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Bust-up With Language School


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I'm sure you read the terms and conditions before you enrolled. If it said deposits are non-refundable, why are you now complaining. I have run businesses that involved customers paying non-refundable deposits. When their plans change it's amazing how many have become seriously ill or have suffered a bereavement. Few ever show evidence to support this though. The ones that do are then considered for a partial/full refund, deferment etc.

I can see the link between your comment and your profilename.

Funny post, thx for the laugh.

For the record Loaded is 100% correct in what he says tho. ;)

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If you had attended classes you may have learned the Thai idiom:

Oi Khow Bak Chang Kern Awk Mai Dai

Once the sugar cane is in the elephant's mouth it's not coming out.


One of my favourites.

I wonder what the OP would do if he was in the other seat.

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I wouldn't be too pessimistic.

Wifey wants to do a 2nd masters degree. She looked online, selected the course she wanted, and contacted the university, paid 3000 deposit. A month later the university contacted her and said the course she wanted was not being offered. She asked for a refund. They said (standard reply) no refund policy, sorry. She said, hang on, the course was advertised and YOU have withdrawn it.

A further month later, the university agreed to refund.

It can happen.

Different situation. OP pulled out of the course.

If the deposit was refundable, and you have documentation, then you can contact the Office of Consumer Protection, or whatever it's called. But I'm guessing it was non-refundable. Otherwise, what reason does the company have to even ask for the deposit in the first place?

Yes and yes.

My point was that often, anywhere but especially in Thailand, the standard response is what you get, but if you push them, they can change.

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I wouldn't be too pessimistic.

Wifey wants to do a 2nd masters degree. She looked online, selected the course she wanted, and contacted the university, paid 3000 deposit. A month later the university contacted her and said the course she wanted was not being offered. She asked for a refund. They said (standard reply) no refund policy, sorry. She said, hang on, the course was advertised and YOU have withdrawn it.

A further month later, the university agreed to refund.

It can happen.

Different situation. OP pulled out of the course.

If the deposit was refundable, and you have documentation, then you can contact the Office of Consumer Protection, or whatever it's called. But I'm guessing it was non-refundable. Otherwise, what reason does the company have to even ask for the deposit in the first place?

Yes and yes.

My point was that often, anywhere but especially in Thailand, the standard response is what you get, but if you push them, they can change.

Fair enough. And that's true. But I'd almost say the OP doesn't even deserve his/her money back here. The type of deposit described is used to hold a place in the course. And if one chooses not to take the course- even based on reasons beyond their control- they lose the money.

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Once you paid the wheels started. They processed ur paperwork etc. this isn't free. They have to pay people salaries, rent ect. No one works for free. U shouldn't expect the money back but no harm in asking. Dont get mad, everyone has problems. Sorry u got sick but its not their fault. Good luck man.

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