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Stop finding fault, Prayut says

Lite Beer

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I think Prayuth has bitten off more than he can chew with this coup.

He seems to be having a little temper tantrum every day now about what people say.

He started reacting to criticism, he now loses it by just someone airing there personal view nowadays.

Even bursting out at the media for asking simple questions and blaming them for picking on him is a display that he is reaching his limits. The guy is paranoid. This is symptomatic of someone who has realized he has punched way above his weight. Now sees everything as a personal attack.

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his weekly Tv chats? make that daily chats! however he has done one good thing and that is keep the red and yellow shirts from bothering the general public. AND he has shown leadership and seems to be really trying to get the country back on track. Thailand has NEVER been a democracy! just check out the leaders from 1969 to now. personaly I would give the man a chance to finish his idea for the country. many Thai's are behind him and he certainlky hasn't did worse then the people before him. suthep had seven arrest warrants out for him and walked the streets with impunity. however when the general took charge suthep became a monk! how's that for hypocriecy

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The new PM doesn't seem to get it. The only way people could not find fault is if the government made all the people happy all the time and was basically perfect. Since no government is perfect that means there WILL be fault to find. But let's call this fault constructive CRITICISM which the government needs to wisely pay attention to. Otherwise, they are doing nothing to make a government that the people want, but a government that THEY want. This is as far from a Democratic process as you can get.

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He's not a politician, is he.

Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

I know plenty of people who are sincere, loyal to the king and country, but they are not pretending to be PM"s!!

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Thailand seems to suffer from this need for officials to blab off their mouths at every opportunity with a deluge of crap just to fill their need for self importance, we have seen it time and time again, all it does is lead to confusion and miss-information

you are joking right? that deluge of crap is the truth leaking out.

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"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

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We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.

I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.

I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA.

As regards what the Government here has achieved, how about exposing the rice scandal, arresting crooked policemen (strange how the previous Shinawatra administrations never managed to uncover that), arresting murderers of demonstrators in Bangkok and recovering a huge haul of stolen weapons.

We are 6 months in to a new administration. They have many years of corruption and negligence to fix.

Why not try waiting and see how they do before you rush in with your criticism, or were you perfectly happy with the Shinawatra regime and considered it a role model for other governments?

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We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.

I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.

I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA.

As regards what the Government here has achieved, how about exposing the rice scandal, arresting crooked policemen (strange how the previous Shinawatra administrations never managed to uncover that), arresting murderers of demonstrators in Bangkok and recovering a huge haul of stolen weapons.

We are 6 months in to a new administration. They have many years of corruption and negligence to fix.

Why not try waiting and see how they do before you rush in with your criticism, or were you perfectly happy with the Shinawatra regime and considered it a role model for other governments?

a new 'administration?

Orwell was a Brit, was he not?

And just as an aside, after waiting a bit longer to see how the new 'administration' does, what will be the alternatives?

Oh, yeah, and when was the last time that self-governance was forcibly taken from the people in GB?

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