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Will Pattaya Be Bereft Of Russians?


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Fairly big news in the UK this morning is that the Russian Rouble is plunging like a stone because of low oil prices and sanctions. One upshot is a big increase in the number of Russians having to cancel their Winter holidays. Will you miss them from Pattaya?

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality

I doubt that many Pattaya hotels would have made many deals in Rubles. They are much more likely to have done them is THB or USD, and the smart tour operators will have hedged against currency movements. The ones that didnt will probably go to the wall, as others have already done.

And any deals that have been made are unlikely to extend much beyond this high season.

And I think that the sundry expenses amount for a very large part of the average Russian tourist's holiday budget.

There are already far fewer Russians in town this year than last. I imagine that the Russian economy has something to do with this and I expect numbers to continue to drop, unless the Russian currency and economy improves a lot.

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Mr. Putin is getting his butt handed to him via sanctions and oil prices and being communist, it flows straight to the people.

If he had a brain I'd like to see inside it to know what he's thinking. He's going to run out of options soon.

Too pig headed to even use what brain he has facepalm.gif

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

Is aviation gas available for Rubles in Thailand? Is Pattaya using Rubles now instead of baht for payment?

You sure you don't want to change your statement?

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I presume that many Russians who might have bought a condo will be having second thoughts if the price is double. Expect to see many develoments unfinished.

Those who completed purchases last year when the Ruble was more or less at parity with the Baht will be very pleased with themselves now, I imagine.

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I presume that many Russians who might have bought a condo will be having second thoughts if the price is double. Expect to see many develoments unfinished.

Those who completed purchases last year when the Ruble was more or less at parity with the Baht will be very pleased with themselves now, I imagine.

Hope they don't have a bank loan in Thailand. My wife and I have a house loan from a Thai bank and I help with the payments. The currency that my money is paid in is very important.

I would imagine most people get a mortgage from a bank for living quarters. Except for the walking ATMs.

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The Ruble has lost 50% against the Baht this year. It would be folly to think such devaluation will not make a huge impact.

Russians that had travel plans to Paris, London etc. are now looking for a cheaper place to go on holiday.

Cue the "Pattaya Pattaya" song.

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

Is aviation gas available for Rubles in Thailand? Is Pattaya using Rubles now instead of baht for payment?

You sure you don't want to change your statement?

-yes, aviation jet fuel is available in Russia (the biggest crude producer on this planet) for Rubles,

-yes, Pattaya money changers will change Rubles for Baht and hotels grant (as stated) reduced prices to Russian travel agencies because it is more profitable for them to sell rooms for $15/night then asking $25/night and have no occupants.

-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

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-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

The oracle has spoken. laugh.png

oracles do not state facts.

by the way, if somebody asks whether jet fuel is available vs. domestic currency in the country that is the biggest crude oil producer one should not waste much time answering. the same applies if somebody calls stating an obvious economic fact (sell a room night for $15 instead of keeping the room empty and get $0) "oracling".


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-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

The oracle has spoken. laugh.png

oracles do not state facts.

Indeed. Hence my comment.

by the way, if somebody asks whether jet fuel is available vs. domestic currency in the country that is the biggest crude oil producer one should not waste much time answering. the same applies if somebody calls stating an obvious economic fact (sell a room night for $15 instead of keeping the room empty and get $0) "oracling".

These questions aren't of much interest to me and I note that you don't reply about the ones that do interest me.

Even so, apparently you haven't heard of a very common way of thinking in Thailand: when business is bad, sit tight and increase prices.

As for jet fuel, airlines are rarely keen to fly both directions on just one load of fuel even when this is technically possible. Why? Because they would have to burn fuel on the outward sector to transport the fuel for the return sector, and this can become very expensive.

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

Is aviation gas available for Rubles in Thailand? Is Pattaya using Rubles now instead of baht for payment?

You sure you don't want to change your statement?

-yes, aviation jet fuel is available in Russia (the biggest crude producer on this planet) for Rubles,

-yes, Pattaya money changers will change Rubles for Baht and hotels grant (as stated) reduced prices to Russian travel agencies because it is more profitable for them to sell rooms for $15/night then asking $25/night and have no occupants.

-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

I didn't ask if fuel was available in Russia.

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I feel that Pattaya's tourist economy depends on the Russian families. For the last 7-8 years, their increasing numbers have supported shops at Central and all the other businesses in Pattaya...from the tourist agencies down to the little fruit vendor man. It has been refreshing to see families (including blond hair, blue eye attractive Russian women) visit Pattaya--not just an overweight, over 60 year old farang coming to Pattaya only to pick up a Thai bar girl.

Things must be getting tough in Russia with the sanctions. I heard last week on the news that Putin was complaining that we are all involved in a world economy where we depend on each other...that sanctions defeat this purpose. mmmmmm--he should have thought of this before going into Ukraine.

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

Is aviation gas available for Rubles in Thailand? Is Pattaya using Rubles now instead of baht for payment?

You sure you don't want to change your statement?

-yes, aviation jet fuel is available in Russia (the biggest crude producer on this planet) for Rubles,

-yes, Pattaya money changers will change Rubles for Baht and hotels grant (as stated) reduced prices to Russian travel agencies because it is more profitable for them to sell rooms for $15/night then asking $25/night and have no occupants.

-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

I didn't ask if fuel was available in Russia.

you asked for "aviation gas" which is something that does not exist. there's no aircraft with engines that use "gas". and should you mean "gasoline" then be informed that Russian charter aircrafts do not fly to Thailand with gasoline powered engines.

next intelligent rebuttal please laugh.png

Edited by Naam
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I presume that many Russians who might have bought a condo will be having second thoughts if the price is double. Expect to see many develoments unfinished.

i presume that many Russians who bought real estate during the last 6-10 years are extremely happy seeing their investment increase by 100% and more in Ruble terms.

expect a lot of vodka and champagne consumption laugh.png

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which begs the questions

Is a Russian tourist better than no tourist at all?

From the places we go we can see the numbers of over all tourists has fallen - in Bangkok

We went to Jomtien and Pattaya a little while back and have never seen it so quiet

So would the Thai people who rely on tourists spending prefer a Russian or no one?

I bet they would be happy with any tourists

Bad tourists number from Russia is to Thailands detriment

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Is aviation gas available for Rubles in Thailand? Is Pattaya using Rubles now instead of baht for payment?

You sure you don't want to change your statement?

-yes, aviation jet fuel is available in Russia (the biggest crude producer on this planet) for Rubles,

-yes, Pattaya money changers will change Rubles for Baht and hotels grant (as stated) reduced prices to Russian travel agencies because it is more profitable for them to sell rooms for $15/night then asking $25/night and have no occupants.

-my statement stays because i discussed only a couple of weeks ago the situation with Russian friends who run a travel agency.

I didn't ask if fuel was available in Russia.

you asked for "aviation gas" which is something that does not exist. there's no aircraft with engines that use "gas". and should you mean "gasoline" then be informed that Russian charter aircrafts do not fly to Thailand with gasoline powered engines.

next intelligent rebuttal please laugh.png

Unless aircraft fly round trip to Thailand with no refueling then they have to purchase fuel in Thailand. That purchase would be in Baht and they are paying much more for it now than a few months ago.

Since airlines are not charitable institutions I would imagine they have increased prices quite a bit. Does anyone know how much?

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one the big downshot is that your assumption is wrong. Russian travel agencies have secured the same prices in Rubles with Pattaya hotels, the charter airlines still charge the same amount of Rubles for airfare and the only loss for Russian visitors is caused by more expensive sundry expenses (which most of them can still afford).

summary: your obvious wishful thinking won't become reality tongue.png

That just means a time lag, unless you claim the Russians locked in Ruble prices for eternity.

So, to OP, yes, there will be fewer Russians because fewer will be able to afford a holiday, which will become more expensive in Ruble terms. But the word "bereft" is a strange one to use because it suggests we will all somehow miss them. I won't.

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