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I have a friend here who has teaching experience from the USA. Couple of questions:

- How much do foreign teachers earn (ballpark)

- What are the educational requirements for foreigners who want to teach English

- Are there other jobs that foreigners can do at the languge schools and how much do you think they would pay?


- $1k - $1.5k (month) depending on position, supervisory status etc -- teacher first figure, manager second

- at least TEFL, degree would be handy (+ work permit from school, can be sorted here)

- no


What kind of teaching experience?

How old are the students?

How long teaching?

What is their educational background?

Can they teach other subjects?

Salary may also vary by area. Bangkok pays better but costs more to live.


TEFL teachers at government/international schools receive around 25,000 - 40,000 THB per month, which varies depending on a number of factors. Some schools will pay more, but they are very few and far between. These schools usually involve around 16-24 periods of lessons each week, and the other working conditions vary a lot.

International school subject teachers receive around 40,000 - 120,000 THB per month, which varies depending on a number of factors. The higher paying jobs are very difficult to obtain, and subject teachers usually require a teaching licence from their home country (Which your friend likely has). These jobs are usually best found at international school expos or similar in the home country. The lower paying jobs usually aren't actually international schools, but call themselves international schools to look a bit more hi-so.

Language schools usually pay around 300 THB per hour, give or take a little. The number of hours per week isn't necessarily guaranteed, as it will vary depending on the school and individual's availability.

Private lessons can pay anywhere from 300 THB per hour to 1000 THB per hour, depending on your clients. Generally the more rural you are, the lower the pay. Corporates and English Camps can sometimes pay more than the above, although the salary for these also varies a lot depending on location etc.

All of that is just based on my own personal knowledge + what I've heard from others, so am of course open to being corrected by someone else who has first hand experience with some of these (I've only taught at government schools).


What do you mean your friend has teaching experience?

Since your friend seems to be looking for a job teaching English I will assume he/she was teaching English as a Second Language.

Credentialed subject teachers salaries at international schools would depend on years of experience.

Unless teaching at a language school they would need a degree.

Since your friend had teaching experience I am assuming he also has a degree.

Feburary and March is the best time to look for jobs at regular Thai schools.

Does anybody know about opportunities in Bkk and salaries teaching SAT style university prep math reviews?

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