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Two men burned alive in Yaris crashing into 10-wheeler on Bang Na-Trat Road


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The Honda Jazz and Toyota Yaris are cute little cars and are priced right and so very popular with the That public. I would not drive one of these cars if someone gave it t me for free. Its possible the truck driver did not notice being hit because the Yaris may have not hit him that hard. I saw a Jazz lose control on Pattaya Klang and hit a pole. They were not going really all that fast. I have never seen a car that was so completely destroyed, everyone in it was killed. You don't have to hit something going fast and both of these cars will completely come apart. The back and the front of the car trade places. These cute little fun to drive cars are DEATH TRAPS.

You are completely right. Small cars are death traps. I like to have some good distance between the front of the car and myself. There has been a couple of serious accidents in the even smaller Toyota that looks like a smart car. A lady in the UK was burned to death a month back. Car was so small she must have been really close to the fuel tank.

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.


Yes it is cold but I agree with the poster.... Darwins Theory rules sometimes. Fortunately this time those idiots didn't take out anyone but themselves. Som nom na

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This is very sad but one should always be aware that Fate, Nature, Gaia or whatever are always lurking in the shadows waiting to give out a Darwin Award. When this happens it is the relatives of the deceased that need sympathy especially if the deceased supported them financially.

The report does not mention the type of fuel that the Yaris used. Would it have been gasoline? Personally I have not used a gasoline powered car for over twenty years as Heavy Oil is a far safer fuel and usually one gets better miles per gallon from a diesel.

Young men and cars tend to be a bad risk. I live in England but only today in Bristol I noticed numerous drivers playing chicken on roundabouts. Legally the first car onto the roundabout has right-of-way so yobs with hot-hatches (tuned-up hatchbacks that often have the rear seats removed to save weight) will storm onto a roundabout at high speed. One hundred and eighty degrees or more around the roundabout there might be a double decker bus already on the roundabout with the buses "nose" six feet in. The yobs then speed in front of the bus "cutting-up" the bus driver and almost causing an accident but it appears that playing chicken gives them a thrill.

Take care!

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The first time I went to Pattaya it was in the dark (about 10pm) in a taxi from the airport. Not far from the Rayong turnoff the taxi driver had to swerve to miss a semi truck with no rear lights. I was looking out the windscreen and never saw the semi truck till the drive swerved.

If we had of crashed into the semi truck it probably would have been reported here, and a broken whisky bottle was found in the back seat....so the driver and passenger were drinking.

But that would be an assumption. I don't drink alcohol, the bottle was a gift for a friend and I sure as he11 would never give a drink to a taxi driver or get in one with a drunk driver.

ASSUMPTIONS,can make an ASS out of you and SUMPTION.

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Dying I do not fear ,however the way of dying I do fear and these tragic deaths are to my mind one of the worst ways to go.Not enough time to be asphyxiated to relieve the pain .

I'm not afraid of burning to death in a brief time. I'm afraid of burning alive for an eternity.
Religion such a comforting thought.
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And on the report the truck driver kept going because he didn't feel the rear end hit BS!!!!!!! I drove heavy over 35 years a Professional truck driver would have felt it even with heavy load. That is way they have rear view mirrors on vehicles. And judging from photo they rear ended truck at a fair speed above 40 at least.

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I encounter a dozen careless drivers every day who give no braking room. Surprised this is not a daily news item.

As you know, the idea of leaving a safe distance between moving vehicles, is somewhat alien here, as the safe space between you and the car ahead is viewed by many drivers as an opportunity to slip in and move ahead of you.

What does any of that have to do with someone SPEEDING ONTO the highway and loosing control of their vehicle? That's right, absolutely nothing.

What on earth made you think the driver lost control of his vehicle? He was in control until the moment of impact.

<quote>According witnesses, the Yaris was speeding up an overpass over the Bang Na-Trat Road when it lost control and rear ended the semi truck. The truck reportedly drove away, possibly unaware of the accident.</quote>

I guess because I can and do read.

Indeed you can and I was wrong. Apologies to you.thumbsup.gif

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I do not mean to sound like I am lacking in compassion, but I wonder why this does not happen more often here. The level of carelessness and recklessness that I see displayed by so many here astonishes me on a daily basis. Is there less consideration of the value of life and limb here? I see people screaming around completely blind corners, without a care in the world. Passing without any margins. Using the Buddha (fictional middle) lane with abandon. Driving motorbikes with a degree of recklessness that only someone who did not care about dying or losing a limb would display. Using the bright lights all the time at night, when it is blinding oncoming drivers. It always amazes me that Thai people can be so polite in public, but when put behind a wheel, the kamikaze side of their nature surfaces. And even foreigners who have been here for awhile, seem to adapt these same ridiculous tendencies. And of course the police do nothing, as that is all they seem to be capable of doing.

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Raise a glass to the noble citizen. That was a brave move.

Quite...I've seen a video of people filming a car slowly catch on flames...but no attempt to get anyone out of the vehicle. The survivor is one lucky guy, as not many people appear to want to put themselves in danger, however little, to help someone else.

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I encounter a dozen careless drivers every day who give no braking room. Surprised this is not a daily news item.

As you know, the idea of leaving a safe distance between moving vehicles, is somewhat alien here, as the safe space between you and the car ahead is viewed by many drivers as an opportunity to slip in and move ahead of you.

What does any of that have to do with someone SPEEDING ONTO the highway and loosing control of their vehicle? That's right, absolutely nothing.

What on earth made you think the driver lost control of his vehicle? He was in control until the moment of impact.

<quote>According witnesses, the Yaris was speeding up an overpass over the Bang Na-Trat Road when it lost control and rear ended the semi truck. The truck reportedly drove away, possibly unaware of the accident.</quote>

I guess because I can and do read.

Indeed you can and I was wrong. Apologies to you.thumbsup.gif

No harm, I should have pointed that out in my first reply and not been so flippant.

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Drink and driving do not go together.

Feel sorry for the dead, but they decided their own destiny.


But accurate.

I am not completely sure how "accurate" it is... but I am sure that when we take foolish risks don't necessarily "decide our own destiny" we MORE ACCURATELY.... set odds in a certain direction. I am certain we have all gotten away with foolish behaviour at times.... have you?

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