average age was 35, did not have fertility problems of their own and were therefore considered representative of the general male population.

The results, reported in the journal Human Reproduction, showed the concentration of sperm per millilitre of semen declined progressively by 1.9 per cent a year throughout the 17 years – from 73.6 million sperm per millilitre in 1989 to 49.9 million/ml in 2005. The proportion of normally formed sperm also decreased by 33.4 per cent over the same period.

Although the average sperm count of the men was well above the threshold definition of male infertility – which is 15 million/ml – it was below the World Health Organisation threshold of 55 million/ml which is thought to lengthen the time to conceive. Other European studies have shown that one in five young men has a sperm count low enough to cause problems conceiving.

Combined with other social trends, such as delayed childbearing which reduces female fertility, the decline in sperm counts could signal a crisis for couples hoping for a family.

Sperm count: How to boost it

1. Wear loose underwear – to make healthy sperm the testicles need to be below body temperature.

2. Eat food low in saturated fat.

3. Avoid smoking, drinking, using drugs and becoming obese.

4. Reduce exposure to industrial chemicals such as those used in making plastics – they can mimic the female hormone oestrogen countering male hormones.

5. Protect women in pregnancy – there is growing evidence that falling sperm counts may stem from effects in the womb.

6. Avoid anti-depressants – in rare cases they can cut sperm counts.


Well obviously Vit C etc are ntoi going to help.

A low sperm count alone can often be successfully handled through IVF. However if it really is 100% immotility that's another matter.

You really need to consult an infertility expert for accurate advice.


Perhaps evolution in it's infinite wisdom made it so old men couldn't have children. Like they won't be around long enough to help raise them? I find it the height of irresponsibility for the geezer brigade to go out and start another family. There are reasons young people have children: the have the energy and longevity to provide what is needed. If you must have a kid (and not some need to see some of your DNA running about) I agree adoption is way to go. There are too many people straining world's resources without adding to the problem. Expect to get hammered for this, but jeez people, get a hobby or something!

How do you know any young person has longevity?

They might die from cancer or heart disease at age 40.

We old uns have stood the test of time, and can pass longevity on to our children.

Not to mention young people are too busy trying to make a living to look after children.

Us old uns, have all the time in the day to look after children.

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I read somewhere, but can't recall so verify this information before you believe it....

Proviron (spelling) a medication for people with too low Testosterone was said to increase Sperm count and quality.

(But again I am not sure if I recall it right)

Proviron/Provironum is available and has been used for this purpose but keep in mind it is a testosterone product and should be taken with care and not without prior workup by a urologist in older males as it may increase the possibility of prostate carcinoma.


if it is 100% mortality then you need a specialist. But to be honest there might be some chromosome problems even. So don't hope too much. One thing will not help: vitamins and minerals. Save your money to pay the specialist


Well obviously Vit C etc are ntoi going to help.

A low sperm count alone can often be successfully handled through IVF. However if it really is 100% immotility that's another matter.

You really need to consult an infertility expert for accurate advice.

I think this is right Sheryl.

As I hinted I inwardly yawned when the doc suggested multivitamins + C.

Interesting for me from two posts speaking of overheating merely by having a little too much blood flowing in the area is it suggests the testes really are sensitive to a very modest change in temperature.

Also interested in the suggestion from JSFlynn that most lab folk are not able as able as they might be with anything out of the normal.

So yes it may be a matter of find the right person and at least get the skinny.

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