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Farangs taking their Thai partners to the movies - Keep the Chatter Down Please!

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You have to remember.It is their country not yours.I would say you have to bite the bullet and deal with it or stop going to the

Movies.I don't see anything changing.You'll see people talking in theaters in other parts of the world also.

I have to agree. I just saw Interstellar in the U.S. and 2 women in front of me were talking through the movie. The guy behind me answered his phone and walked out saying "Hello? Yeah, just a sec I gotta leave the movie." Various people checked their texts which makes me insane because I can see their little, lighted screens and it's distracting.

On a totally random and off topic-ish note: As a non-Thai in Thailand seeing a movie last month I was surprised by the anthem/royals video/standing for the King at the start of films. I hadn't experienced that before. The video about the royal family was very well done. The Queen was quite a stunning beauty in her youth! At the end they showed the King with two dogs, one on each side, each in elaborate costumes. I have no idea why the dog outfits cracked me up, but they did. (Maybe because, as when you're in church, you're not supposed to laugh and so get the giggles all the more.)

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I never go to movie theaters in Thailand, because I did not bring my winter jacket over here from my home country. Freezing to death while watching a Science Fiction movie and hearing some bar girl and blabbing away while doing it is not my idea of a fun time.

I always illegally download all my movies and watch them at home on my very big screen Plasma, sometimes in 3D if it is available.


Pay extra for the private theaters at Multiplex, comfortable lounge chairs , interactive movie with cold air for storms blown on you as well as mist for rain and chairs move

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To the Op Next time you want to enjoy the movie do as I have done for years I give it three days after release then go to suknspit buy copy and watch alone. problem solved.

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OP regarding your comments I assume you live in Pattaya as I have never as far as I can remember experienced that in bkk. However I have noticed groups of Thais or groups of farang talking loudly in the theater...I have even smacked another farang over the head to shut the f up during the movie after telling him "politely" 2 times...he also refused to stand up for the king song before movie start at first...and thais got pissed (he eventually stood up disgruntled in the middle of the song). I have seen another farang who didn't stand up for the king song and was told to leave...actually got kicked out, they even paused the screen until he left...also in BKK


Attention obnoxious white people, please return your own country to watch movies, thank you.

Yes I agree that some of these comments to you as a Thai (if you are a Thai that is), would be a bit insensitive, but your comment is just overtly racist.


Being an anti-PC guy I am in no way offended by your post - it's just that what you experience rarely happens to me. Sure, every once in a while there is a person that's on the cell phone (usually Thai) or a couple that chats too much (could be any nationality) but it does not happen often anymore.

I remember with horror the time right after mobile phones became ubiquitous in Thailand, when watching a movie often became pure aggravation, but as mobile phones became yesterday's toys this problem gradually faded away.

Or maybe it's the endless "turn-off-your-mobile" messages before each show that has had an effect (why do they have to last five minutes!)?

Regarding you comment that Thai people don't get sci-fi movies I'm sure that's correct to a certain extent (depending on their education level and general interests) but you have to realize that the Thai translation according to my wife often is so bad that what's written in the subtitles does not make any sense at all. Anyone who has suffered through a Thai move with English subs knows what I mean.

A while back I worked in the US and what I experienced in the cinemas/theaters there was in now way better than what's going on in Thai cinemas. One particular ethnic group seemed to relish in strolling around and making a commotion. No one ever reacted to this because of fear of the race card being played.

When a mobile phone user gets too obnoxious or the light annoys me, I find that turning on my small torch and shining it on them often works. tongue.png

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What ho Carruthers!


'What 'Ho indeed old chap! Get hauling that cart and put your back into it little fuzzy-wuzzy'

Yet the best times back then in some ways, for all that I'm glad Thailand wasn't colonized.

Some areas don't thrive on being de-colonized though, just look at a few certain African nations after they got their country back!

Another load of gumf to add to the barrel load of gumf already on this thread.

So - these [African] nations, and their peoples, having cast off the yoke of colonialism are so much better off under the collars of their own? Yeah - right!

As someone else hinted at - the only reason Thailand was never colonised was a) there was nothing here any one particularly wanted and cool.png the Thais, in usual cowardly fashion, gave away swathes of their land in exchange for not being fully colonised and is probably the single most reason that the country remains 2 centuries behind the rest of SE Asia. A list?

An archaic language with an archaic alphabet

A largely uneducated, downtrodden and brainwashed populace

A legal and judiciary system that is more akin to a dictatorship than a democracy

A society where corruption is not only endemic but considered a virtue

A society where the social rules of the underclasses are based purely on superstition

And, just to get back on topic, Thailand should have a vibrant and interesting film industry…..but it does not….blame the “pre-approval” process for all scripts, the censorship by PAD/Yellow/Royalist Culture Ministry bureaucrats….,the list of forbidden topics (no police corruption, no criticism of Buddhism state religion, no criticism of the military, no criticism of the judges/courts, no negative mention of royals, Thailand’s excessive liability laws which the connected and wealthy use to attack anyone who criticize them, etc)…….add to all that, the fact that most Thai film directors are from the upper or upper middle class, think along the royalist/PAD/Yellow line of bs, have almost no personal contact with ordinary working people in Thailand, are racist against people with darker skin, are against democratic values and structure, are pro-military coup, probably seldom read books, may only speak a little English and have limited international exposure……the final touch being that it is almost impossible for talented ordinary Thais to break thru the royalist stranglehold on the arts in Thailand….they are left to design and make neon signs for the nightlife, decorate tuk-tuks and paint large tour buses.

Cdr Tamson:

I am in agreement and in absolute awe of your analysis. Surprised (but grateful) it is allowed to stand. I love this country, and am content to let those in charge do what they will, but damn, you have nailed it.

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OP, you are 100% correct. A movie theater is a temple of art, despite most of the dreck on offer inside nowadays. The behavior you describe is all too common now, and absolutely ruins the experience. I took my wife to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes. There's a lot of noisy action in the film, so if people are talking, it's not a huge deal, but...it was Lottery Day, and I could NOT get her to quit checking her big screen, very bright "smart" phone, anxious for the winning numbers to be published. It was like having a 40 watt light bulb in the next seat. It was embarrassing and very annoying.

I have found that people no longer seem to know how to behave in a theater now, either here or back in the States. Long ago, theaters used to have ushers, who would not hesitate to eject troublesome customers. In the current climate, that would probably result in occasional homicides. Too bad.

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Cinema as opposed to theater is by definition a more accessible form of art - so in any country behaviors at a cinema will differ from those at real theaters.

If someone believes ugly public behaviors to be Thai specific and insists on staying in this country - maybe they should consider going back or choosing another place to live.

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I wonder if we can get together and start a "cinema club"?!

No, seriously! I am happy to pay good money to watch a movie on a big screen, with digital surround sound, for that immersive feeling. I pay to watch a movie, not to tolerate ignorant people who would rather talk all the way through it, or play with a mobile phone!

Sadly, I all but gave up going to the cinema years ago. I really love the movie experience (I'd love to see classic sci-fi films like Close Encounters, Star Wars, and Alien on the big screen again -- big movies, with even bigger scores!), but I too cannot hold my tongue when it comes to telling people to "SHUT THE F&@K UP!".

I'm all for being tolerant, but I don't see why I should pay to be tolerant of ignorance.

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Thai lady can't read the Thai subs on Interstellar?

So OK, they do move the subs along a little quick, but her reading ability should be a bit better than mine.


A lot of the Thai subs on English language movies, don't match up.


Another load of gumf to add to the barrel load of gumf already on this thread.

So - these [African] nations, and their peoples, having cast off the yoke of colonialism are so much better off under the collars of their own? Yeah - right!

As someone else hinted at - the only reason Thailand was never colonised was a) there was nothing here any one particularly wanted and cool.png the Thais, in usual cowardly fashion, gave away swathes of their land in exchange for not being fully colonised and is probably the single most reason that the country remains 2 centuries behind the rest of SE Asia. A list?

An archaic language with an archaic alphabet

A largely uneducated, downtrodden and brainwashed populace

A legal and judiciary system that is more akin to a dictatorship than a democracy

A society where corruption is not only endemic but considered a virtue

A society where the social rules of the underclasses are based purely on superstition

And, just to get back on topic, Thailand should have a vibrant and interesting film industry..but it does not.blame the pre-approval process for all scripts, the censorship by PAD/Yellow/Royalist Culture Ministry bureaucrats.,the list of forbidden topics (no police corruption, no criticism of Buddhism state religion, no criticism of the military, no criticism of the judges/courts, no negative mention of royals, Thailands excessive liability laws which the connected and wealthy use to attack anyone who criticize them, etc).add to all that, the fact that most Thai film directors are from the upper or upper middle class, think along the royalist/PAD/Yellow line of bs, have almost no personal contact with ordinary working people in Thailand, are racist against people with darker skin, are against democratic values and structure, are pro-military coup, probably seldom read books, may only speak a little English and have limited international exposurethe final touch being that it is almost impossible for talented ordinary Thais to break thru the royalist stranglehold on the arts in Thailand.they are left to design and make neon signs for the nightlife, decorate tuk-tuks and paint large tour buses.



You have to remember.It is their country not yours.I would say you have to bite the bullet and deal with it or stop going to the

Movies.I don't see anything changing.You'll see people talking in theaters in other parts of the world also.

Actually if that was followed to the letter there'd be a lot less thai-girls etc going to the movies, thus negating the noise-factor by some degree. So as it stands this farang won't be sitting silent if the noise-machines start their natter. smile.png


so no - thais allowed to sci-fi movies in Thailand? u scumbag degenerate piece of trash - thats out of order! just because you were all like super happy and impressed with the interstellar docking scene ?? that implies some scumbag and his trashy gf shouldn't be shocked ?? Where were you watching this filth in, Pat Pong2? Also what if its female foreign national with a Thai citizen, will your oppressive fascist views still be applied? Your baseless accusations are hard to fathom, never mind stomach. Trying taking your whiny pity party to less confusing movies - maybe Frozen, or that Thai movie where all the cougar actresses get their tits out (:: จันดาราภาค2)


And this, dear folks, is why the PC uber-liberals are tapped in the head. They lack critical-thinking skills and just vent off a bunch of hot air to make up for their lacking intelligence. I never once stated they should not be allowed to watch sci-fi movies and please show me where I did if you think I did this.

BaaMango, you are indeed Baa-Baa Bo-Bo and this farang tells it like it is so STHU and keep the chatter down in the cheap seats.

Listen, you reactionary Japanese nationalist - WWII is over, and I don't use PC, and I am strictly Apple these days.

Typical degenerate.


You really are dumb but also amusing as well. Also the way your original post is I'd say you are the degenerate talking like a sewer rat.

Btw, PC can mean Politically Correct as well as Personal Computer. ;)


Pay extra for the private theaters at Multiplex, comfortable lounge chairs , interactive movie with cold air for storms blown on you as well as mist for rain and chairs move


Do tell me more my man I am listening! Does BKK have any of these wonder complexes? I don't think many Thais would be going in!


You sir, seem to be a very important whitey/farang. The rest of us whiteys will from now on, try to obey and please you as much as possible.

Calm yourself brother muser of 10, I merely speak for the greater-farang in important matters of integrity, the Western Way and fair-dealings with others such as this. ;)


OP regarding your comments I assume you live in Pattaya as I have never as far as I can remember experienced that in bkk. However I have noticed groups of Thais or groups of farang talking loudly in the theater...I have even smacked another farang over the head to shut the f up during the movie after telling him "politely" 2 times...he also refused to stand up for the king song before movie start at first...and thais got pissed (he eventually stood up disgruntled in the middle of the song). I have seen another farang who didn't stand up for the king song and was told to leave...actually got kicked out, they even paused the screen until he left...also in BKK

No, not that area. This was indeed BKK, I've been to the movies many many times here but only in recent years (the past 2 or so) have I seen this chatter-factor taint the movies somewhat.

Well done for your stand Evo, yet even I would hesitate at hitting another farang, perhaps a few kicks to his seat? Was there a fight when you did that?!


Thai lady can't read the Thai subs on Interstellar?

So OK, they do move the subs along a little quick, but her reading ability should be a bit better than mine.


A lot of the Thai subs on English language movies, don't match up.

I agree, that's a fair point and the best answer I can give is for the subtitles to be scrapped entirely until they can fix it and to rely on dubbing instead for other screenings.

It's too bad if farang with their partners can't understand it, but consider it an incentive to practice your Thai language skills. smile.png


Cinema as opposed to theater is by definition a more accessible form of art - so in any country behaviors at a cinema will differ from those at real theaters.

If someone believes ugly public behaviors to be Thai specific and insists on staying in this country - maybe they should consider going back or choosing another place to live.

Maybe they should show some respect to other people trying to listen to a movie without distraction, not just the farang in the picture house but other Thais, Chinese, Japs etc.

To put it another way if I started making a noise and distracting others in France, Germany, England etc and one of them was a foreigner who complained do you think I'd sound reasonable telling them to fck off back to their home-country?

I don't think it would be reasonable, so let's put this 'if you don't like it go home' phrase concerning movie complaints to bed, before I have to educate another idiot apologist on TV.

PS. Cinema and theater are interchangeable, only the decor changes but the function remains identical. Indeed the actual origins of cinema / theater go far back into history, so should it continue to be honored as best it can be.


Took my wife to interstellar at pattaya central. Thought wow big cinema but many turds there. To start with the guy next to me decided to bring his kfc dinner box which he opened 10 mins into movie. Koreans behind me with only one he understood english so she had to translate what was going on. Then some russian in front of me who decided to film the climax on his i phone. People moving, turning and standing up. Will only go to small late night sessions now.

I stopped going a long time ago for a reason that cant be mentioned at the start of every movie as I refuse to be a sheep.

Thais are selfish in many ways for me.

You know you actually don't have to be in the movie room when that is being played. I have waited outside before and just enter once the doors are opened again right after the anthem's finished. I do it to avoid all the trailers. ;)

I don't do so now that much because I don't want to spoil people's view pushing past seats etc.


Took my wife to interstellar at pattaya central. Thought wow big cinema but many turds there. To start with the guy next to me decided to bring his kfc dinner box which he opened 10 mins into movie. Koreans behind me with only one he understood english so she had to translate what was going on. Then some russian in front of me who decided to film the climax on his i phone. People moving, turning and standing up. Will only go to small late night sessions now.

I stopped going a long time ago for a reason that cant be mentioned at the start of every movie as I refuse to be a sheep.

Thais are selfish in many ways for me.

In most Thai cinemas, you have, had a board where the length of the advertising the movie preview and the start time of the movie was, is, readable.

Just go in when it fits you = the movie really starts.

Ask the employees, cashier.

Had that today,

thought movie starts 2:30 PM, but start was 2 PM, I arrived 2:17, asked the cashier, was told,

about 2:20 minutes when feature movie starts.

I walked in with my children and did not miss a thing from the movie, it had other, short comics first.

But missed the part you mentioned, also I have no problem with that

and that could not make me stop being a film lover-enthusiast. rolleyes.gif


I go to the Cinema with the missus and kids (12 and 13) quite regularly in Bangkok or Pattaya. My kids like the scary movies and about a year ago I agonized about taking them to see Insidious 2 (They had seen Insidious 1 on the TV). I was concerned of what people would think of me taking them into an 18 movie , would they tell us to get out. Anyway as I bought the rickets and joined the queue there were young ladies with 5 year old kids and in one case a babe in arms. Since that time I've not worried about the cert , unless I think it will have sexual content in it. I always find if you don't want giggling , yakking and general distraction , go in the daytime during the week.

Whenever my missus asks me what happened , I just say I don't know , saves a 20 minute explanation that goes nowhere trying to explain Worm holes (Interstellar)

The age limit is, at least in the Cinemas I go, not enforced as long as adults, obvious the parents or one of them is with the kids. I like that, I decide, what goes and what not.


I had never that experience you have, regarding noise disturbing conversations,

I go in Isaan in cinemas, which are rarely crowded, I usually, can sit away from others, most times with my family in US movies, (Thriller, adventure, action, comic) in Thai version, Thai speaking, so less confusion, more likely for merolleyes.gif

and I rarely look science fiction. wink.png


I go to the Cinema with the missus and kids (12 and 13) quite regularly in Bangkok or Pattaya. My kids like the scary movies and about a year ago I agonized about taking them to see Insidious 2 (They had seen Insidious 1 on the TV). I was concerned of what people would think of me taking them into an 18 movie , would they tell us to get out. Anyway as I bought the rickets and joined the queue there were young ladies with 5 year old kids and in one case a babe in arms. Since that time I've not worried about the cert , unless I think it will have sexual content in it. I always find if you don't want giggling , yakking and general distraction , go in the daytime during the week.

Whenever my missus asks me what happened , I just say I don't know , saves a 20 minute explanation that goes nowhere trying to explain Worm holes (Interstellar)

The age limit is, at least in the Cinemas I go, not enforced as long as adults, obvious the parents or one of them is with the kids. I like that, I decide, what goes and what not.


I had never that experience you have, regarding noise disturbing conversations,

I go in Isaan in cinemas, which are rarely crowded, I usually, can sit away from others, most times with my family in US movies, (Thriller, adventure, action, comic) in Thai version, Thai speaking, so less confusion, more likely for merolleyes.gif

and I rarely look science fiction. wink.png

I hear you but the issue I have with cinema's in that neck of the woods is they usually don't have english-speaking films in english. It's dubbed Thai and some don't even have english subs at all!!!

I rarely do the goof-movies, I tried a so-called horror film that was Thai this one time and it was about as scary as Casper the Friendly Ghost! ;)


I echo your sentiments exactly. Many people tend to be rude and inconsiderate in cinemas, but some Thais take this to a whole new level. Especially with regards to their kids. They let them carry on, and run around like wild chimpanzees. And they think that is acceptable behavior. I have approached countless parents and asked them if they can control their children, please. Most are accommodating. I had one buffoon challenge me to a duel in the parking lot! I told him I would not waste my time and energy on satisfying his ego, and when I told him I would crush him like an ant, that really pissed him off! Usually, I say something. SHHHH! Or I get up and walk over the them, if they are really being obnoxious. I have had some that attempted to make full on, full volume phone calls! I really got in their faces. Usually that works. It is incumbent upon us to say something. They are being completely unconscious, and they need to know they are committing a transgression. You paid for your ticket, and you deserve to be able to watch the movie in silence. Talking in a cinema is fine, as long as it is in a whisper. Anything more that that is rude, surly, unconscious, and just bad behavior.

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-Mitsubishi- writes

"I hear you but the issue I have with cinema's in that neck of the woods is they usually don't have english-speaking films in english. It's dubbed Thai and some don't even have english subs at all!!!"

Right, but children and GF is happy, than I am to,

Regularly, they have to wake me up, (so good cool) my snoring could be disturbing, lol. tongue.png


wait 3 months & buy it for 100 baht from your local street corner vendor and see it in private, when ur (bar)girl is spending your money

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