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Tax ID card when buying vehicle

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I just bought a boat and was told by the lawyer, handling the transfer of ownership, that there's a new rule which requires foreigners to get a "Tax ID"-card before purchasing a motorbike, car or boat.

Does anyone have any information about this?

If not does anyone know if there is anything negative about having a Tax ID card while not paying taxes in Thailand?

Thank you

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News to me if true. Per this Thai Revenue Dept webpage regarding Tax ID it does not say a Tax ID is needed to buy property such as a motorbike, car, or boat. Basically, a Tax ID is only needed for tax filing purposes as in you derive income from Thailand sources.

Yes it's very odd. I can't find information about it anywhere. But with this being thailand I doesn't really surprise me if something suddenly is required but not written in the official websites :D

I'll ask the laywer if he can provide some document about it. Might be interesting.

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There are no negative consequences by having a Thai tax ID card, and not filing taxes, as there is a minimum income base, after exemptions, before any tax is paid. Last year in my income category bt100,000 was the base, with anything above that requiring a tax payment. There is a move by immigration with work permit renewals to require seeing your income tax receipt that is issued when you turn in your tax return, whether you have to pay, or not, but that is the only thing I've heard that is changing that would require a tax ID card. There was never a request to see my tax ID card when I bought my motorbike, and there isn't anyplace on the title for that number. There was also no request when I renewed the tags either.

There is the possibility that a Thai tax ID card will be accepted as proof of residency when buying movable property though. That might have changed, as you do need to be a resident to get liability insurance in Thailand.

Edited by koolbreez
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Got more information now. It seems you need the card when buying/selling second hand vehicles. For paying the VAT. Maybe connected to https://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1388731520&section=13&typecate=no

I get a warning when clicking on above link that there is a certificate error....connection not private....someone be trying to steal personal info....so I didn't open it.

Maybe you could cut and paste the info to a post? But you first sentence indicates a person would be involved in a business in buying/selling vehicles so that makes sense.

But I expect that does not apply to a person privately selling their vehicle like if they bought a new vehicle and was just selling their old vehicle....that's a common practice in Thailand and the world.

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